
i otto G. Rutherford 833 Ne. Shaver st. Portland, Ore. 97212 The West's Up-to-the-Minute Negro Weekly The Portland Observer Observer News Is The Latest News AN INSIGHT ON THE NEWS Volume I 5 Cents Per Copy PORTLAND, OREGON, MAY 5, 1939 Number 20 T h Cl . Sh OREGON u. HEAD eaC er alffiS e SAYS SEGREGATION Heads Contest DR. UNTHANK DELIVERS LECTURE Bockmen Set Pace In Anti...Bias Fight Is Misunderstood NEcEssARY Dr. DeNorval Unthank deliver– ed last Sunday morning to an aud– ience at Bethel Church the second Portland, May 1.-Harry M. Kenin, attorney at law, has recent– ly submitted to the NAACP, Portland Branch, a letter from Edgar H. Whitney, assistant su– perintendent of public schools, and a report from H. M. Sherwood, principal of Arleta School, con– cerning the complaint raised by the ,. NAACP, relative to malicious ' statements supposed to have been made by Miss Fawcett, eighth grade teacher in the Arleta school, about the DAR and its refusing to permit Marian Anderson to sing in its hall recently. .\1r. Whitney questioned Mr. Sherwood because of the NAACP complaint. Mr. Sherwood in turn asked an explanation of Miss Fawcett. She replied as follo-ws: "As the daughter of a man who gave four of the best years of his life suffering much, who was twice severely wounded and who carried a bullet to his grave for the cause of freedom for the colored race in this country, I find it impossible to understand ho wanything I have ever said in my classroom or else– where could possibly have been misinterpreted as has been repre– sented in this charge against me by the cc>lc:ired people's society for the rromotion of the Negro race. "The complaint made against me is based upon a gross--possibly a malicious facts. After my misrepresentation of 8B class Tiad studied tilt> pel itiral rer,n<:trurti"n at the close of the Civil war, I assigned for a lesson some topics to show the progress of the Negroes made in the short time since their eman– cipation. Appreciative reports were given on the contribution to society of such men as Booker T. Wash– ington, Roland Hayes, Paul Robe– son, Richard B. Harrison, James 0,----------------------- was a communist and then quali– fied it by stating that it might be propaganda, is a rather subtle way of endoctrinating impressionable boys and girls with prejudice." Heads Fraternity NON. L. E. LIGHTNER Supreme Commander of the American Woodmen, with head– quarters in Denver, Colorado, who reports the income of the organi– zation last year was above $500,- 000, and that claims were paid of nearly $250,000. The annual re– port shows protection in force of $17,391,000, with ample reserve above the 100 per cent margin of solvency. Operating for 38 years as a legal reserve fraternal insurance association, the Woodmen head of– fie~ is noted for courteous treat- ~ ~ .. · ~ ment and prompt and full settle- ment of claim's. It is one of the major business enterprises of the Negro group in America. LES JEUNES MODISTES HEALTH WEEK Weldon Johnson and Paul L. Without a doubt the 25th an- Dunbar. niversary of National Negro "Just at the clos eof these dis- Health Week was a successful ob– cussions a pupil ttid that she had servance in Portland this year. In read in the newspaper that Marian addition to the usual program of Anderson was not allowed to sing speeches and movies, two "Well in the DAR hall in Washington, Baby" clinics were held. D. C. Another girl stated that These clinics were sponsored by she also read about it. Then I Les J eunes Modistes in co-opera– asked that the article had not tion with Dr. D. N. Nnthank. stated the reason for the refusal The first clinic was held at the was that the hall had previously Doctor's office and the following been rented for that night for some babies were examined: William, other entertainment. I had been Phyllis, and James Tolson; James so informed by a local DAR mem- Arceneaux, Sonja Brooks, Mar– her. I said that the newspaper jorie and Stanley Franklin, David article could give the impression Bushnell, William McClendon that there was race prejudice on Jr., Rachelle Dawson, Ann \Vii– the art of the Daughters of the Iiams, Delores and Roland Harris, American Revolution to cause the Charles Patterson Jr., William dusal, but that that was not the utherford , Edward Watson ~ase. And I did say that I had Lawrence Randolph, Fredricka heard that Miss Anderson was a vVright, l\1arianne Fuller, Ronald communist, but that there is so vVebb, Joan and Joseph Crane Jr. much propaganda that we cannot A :~coitc clinic was held at believe all that we read and hear. Shiloh Baptist Church in Manta– That \vas not a reason given for villa to accommodate mothers in the refusal and I didn't 'spend that district. They were especially some time,' only a very short time, grateful as it is difficult for most in thus answering the remarks of of them to come downtown. James those two pupils. Henderson, Elinor and David "As soon as I learned that one Davis, Benjamin and Virgil John– girl in the class had gone home and son, Danialle, Donna Lee, and Leo misinterpreted what had been said, Griffith Jr., La Verne Burgess, I carefully went over with the Roy, Edith and Merita Bagley, class what had taken place to learn J Alphonzo Reese, Clarence, Neta \vhether anyone else had received and Blanche \Vilson were examin– a wrong impression. No one else ed. had done so; each understood per- Dr. Unthank donated his serv– fectly that no criticism was made ices both days and was assisted by of anyone, and was amazed at any members of the club. At each misunderstanding. clinic certificates of examil1'ation "I think my long years of faith- were given the babies. ful, conscientious service in teach-~ Many mothers attending the ing American principals will testi- Montavilla clinic expressed the de– fy in my behalf." I sire to have them held regularly. Mr. Kenin replie dto Mr. Whit- I Nothing definite has been decided, ney that he thought Miss Fawcett's but it is probable that in the future statement "that Marian Anderson more clinics will be held. Portland, May 1.