VIKI . G· · "'5' 5 .. :.
Acknowledgement The Viking staff takes this opportunity to acknowledge with gratitude the following pictorial contributions: Rollie Dobson. of The Oregonian. supplied the picture of the KLOR TV tower that is on the end sheet. Sports pictures were obtained from the libraries of The Oregonian and The Oregon Journal. Photo Arts Commercial Studios and the Oregon State Highway Commission. through the courtesy of the Portland Chamber of Commerce Information Center I supplied many of the familiar Oregon scenes. We wish to also express our thanks to Mr. Joseph V. Holland. head coach at Portland State. and Mr. Fred Robertson. student at the college. for pictures of the trip to the Orient. Finally we wish to express our appreciation to the Portland State public relations office and all others who have contributed generously to preparing this year's Viking. ED ROETHE Editor-in-Chief The Viking
Nel.VII : ..... 1'ORTLAND ~TAT£ - COLLECtE , .
ContenlJ 20 INClDEHI'S AND bnuVALS 86 THE CoLLl!OE - THII PEOPLE - THII TRENDS 91 SrooENT GoVERNMENT 98 f ACULTY-SrooEHl'S ADMINISTIlATION 112 FINE AIm ISO SPoan 206 KENNmy's CAMPUS 251 ORGANIZATIONS 254 VIKING Eel Roelbe Edilor"n-Claiel Dorian Ro.. B........ Manager Perry Eyler Ar. EclJIor Dr. Jame. Hart AdllilOr' ASSlSfANf EDITORS DeWayne Me_Layout Carol Wa.LLum AdllIi.... Oeo Elgin Fine Ari. DicIc Kennedy Cartoon SLaron Put" Organwatioru Kay Swanson Facully-S.ud.,.,. Mel Murray Sporb Don Marun Foshforu PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF Elroy Fara" BIU HoulLIon Tom Hesse Herb Peridn. Wendell Balel STAFF Joanne Delrenhaut" Bob KoLoe Gene Knutson larry Quinn Dldc: Sly Ron Steed Mary Ellen Wlule"ead
;:.. ZJedielltiolt Yearbooks are generally dominated by the theme of the past-presenting the reader with fond memories of events that are lost forever in the march of time. We at Portland State have been faced with a different situation. During the past year. it was significant that our institution was developing for a more productive and prosperous future. The students. too. have looked to the future instead of the past in their several fields of endeavor. Therefore. though we hope the Viking will continue to keep memories fresh. we dedicate this yearbook to the todays which combine with our yesterdays to project a vision of successfuhorrcorrows for each of us and for Portland State. uR4 ED ROETHE Editor. The Viking
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}fis For the Well-Dressed . .. For him it was charcoal in grey or brown tones.... Sport coats took on an O xford air with heavy twe d and nubb.... Pink had a holiday. .. . Dress shirts wore button or pin down collars in Oxiord cloth. ... Ties were of regimental stripe in the hand woven wool. .. . Sla ks were narrower and. for fall and winter. in dark hues... . \Vith spring. ice cream flannel was dominant.... The leather sleeve jacket became a must.... Sun tans. faded blue denims. and cords topped with a "Strad" or Italian "T" 's were fall and spring attire.. .. White bucks. saddles. and desert boots completed the outfit... . This dre sed him in '55 . . ~ NUDELMAN BROS. 440 S. W. 4th
NUDELMAN 440 S. W. 4th
- - BROS. For the Well-Dressed . ..
fiefS Fall was glorious with color, texture, and design.... The line was long and slim.. . . The Italian cut was cleaned up and cut shorter.... Ropes of every color and design adorned her neck.... The lines of the '20's were back but modernized. . .. Cashmere and lamb's wool warmed her during the winter months.... The "Princess" prevailed at night. ... Spring brought in the can-can petticoat and the full cotton skirt. .. . The over-blouse was back.... T oreodor pink brightened the spring rains... . These were the fashions for her in '55.
-- -
another year, this ti"eiIii~ "'''U'I UIIVII ailiifvrn,~~~"lfi:rtfi!Ptft1fii.tft.-~-!lhlrt E~d and planned, courses unpredictable growth to be reckoned with. Our college finished '54 • major crossroads.
Port/alld State Studellt Rodg Officers RON DENFELD President GENE CUMPSTON HELEN BLASER . ', GERRY BRAY Vice President Secretary Treasurer - -- - - --- -- -- --- 92
1011 ~erlll Student eouncil Sealed from left 10 righl are Gerald Bray. Ireasurer: Ron Denfeld. president; and Helen Blaser. secrelary. Standing are Dave Belch. senalor: Isabel Filippini. ICC representative: Bill Brel;e. senalor: and Herb Perkins. senator. Those senators not presenl included Tom Griffin. Dorian Ross. lind Elinor Todd. Spring ~erlll Student eouncil Scaled from left 10 right are Gerald Bray. Ireasurer: Ron Denfcld. president : and Helen Blaser. secretary. Sianding are Bob Cunningham. senator: Gary Salyers: senalor: Isabel Fili·ppini. senator: Jim Long. senator: Dick Sly. senator: and Roger Jliynr. senator. D ean Neal. ICC representalive was not present when the picture was Ink~n. 93
Seated from left to right are Tom Farrell. Kathi Winski. Jean Hardesty. George Lemman. Ruth Wollen. Dean Neal. Otto Glausi. Earl Glass. Jack Dyer. Patti Piper. Cleo Elgin. Dr. Truman Cheney. Marjorie McGill. and Janet Bauer. Standing are Ralph Cereghino. Joanne Deffenbaugh. Eveln Swain. Carol Buckmaster. George Regula. Lorraine Rich. and Claire Love. EARL GLASS OTIOGLAUSI Fall President Spring President Jltter-e/ub eoultei/ - - - -- --- --- 94
Bonnie Cameron Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth Rowe Historian Kay Granquist President Associated Women Students The Associated Women Students is an organization which includes in its membership all women students enrolled at Portland State. Its purpose is to help the college woman towards educating herself for the future roles as a woman of culture and charm. as an intelligent citizen. as an efficient earner in her chosen field. and as a successful homemaker. Among the activities which many committees promoted successfully were those of a cultural. social and service nature. These included a Fashion Show. a tea for Freshmen students. a Spring Dance. a Fashion Show. and a publication of the college student directory. the "Dial-log." Mrs. Greenslade Adflisor 95
SOpHOII/Ore class Norma Bradley Joan Steyaert Treasurer Mr. Marko Haggard AdIJisor Jerry MiIIer Historian Pete Gundfossen President I Dennis Curry First Vice President Bill Brelje Second Vice President Boh Cunningham ICC RepresentatiIJe SOPHOMORE ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE Front row: Bob Cunningham. vice president pro tern: Roberta Bohne. elections : Arlene Delfino. publicity: Shirley Manning. polls: and Barbara Sweet. polls. Back row, Pete Gundfossen. president pro tern: Dennis Curry. co-ordinator. Gundfossen 96 The Sophomore Class of Portland State became organized early in winter term. Behind the leadership of Pete and Bob Cunningham. the preliminary organiaztional meetings were held. and interest grew rapidly. The by-laws were formally accepted by the class on January 6. and the first corps of officers were elected on January 28.
