Portland Times_1920

1 Mrs, Verdell Rutherford ~ .. _ IN THE CITY The Times on sale at the followlng places: Golden West Hotel Barber Shop, Waldo Bogle, Prop.; Rutherford Bros., 335 Flander11 street, Haber– daaher11 and Barber Shop; The Luneta, 400 Glisan street, Franklin ct. Stan– fleld; W. R. Lee, 106Y 2 Broadway N. The Portland Branch, N. A. A. C. P ., held a very Interesting meeting at the Bethel A. M. E. Church on Wednesday night. A large number listened to a very Interesting report made by the president, Rev. Isaacs, who attended the national conference of the association, which convened In Cleveland. A ·fulJ report of the drive for members In the city showed the addition of 65 new ones. 833 N.E. Shaver Street Portland, OR 97212 THE With the Churches CHVBOB J>IBEOTOBY A. lll:. E. Sion Church, 417 Williams Ave. Rev. A , C. Yearwood. 9:46 a, m., Sun– day School; 11 a, m., Preaching; 6 :30 )). m., Christian Endeavor; 7:46 )). m., Preaching. Bethel A, X, E, Ohurchl 208 McM!llan St. Rev, J, B. St. Felix saacs. 9:30, Sun– day School; 11 a. m., Preaching; 7 p. m.• Allen Endeavor League; 8 )). m., Preaching. Xt. Olivet Ba.pt11t Ohuroh, Broadway and Everett Sts. Rev. J. W . Anderson. 11 a. m., Preaching; 12:30 p. m., Sun– day School; 7 p. m., B. Y. P. U.; 8 p, m., Preaching. llonta.villa. Ba.ptist Church 76th and E. Everett Sta. Rev. A. E. Reynolds. 11 a. m., Preaching; 1 )). m., Sunday School; 7: 45 p. m., Preaching. • PORTLAND TIMES Is striving hard to make a creditable showing. This Is the second attempt to bring the colored Episcopalians to· gether and found a church home. This body has no rector supervising the work, and · keeps alive by the inspiration of the lay members. The future J1as fu store the success of the City of Portland among our peo– ple. The plans call for a building finished In brick on the outside and modernly arranged in every detail on the inside. The building Is to be completed at a cost of $5,000 and properly equipped. The pastor hopes to have it the most up-to-date and this denomination. efficient plant In the Pacific North- Allowing the active church commu· west. Since the arrival of Rev. nicants a number of 300 and the popu· Isaacs as pastor, the membership has latlon 2,700, It will be noted that been doubled and the parsonage reno– one-ninth is given which represents vated. Rev. Isaacs will leave for the, spiritual llfe of Portland. This the annual conference, which con– ls due to the fact that the minis· venes at Spokane, Wash., on August t~rs have been obliged to spend eight 14, to make his second annual report. ninth of his time raising money He hopes to make a report surpass– to pay church debts and give the bal· Ing that of last year in every detail. ance to the spiritual side of the con, One outstanding feature of the report gregatlon. The non-communicants will be the paying off of the mort– COLORED CHURCHES AND RELIG- among the race contribute very lib- gage indebtedness. Believing in an IOUS ACTIVITY IN PORTLAND erally to church support. Perhaps educated ministry, Bethel church is when all the churches become free this year featuring its educational de- 7 EVERYBODY GOING ON THE SWAN, THURSDAY NIGHT, AUG– UST 7TH. Dean Pickens spoke to a very en– thusiastic audience aud was accorded the proper courtesies which are due to strangers who come wen recom– mended. His full speech will appear in The Times as it was taken by a special reporter. BulJy! All parties made good. A little rabid criticism helps-arouses the sea.red conscience to action. We shall not send a marked copy of The Times to the War Department, nor write a Jetter for spite. We wrote our letter before The spiritual life of the colored of debt, a spiritual awakening will partment. Special efforts are being people In Portland is looked after by be aroused that will give the records put forth to raise . an Increasingly four churches, one ~ission and Chris- of the future a larger church popula· large sum of money for educational The Bethel A. M. E. Church {When Completed) Front Room for Rent-450 East 18th St., N. tian Science and Catholic, besides tlon. Apostolic Faith and Church of God Shiloh communicants. Those connected with purposes. To this end, a special edu– Baptist Church of Montavllla catlonal mass meeting will be con- 76th and Everett sts. ducted by Bishop H. B. Parks on Rev. Jno. B. St. Felix Isaacs, Pastor In the Morning, Bishop Parks In the Evening, Mass Meeting the latter named are few, so we will Rev. A. E. Reynolds, Minister confine ourselves to the true Negro THE SWAN, THE SWAN, the dear hand, and the results are satlsfac- efforts. The strivings of these sev– eral churches would make Interesting At 11 a. m., preaching; 1 p. m., Sun– day