Portland Challenger_1952-10-31

Stay Informed Vote intelligently November 4. On page 3 of thios issue the editors of the Portland Challenger give you objec– tive coverage on both major 'QOlitical parties. Read these informative ar– ticles. This week's ciriculation is 5,300 ,_ ()J !(.52 )ryv)v~ ''~ng~r- Mrs Verdell Rutherford 833 NE. Shaver St Portland, OR. 97212-1230 Vol. I. No. 14 Portland, Oregon, Friday, October 31. 1952 PRICE 10 CENTS For mer Por tlanders Visit Citv Pupil Needs Aired; City Okehs Church Parents Check Cafe-leria Need Council Fails lo Juslify Aclion For Holladay School Studenls Againsl MI. Sinai Congregation At a meeting of PTA members of Holladay The formal protest of residents against the school last week principal Louis Seggel heard establishment of the Mt. Sinai church at N. E. the pleas of parents to reopen the school's 20th avenue and Going street was voted down cafeteria. The eating place has been closed unanimously Thursday, October 23, by the due to an $800 deficit in the Holladay school City CounciL fund, owing to the lack of_ student patronage.! Over 90 residents and property owners of The parents based the1r requests on the the neighborhood surrounding the building in necessity of hot meals for their question signed a petition pro· children now that cold and rainy Harlem Cheers testing the use of the building for days are here. Adlal· Stevenson "church, lodge or club purposes" According to Seggel, students claiming that it would present a refused such dishes as macaroni serious traffic condition, hazard· and cheese, spaghetti and other Democratic presidential hope- ous to children and seriously lim· well-balanced hot foods. He said ful. Adlai Stevenson toured iting parking space. they loved hot dogs but on days Harlem Monday night and was Upon the recommendation of 1 hot dishes were served, the chil- greeted by a crowd estim:1ted Commissioner William Bowes, the dren left •he cafeteria line and at 200,000. The predominately Council voted unanimously that Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, now of San Francisco, were recent sought other places to eat off Negro throng cheered repeat- the case be filed and given no visitors to Portland. Both are active in Bay area civic activities, school grounds. edly his civil rigl.ts declara · further consideration. Legal ques. BY KATHRYN H. BOGLE To look again on the Portland scene, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Smith of San Francisco spent a .few days of last week in the Rose City visiting with family and friends. The Smiths have been missed greatly in the civic life of this community since their move six years ago to the bay city. An unusual couple, they work in the comunity as a particularly effective team. Mr. Smith, a graduate of Uni– ·;ersity of Kansas, is fiefd secre– tary for the San F'rancisco Ur– ban league with his offices in Oakland and his work spreads through several bay cities. Since h!'!s entry, there have been many achievements in the field of em– 1 Cafeteria Needs Students tions. tion in the case was whether the of the executive board of the Seggel has refused to open the Democratic Representative Mt. Sinai parish would be requir· Fund Crusade, and is a member cafeteria unless parents could in- Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. of ed to provide off-street parking. of the Oakland United San Fran- duce more students to patronize New York lashed out at Eisen- The Council decided, on the basis cisco NAACP. it. He said the cafeteria will have hower ot the meeting and term- of a similar case brought before Smith is also president of his to break even. ed him a "double-faced, doub- the State Supreme Court in 1914, local chapter of Alpha Phi Al- The Holladay principal heard le-talking" candidate who, he that the parish in question will pha fraternity. criticism from some 30 parents- I said, talked pro-Negro in Har · not be required to provide off. Mrs. Smith (Julia Blanchard) only 38 attended the call meet- lem and pro-Southerner in the street parking until they build holds an important interesting po. ing out of 200 notified by letters South. on to the present structure. ~ition. Her title is Rehousing Spe- and telephone calls - and prom- When Eisenhower visited Really No Case cialist for San Francisco's Rede- ised to give them his personal Harlem last week police esiim- It was ruled that there was velopment Agency, and she is re- attention toward improving the ated his crowd at 20,000. actually no case before the Coun- :<ponsible only to the executive cafeteria situation ·if it is finan- cil since the structure, under the nirector. cially possible to open the lunch former ownership of the Tifereth Redevelopment in Portland and room. 1 B 11 Ad •f Israel parish, had already been In San F'rancisco differ in that Seggel brought out the fact that I a room ml s approved for use as a chureh, Portland plans at this point call many of the parents are guilty 4 Negro Couples lodge or club. (Cont'd. on page 4, col, 3) of not giving the students enough Since the sale of the building Local Physician Supports GOP money to buy hot dishes. He Bandmaster Lionel Hampton's to the new parish has already ployment for Negroes. One was Dr. DeNorval