Seated from left to right are the Freshman Class officers. Mr. Douglas McQuaig, advisor; Frank Wadsworth, men's sergeant-at-arms; Mary Whitehead, women'. sergeant-at-arms; Allen Arthur, pre.ident; Joanne Deflenbaugh, secretary ; Marie Dong, historian; and Ellie Palumbis, treasurer. lres/tmolt eloss 97
JOHN R. RICHARDS Vice Chancellor Oregon State System of Higher Education CHARLES D. BYRNE Chancellor Oregon State System of Higher Education
State Roord Salem Coo. Bay Salem Baker 101
J. F. CRAMER Dean the state legislature in providing. by overwhelming majorities. for an independent Portland State College crowns years of development and effort. For all of these things we can be proud. happy. and grateful. As we look to the future we can see many problems of space and staff and program. These are the growing pains of a developing institution. The solution of these problems will require the continued cooperation of students and faculty. But they will be solved. and a greater and finer college will result. The service of the college to the Portland area and to the state will continue to increase. As the people of Oregon. who support the college. look at our work in coming years they will judge Portland State by the quality of its graduates; by the attitudes of its students. It is in constantly raising standards of educational achievement that we can hope to find justification for better facilities and increased support. I congratulate students and faculty for the part you hav~.: played in our achievements in the past, General Extension Division In its nine years of history Portland State has never enjoyed as profitable and as exciting a period as the year just closed. The increase in enrollment and the upsurge of public support has been very gratifying. The action of and for the opportunities of wider service in the future. 102
:. ' STEPHEN E. EPLER Direc/or, Day Program Portland State is now a college in fact as well as in name. The 1955 Oregon Legislature has made our alma mater a degree-granting college. Thi~is the result of years of work on the part of students, alumni, parents and others. Vanport students in 1946 in a temporary college in a war housing project looked into the future and saw a vision of a great college not to be destroyed by a disastrous Hood or human opposition. Other Vanport students who attended classes in a shipyard in 1948 to 1952 kept the vision alive and selected Portland State College as the name. You, the Portland State students of 1955, have had an important part in making a State degree-granting college in Portland a reality. Your efforts inside and outside the classroom in athletics, clubs. dramatics, music. publications, speech, student government and other activities are aiding in bUilding an urban university. You are part of a new development in public education in America. Sometime in the future, perhaps by 1975. you will see a greater Portland State College serving many times the students with a greater variety of courses and programs. There will be courses. undreamed of today. to meet the needs of your children in the wonderful new world of the future. Most of the 18 to 21 year olds in 1975 in America will go on to a comprehensive American college as the 14 to 17 year olds of 1955 go to a public high school. The state of Oregon and the nation will have many public colleges similar to your Portland State College of the future. These new colleges, located in the population centers in Oregon and the other states, will make it possible, as Portland State is doing, for students to live at home. work part time and attend college. Portland State will be a leader among the colleges of the future if you and those who follow you here serve your fellow men with distinction. Greatness in a college is measured by the quality of the product. If you go on to responsible positions and worthy accomplishments you will add respect to the name of Portland State College. Your future and the future of Portland State are bound together. Our wish is that you will serve with honor your alma mater. your community and America. 103
DR. PHILIP G. HOFFMAN Ass!. Dean, DR. ERRETT E. HUMMEL Administrative Assistant General Extension Division 104 DR. JAMES C . CAUGHLAN Ass!. Dean, General Extention Division Office of tlte Kepistrar DR. CLARK P. SPURLOCK Administratipe Assistant DR. HOWARD IMPECOVEN Registrar MRs. HELEN WILDERMAN Assistant Registrar Office of tlte MRs. THELMA O. BAIRD Secretary to Dr. Cramer Administration
Business Office MRs. ELEANOR RIGDON Manager ;. ' MRs. VERA I. KELLY Veteran's Coordinator Assistant Business Manager MRs. ELOISE J. FIELDS MR. LESLIE B. NEWHOUSE Secretary to Business ManOfjer Business Manager :DuplicatiNg Office 105
eoulIselillU Office MR. RICHARD B. HALLEY M en's Advisor MR. JOHN F. J ENKINS DR. TRUMAN M. CHENEY MRs. MARGARET GREENSLADEEmployment Counselor Veterans' Counselor Women's Ad"isor !lIformntioll Office MRs. DORA NEWMAN 106 ManCl{Jer
J:ibrarp ,' MR. THEODORE GRAMS Catalog Librarian MR. HOWARD R. CLISHAM Manager Librarian MRs. LEORA FULLER l..ARIVIERE MR. KENNETH W . BUTLER Circulation Librarian Reference &Audio Visual Librarian JH/ormatioJt Services 107
Maintenance iJepartment MR. LESTER EGLESTON Superintendent MRS. MARGUERITE ADAMS R.N. Student Health Nurse )fea/tlt Office 108
601 . Ja6vuvw .\3NVl SSClM JJtJJS>jtJtJH
Cafeteria . " . 110
lacu/tv - Students With the conversion of Portland State to a four-year college. there have been established four major academic divisions. each headed by a separate chairman; each Course which the college is to offer winfall into one of these four categories. Chairman of the Division of Education is Dr. Willard B.Spalding. Included in his division are. Elementary and Secondary Education and education-training in the fields of Art. Health. Music. and Physical Education. The Division of Humanities has as its chairman Dr. Hoyt C. Franchere. This division includes Art. Drama. English. Foreign Languages. Journalism. Music. Philosophy. and Speech. Dr. Will V. Norris heads the Division of Science and Mathematics. and in this catagory are Chemistry. Engineering. General Science, Geology, Home Economics. Mathematics. Physics. Pre-Agriculture. Pre-Forestry, Pre-Medicine. and Zoology. Dr. George Hoffmann serves as Chairman of the Division of Social Science. This Division includes Anthropology. Business Administration. Business and Technology. Economics. General Social Science. Geography. History. Police Training. Political Science. Pre-Law. Psychology. Secretarial Science. and Sociology. 112
MRS. ANNA C. BRIDGE IfIIIl.. Phy.tcal Ed. MR. JOSEPH V. HOUj,ND Prof.. Physical EJ. MR. RALPH Scorr DAVIS. JR.' Insl.. Physical Ed. MISS EVELYN E . HUDSON Assl. Prof.. Physical Ed. MRs. MARGARET GREENSl7.DE Assr. Prof.. Healrh & Physical Ed. MR. JOHN F. JENKINS Insl.. Educaffon educatioH DR. JEROME E. LEAvrrr MR. MERRIT McKEEL As.r. Prof.. EJucation Insr.. Physical Ed. MISS VIOI$ McMURTREY DR. MARTIN MALTER Assl. Pro/.. Education A ..oc. Prof.. Education MR. JOHN K. NOTTlNGHAM MISS MARy Lou PEARSON DR. VICTOR N. PHELPS DR. HOWARD E. WEScorr DR. ROBERT WIEGMAN IfIIIl.. Physical Ed. Insl.. Physical Ed. Assoc. Prof.. Educalfon In.l.. Phystcal Ed. A••1. Prof.. EJucalion 113