School, lesson "Christian Wor– ship," John 4:1-10, 19-24; 6:30 p. m., B. Y. P. U., "Our Relation to Oth– ers," {2) Toward Parents and others in the home; Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6; 1-9; (Consecration meeting); group No. 2 will lead, Mrs. A. E. Reynolds captain. old Swan, will sail again, Thursday tory-perfectly. night, August 7th. Mr. R. H. Holly is visiUng his fam, Uy from Seattle and Is at home, 1228 East 10th St. N. Mrs. Ida Shelby, 822 WIiiiama ave– nue, East 6080. Agent for Black and White Ointment and High Brown Face Powder. Peroxide Cream and Hair Special itles. reading; however, past history will D. C. Wormley is a real estate be omitted and present conditions will dealer, having offices in the Fenton be considered. Bldg. Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Mrs. George McDowell of Colorado Springs Is spending the remainder of the summer In this city, the house guest of Mr. a7id Mrs. A. H. Morrow, 389 Weidler Street. . Is located on Broadway near Everett, on the West Side; Rev. J. W. An· derson is pastor. It Is a well ar- At 7:45 preaching; the Lord's Sup– per and hand of fellowship will be given at this service. Last Lord's day was rally day. Rev. House for Rent-88ll First Street. The boys say the women In France Large chicken coop; 6 rooms. Wood• engaged in war work desired to be lawn 3764, Mrs. Fullilove. known as Liberty Belles. We wonder if any of them were cracked like ranged structure, modern in design and convenient for church services. It has a membership of 83 and ls lo– cated conveniently for the stranger coming to the city. The Improve– ments were made by church efforts put forth by former ministers, and the property belongs to the white Anderson, pastor of Mt. Olivet Church preached for us at 3 p, m. We raised $177.07, and we close the rany next Sunday. We take this means to thank the many friends that assisted us In The shirt waist dance of the Epls- some we know? Baptists, and under their supervision making this effort a success. Two serves as a mission for Negroes. accessions during the day, one strong There ls no property indebtedness young man, and a brlJltant young wo– hanglng over this denomination, and man. copal Mission at Columbia halJ was well attended, and everyone had a good time. THE SWAN-WEBB'S ORCHES– TRA- THE TIMES ANNUAL-CHI– CAGO RIOTS-Enough to make a fel– low bugs! Miss Elizabeth Day and Mrs. Lullu Charles Broadus was bound over to grand jury on the charge of ar– son, having ben placed under $500 bonds. • should the white Baptists sell this The Pastor, Mrs. H. c. Thompson, piece of property, which is very val- Mrs. Sarah James and Miss Bessie uable, the colored congregation would wlll represent the church and auxll- be obliged to seek a new location, 1 · h N h Railroads will have a hard time ar1es at t e ort Coast Assoclatllon for Broadway is one of the city's · E t w h building new lines, since we voted m vere t. as lngton, beginning for good roads in Oregon. most prominent thoroughfares. August 6th, lasting five d.tys. Bethel A. M. E. Church, Only Prop- You will notice that the name of erty Owned by Negroes the church has been chaugetl to Shi- Hubba rd were callers at the Times Sunday School picnics-at Cane- ls situated on the East Side, on the Joh Baptist Church of Montavilla. A <!orner of Larrabee and McMIiian Sts. cordial invitation to all of our serv– Miss Gertrude Bollen will assist In Rev. J . B. St. Felix Isaacs is the lees. Take M-V car at Third and the Times office and will help to pastor. This church has a member- Morrison Sts. office tbis week and wished it great mah Park nert week. Go. success for the anniversary number DO NOT FORGET AUGUST 7TH. PORTLAND TIMES NIGHT. FOR– GET YOUR TROUBL~S AND CARl!!'l FOR A MOMENT- ON THE SW Al,, keep things going. ship of 242, and is the largest colored congregation in Portland. A modern Bethel A. M. E. Church Miss Hallie Q . Brown is vlslti1g in t he city, the guest of the Fed– erated Women's Clubs. We take this opportunity to thaik everyone who has assisted in makng t he Portland Times Annual succrns- fnl in !'VPry way . Vacation is in sight-so will take It, leaving old•William Bill Bowers, wbo wants to borrow the club's new minnow pail, all to himself. He in– forms the members that he will ex– tract It (whatever that is) it the bait rustler leaves It convenient. These papers are on tile In the Times office: The Monitor, O~ice 30-l Crounse Blk., 16th St., Omaha, Nebr.; Mr. Chas. Sumner Smith, Edi– Please stay off date, Labor Day, tor Twin City Star, Minneapolis; St. September 30. Partleular11 later. Mrs. Belle Gallagher was attacked by an unknown party while she was working In a Pullman car In the railroad yards, and seriously beaten over the bead with an iron instru· ment. Sorry if you failed getting in the Annual. However, get ready for THE SWAN, ON AUGUST 7TH. The Times jolllflcatlon excursion. BIiiie Webb will introduce his new piece, Loui, Clarion, St. Louis, Mo.; Detroit Leadlr, Detroit, Mich.; Washington Bee, Washington, D C.; Portsmouth Vtgq Portsmouth, Va.; Oklahoma City Black Dispatch, Oklahoma City, Oki ; Baltimore Commonwealth, Bal– tim<re, Md.; San Antonio Inquirer, San Antonio, Tex.; Louisville Re– port.Jr, '.Louisville, Ky.; Union Re– forner, Raleigh, N. C.; Kansas City SunJ Kansas City, Mo.; Richmond Planet, Richmond, Va.; Oakland Siln· shine, Oakland, Cal.; Topeka Plain– dealer, Topeka, Kans.; Raleigh Inde– Cor. Larrabee and McMlller Sta. up-to-date two-story parsonage occu– pies a part of the lot upon which the first unit of this church Is built, convenient and well furnished, so that the pastor lives in a well-built home Rev. Jno. B. St. Felix Isaacs, Paotoi– Noted church men and educational leaders to address mass meeting at Bethel on Sunday next. Bishop H. B. with his family. The parsonage is a Parks will preach at morning ser– two-story frame building. The first vice. unit of the church ls a modern brick Sunday last will long be remem– basement arranged for building the bered at Bethel; the pastor, Rev. auditorium above, this •unit serving as Isaacs, dellvere') a wondPrfnll.v ln– th_e churc):. at present, is the 'future struct!ve and soul-atlrrlng sermon to Sunday School and lecture auditorium, an eager and thoughtful audience. with ladies' rest room, panel door All those who heard him agreed that constructed class rooms, dining room his sermon was indeed a masterpiece. and kitchen for church socials. The At the evening service, special music place ls well lighted and ventilated was rendered by the choir, under the and is modern in every respect. The leadership of Miss Clifford Freeman. completed church as planned with the The solo rendered by Miss Octavia present holdings wlJI glve this de- Doram was much appreciated. She is nomination a church property valued indeed an addition to the musical at $20,000. Rev. Isaacs is a very worth of the city. young man, who with his assistants Both the Sunday School and the Al· and members paid off the mortgage !en Endeavor League keep up their which had been keeping this church standard of efficiency. At the sea– handicapped for many years. slon of the school a Jarge number Zion A. M, E. Church, 417 Williams was present, and after the study of Avenue the . lesson the pastor reviewed the Sunday next, at which time, Prof. J. H. Hawkins, secretaFY of education, and Dr. F. Jessie Peck, president of Qulndaro (Western University), wUI speak and present the claims of edu– cation. A little change in the design of the building will give It, when fin– ished, seating capacity for about 1000, a three-manual pipe organ, pastor's study, officers rooms, individual Sun– day School class rooms, choir room and steam-heating plant. The personage attached to the church has recently been renovated and modern in every detail; it is con– ceded to be the best and most mod– ern parsonage In the Fifth Episcopal District of the A. M. E. Church, of which Portland is justly proud. The membership of Bethel is now 242; Sunday School numbers 156. A large number of her members own their own homes and are among Portland's best and most representa· tlve citizens. The present valuation of the property is about $16,000. Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Rev. J. W. Anderson, Pastor The pastor occupied the pulpit at the morning and evening service last Sunday. The Sunday School was well attended and voted to have the pic– nic, Monday, August 4th, at Canemah Park. The pastor will leave, accom– panied by delegate Rev. J. E. Pius, on August 5th for the Northwest As– sociation at Everett, Wash. Regular communion Sunday, service and c,ovenant day. The rally will close August 3d. All strangers welcome to attend our services. First A. M. E. Zion Church 417 Williams Avenue. · Rev. A. C. -:.'earwood, Pae.'or On last Sund ~y,' large and hppre– clatlve audiences greeted the pastor, who preached two excellent sennons. The music rendered by the Junior Choir at the morning and afternoon services as well as the anthems sung by the senior choir at the evening service, won for these choirs a great name and much fame. On Sunday, Dr. Yearwood will preach two special sermons. The justment and reorganization for the best interests of the ?raternal species, great good might be had and much energy saved. See the number, three lodges of Masons, three Eastern Star, one Elk, one Ruth, one Oddfellow, one Court of