Portland Times Annual_1919-08-02
.. - / I _r ~MI!Mf!M!~IIJ,gl 1 ,~ - .. ~ IMIMjMi!..\/Jlf.VJIMIM!M!Ml~MIMIMiMiMIMIMIMIMif.WiMllWIMll\lJI/M!IMif.Wi\\l!iMIMl!.WMMIMMJMJMif.WIMiMiMl!.Wll41M IMIM IMiMiM\M!M !M!MIMjlVJ!M\M\MiMI/.V,ijg~I "--- Tl1e Portland''' Times Annual Saturday, August 2, • Popular Oregon Babies • in ffi M mil ~ ffi ffi ffi ~ MASTER OSCAR JOHNSON Master Oscar J ohnson, a bright lit– tle boy, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Johnson. He received 14 votes in the Portland Times Contest. MASTER THEODORE EDWARD FREEMAN Master Theodore Edward Freeman, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Free– man, has been heard from and re– ceives favorable mention as one of the popular contestants in the Port– land Times Contest. He received 100 votes. ,, . . MASTER GEORGE PHILLIP MOORE WINS F IRST PRIZE Master George Phillip Moore, bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Moore, 494 East 47th St., N., is the winner in the Portland Times Baby Contest. He was born February 20, 1917, in the City of Portland. He was christened by Father J. M. Farrell, September 2, 1917, at St. Roses Church, his god-parents being Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Allen. In the Eugenics Tests at seven months age, he scored 99 per cent, and wins the contest in the Portland Times, having secured 750 votes. MISS EARLITA HUBBARD Miss Earlita Hubbard, winner of second prize in the contest, is a bright young girl, the daughter of Mrs. Lula Hubbard, who lives at 374 Williams Avenue. She received 258 race. \ \ ,· 1919 Contest • ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi M ffi "I~ ffi MASTER BOBBIE ALLEN Master Bobbie Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Allen, receives the third honor for having secured 200 votes in the Portland Times Popular Baby Contest, which has just closed. He is a bright little boy and is now at Seaview, Wash., for the summer. CLARA VIOLA ROBINSON Clara Viola Robinson, the sister of Mrs. Mae Wendall, receives favorable mention the 01>ular Tlme1:1 Con– tesl, and received 135 votes. • ~i /,,... -... __ _ .;a. -~ ' ., .
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