ADAMS. Helen ADAMS. Orville ARENA. Marie Secondary Ed.. Fr. Secondary Ed.. Jr. Elementary Ed.. Fr. ARMFIELD. Jackie ARMFIELD. Patsy Secondary Ed.. Fr. Secondary Ed.. Fr. BACH. Bub BAILEY. Luella BAIN. Beverly Secondary Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed .• Jr. Secondory Ed.. Fr. BARTLEY. Ray Elementary Ed.. Fr. BATES. Bessie BAUER. Janet BAUM. Colleen BEALE. Alan BERGSTROM. C1ilTord BERNDT. Joan Elementary 'Ed.. Soph. Elementary Ed.• Soph. Home Economics Ed.• Music Ed.. Fr. Educotion. Fr. Elementary Ed.. Fr. Soph. 114
BOlKAN, Robert Secondary Ed., Fr. BRAY, Gerald Elerrumtary Ed.. Jr. BREUE, Bill Education, Soph. BONES, Laddl Elementary Ed., Jr. BROWN, S. Jeanne Elementary Ed., Soph. BLANDING, Ann Elementary Ed., Soph. BOWLES. Alice Elementary Ed., Soph. BRUNS, Elaine Elementary Ed., Sr. BLASER. Helen Elementary Ed., Jr. BOYET, JoAnn Elementary Ed., Fr. BUELL, Mary Jean Elementary Ed., Fr. BOHNE, Roberta Elementary Ed. Soph. BRANNAN. Steve Elementary Ed., Jr. BURKETf, Jim Elementary Ed., Fr. 115
BURRELL. Ivah BURRIGHT. Carol BURRIGHT. Larry Elemenlary Ed.. Fr. Secondary Ed.• Fr. Education. Jr. BYER. Joanne CAMERON. Bonnie Primary Ed.. Fr. Secondary Ed.. Jr. CAMERON. Donald Elemenlary Ed .• Fr. CAMPBELL. Harvey CARSCALLEN. Nancy Elementar y Ed .. Fr . Education. Fr . CARTER. Rusly MusiCEd.. Soph. CHADBURN. Gerald Education. Jr. CHAPMAN. Helen CHOQUETrE. Linda CLARIZIO., Joe CLASSEN. Charles COATS. Gary Elementary Ed.. Soph. Education. Fr. Physi cal Ed .: Fr. Elemenlary Ed.. Soph. Business Ed.. Jr. 116
CUNNINGHAM. Robert Secondory Ed.. Soph. DEFFENBAUGH. Joanne Phystco! Ed.. Fr. CURRY. Virginia Elementary Ed.• Fr. DANIELS. Marlene ElerMntary Ed.. Soph. DELFINO. Arlene DillMAN. Imogene ElerMntary Ed.. Soph. Secondory Ed.. Fr. DAVIS. John Educalion. Jr. COSfANTINO. Richard EducaUon. Fr. DAVIS. Jonny Ann Music Ed.. Jr. COX. David Education. Fr. DAVIS. LaVita .a,rMntary Ed.. Jr. DONG. Marie Elementary Ed.. Fr. DORSCHEIMER. Bob DUBE. Maurice Elementary Ed.. Fr. Education. Fr. 117
DUNN. Joan L. DUNSTAN. Barbara Secondary Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed.. Jr. DUNTEN. Helen DURKHEIMER. Elaine Music Ed.. Fr. Elemenklry Ed., Soph. EAST. Arline ElVERS, Edward EKVALL. Marvene Elemenklry Ed ., Fr. Secondary Ed., Sr. Elementary Ed., Fr. ELTZROTH, Elaine Secondary Ed., Fr. fERGUSO ,Mary Elementary Ed., Soph. ERICKSEN, Janet EWELL. John fALKIN, Sharon fARRELL. Karen FILIPPINI. Isabel Elemenklry Ed., Soph. Physical Ed., Soph. Elementary Ed., Fr. Business Ed., Fr. Elementary Ed., Jr. 118
FINDLEY. Lois FLANNIGAN. David Business Ed.. Jr. Music Ed.. Jr. GARRETT. Jim GEORGEADES. Penny Secondary Ed.. Fr. Se.condory Ed.. Fr. FLETCHER. Lucille FLINT. Carolyn FOELLER. Joanne Music Ed.. Soph. Elemenlary Ed.. Fr. Secondary Ed.. Fr. FL~IING. Sandi Elementary Ed.. Soph. GILPIN. Norma GOMOLL. Don GOULD. Lorraine GOWIN. Marylee GRANQUISf. Kay GREEN. Rich Elementary Ed.. Jr. Physical Ed.. Jr. Secondary Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed.. Fr. Physical Ed.. Soph. Secondary Ed.. Jr. 119
GREGORY. James GRUNDFOSSEN. Pete Education. Soph. Eduootion. Soph. GUNDERSON. Glenna HAAG. Ray Elementary Ed.. Jr. Elementary Ed.• Soph. HALE. Jerry D. HAMILTON. Dave HANE. Mary Education. Fr. Art Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed.. Soph. HANSEN. Shirley C. Elenulntary Ed.. Fr. HARDESTY. Jeanne HARDING. Merlene HARDING. Wally HARTZOG. Janice HAWKINS. Jo HAYS. Jacqueline Elenulntory Ed.. Soph. Physical Ed.• Fr. Secondary Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed.. Sr. Elenulnlary Ed.. Soph. Elementary Ed.. Fr. 120
HINMAN. Lois Secondary Ed. . Jr. IRVIN. Marjorie Elementary Ed.. Soph. HORA. Fred Secondary Ed.. Fr. JACKSON. Claudia E(e,rumlary Ed .. Fr. HUBER. Lou;s Physical Ed.. Soph. JACKSON. Donna Elementary Ed.. Soph. HUNT. Ron Secondary Ed.. Soph. HEWITI. Dave Secondary Ed.. Fr. HUSfEAD. Ron Secondary Ed.• Fr. HIGH. Darlene Physical Ed .• Soph. IBOM. Godfrey Eduoation. Sr. JAHNKE. Marilyn JEPPESEN. Ruth Eleanor JOHNSON. Doris Secondary Ed.. Fr. Ele;""nlary Ed.. Sr. Elementary Ed.. Fr. 121
JOHNSON. Mary Ann JOHNSON. Sbirley JOHNSTON, Art J. Elementary Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed., Jr. Music Ed., Fr. KERSHNER. Carol AfUl KING. Darlene Elementary Ed., Soph. Elementary Ed.. Fr. KLAUS. Julia KITIRELL. Barbara KNIGI-IT. Curtis Physical Ed.. Fr . Secondary Ed.• Fr.. Pl,ysical Ed.. Fr. KNUDSEN. Jack Physical Ed.. Jr. KRAUSE. Jan Elemenlary Ed.. Fr. LAKE. Diane El ementary Ed.. Soph . LAUGHUN. Dick Physical Ed.. Soph. LAWSON. Jerry Secondary Ed.• Fr. LAYDEN. J. Gordon Elementary Ed.. Jr. KOROle. Marilyn Elementary Ed.. Jr. 122
McCOY, Janet Educotion, Saph. ~1AHAR. Suzanne Elementary Ed.. So ph. McDANIEL. Leodi. Secondary Ed ., Soph . MANNING, Shirley Elementary Ed., Soph . McDONALD, James Physical Ed., Fr. MARKS, Barbara Elementary Ed., Fr. leCOMTE, Juliette Elementary Ed .. Fr. McGEE, Jim Education, Soph. MARX, Mary Elementary Ed., Fr. LEEDHAM, Pal E. Educalion, Fr. McGINN, Rosemary Physical Ed., Fr. MASKAL. Nick Seconclary Ed., Jr. LOVE, Claire Elementary Ed., Fr. McNAIR, Walter Physical Ed.. Soph. MAY, David Elementary Ed. , Fr. 123
MERRICK. Joanne MICHAEL. Gladys Secondary Ed.. Fr. Physical Ed.. Fr. MILLER. Gerald MILLS. Meredith Secondary Ed.• Soph. Elementary Ed.. Fr. MODIN. Carol MORRELL. Sally MULLENHOFF. Betty An Ed.. Fr. Elementar y Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed.• Fr. MURRAY. Colleen Secondary Ed.. Soph. MYERS. Margaret Elementar y Ed .. Fr. . NAIL. Duane Secondary Ed.. Fr. NEWTON. Les Elementary Ed.. Jr. NICKLES. Celestie V . Educofivn . Fr. NUDELL. Sophie Elementary Ed.. Sr. . OETTING. Evelyn Elementary Ed.. ~r. 124
PAUL. Rosalyn Education. Fr. POFF. John Eiemenlary Ed.. Sr. PETERSON. James D-: Elerrulnlary Ed.. Fr. POITRATZ. Dick J:dUClltion. Soph. O·HALLORAN. Dennis EdUClltion. Fr. PIERCE. Russell Elemenlary Ed.. Sr. PROFFllT. Joanne Education. Fr. PIPER. Patti Elementary Ed .. Fr. QUAYLE. Gloria Elerrulntary Ed.. Jr . OTOOLE. C,leen Elerrulntary Ed.. Fr. PllTENGER. Marlene Elerrulntary Ed.. Jr . QUAYLE. Kern Elementary Ed.. Jr . PADUR, Elwin Secondary Ed.. Soph. PLATH. Marilyn Ele rrul ntary Ed.. Jr . RASMUSSEN. Don Elementary Ed.. Soph. 125
RAWSON. Bob RICH. Lorraine Secorulary Ed.. Fr. Elementory Ed.• Fr. ROBINSON. Shirley ROCHE. Patricia Elementory Ed.. Sr. Secondary Ed.• Jr. ROSS. Patricia ROWE. Elizabeth RUMBLE. Dick Elementory Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed.. Soph. Secondary Ed.. Soph. RUSSELL. Caroline Education. Fr. SALYERS. Gary D. SAMPSEL. Betty Louise SCHAEFER. William Elemenlary Ed.. Jr. Elementory Ed.. Soph. Physical Ed.. Fr. RUSSELL. Leroy SABIN. Wayne SAHLI. Patricia Secondary Ed.. Jr. Physical Ed.. Jr. ElemenJary Ed.• Fr. 126
