' .. WANTED It J _j SUBSCRIBE TO Club, Fraternal and Social News t • Y 0 U R so help make it yours by send- I . I ~I This is YOUR Newspaper... 0'"' an nrtutlllniiJ PROGRESSIVE ---i-ng--in__ fu_e_se_M __ ppe __ ru_·n_~_· _________________________ o __ re~g_o_n_~-~--e~g_ro ___ ~e~e~k~ry~----_!~--------------~=N==E=G=R==O=N==E=W==S=P=A=P==E=R== VOLUME 1 Published eaeh Friday PORTLAND, ORE., DECEMBER 8, 1944 PRICE lOe NUMBER 22 A. M. E. ZION TO BURNMORTGAGE FIRST LADY GREETS WOUNDED SERVICE MEN HON. MAYOR EARL RILEY TO SPE~t\K AT SERVICE Rev. J. F. Smith Clears Church of .Larrgest Debt in Five Years of Service. All Day Program Scheduled in Honor of Great Event. · The Pastor, Officers and Members of the African Meth– odist Episcopal Zion Church, 20.07 N. Williams Avenue, are planning to celebrate the burning of the mortgage on their edifice on Sunday, December lOth. In honor of this great event an all day program has been arranged. Notables of the church and of the city government are scheduled to take part in what is always a milestone in the life of any church -release from debt. The program will start with a-------------- at 8 o'clock. Banquet in the basement of the church, beginning at 5 p. m. and This year represents five years lasting until 7 p. m. Mrs. Catherine of service at this charge for the Gray will give a reading on the present pastor, Rev. J. F. Smith. "History of the Church." Mrs. Gray It is his sixth appointment here, is director of the Choir and an An- having served a part of one ap– nual Conference Missionary Work- pointment that was not a full year. His recor.d is one of achievement. er. Mrs. L. M. Bird, a Trustee and President of the Stewardess will Having his heart and soul "in his give the story of the various loca- work, he has brought about im- provements and advancements since tions of the church up to the pres- ent location. Mrs. c. Harris will being in charge here. His accom- give a short resume of the leader- plishments place him head and ship of A. M. E. Zion from the shoulders above the rank and file I establishment of the church. There and his 1'!. 1 embers are justly proud will also be remarks by Mr. I. H. of him and sincerely hope that he Payne, a member of the Trustee is continued in his present position. Board, and Mr. S. Scruggs, Chair- WASHINGTON, D. C.-Guests at an annual Thanksgiving Dinner, sponsored by The Equestriennes, a man of the Trustee Board. Channing H. Tobias To Be Here Sunday group of Government Girls, more than 100 wounded soldiers, sailors, marines and Coast Guardsmen were The program is under the direc– greeted by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt at Lucy D. Slowe Hall in Washington, D.C., Sunday afternoon, Nov. tion of Mrs. Rachel Greene, Mrs. 26. Shown with Mrs. Roosevelt during her addre~ are (left to r·ight) Co!. Can,t.pbell C. Johnson, Executive1,.M:evers Mrs Boyd Mrs Blanche Assistant to the Director of Selective' Service; Mrs. Marie 1 B. Poston, business iltanager of The Equestrien- B· ' R · W N S :th M. nes; Truman K. Gibson, Jr., Civilian Aide t~ the Secretary of W:ar; Dr. Marshall Shepard, Recorder IS: rown, ev. · · . ~ • . IS. Deeds of the District of Columbia; and Mrs. E.Ilen Beckwith, a member of the club. Spurgeon Burke1 man- Lena Bowels, Mrs. Lillian Smith, ager of Lucy D. Slowe Hall, is shown in the background. (Official OWl Photo by Levitt) the pastor's wife, Mr. S. Scruggs, ---- Dr. Channing H. Tobias, Senior Secretary of the National Council Young Men's Christian Association, will be in Portland on Sunday, Dec. lOth. While here Dr. Tobias will First Portland Open Here Soon Legion Post To Colored Baby DR. H. THURMAN Mrs. Amando Redo, and Mr. and Mrs. Coins for the Turkey banquet. Hit of Bond Posters SPEAKS IN CITY At the evening service the actual be guest speaker at the morning "Burning of the Mortgage" will service of Bethel A. M. E. Church take place. The Hon. Earl Riley, at McMillen and Larabee streets, The hit of the Sixth War Loan Drive is destined to be the brown– Proof that Portland is definitely eyed, brown-skinned, smiling baby on the upgrade and really becom- whose likeness graces a poster be- ing . wide awake was given this ing used throughout the country by Negro groups. He is robust, 28-lb. Charles Owens, of Baltimore, Mel., born June 20, 1943. week in the announcement that an American Legion Post is to be established her!!. One of Portland's Already hanging in more than oldest residents and very promin- 200,000 locations from Maryland to ent in the community made the an- California, young Charles exudes nouncement following a meeting all his personality toward the pro– which had been held on Tuesday at motion of the idea of economic se– the Voters Benefit Association. curity through the purchase of War Bonds as a nest egg for tomorrow. Members of an American Legion It started this way. The child's Post in the dow'ntown section came youthful parents, Jerome and Thel- out to give instruction in how to set up the post. Only a few were present at that time and another meeting was scheduled. The next meeting is to be held on F'riday, December 22nd at the Elks Hall, 2504 N. Williams Avenue. All vet– erans of World War I and of the ma Owens, of 1513 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, brought the tot to the Provident Hospital last December 7, suffering with penumonia. He was discharged, hale and hearty on December 22, but not before a Ne– gro welfare group had spotted him and had him photographed. present war are invited to become The picture was shown to the members. Baltimore War Finance Committee, which, impressed ordered a large set of posters made for state-wide use with the "Bones for Baby" ap- loll 0\ N peal and used it in the Fifth War I Loan Drive. Willard W. Allen, of Baltimore, member of the Interracial Section of the National War Finance Di– vision, brought the poster to the attention of the poster committee which unanimously adopted it for official use. Requests from as far as California have been received for posters. These posters are be– ing used during the current drive. According to W. Emerson Brown, treasurer and trustee of Provident Hospital, the 100 Negro employees are all buying War Bonds on the payroll savings p1an-but they miss their little friend, Charlie. Dr. Howard Thurman, dean of Mayor of Portland, will speak as will visit the Vanport Housing the chapel of Howard University will Dr. H. J. Maulbetsch of the Project in the afternoon where he and co-pastor of the Fellowship Portland Council of ~hurches. The is scheduled to speak at Communi– Church of All People's of San Rt. Rev. W. C. Brown, Bishop of ty Center No. 6. Francisco, visited Portland on Wed- ' the Northwest Conference of the In the ev~ning he will speak at nesday of this week to attend one A. M. E. Zion church, will give the the Piedmont Methodist Church un– of sixty one-day conferences spon- response to the mayors speech. Mr. der the sponsorship of the N. E. sored by the Presbyterian church. Kirk Randall is also scheduled to YMCA. The conferences are being held speak. Dr. Tobias is also to be the guest over the country on post war prob- The Presiding Elder, L. W. Me- at several social affairs to be con– lems. The Portland Conference was Coy will conduct the actual mort- cluctecl throughout the city in his (Continued on Page 5) gage burning. The service will start honor. PORTLAND ARMY AIR BASE-Screen star Alan Ladd stops at the bedside of Pvt. James Nettles, Squadron C, for a brief chat during his visit at the base hospital last Sunday and Monday. Foto PAAB, LAB.
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