Calanthe, one K. P., and three churches, and one very young church. It is plainly seen that there can be nothing else but lost fraternal energy among so many lodges for a small population. The various duties are limited to burying the dead and assisting the sick. However, it would be out of the question to attempt to bring these organizations Into harmonious con– sideration for saving of energy, for the Negro divides easily In business according to his church and frater– nal connection, and that weakness carries on in social and family life. However, when the race gets a deep– er and better understanding of value of reservation of energy in the va– rious organizations, less time will be wasted In the fraternal and religious life, due to the real meaning at– tached to such efforts. subject for the morning service being H }}" Q B I "The Difference Between a Believer a le . rown I and a Christian" and at night. In Humroous and Dramatic Recital "The River of Life and Happiness." I The Clover Leaf and Smart Set Clubs Sunday School at 10 a. m. Chris- present In dramatic and humorous re– tlan Endeavor meeting at 7 p. m. cltal, Miss Hallie Q. Brown of WIiber– Prayer and class meeting, 8 p. m. Thursday. Choir rehearsal, 8 p. m. force, Ohio, vlee-preaident at large of the N. A. Colored Women's Clubs, POCATELLO, IDAHO, NOTES (Special to Portland Times) Pocatello, Ida., Aug. 1. The police are looking for Charles Jacques, 16 years of age, and Cora Wilson, 14, who eloped last Wednes– day night. It ls claimed they went to Salt Lake and were married. E. El. Poindexter Is out of the hospital, to the delight of his many friends. Miss Eva Mae Curtis of Kansas City is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Ferguson. Mrs. Georgia Jones, 648 E. Cla~ Street, Is working, after having been ill. Mr. Claud Early, a well known Po– catello young man, is home again af– ter spending fifteen months in the service over sea. He was a sergeant in the 59th Division. He wears a medal for bravery, and brought home with him a German officer's helmet as a souvenir. Rev. Thoe. Ross and some guests were refused service in a Greek res– taurant last Monday, and suit has been filed for $1,500. I.;et us help Rev. Ross with necessary means to assist in the fight. Mrs. Charles Young and children will leave soon for visits in :\flssourl. Mr. Frank Howard is sick-listed this week. GEORGE B. HARDIN Deputy Sheriff Multnomah County "The Syncopated Swan Jazz," in the pendent, Raleigh, N. C.; Pacific Coast late Webb style. Appeal, San Francisco, Cal.; Colorado Statesman, Denver, Colo.; Oakland Has occupied Its present location school. The banner class was class about two years. It has as its pas• No. 2, Mrs. J. B. Isaacs, teacher. Mr. tor, Rev. A. C. Yearwood, a young Raymond Cage ably led the League tnan who has done well, laboring un- meeting, bringing out many new and der heavy handicap of a big mort- helpful thoughts and suggestions from gage at the time he was appointed the topic. Friday. MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 4TH, George B. Hardin holds the posi– tion of deputy sheriff, having been appointed by Sheriff Hurlburt for the second term, because of faithful serv– ice and efficiency. Mr. Hardin is one of Portland's substantial citizens and Is considered one of the best officers in the service of the county. Mr. Waddy injured himself about Outlook, Oakland, Cal. the head by striking himself with a heavy arm of a mail crane while THE YOUNGER SET ENTERTAINS getting on a car at Bend, Oregon. --- He was taken to st. Vincent's Hos-I Little Miss Mamie McNorton of Los pita! when he arrived in the city. Angeles, was the inspiration for a de- lightful party on Wednesday after- - noon, which was presided over by House and lot for eare. 'rerms to Miss Jennie Dora Grayson, at her suit. Call Broadway 1885, or C 1732. home on Hth Street. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in music and Please remember, boys, they are games. During the course of the af- not "chickens" any more-but "Lib– erty belles." Want to sell my home; $750 down, rest like rent. Modern, one block from ear, on corner. Garage and chicken yard. Lota of fruit and flow– er11. Telephone Woodlawn 717, Waitre11 Wanted-at 108 N. 9th St. ternoon a delicious luncheon was served. Seated around the table, wh!Nl was prettily decorated with varl-dolored sweetpeas, were the Misses Mamie McNorton, Leah Jack– son, Edna Rutherford, Othelda Nich– ols, Robert Summers, .Helen Smith, Helen Bogle, Idris Williams, Gertrude Poindexter, Aileen Williams, Margaret Baker, and Jennie Dora Grayson. EDDIE V. LILLIAN Opening at the Hippodrome, Sunday, August 3, in Impersonations. The A. M. E. Zion Ecunemlcal