SCHENDEL. Diane SCHEIDEMAN. Jessie SCHLABACH. Aha Fern Elementary Ed" Fr. Elementary Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed.. Sr. SCHROEDER. Esther SCOTT. Phyllis Elementary Ed.. Fr. Elementary Ed.. Jr. SCHNEIDER. Martha. SCHREIBER. Anna. Lou Elementary Ed.. Soph. Elementary Ed" Jr. SCHMID. Shirley Elerrumklry Ed" Jr. SCOIT. Richard J. SEELIE. Cathie SESAR. Robert SHAFER. Phillip SHERER. Shanm SHICK. Richard Secondary Ed.. Fr. Physiool Ed.. Soph. Education. Jr. Elementary Ed .. Jr. Elementary Ed.. Fr. Secondary Ed.. Jr. 127
SMITH. Robert M. SMITH. William R. SNYDER. Yvonne Secondary Ed.. Fr. Music Ed.. Jr. Elemenlary Ed.. Fr. SOLBERG. Robert A. SOPER. Judie Secondary Ed.. Jr. Physical Ed.. Fr. SORENSON. Garland SPATH. Norma Rae SPATHAS. Dianne Music Ed.. Soph. Elemenlary Ed.. Fr. Secondary Ed.. Fr. SPENCER. Margie Elemenlary Ed.. Fr. STEYAERT. Joan STUOENICKA. Evelyn STUNTEBECK. Margaret SULLIVAN. William Edurotion. Soph. Education . Soph. Education . Soph. Physicol Ed.• Fr. STEELE. Joy STEPHENS. Curtis Secondary Ed.. Fr. Secondary Ed.. Fr. 128
SUMPTER. Claudia Elementary Ed.. Fr. TIiORNE. Pat! ~mentary Ed.. Sr. SWAIN. Evelyn SWEIT. Barbara Lea Elementary Ed .. Soph . Seco ndary Ed .. Soph. TODD. Elinoc M. Elementary Ed.. Sr. TOVEY. Donald Elementary Ed.. Jr . SUMMERHALDER. Carol SUMOGE. Mary Education. Fr. Elementary Ed.. Sr. TAYLOR. Helen Elementary Ed.. Fr. TRIGSfED. Jim Physical Ed.. Fr. TEBO. William T. Education. Jr. TERRY. Oleta Music Ed.. Jr. TRUMBULL. Charlane TSCHIDA. Elizabeth Elementary Ed.. Jr. Education. Jr. 129
UNDERDAHL. Joan . UNGER. Helen Elementary Ed., Sr. Elementary Ed., Jr. URBACK. Leslie VAIL. Virginia Elementary Ed., Soph. Business Ed., Soph. VAILLANCOURT. Gordon B. VAN ATTA, Mary Lou VAUGHY. Samuel Elementary Ed., Jr. Business Ed.• Soph. Music Ed.• Grad. VOELLER. Paul Education. Soph. VOGNILD . Elma C. Educotion. Fr. VOlT. John Edward Elementary Ed., Jr. WALKER. Maia Education. Jr. WALLAce. Leland R. WALLEN. Margaret Education, ]r. Elementary Ed., Jr. WELLS. Dianne Educotion, Fr. 130
WESfBY. Richard WHEELER. Sandra Education. Jr. Music Ed.. Fr. WOLLEN. Ruth E. WONG. Fred Elerrwnlary Ed.. Jr. Education. Fr. WILLIAMS. Wilma Jean WINTER. Joanne WOLFE. Gordon Elerrwntary Ed.. Fr. Elerrwntary Ed.. Sr. Elerrwnlary Ed.. Fr. WHITEHEAD. Almeda Elementary Ed.. Spec. WONG. May WRIGHT. Raymond WUERCH. Marie 1. YORK. Don ZINK, Inez Elerrwntary Ed., Fr. E/errwntary Ed.. Soph. Elerrwnlary Ed.. Fr. Physical Ed.. Soph. Education. Sr . 131
DR. HOYT C. FRANCHERE Division Chairman Pro/.. English }{lIl1ttlltities MISS MARJORIE ALBERTSON DR. JUDAH BIERMAN DR. W . ARTHUR BOGGS DR. HELEN B. BROWNE MR. MAX BUHMANN Assf. Prof.. Music Assf. Pro/.. Engli sh Assf. Pro/.. English Insf.. English Ins!.. Arf & Architecture DR. CARL E. W. L. DAHLSTROM MISS NAOMI DIETZ Assoc. Pro/.. English Assf. Pro/.. Arf DR. CHARLES GAUPP DR. FRANCIS P. GIBSON Assf. Pro/.. Drama & Speech Insf.. Speech DR. JAMES S. HART Insl.. English 132
MR. FREDERICK H. HEIDEL MRS. ELIZABETI-I HENLEY DR. STANLEY JOHNSON MRS. ELLA LITCHFIELD MISS RUlli S. LOTTRIDGE Aut. Prof.. Art Inst., English Inst., English Asst. Prof" English lnst" English DR. EGBERT S. OLIVER MR. CECIL R. B. QUENTIN MISS NYDIA J. REYNOLDS DR. FRANK L. ROBERTS Assoc. Prof" English lnsl. , Drama & English Inst ., English & Speech Assl. Prof" Speech lALEXANOER SCHARBACH MR. RICHARD SCHULTZ MRS. ESTHER M. SMITH MR. JOHN STEHN MISS HILDEGARDE M. WEISS English lnst., English Inst., English Prof" Music Assl. Prof" English 133
ARNOLD. Jim liberal Arts. Fr. BARANET. Gerry Music. Fr. BECK. Don Architeclure. Fr. BELL. Dennis Liberal Arts. Soph. BOWER. Doreen liberal Arts. Fr. BARR. Donald liberal Arts. Fr. BARR. Nancy Ann Liberal Arts, Fr. BOWLES. S. Alice BRADSHAW. Ed BROMS. Phil BURTON. Kay BUSSEY. Gordon Display Design Music and Drama. Jr. liberal Arts. Soph. liberal Arls. Fr. Speech. Soph. 134
CAHILL. Bob CASE. Rod CEREGHINO. Ralph CLARK. Bob liberal Arts. Fr. English. Soph. Architecture. $aph. Liberal Arts. $aph. CLAUSEN. Peler M. liberal Arts COSPER. Dale Liberal Arls. Fr. DANIELS. Tod English. Fr. DAVENPORT. William DAVIDSON. Margarel DAVISON. William DAWSON. Gloria DEERING. Henry Liberal Arts Journalism. Fr. Music. Fr. Music. Fr. Lberal Art.s. Fr. 135
DEl..ANCE. Jack DILLON. Thomas DOSS. Tom DOUGLASS. Chuck uberal Arls. Fr. Liberal Arls Architecture, Soph. Architeclure, Fr. DURAND. Thomas English. Soph. DURLAND. June Music. Fr. DUNN. Jack Hislory. Sr. DYER. Jack Commercial Arl. Soph. ENGER. Dave ELGIN. Cleo ETLINGER. Joe EYLER. Perry FERGUSON, Jim Liberal Arts. Fr. Journalism. Fr. MWlic. Soph. Architecture. Soph. Liberal Arts, Fr. 136
< • FIBIGER. Don FILION. Dick FOULK. Gary FRANKLIN. Jerry Speech Arls. Jr. Liberal Arls. Fr. Druffi(l. Soph. Liberal Arls FURLONG. Jacqueline Art. Fr. GARDNER. Garold English. Fr. GARIBBO. Gloria Liberal Arts. Fr. GIVENS. Bobbie GRABINSKI. Richard GREGORY. Carla . HANNAH. Dick HANSON. Lois Liberal Arts Liberal Arls. Soph . Engli sh. Jr . Liberal Arts. Fr. Inlerior Design. Fr. 137
138 HILL, Sally Liberal Arts, Soph. / JOHNSON, Horace Music, Fr. HOGUE, Sally Liberal Arts, Fr. JORGENSEN, Bob Liberal Arts, Fr. HYDE, James E. Liberal Arts ILIINSKY, Kathi Liberal Arts, Fr. IVARIE. Ted Liberal Arts KELLEHER, Con Music HOLLINGSWORTH, Marvin Liberal Arts, Fr. HURWITZ, Marvin Liberal Arts, Fr. KELLEHER. Rosemary KENEALLY, Patricia ' Music, Soph. Art
KERSHAW. Kay LE GALL. Vieloria LEVERETT. Deane LEWIS. Jill An Liberal Arts. Fr. Liberal Arls. Fr. Liberal Arls. Fr. LIDDELL. Richard Liberal Arls. Fr. LONG. Eleanor English. Soph. LYON. Elaine Journalism. Fr. MAJOVSKI. Marlene MARSH. Georgia MARTIN. Don MATTOON. Glenna Lou MAURER. DeWayne Music English. Soph. Liberal Arls. Fr. Drama. Soph. Liberal Arts 139
McDONALD. Brad McDOWElL. Nathan MEYERS. Milo . MILLER. Lynn MURRAY. Colleen Liberal Arls. Fr. Liberal Arts. Fr. Liberal Art•. Fr. Drarrm Music. Soph. NELSON. Donna Liberal Arts. Fr. O·BRIEN. AI Liberal Arls. Fr. OLSON. Chuck Liheral Arts PORTER. Irene Li !"'ral Arl. ORR. Glen PALMER. Denny PERKINS. Herb PHELPS. Joyce Liberal ArI•. Fr. Liberal Art•. Fr. Liberal Arl.s. Jr. Liberal Arts. Jr. 140
pons. Jeanette Lberal Arts. Fr. PUGH. Margaret Engli sh. Soph . ROrnENBERG. Jan RULIFSON. Joan Art. Soph. Lberal Arts. Fr. QUINN. Larry Lberal Arls. Fr. SCHARICH. CliH Lberal Arts. Fr. ROBBINS. Gordon Music. Fr. ROBINSON. Donna Drama. Soph. ROSS. Dorian Drama. Jr. SCHMEEV. Donald Music. Soph. REPP. Conrad Lberal Arts. Fr. RICHARDSON. Gary Lberal Arls. Fr. SCHUsr. Margaret SEABERRY. Doris Lberal Arts. Fr. Lberal Arts. Fr. 141
142 SEEDBORG. Karyl Liberal Arts. Fr. SUMMERS. Patricia Liberal Art. SEVERSON. Don Liberal Arts. Fr. STour. Roy Sp<!ech. Fr. SWANSON. Kay Liberal Arts. Fr. SWETT. Jess Foreign Languages. Fr. SIMS. Sharon Music. Fr. SWINBURG. Larry· Music. Fr. , SMITH. Maynard Liberal Arts. Fr. < TALBOTT. Jeanne Languages. Fr. SMITH. Wenda Music. Fr. TEBO. Kenneth Liberal Arts. Fr.
THORNE. Russell TOWLER. John Willis TREMAYNE. Stanley TRUMMER. Bruce TIJRNER. Carol Liberal Arts. Fr. Music. Fr. Liberal Arts. Fr. Liberal Arts. Fr. Drama. Jr. TWOMBLY. Wendy Journalism. Fr. VAN SCHOIACK. Glen W. Commercial Art. Fr. WASHBURN. Carol WATTS. Larry WELCH. Pat WILLETT. Barbara WILLIAMS. Robert WILLIAMS. ROller Liberal Arts. Fr. Liberal Arts. Fr. Liberal (\rls. Fr. History Liberal Arts. Fr. Liberal Arts. Fr. 143
DR WILl.. V. NORRIS Division Chairman Prof., Physics MR. JAMES W. COOMBS MR. RAYMOND W. COOPEY A ssoc. Prof., Physics 'ns/., Science MR. RALPH D. GREIUNG MRS. Q.ARA C. HIll. Asst. Prof., Engineering Ins/., Botany 144 Science lind ;tintkelllnties DR. WILLIAM O. BUSCHMAN DR. JOHN R. BYRNE Ass/. Prof., Mathematics Inst., Mathemattc:J DR. FRANK F. EATON MR CARLETON FANGER MRS. MILDRED FLANAGAN Aut. Prof.. Mathematics Asst. Prof., Engineering A.s/. Prof., Mathematic:! MR. SAMUEL M. HOLMES DR. RUTH E. HOPSON MR. JOHN F. JENKINS 'nst., Engineering A.soc. Prof.. General Sci. As.!. Prof.. Mathematics
DR. CLYDE R. JOHNSON Assoc. Prof.. Ch.,mislry MR. DONALD KELLAS Insl.. EngiM.ring tvlR. RI\PHAEl.. E MAIERS DR. DAVID R. MALCOM Insl.. Chemislry Insl.• Zoology DR. ERWIN F. LANGE Assoc. Prof.• Ch.,mislry MR. JOSEPH B. PASZKOWSKI r'--:--==iiiiiiiiiiiiii~-' Insl.. Engineering 'viR. J MARSHALL WAITE Insl.. Engineering & Malh.,malics MR. RICHARD B. WALTON Assi. Prof.. Physics DR. JAMES A. MACNAB Assoc. Prof.. Biology DR. PHILIP C. ROBERTI Inst.• Ch.,mislry MR. WILLIAM WEST Selwol of Forestry. O. S. C. MR. PAUL H. YEAROUT insl.. Malh.,malics 145
·ADAMOVICS. Andris ANNUS. Heino Pre-Medicine. Soph. CiviC Engr.. Fr. AROLA. Dave BAIRD. James BARKER. Charles BARNElT. Donald BARROW. Maurice BAUCOM. Edward Mechanical Engr.. Soph. Physics. Fr. Mechanical Engr. , Soph. Pre-Medicine. Fr. Pre -Medicine. Fr. Forestry, Fr. BAUER. Melvey Mechanical Engr.. Fr. BECKER. Bob Pre ·De nlal, Jr. BILLUPS. Norm BISHOP, Earl BLAKNEY, Emmylu Pharmacy, Jr. Enginering. Soph. Home Economics , Fr. BLOMGREN. Melvin J. Mechanicol Engr.. Fr. 146
BRIDGES. Mildred MedicoI Secretary. Fr. BUCKMASfER. Carol Pre-Nursing. Fr. CElMS. John K. Physics. Fr. BROWN. Leonard Eke/ncal Engr.• Fr. BUFFAM. Paul Foreslry. Soph . CHASE. Thom"s Pre -Denial. Soph. CAMPBEli.. James Pre-DenIal. 'r. CHRYSLER. J"mes Engineering. Fr. CANUIT. Brad Electrical Engr.. Fr. COCKERHAM. Louis Pre -Denral. Soph. ~ CARTER. Jean Pre -Denral. Fr. COli.INS. Gary Physic•. Fr. CASE. James Physics. Soph. CONNOLLY. Austin Pre-Agricullure. $oph. 147
COOPER, Harvey CROWELL Evelyn Pre -Dental, Fr. Home Economics, Fr. DAHL, Myron DARBY, Richard DOLE, Norman DORSEY, Craig ECCLES, Dave EGLESTON, Roger Pre-Dental, Jr. Engineering, Fr. Foreslry, Fr. Malhemalics.Fr. Forestry, Soph. Mechanical Engr., Soph. EISELE, lorraine ElLINGSON, Imogene Pre-Dental, Fr. Pre-Nursing, Fr. ELSEY, Roger EVERS, Dick ENGLEBRECHT, Johnny Geology, Sr. Chemical Engr.. Fr. Mechanical Engr., Soph. EYLER. J..mes Induslrial Engr., Fr. 148
fARlEY. Richard FINNELL. Bob FITCH. Frank Pre-MediciM. Fr. Mall""nafieB. Sop1•. EnginR('ring. Fr. FRANKLIN. Mary Lou FREDERICKS. Clair,"e FREDERICKSON. Karl FUUER. Marianne FURNBERG. Carlton GENTRY. Larry Home £connmies. Sr. Pre-Nursing. Fr. Pl,ysics. Soph. Pre-Nursing. Fr. Electrical Engr.• Soph. Engineering. Fr. l./it GUSTAFSON. Rohert GUYTON. Bill Pre-Medicine. Jr. Eleclrical Engr.• Fr. j GRABINSKI. Warren GROEGER. Eugene GRUEN. Dick EngineerIng. Fr. Electrical Engr.• Soph. Engineering. Soph. GRABINSKI. Kenneth El.c:trical Engr.• Fr. 149
150 HANN. Duane Mecbnical Er1{Jr.. Fr. HEITMEYER. Paul Electrical Er1{Jr.. Jr. HANSEN. Richard Electrical Engr.. Sopl. . HERING. Douglas Pre·Medicine. Fr. HARRISON. Bill Geology. Fr. HEWllT. J Ivan Pre ·Medicine. Sopl.. HAYMOND. Ed Civil Engr.. Fr. HICKMAN. Charles Biology. Fr: " HAALAND. Jerry Chemislry Engr.. Sopl.. . HEGLIE. Bjorn Malhemati cs. Fr. HIll.. Glenn Dentislry. Fr. HAll.. Glen Pre·Medici"". Sr. HEIKKILA. Bonnie Pre ·Nursing. Fr. HItLEND. Jad< Chemical Engr.. Fr.
