Portland Challenger_1954-05-14

BPA AppOintment Goes lo Plummer Challenger BaCk \Chul'ch J.adies This is the second issue of · Ulysses G. Plummer Jr., ban League of Portland and the Portland attorney, has been Portland branch of the National the Challenger since Decem- c Cl 1 p e d ber 4, 19~3. It is the ~nten:tion • ow res• e of :the ed1:tors :to pubhsh regu- Association for the Advancement appointed to the Bonneville of Colored People. He is also a Power Administration gener- member of the Portland graduate al counsel's staff, according to chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi. an announcement from Wil- Plummer is deputy regional di– liam A. Pearl, Bonneville rector for six states of the Na- larly, every other Friday, on :the same basis as before. Cur– rent subscribers may be won– derin·g whether :they are en– :ti:l:led :to continue receiving the Challenger, and :the answer is yes. The $2.50 subscription rate entitles :the reader :to 26 New president of the Portland Council of Church Women is Mrs. C. C. Clow. The prominent Portland church woman was elected to the presidency Friday at the council's annual meet– ing at Westminster Presbyterian church. tional Bar association. He lives Power administrator. at 3975 N. E. Mallory avenue. P[ummer was a s s i g n e d Monday to the real property procurement phases of EPA and will work primarily with condemnation proceedings, Pearl said. I Other officers elected were: Mrs. C. B. Clisby and Mrs. C. C. Smith, vice presidents; Mrs. Roy Gage, recording. secretaJy '--------------1 (pro tern); Mrs. J. M. Robt>lts, issues. corresponding secretary; an d Mrs. Arthur Lind, treasurel'. The new president has been active in the interd nominati hal group of church women for. l6 years. She has held many other offices, including that of record– ing secretary, before· her election as president.. Mrs. Clow has also been recording secretary for th& Oregon C o u n c i l of Church Active in interracial activi– ties, Plummer is a graduate of University of Kansas and Black– stone College of Law at Chicago. He has been a practicing attorney in Portland since 1948. Before coming to Portland, he had been assistant prosecuting attorney for Wyandotte county, Kansas, and is a member of both the Kansas and Oregon bars. Portland, Oregon, Friday, May 14, 1954 PRICE 10 CENTS Women. Plummer is a member of the Oregon fair employment prac– tices advisory committee and a member of the board of the Ur- Lee Gel Post In Lions Club A new Lions club, Portland– Bentham, will receive its char– ter Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the Neighbors of Woodcraft hall. Henry W. Nel– son~ governor of district 36 - 0, will present the charter. The program Saturday night will include a musical revue to be followed by a social hour and dinner. Edgar Lee General chairman or the pro· gram will be Counsellor Floyd South. Officers of the new club are: Edgar E. Lee, president James K. Kida, first vice president; Martin H. Gerrard, second vice president Glenn Mentzel, third vice president; Robert Briggs, secretary; Samuel T. Naito, treas– urer George I. Azumano, lion tamer; and Joseph M. Wong and .Dr. M. R. Nakata, board member: Selected A:ttorney goes to Bonneville Suspension Cui On Frat House Circuit Judge Lowell Mundorff ordered the Oregon State Liquor Control Commission to review the entire transcription on its recommendation to close Benny's Frat House and following the re– view by the OSLCC, a 60-day suspension was trimmed to 15 days. Benny's Frat House had re– ceived the original 6'0-day sus– pension because of an alleged lewd floor show presentation. !Valentine's Trial Now Under Way . Opening argument flew fast as the- trial- of Jimmy Valentine for the attempted kidnapping of George Brice III for _ $125,000 ransom opened ·Thursday. Previ– ously, jurors and other interested JIMMIE VALENTINE "I am innocent." Elected President Woman Aquiled In Murder Trial Joan Hart, 23, of 36 N.E. Far- go street, was aquitted of a charge parties had visite~ the the crime. of second degree murder Monday scene of by a jury of 11 men and 1 woman.