-In reply to letter written by Attorney Harlow L. Lenon for the Portland branch of the NAACP, to investigate the present practice of segregation to– ward Negro women ~dents at the University of Oregon, Donald M. Erb, President, says that "There is no refusal of requests that Negro girls be assigned rooms Mrs. Ila. Fuller, who has been i nour dormatories." However, he prominent in many organizations for a. number of years is lending her says that Negro girls are advised aid as chairman in the presenting against taking up resider~~e in the of the King and Queen contest. girls' dormatories because they a:-- With Mrs. Fuller's popularity and d h h ~bility, the affair is sure to be a so constructe t at t ere are n I success. single or double rooms but only suites which accommodate groups of tLree or fours. So gar, there have been no white girls willing to include colored girls in their suites. LOCAL CHEFS HELP FEED CROWD , , lecture in his series on Negro Health Movement. His talk was centered around the following statements: "Out of Booker T. Washing– ton's vision grew the first health improvement for Negroes, 25 years ago, and it has continued to con– tribute to better health for his people. Booker T. shall not have lived in vain. His interest in better health for the unfortunate and neglected Negro must not go un– heeded. Let us answer back to him over the space of time and say: 'Booker T, we heard you call 25 years ago and we are trying to answer it. More hospitals have 0 San Francisco, May 4.--(Vern Smith for CNA).-Union labor, at least in one very powerful union, will not have permanent vigilance committees against religious and racial bigotry. This most modern convention. For a number of years the Ne– gro girls have been unable to se- been provided, doctors and nurses HON. ROBERTS. ABBOTT By unanimous vote, and after discussion all favorable to it, the convention passed a resolution con– demning acts of religious bigotry and racial discrimination and af– firming that "the organized labor cure accommodations in the dorm– atories on Oregon University cam– pus. However, all other colleges in the state permit Negro women stu– dents as well as men, to use any facilities of the college that are open to students of other national- ities. Plans are being laid to make an appeal to the State Board of Edu- cation to rectify this condition. Since this is a state institution, sup– ported by taxpayers, Negroes are entitled to any and all privileges af– forded at this school. ,OR. PJCJ{ENS SP~A 1\:S. AT W. VIRGINIA STATE PORTLAND, May 2-Among are sent afield and health educa– the 'Squad of distinguished chefs tion is being taught. Tuberculosis, and second cooks that were select- the arch enemy of young men and ed to take care of the feeding of women, is being controlled in a the huge crowd which attended most encouraging manner. Vener– the premier of the motion picture, eal disease, syphylis and gonorrhea "Union Pacific," in Omaha, Neb., are discussed without embarrass– last week, were Maloy and W al- ment and definite control meas– ter Davis, representatives from the ures are being projected. Small– Portland Commissary. pox and typhoid fever are seldom These young men were instru- heard of and children's diseases mental in setting a new world's are yielding to better child care record for mass feeding. More and the control of diseases which than 3,000 people were fed in 16 formerly saddened homes. With re– minutes flat at the Colosseum in newed efforts, we are determined Omaha. to carry on that the generation for The Davis brothers are relative- which we are responsible, shall ly new residents of Portland, hav- have abundant health and hap– ing resided here for about six piness. As you have given us the :t.tlVtJ. .. L-~. T: .. '"J ~ld.~ ~ ~~eit;uu c:H~ti• at · ~~ivn., ~~::; y;.;t.t. ~a~ L :au~J tl1e veil wealth of experience in their pro- of ignorance and superstitiOn, we fession. They list among their for- shall lift the veil from a diseased mer places of employment numer- and sickly race." Dr. William Pickens, famous ous hotels, cafeterias, throughout These talks, which are highly Chicago Editor and Publisher, who built one of the largest week– ly newspapers in the world, re– gardless of race, is rapidly regain– ing his health, to the great joy of his thousands of friends through– out the country. Building his newspaper from his "vest pocket" during the past 33 years, Mr. Ab– bott is all the more esteemed be- cause he is a practical printer who had the courage and imagination to make good in a big way. His place in history is secured because with the Chicago Defender he put Negro journalism definitely in the realm of "big business." His paper circulates throughout the civilize world. CATHOLICS SPONSO SOCIAL CENTER movement must take a greater part in the active fight against these anti-democratic elements." The resolution goes on to place the un– ion on record against all racial and religious persecution of any kind. It calls on all local units of the ILvVU to "set up permanent com– mittees within their locals, the purpose and responsibility of which will be to keep check of, investigate and continuously combat all forms and instances of discrimination against any individual or group of individuals because of religion or race." The convention also voted a fur– her resolution, making even clear– er its feding un rhe,matter of dis– crimination against 1'\egro workers , especially, and rebuking those lab- Negro lecturer and orator, who is the middle west, and also the Rock encouraging, were delivered to or leaders and unions who "seek to segregate the Negro worker" into Jim Crow locals or reduce him to a lower status of member– ship. Negro Union Head to Tour the field secretary for the National Island and Missouri Pacific rail- Portland's Negro citizenry in the While there are thirty-two Association for the Advancement I road companies. hope that they too, may aid their Catholic Churches in Portland, all of Colored People, New York Officials of the Portland Com- family doctor and neighborhood in with wide-open doors to welcome City, was the speaker for the Sun- missary stated that these men were the inspirational fight for better the faithful of whatever national– day evening services at the West sd!ected to represent this commis- health for the Negro. ity or race there may be, there Virginia State College, 7 :00 P. sary because of their wide ex- Moving pictures on health were has not been any church which M., on Sunday, April 16. perience and their unfailing ef- shown at Bethel Church and an- has made special appeal to our Chicago, May 4.-( CNA) .- Dr. Pickens has traveled exten- ficiency. other talk on Health Movement colored brethren. For this I Henry Johnson, Negro assistant di- sively in Europe and has made lee- was delivered April 30, 8 P. M at reason the St. Vincent de rector of the Packinghouse Work- ture tours in England, Scotland, Mrs. Cora Calvin Passes St. Philip's Church. . I Paul Society has undertaken to ers Organizing Committee, this Germany, Poland, Russia, and I sponsor the Blessed Martin Social week departed for a nation-wide Austria. On his last trip to Eu- Ozan, Ark.--( C)-Mrs. Cora Catholics Sign Fed'eral Center and reading room, with the tour to prepare P\VOC locals out- rope he visited Spain and made Calvin, second wife of Joseph E. Anti-Lynching Petition hope that here the colored people side of Chicago for an intensive first hand observations of the Calvin, father of Floyd J. Cal- shall find a place where they may campaign to secure a national con- Spanish revolution. Dr. Pickens vin, New York: journalist, died At the regular quarterly meet- meet one another, enjoy a social tract with Armour and Company. has a refreshing store of informa- suddenly Monday afternoon, April ing of the Society of St. Vincent atmosphere amid surroundings to I Don Harris, director of the union, tion concerning the European 17. The funeral was held at Clow de Paul, held April 23, every one their liking, with those of the same left at the same time on a similar crisis, and the subject of his talk on Thursday. Mr. Calvin lost his of the seventy men present signed religious conviction and sympathy. tour. Said Johnson: was based upon some phase of the first wife, Mrs. Hattie M. Calvin, the petition to Congress urging · A series of social and religious "Mr. Harris and I will tour all European question. Music will be mother of Floyd J. Calvin and W. the adoption of the Federal Anti- activities will be offered which of the major packing centers in– rendered by the acappella choir. T. Calvin of Chicago, in 1933. lynching law. we hope will find wide interest. eluding East St. Louis, St. Paul, It will be our attempt to notify Omaha and St. Joseph, Mo., to ad- every Catholic colored person in dress local union meetings and con– Portland as they occur. To make fer with the strategy committees. this possible, we are anxious to To the last detail, we will com– have the names of all those who plete arrangements to bring pres– have been baptized in the Catholic sure of the organized Armour Faith,-if they go to church now workers upon the management in or not does not matter,-we will order to secure our request that a also be happy to receive the names national agreement be negotiated of those who are interested in immediately." finding out about the Catholic Most of the Negro and white ! church. We have already the I workers in the Ar~our plants are · names of thirty-seven Catholics members of the umon. :nd interested parties. I M . A d . I As many as possible should at- Pr~~~d n erson tend the Sunday Lectures and ' Study Club at 3 :00 each Sun- Holding William Tolson is Mrs. Odessa Freeman, Chmonan of club. llJrs. A. S. Franklin smiles as Mrs. Muriel Alberti tickles toes of Marjorie Franklin. __Courtesy The Oregon Journal. 1 day afternoon. will be invited gatherings. Prominent priests to speak at these Mississippi Has Highest Murder Rate Aberdeen, Miss - (C)-Mis– sissippi has the highest murder rate of any state in the world, accord-· ing to L. J. Folse of the State Planning Commission. The state leads the nation in homicides. about 500 a year in a population of 2,000,000. Birmingham, Ala. - (C) - The Birmingham Age-Herald on Tuesday, April 4, carried an edi– torial on Marian Anderson en– titled "Voice of Humanity," in which it said in part: ''It seemed as she sang in Birmingham that the voice of Marian Anderson was the voice of all humanity. Hu– manity in all its sorrmvs, terrors and conflicts. Humanity in ali it~ longings, dreams and di,appoint· ments. Humanity in its trageJy. Humanity in its triumphs. But, most of all, itumanity in its indis- soluble kinship and solidarity."