HIPPERSON, Jack HOFFMAN, James L. HOUGHTON, Bill fleclrieal Engr., Fr. Pre·Medicine, Soph. Mathematics, Soph. JENKINS, Johnnie Welch HOWSER, Ken HULL. Ralph - HUNT, William HvrCHINSON, Carol JENKINS, Joann Home Ecorwmics, Fr. Pre-Dental, Fr. Industrial Engr., Fr. Telecommunications, Fr. Pre·Dental, Jr. Pre ·Nursing, Fr. OR JOHNSON, LaMonte JOHNSON, Ronald Electrical Engr., Soph . . Electrical Engr., Fr. JENSEN, Sharon JEPPESEN, Frank M. JOHNSEN, Marlene Pre-Nursing, Fr. Engineering, Soph. Nursing, Fr. JENSEN, Ron Ciuil Engr., Soph. 151
KARl. Nancy KELlEHER. Joe Floriculture, Fr. Forestry. Fr. KNlITSON. Jerry KONDO. K. Medicine. Fr. Mechanical Engr., Soph. KEMPER. Chuck KIBBLE. Arthur Engineering. Fr. Pre-Medicine. Fr. KRAMER. Fred ' .KURIHARA. Ben Pre-Dental Fr. Physics. Fr. JOHNSTON. Ray Pre-Dental. Fr. KIISK. Vello Ciuil Engr.. Soph. LANGNER. lise Christa Chemistry. Fr. KAADY.Jack Forestry. Fr. KNEPP. Donald Engineering. Fr. LARSEN, Janice Pre-Nurstng, Fr. 152
LARSON. Don Science. Soph . LEWIS. Dwayne Plwrmacy. Soph. LASATER. Neil Pre-Medicine. Fr. LINDEN. Barbara LlNCELBACK. Anne Marie LITTLEFIELD. Leon LOVETT. William LUDLOW. Roy DenIal Hygiene. Soph. Medical Seaelary. Fr. McCOY. William Engineering. Fr. Zoology. Soph. Physics. Soph. Eleclrical Engr.. Fr. McMAHILL. Cttry Foreslry. Fr. McEDWARD. Franklin Eleclrical Engr.. So ph. Lt1fZ. Harlan Fish & Game. Fr. 153
MEAD. Phyllis Pre-Nursing. Fr. MORCOM. Ronald Engineering. Fr. MEISNER. Ronald Mechanical Engr.. Fr. METZ. ChIT Pre-Denlol. Fr. MICHENER. Anne Zoology. Jr. MAHONEY. Larry Civil Engr.. Fr. MlLLER. Dick Fish & Game. Fr. MURRAY. Robert Engineering. Fr. MATrOON. Joyce Medical Secretary. Sorh. MOORE. Warren Electrical Engr.. Soph. MUSfARD. Archie Forestry. Fr. 154
NEAL Dean NEAL, Don Pre-Medicine, Sr. Engineering, Fr. NEAL, Tom NELSON, Sue NICHOLS, Charles NORGARD, George NORMEf, Eido NORTON, Wallie Electrical Engr., So"h. Pharmacy, Fr. Pharmacy, Fr. Electrical Engr., Fr. Engineering, Fr. Pre-Medicine, Fr. PAYTON, Charles PEARCE, Virginia Lee Ciuil Engr., Sop/•. Horne Economics, Fr. PALMER. Bill PAVLOVSKIS, Olgerls R. Electrical Engr., Sop/'. C/U!mical Engr., Soph. OLSON, Don Engineering, Fr. 155
PEDERSON. Bob PHILLIPS. Delbert Engineering. Fr. Chemistry. Fr. PIERSON. Ellery Pre -Medicine. Sop/. . PRESCOTT. Bill Pre-Medicine. Fr. PRIES'TI.EY. Wallace Engineering. Sop/.. PROSSER. Jerry Mechanical Engr.. Fr. RAUCH. John Chemistry. Sop/.. RAYLEY. Dick Science. Fr. RICE. George RIDER. Gene Chemistry. Sop/.. Forestry. Sop/.. ROBERTS. Vera Pre-Nursing. Soph. 156
SCHUH. Robert Ekcfrical Eng•. , Soph. ROSS. Jack RUEPPELL. Don Geo/<J9)" Fr. Mechanical Engr" Fr. RUSSELL. Chorles SATALECOS. Art Engineering, Fr. Eledricol Engr" Fr. SCHWAB. Delmar Mechanical Engr., Soph. SCHAPPERT. Nancy SCHEEL. Lawrence Pre-Nursing, Fr. Chemistry, Jr. SCOTI. Wesley SELDEN. Don Pharmacy, Soph. Eledrical Engr., Sop'" SCHLEWITZ. Jim SCHREINER. Richard Chemical Engr., Jr. Civil Engr., Fr. SELLERS. Barbara SHACKLETON. Dwayne Home Economics, Soph. Mechanical Engr., Fr. -- 157
158 SHUElL. Ray Mathematics. Soph. SMITH. Roy EleclricaI Ell{Jr.. Fr. SIMPSON. Joe Mechanical Ell{Jr.• Fr. SNYDER. Dean Ell{Jineerill{J. Fr. SKOURTES. Dorothea Pre.Nursing. Fr. SOOT. Hennok Ell{Jineerill{J. Fr. SLUYTER. Vern Pre·Medicine. Fr. SOlITHALL. Erika Pre·Nursill{J. Fr. SHElDON. Verlin Ell{Jineerill{J. Soph. SMELTZER. Ylonda Pre-Nursill{J. Fr. SHERBECK. Irvin Eleclrical Ell{Jr.• Fr. SMITH. Owen Pre·Medicine. Soph. SfABEN. Sally Medical Secrelory. Fr.
SfEPHENS, Donald STOOD, Russell Erl{jineerirl{j, Fr. Pre-Mediane, Jr. STORMS, Robert SIUELPNAGEL, Rohert STURSA, Ken SYLVESTER. David TACCOGNA, Nick TAYLOR. Dick Agriculture Erl{jr., Soph. Physics, Fr. Aero. Erl{jineering, Fr. Mathe cs , Fr. Pre-Dental, Fr. Engineering, Soph. VILLANUEVA, Donn Pre·Dental, Fr. 159 THORTON, Robert Pre-Mediane, Fr. TUCKER. Merry Pre-Nursing, Fr. THORESON, Boh Mechanical Engr., Soph. VEDDER. Don Electrical Engr., Fr.
VINCENT. Larry VLASTELICIA. Johnnie Eleclr,cal En{)r.. Fr. Ciuil Engr.. Soph. VOG. Ann WALKER. Bert WALLACE. Judy WALTON. Don WARNER. Donald WASHBURN. Claude Labomlory Tech.. Soph. En{)ineerin{). Fr. Pre-Nursin{). Fr. T ermind En{)r.• Soph. Pharmacy. Jr. Fore.lry. Soph. WHITAKER. Fred WHITE. Kennelh WHITEI1EAD. Mary Ellen WILDER. Mary WILSON. Connie Mechanical En{)r.. Fr. Eleclrical En{)r.• Fr. Malhematic•. Fr. Pre-Medicine. Soph. Medical Technology. Jr. WOLFE, Luanne WONG. Ronald Laboralory Technology, Soph. Civil En{)r .. Soph. 160
LIVSEY, Bessie S. LORENZ, Wilfred Science. Fr. Physical Science. Sr. MARTIN. Verla TE:\L. Russell THOMPSON. Ed THURMAN, Ron TOI"IP.CELLI. Carmine TREBELHORN. David J. Pre-Nursing. Fr. Mechanical Engr.• Soph. Engineering. Fr. McJiml Tech .. Fr. Elec lrical Engr.. Soph. Pharmacy. Sop/>. VEAL. Ted Pre-Dento!. Fr. VINCENT. Thomas Mechanical Engr.. Soph. WEBB. James Geology. Fr. WILSON, Curtis Mechanical Engr.. Jr. WATSON. James J. Civil Engr.• Soph. WOOD. Gertrude Pre-Nursing, Jr. 161
Social Science and ;Un/kellin/its DR. GEORGE C. HOFFMANN Division Chairman Prof.. History MISS SHIRLEY BARBER MR. HOWARD D. BACKLUND MR. UARKE H. BROOKE. JR. DR. TRUMAN M. CHENEY 1n.t.. Secretarial Sa. Ass!. Prof. . Busine.s Adm. 1nsl.. Geography Prof.. Psycho4,gy DR. JOHN O . DART As.!. Prof.. Geography MR. BROCK DIXON DR. WILL DRUM As.t. Pro/.. Polilical Sa. Ass!. Pro/.. Soaal Work 162
MR. CHARLES FRANTZ DR. JESSE L. GILMORE MR. MARKO L. HAGGARD MR. RICHARD B. HAll.EY MR. E. HUGH HINDS 1",1.. Sociology 1nsl., Hislory 1nsl., Polilical Sci. Assl. Prof" Ecorwmics Insl., Business Adm. MR. EJvfERSON E. HOOGSTRAAT DR. MITCHELL W . KERR MISS VIOLET McMURTREY MR. DOUGLAS J. McQUAIG Asst. Prof" Business Adm. 1nst ., Social Sci. 1nsl. , Psychology 1nsl., Business Adm. MRS. PAULINE OLIVER MR. DONALD D. PARKER DR. RONALD E. SMITH MR. CHARLES M. WHITE DR. WARREN W. WILCOX I""t., Secretarial Sci. Assl. Prof" Business Adm. 1nsl., Psychology 1nsl., History Assoc. Prof" Psychology 163
ALDERMAN, Lou Accounting, Soph. ALLEN, Dale Pre -u.w. Soph. ( AKRE, Ronald Law En/orcern.enL ANDERSON, Willie Law Enforcement, SopT.. BARNES, Charlene Hislory, Soph. BASS, Richard Business & Tech., Jr. I BELCH. Dave Political Science, Sr. BELCH. Richard Political Science, Fr. BENSON. Sandra Secretarial Science. Fr. BENFlELD, Ron BENSON, Carine Business Ad., Fr. Secretarial Science, Fr. BERKSHIRE, Grelchen Secretarial Science, Fr. BILLETER. Calvin BINGHAM, Pal BISCEGLI N. Ron Pre-Law, Soph. Accou nting, Soph. Business & Tech .. Soph. 164
---- BISH. Ferd BusiMss Ad.. Fr. BREWER. Eldorado Psyclwlogy. Sop'" BUCKLES. Venita Secretarial Sdenee. Fr. CAVANAUGH. Philip Law Enforcement. Fr. CHASE. Kay CHIPMAN. Dale Psyclwlogy. Fr. BusiMSS Ad.. Fr. 165 BLAIR. Robert Psyclwlogy. Fr. BLOOMFIEl.D. Dan Pre-Law. Fr. BOCKSLER. Ga.rry BusiMSS BOWERMAN. Don Pre-Law. 'r. BOWMAN. John Business & Teclt .. Soph. BRADLEY. Norma Secretarial Scumce. Sop/ •. BRIDGE. Duane BusiMSS Ad.. Fr. BROOKS. Carol Secretarial Sdenee. Sop'" BURBACK. Ronald CARANDANIS. Perry BusiMSS Ad.. Fr. BusiMSS. Fr.