- Selection of the jury came on Wednesday when 23 prospective jurors were interrogated by both continued on page 3 She had been indicted on the charge by fatally shooting Henry Hol:tpes, her ''ex-boy friend," last week in Circuit Judge Martin W. Hawkins' court. The club is scheduled to open Y its doors to the public again on NAACP,· Confab Slated,· WCA to Sponsor Tuesday, May 1s. August Family Camp IL R--- d Reduced Fares Available Outdoors activities for the: ast iles Hel Travel reservations at reduced rates can now be made for whole family are to be offered For s~~m HI.nlon the national NAACP convention to be held in Dallas, Texas, by the YWCA. August 14 through U 1 21 at Camp Westwind by the Sea. Last rites were conducted Fri- June 29 to July 4 · If enough reservations are made, two The variety of recreational activ- day for Samuel B. Hinton, for- busses, one from Los Angeles and the other from San Fran– Hies includes even painting and merly of 1833 N. E. Second ave- cisco, to Dallas will be provided. Departure dates will be photography and the fee entitles nue, 58, who died April 25 at a June 25 from San Francisco and June 27 from Los Angeles. families to freedom from cooking, local hospital. Officiating were Planned round trip rates are dishwashing and baby sitting. the Reverend Sylvester McCul- $60 from San Francisco and $ 50 San Mateo to Palo Alto to San Weekly fees are $18 for adults lum assisted by the Reverend R. from Los Angeles. It is necessary Jose to Salinas to San Luis Obis– and children over 10, $12 for H. Anderson. Soloist was William that these reservations be made po to Santa Barbara to Los An- children under 10. Cabin rental is Eliot. before May 15 . geles to Indio to Phoenix to Dal- $10 a week and the charge for Chapel service was held at the las. Pickups can be made any- pitching your own tent is $3.50. Colonial_Mortuary; place of in- A deposit of $ 25 must accom- where along this route. These fees are payable on an terment was the Wilamette Na- pany the reservation application If there is only one bus, it will advance installment plan. tiona! cemetery. which is provided for your con- leave from San Francisco and Reservations can be made at Born in 1895, at Biscoe, Arkan- venience on page four of this is- everyone will pay that fare. If the central registration desk at sas, Hinton was last employed as sue of the Challenger. Applicants sufficient reservations are not the Portland YWCA, 834 S. W. a maintenance man at the North- are warned that no one will be made before May 15 the rates Broadway. Phone BEacon 6281 ern Pacific terminal. He was a carried who needs a chaperon. will necessarily be raised. for further information. veteran of WW II. "It's every man for himself." Call GArfield 3037 or GArfield Camp Westwind is located at Survivors are Walter Lee, 9, You need not be a delegate to 2466 for further information. Three Rox, near Otis, Oregon, son of Portland and Lee, brother, go along for the experience. See the reservation application and is 90 miles from Portland. of Kansas City, Missouri. The route will be as follows: blank on page four. A native of Virginia, Mrs. Cffiw came to Portland 1& years age with her husbandt ministel of Mt. Olivet Baptist church. She is a graduate of the University ()f Oregon. Student lo · Gel Club· ,Schol~rshiP No selection of a winner :· to the annual Beta ;E~a c ka p-t.e r (Sigma Gamma Rho) scho:larship has been made, ~erding to a member &f. thefori\and eha}!teF• . The ·sororitY .recer:~ -:..cag< d its fourth annual tea and fashion show Rhomania at St. Philif}'a parish hall.: Over '60 young _peo– ple took part in the. show. · Winner of the seholarship jn 1953 was Miss Dorothy Hanis; She is now attending Linfield college and sings in the coliege'l!t a cappella choir. The 1952 ' win– :ner was Mi~!: Regil'!<'l Johnc;on. Women instrumental in the success of the fashitm show aDd tea, include: Mrs. Robert lJ€1'i1- don Jr.; Mrs. Robert Herndon Sr.; Mrs. Reuben Overton; Mrs. Wil– liam Bannister Sr.; Mrs. Lawsen Jones Mrs. Claude Lewls ·Mrs. Carl Deiz; and Mrs. DeNorv::~l Unthank. The-re will be a monihlll' meeting of the Urban League of Portland today at St. Ph l– ip's parish hall. Meeting iirtoe is 7:55 p.m. Sec. 34.66 P.L.&R. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 816 PORTLAND, OREGON - ,...- Be Your Own Boss- Vote in the Primaries May21