mock at the A. M. E. Zion Church, 8:30 conference, which Is staged for Aug- o'clock. Admission, 25c. minister. This church has a mem- On Tuesday next, the annual Sun– bership of 67. The location Is con- day School picnic will take place. venient, as Williams Avenue Is one Special cars will leave li'irst and of the main thoroughfares of Port- Alder Streets for Canemah Park at land. Rev. Yearwood, with strenuous 9 a. m. Preparations are being made effort, has paid half of the debt, for a very enjoyable day. There will which nearly ,reached the neat sum be sports of all kinds, lincluding foot of $4,000. This he has done In the races (boys and girls), fat ladies' short time he has been with this race, fat men's race, baseban game church. The building is a plain I and music on the grounds. Every– wooden structure with tun basement, body is Invited to join us. arranged for church socials and lee- The annual educational rally and ture rooms, while the main audito- mass meeting will be held on Sun– rium has an Inclined floor of amphi- day next under the directl,on of theater style, which allows those in Bishop H. B. Parks. Special ad– the rear to see with ease. This con- dresses will be delivered by noted gregatlon ls still in debt and laboring men in the person of R. R. Wright, under severe handicap. It is pleasing Ph.D., editor of the Christian Re– to note that Rev. Yearwood has done corder; Prof. J. R. Hawkins, Edu– more constructive work for this cational Secretary; Dr. F. Jessie Peck church in the short time of his pas- of Western University, Qulndaro, Kan– sas, and others. (See program.) ust 13tb, promises to be tbe greatest attraction of the season. The A. M. E. Zion Claims Rally will be held the last Sunday in Aug– ust. All members and friends are kindly asked to bear this in mind. FRATERNAL ORDERS STRONG INFLUENCE ON CO LORED PEOPLE Portland Is blessed or cursed with an extraordinary number of fraternal organizations among colored people. There is much wasted energy, physi- Presidents: .. Clover Leaf Club, Mrs. Lula Hubbard; Smart Set Club, Mias Henrietta Williama. THE BIG NIG-HT THURSDAY AUG. 7 ON THE SWAN THE TIMES' JOLLIFICATION . Boat Leaves Dock, Foot of Jefferson Street 9:00 O'CLOCK -p, M. $1.50 COUPLE WEBB'S ORCHESTRA torate than any of the ministers who occupied that position during the last ten years. This church ·needs the generous support of an church lovers and friends, for given the proper as– Bistance, Rev. Yearwood will place The pastor is collecting bis con– ference claims preparatory to going to conference; members and friends who have not contributed as yet are urged to do so now. The fourth and cal, financial and fraternal, due to the overlapping of organizations. These lodges recelv'e better support than the Negro churches to which many of the members belong. There seems to be no common ground of understanding upon which a better fraternal reorganization from the standpoint of economy can be had; this fault encourages many weak I lodges. If there could be a read- .________ _______________________..; this church In the out-of-debt col- last quarterly conference in the con- umn. Montavilla Baptist Church, Rev. A. E. Reynolds, Pastor Is located on East 76th and Everett Sts., In Montavilla, and has a mem– bership of nine communicants. It is a newly organized work which has been in existence a very short while. The church lot is ample for a very convenient building, but being heavily in debt, the indications are there wlll be very little constructive work dur– ing these H. C. L. times. Rev.' Rey– nolds Is a recent arrive! and It re– mains to be seen what he will be able to do with that church. Episcopal Miaslon ference year will be held on Monday evening, August 4, at 8: 30 o'clock. The Mite Missionary Society will hold its annual mite box opening and heart social on Friday night, August 8th. A little less than two years ago, the present pastor, Rev. Jno. B. St. Felix Isaacs, assumed the pastorate of this church with an indebtedness totaling about $3200. In less than 18 months the good people of the con- WHITE SHOES KID CANVAS AND BUCK up to $8.00 FINA ALE $2.9& PHILLIP'S SHOE COMPANY 3 25 Washington St. Located on Russell Street and has no church home as yet. We cannot I give the number of communicants be· longing to this denomination, but it ton ra1ltll' to their pastor and liquidated the entire indebtedness, and now he church Is free of all its financial incumbrances-the cur– Tent expenses having been properly cared for. Plans are now In process for completion of the structure, which when completed will be the finest and J most magnificent house of worship in 11..----------------------------------------!"""-----.J ..