CHRISfIE. Duane Business Ad.. Fr. CORBITI. Gregg Business & Tech .. Fr. CORRELL. Joseph K. Business Ad.. Fr. CRESSY. Merle Sociology. Soph. CRONIN. John Business Ad.. Jr. CROWE. Carolyn Business Ad.. Fr. CURRY. Denis Pre-Law. Soph. CUMPSfON. Gene Pre-Law. Soph. DAVIDSON. Rod DAVIS. John His/ory. Sr. Business Ad.. Sr. CRANE. Shirley Secret.arial Science. Fr. CUMMINGS. David Business & Tech.. Fr. DAWSON. Leslie Business Ad.. Fr. DEAL. Betty Mae DE CHAINE. Dick DEERING. Ronald Secretarial Science. Fr. Business Ad.. Soph. Law Enforcernem. Fr. 166
DEGNER. W. L. Business Ad. DOWNING, Paul Business Ad., Soph. EI.l.IS, Dave Business Ad., Fr. DELZER. R. H. Business Ad., Fr. ;, ~ DENFELD, Ron Accounting, Sr. DINNEEN. J. C. Business Ad. DIXON, Karen SOdology, Fr. DOBRINSKI. Eugene History, Fr. DOMINE. Richard Business Ad., Fr. EMBERLIN, Bill Business Ad. - ERICKSON, Darlene Secretarial Science, Fr. ," , ~ FARAH, Elroy Business Ad., Fr. EARNEST, Elaine Secretarial Sdence, Fr. FOTHERGIll.., Jeannie Sociology, Soph. FARRELL, Tom History, Jr. 167
GLASS. Earl Busi""ss Ad.. Jr. GLAUS/. Otto Pre-Law. Soph. GOEMAN. Harvey GRADWOHL. Jack GRANT. Pat Busi""ss Ad.. Soph. Busi""s. Ad.. Fr. Secretarial Sdence FOX. Donna Secretarial Sdence . Soph. FRALEY. Sharon Secretarial Science. Soph. FRAZI ER. Duane Psychology. Fr. FRICK. Verda Secretarial Sdence. Fr. GABRIELSON. Ronald Business & Tech .. Soph. GARRISON. Lauren Business Ad.. Fr. GASCOIGNE. Janis Business Ad.. Fr. GILLILAND. Jack Law En/orcernenl. Soph. GLlJrH. Ray Business Ad.. Fr. GODS1L. Dennis Bus''''''s Ad.. Fr. 168
GRIGG. Jerry Business Ad.. Fr. HAAG. Sharon Secrelarid Science HAGENBUCHER. Ted Business Ad.. Fr. HALL. Hubert Accounting. Soph. HALL. Kirby Business Ad.. Jr. HAUIDAY. Virginia Pre·Law. Soph. HART. Diane Psychology. Fr. HASH. Edward Law. Fr. HEATH. Jim Bus,ness Ad.. Fr. HAMEL. Richard Pre· Law. Fr. HEDGECOCK. Robert Social Science. Soph. HELANDER. John Law. Soph. 169 HALTER. Larry Bu" ness. Fr. GREEN. Don J. Busines. Ad. HANSEN. Belly Secretarial Scu,nce. Fr.
170 JUSTICE. Bob Business Ad.. Soph. JOHANSON. Lloyd Business Ad.. KAUFMANN. Robert Business Ad.. Soph . JOHNSON. Harley Business Ad.. KEADY. Larl')' Business Ad.. Soph. HENKELMAN. Norman Business Ad.. Fr. HESSE. Tom Business Ad.. Fr. HOLMES. Cliff Business & Tech .. Fr. HVAL. Merril Business Ad.. Soph. INGERSON. David Pre·Law. Jr. INOUYE. Allnes Secrelarial Science. Soph . JOHNSON. Jo-Ann Sociology. Fr . HOUCK. Elsa Secretarial Science. Sop'" JAYNE. ROller Hislory. Jr. JONES. fuolviB Business. Fr.
KENNEDY. Dick Business Ad.. Fr. KERR. Karyl Hislory. Fr. '.' KINGSBURY. Gibson Hislory. Sr. KENIFICK. James Business Ad.. Soph. KNUfSON. Gene Pre-Law. 'r. KONDO. Grace Secretarial Scierue. Fr. KORSNESS. Abner Business Ad.. Fr. ~, KREIER. Darrell Business Ad.. Fr. KYLE. Elvin Political Science. Soph. LAMBERT. Gene LANPHERE. Dave Hislory. Fr. Law Enforcernenl. Fr. 171 KRAFT. Stephen Business Ad.. Soph. KRIVANEK. Don Business Ad .. Fr. KYLE. Alice Secrekuial Science. Fr. KYLE. Fred W . Psycho/.,gy. Soph.
LEMMAN. George Business Ad.. Fr. LEPPERT. Arnie Business Ad.. Soph. LEVIEN. Donald Business & Tech.. Soph. LLANES. Nancy Secretarial Science. Fr. LOFQUIST. Jerry Business Ad.. Soph. LONG. Jim Business Ad.. Soph. McELROY. Jack Social Science McELFISH. William Business Ad. McGEE. Mo,t McKEE. Leonard Pre-Law Business Ad.. Fr. LINKEY. Margaret Secretarial Science. Fr. ,\ I I I LOVING. George Business & Tech. . Sop'" McKEOWN. Marianne Psychology. Jr. McQUADE. Rich"rd MACLAREN. Gordon MAHONEY. P J. Pre-Law. Fr. Law Enforcement. Fr. Pre-Law. Fr. 172
MARTIN. Calvin Aroounllng MENACHE. Stan Business Ad.. Fr. MOLINA. Adelina Secretarial Saence, Fr. MARTIN. Larry Hislory. Fr. MARTIN, Rebecca Jane Business, Soph. MARTIN01Tl, William Business Ad. MATCOVICH. Dick Business Ad.. Fr. MAUER. Gerald BWines. Ad.• Fr. MEETHER, Art Business, Soph. MORSE. Don Business Ad.. Soph. MURPHY. Sue NELSON. Bruce Secretarial Saonce Busine.s Ad.. Fr. 173 MURRAY, Mel Business Ad., Soph. MEYER. Fred Bwiness Ad. MORTENSEN. Ron Business Ad.. Soph.
174 PALUMBIS. Elvera Hislory. Fr. OLSON. Philip Business Ad.• 'r. PARKER. Sharon Secretarial Science. Fr. O·NEEL. Dennis Business & Tech.• Soph. PATIERSON. Ken Business & Tech.. Fr. NELSON. James Hislory. 'r. NELSON. Marilyn Secretarial Science. Fr. NYLAND. Gary Business Ad.• Soph. NYLUND. Joe-Ann Secretarial Science. Fr. O·CONNELL. Gary Business Ad.. 'r. O·CONNOR. Michael Business Ad.. Fr. OSLUND. Bob Business Ad. NIXON. Paul Jr. Law Enforcenuml. Soph. OLDS. Keith Business Ad.. Fr. PALMER. Robert Hislory. Sr.
PAZlAR. Charles ,Business Ad., So ph. PRIESTLEY, Richanl Business Ad. QUINN, Bob Business Ad., Fr. PAZLAR. John Busirwss Ad., Soph. PEASE, Rodney Busi"",ss Ad., Fr. PEARSON, Lynn Business Ad., Soph. PETERSON, Carolyn Secretarial Science, Soph. PETERSON, Karla Business Ad. PREDMORE, WarTen Business Ad. RAGAN, Loren Business, Fr. PUGH, Sharon Psychology, Fr. ROBERTS, Ron Law, Fr. ROETHE, Edward A. Business Ad., Jr. ROSE, Richard Busirwss Ad. ROW, Chuck Business Ad., Fr. 175
176 STEED. Roy Anlhropology. Soph. SNElLING. Bill Pre-Low. Fr. STEPHENS. Gary Business Ad.. Fr. SOVfHERN. Jim Business Ad.. Fr. ST. JOHN. Dolore. Secrekuial Sdenee. Soph. SCHACHER. Keith History SCHMITZ. Fred Psychology. Jr. SCHLESSEY. Lawrence Business Ad.. Jr. SHARP. Bev Business Ad.. Fr. SIMS. Edward 1. Social Sdenee. Jr. SINGER. Garry Psychology. Fr. SPENCE. Barbara Psychology. Fr. SCHMUNK. Elaine S ecrefarial Sdence. Fr. SLY. Dick Business Ad.• Soph. STASSKA. Carol Secretarial Sde nce. Fr.
srONE. Dave Business & Tech .. Fr. VANVLACK. Ron Business Ad.. Fr. urz. Vernon Pre·Low. Jr. SUMPTER. Johnnie Low Enforcement. Fr. STITCH. Nicholas Business Ad. o. • TACHIBANA. Grace Secretarial Science. Soph. TAYLOR. Don Business Ad. . Fr. TAYLOR. Harrison Sodal Science TROlJf. Bob Dairy Industry Ad. . Fr. VINCENT. Jack Social Science. Jr. VANTRESS. Jerry Business Ad.. Soph. WAID.Jim Sociology. Fr. WALKER. Austin WARNKE. Pat Business Ad.. Fr. Business Ad. . Fr. 177 WALTERS. George Sociology. Fr.