Unthank, Port– policy of the Key System. Once land physician and surgeon, J.S a lily-white public t!"ansportation among 26 prominent Negro doc- noted that some .children are giv- long-standing policy of refusing been consumated with a down en only 25 and 30 cents. One in- to play at locations practicing ra- payment of $4,250, the decision cident was cited where a boy had cial discrimination asserted itself by the Council means that Mt. spent $1 on candy alone. again Saturday night, October ll, Sinai now has· full sanction to be· The principal den~ed knowledge at the Jantzen Beach ballroom. gin services. The Reverend M. C. of racial discrimination by res- Four couples, attempting to Cheek announced that the dedi· taurants in the neighborhood in gain entrance to the ballroom, cation ceremony will take place refusing servi-ce to Negro young- were momentarily held back by Sunday, November 2. Regular sters (An examination by a Chal- ballroom manager Sam Amato Sunday school and morning senr· lenger staff member seemed to who informed them that it was ices will also be held. ..cc!Tipany they now hire Negro tors across the nation listed on operators on individual merit the National Program Committee alone. for Eisenhower and Nixon. ::.mith serves as a member of This committee is pledging its the Bov's Work Committee of the support to the Republican party San Francisco Metropolitan YM- and consists of both Democrats CA, he also is an executive 1 and Rep ublicans. Kenneth Henson Advances To Top Medical Position Kenneth Henson, 2107 N. Van- ~ ta, Henson is a long-time Port– couver avenue, has been appoint- land resident, having lived here '·d head medical technologist d I 0ff and on since 1938. He was Barnes VA hospital in Vancou- married in 1948 to the former ver, Washington, it was announ– ced Friday, October 17. The 32- year old ex-University of Oregon extension student has worked as a medical technologist at Barnes for five years. As well as his laboratory duties Henson now also functions as an administrator and co-ordinates 1he work of 5 other technologists who work in 10 labratory depart– ments. He can be called upon tr, perform the duties of any of these technologists. uphold his denial). . the ballroom policy not to have Protestors Testify P arents' Interest Lacking i mixed dances. When the situa- During the hearing several resi· Evidence s~own at the meeti_ng 1 tion was discovered by Ramp- dents of the neighborhood testi– seemed to pomt out a lack of m- ton's manager an argument en- fied their grievances before the terest on the part of the parents sued in which the park manager Council. J. R. McGailliard stated in the discipline and control of was called out of bed and the that although he felt there was their children. Incidents such as contracts of both Hampton and a serious proposition involved he the aforementione9 one of the the park were examined. had "no beef for or against col· (Cont'd. on pag~ 5, col. 3) It was found that Hampton's ored people" and that he "would A •d f.w l I contract contained a clause stat- rather live next door to a decent CCl enf rata ing that his band would not play colored family than some others To Infant h_ "rl I ~t any loca~ion havin~ a discrim- I have known." He claimed that \.:rl matory policy and his manager when the Tifereth congregation M El . M ' ll th then threatened to take his band used the building there was no arva ame cj)owe , ree- from the stand. parking problem because they week-old daughter! of Mrs. Mar- At this point the four couples used fewer cars than would the garet McDowell, 1252 N. Williams Mt. Sinai congregation. • were admitted. They found that avenue, died Saturday, October (Cont'd. on page 7, col. 3) none of the patrons seemed to 25, of injuries suf~ered in a car collision at N. Williams and think "anything of it" and, to the Wheeler avenues. · contrary, "everyone was quite cordial." The baby suffered a fractured The couples were Messrs. and skull and was taken with her mother to the Emanuel hospital Mmes. Charles Maxey, Walter where she died two hours later. McNeil, William Long, all of Mrs. McDowell suffered face lac- Portland, and Maceo Wells and Miss Jeraldine Myer, from Seat- erations and multiple abrasions but is home now and reported to be "doing fine." Dee Blaylock, 44, of 9216 N. tle. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll To our subscribers: Sec. 34.66, PL&R U. S. POSTAGE PAID Besides University of Oregon, Henson also uttended University of Minnesota. He is a registered medical technologist. Henson was a signal corps staff sergeant during the last war, dis– "harged in 1946. He was stationed in the CBI theater and also serv- Milne sheet, was driver of the car in which Mrs. McDowell and .,. the baby were passengers. The cars of Blaylock and Herman L. Fite, 28, of 4135 N. ,Williams ave– Miss Jessie Mott of Portland. He nue, collided headon. KENNETH HENSON If you are not getting your pa – per, please notify us immediate– ly! Thank you. Portland Challenger 3300 N. Williams Ave. MU 4092 ed in Virginia. is the son of Julian Henson at Born in Minneapolis, Minneso- 7120 NE Union avenue. No citations have been issued as yet. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll