
O.bserver Port I The .., and ~~~~~~~~~A~N~IN~S~I~G~H~T~O.~N===T=H~E~N~E~~~S~~~~~~~··~~~ Volume I PORTLAND, OREGON, DECEMBER 16, 1938 Negro Business Men Hold Their Own in Oklahoma WOMEN'S COMMITTEE NEWNAACP BRANCH LOUISVILLE, Dec. 14 (ANP)-A woman's committee of the Louisville branch N.A.A.C.P. was organized T h u r s d a y at Phyllis Wheatley branch Y. W. C. A. Twenty younger matrons and misses acted on the mggestion of Mrs. Daisy E. Lampkin, NAACP field secretary, that they must augment the work of the local bmnch. The committee has as its purpose the fo.;tering :>f tht social work of the branch and implement– ing the total progress through the raising of funds. Mrs. Murray At– kins Wall was elected president. o--------------------------- Welcome to The Portland Observer HY FATHER L. 0. STO:\'"E PrelateAids ''CitizensofTomorrow'' Number 1 Bennett Speaker Lauds Birmingham Parley Action ---o LYNCHED MISSISSIPPI YOUTH DECLARED INNOCENT OF CRIME Greensboro, N . C., Dec. 15-Mlss Jane Gillette, Woman's College, Uni- versity of North Carolina. who was a delegate to the Southern Conference m Human Welfare which convened