178 WHITTENBERG. David Business Ad.. Fr. WlLLIAMSON. Lowell Business Ad.. Fr. WYGANT. Gerry Business Ad. WIEGAND. Robert Business Ad.. Fr. WASHBURN. Mary Ann Business Ad.. Fr. WATlONS. Herb Pre -Law . Jr. WATSON. Richard Bu siness & Tech.. Jr . WEBER. Carolyn Secretarial Scienal WEITZEL. Richard Busine~s Ad. WHEELER. John Psychology. Fr. WILLIAMS. Jerry Business Ad.. Sr. WEAVER. Bill Law. Fr. WHEELWRIGHT. Verne Business Ad.. Jr. WlLLIAMS. Robert Business Ad.
Portland Radio Supply Company 1234 S. W. Stark Congratulations on your lour year status J. K. GILL COMPANY S. W. 5th at Stark TURN YOUR DIMES INTO DOLLARS Saving is important no matter how small the beginning may be. Open a savings account at this bank and start your savings program today. BRANCHES THROUGHOUT OREGON Member federal Insurance Corporation ~ NOW h ,he ' 1_., •• , ....vt: "'lito U.S. GET THIS AnRACTIVE COIN CALENDAR BANK TO REMIND YOU TO SAVE SOMETHING EVERY DAY. YOURS AT OUR COST •.. ONLY $1.35. 179
Public Speakinu Dr. Frank Roberts
Hand eltuir Orcltestra In this department come the band. the orchestra. and the vocal groups ... groups which provide the school. and some day perhaps the world. with the strains of musical composition ranging from the classical to the modern "top ten." Within these gatherings are those who will go on to make music their career. those who will teach it to future generations. and those who will retain it only as a hobby to provide an escape from the worrie~' of the world. Music is truly a fine art .. . let us see those who give it to us. 186
Beltind tlte Scenes Behind the footlights when the curtain is closed, backstage while the performance is on, and on stage before and after the performance is a fascinating, a different world from any other ... the world which belongs to the actors, actresses, directors, and technicians. It's a place of confusion, stress, and nervousness as well as a land of laughter, friendship, and cooperation. Rehearsals start off slowly as the actors build up their characters as they wish them to appear to the audiences; the actors polish their parts carefulIy, for to them the persons they portray must come to be a part of themselves,
Besides rehearsing, the actors must make costumes. paint sets. and make or find the right props for each production. An actor's work is never done ... nor is the technician's, for it is he who works the spotlights, the footlights, and the houselights. He must carefully set the lights to strike the correct spots on the stage, to highlight the right person. Costume designers and set planners. often the actors themselves. must stitch and sew, paint and hammer until the finished product is before them, and always. there is the director. working along.
Site Stoops The Hardcastle family had no idea of the confusion that would be caused when the Fiance of their daughter Kate's friend. Constance Neville. came to visit. bringing a friend. Marlowe. to meet Kate. Kate. having heard that Marlowe is a shy. stuttering young man when he is around ladies. decides to masquerade as a servant-girl in order to win his love. While she. in this disguise. is entertaining Marlowe. Constance and Hastings decide to elope. In order to do this. they have Tony Lumpkin. and underage. childish youth. steal some jewels to pay for their trip. After the lovers have eloped. Mrs. Hardcastle discovers the theft. and Tony. who is fond of practical jokes. promises to lead her to the couple. Instead. he leads her around a swamp not far from the Hardcastle house. and it is there that Mr. Hardcastle discovers her and takes her back home. Despite this trickery. the Hardcastles give their blessings to the marriage of Constance and Hastings. Then Marlowe. who of course is in love with Kate. discovers that in order to win him she stooped to portray someone beneath her station. He decides that women aren't to be feared after all. With the two couples happy. all that remained to complete the happy scene was the revelation to Tony that he was not. as he had always been lead to believe. underage. The curtain closed on his gleeful mvorting.
to eOHl/llCr :, .. Directed by Dr. Charles Gaupp Cast TONY LUMPKIN..... .............. ... ....... ... ..... .......Gary Foulk STINGO.......... ............ ............................... ...Dorian Ross FouR SERVANTS DIGGORY.............................................Jim Caughlan ROGER............. ..................... ...............Lynn Miller THOMAS......... ............................ .... ..... Don Foss BOBBLE... ... ....... ..... ........... _._ ..............._Bjorn Heglie YOUNG MARLowE...... _.... ..... _........ ._... ...._...,Gordon Bussey YOUNG HASTINGS.......... ............................. Gerald Brey MR. HARDCASTLE............................. ..........Don Fibiger MRs. HARDCASTLE......................................Martha Ryherd KATE HARDCASTLE.....................................•Carole Turner CONSTANCE NEVILLE.. _... .... _.. ..... ........ .. .. ... .Phylli s Graham CHERRY. THE MAID._.................._...... _...........Glenna Mattoon SIR CHARLES MARLOWE..._......... _... _._ ... .... _.J . Thibeau
/(omco altd Directed by Robert Quentin Verona was the scene of mob fights and deadly duels. gay parties. and ill-fated romance as PSC's drama department brought Shakespeare's famous "Romeo and Juliet" to life. Opening on a street scene. the play got off to an exciting start with a brief battle in which the Capulets and Montagues con tinued their life-long feud. Left alone with his friends. Romeo bewailed his unrequited love for one of the girls he'd recently met. but his friends teased him and talked him into crashing the Capulet's party. Romeo quickly forgot the girl he'd recently talked so much about. for he and Juliet met and fell in love. The Montague's were recognized. however. and left. Romeo and Juliet were both bewildered by their feelings toward each other. for they should. according to family tradition. hate each other. That night. Juliet comes out on her balcony and. not knowing that Romeo is beneath her. confesses her love fOI him. whereupon he steps out and speaks to her. That night they vow their eternal love. but they are not to be happy long. for in a duel later on. Romeo kills Juliet's cousin Tybalt and is exiled from Verona by the Prince. Tom between love for her cousin and her lover. Juliet nevertheless cannot agree to her father's plan to marry her to a cousin. She ESCALUS. prince of Ve,ona .• PARIS. kin•.-n to the p,ince MONTAGUE. h • .d. of two houl•• at vari.nce CAPULET. with ••ch other CHARLES GAUPP BOB BRYANT Boa McCRARY CoR 1 AN RoSS OLD CAPULET • • • • • • DoN flBIGER ROoI£O••on to .....tague. J. THIBEAU MEAC1JTlO. friend to R....o GoRDON BuSsy BENYOLIO . n.phew to MontaBu. end friend to ~o. . • . • . . Boa WALDO lYBALT. n.phew to L.dy C.pulot . JOHN MAlI LOVE FRI AR L~RENCE. GARY FOULK FRIAR JOWl. • • Too DANIELS BALlliASAR•••rvent to Romeo DoN Fi ll GU S.....SON •••rvant to Capulet LYNN MILLER GREGORY. ..,vant to Capul.t GUY LARSON PETER. another ••, ...nt to Capul.t BJORN HIGLE ABRIIHIM••a,.._t to Mont...... TOO DAIIl tI.$ M N'OlliECARY • ED BUDSIIU PAGE TO TYB"-T. Solin PLU...U PAGE TO ~PARIS QUIILlS Lu LADY MlJlfTAGlIE JAIl I C[ P[1IL01 LADY CAPULET. RosElIA.v TIl__ JULIET. daulht.r to Capulet C'-OL 1\IIIIIU NURSE TO JULI ET • • • • • • 10. MCllllDOI MASKERS. QJARI)S, SERVJHTS, CI TI ZENS AND D,"CER$. JUDY OtIllIY, Too DANln •• Doll Foss. GUY lAItlOll. Bol McCII~. s..DII. PITI.... RoI.IT POaTEIFIILD. JANICE PI.LOT. JEIRT SDt HAIIIY STOIIPU.