Portland Challenger_1953-01-09

NAACP Gives Gold Pin, Red Roses to Mrs. Lee The Portland branch of the Na- attitude of the police department tiona! Association for the Ad- towards minorities during the vancement of Colored People pre- mayor's four years in office. sented ex-Mayor Dorothy M. Lee Mrs. Lee has been a member of with a bouquet of red Portland the NAACP for 15 years. In 1939, roses and a gold NAACP member- while she was serving as a state ship pin at brief ceremonies in the city hall last week. Members of NAACP voted to present the ex-mayor with the roses and pin at their December meeting in recognition of the co– operation given their organiza– tion by Mrs. Lee. In a letter to Mrs. Lee, Otto Rutherford, president of the Port– land branch of NAACP, ex– pressed gratitude for her efforts, before and arter during her term as mayor, in the field of inter– group relations. In his letter to the mayor, Ruth– erford noted the Mayor's Com– mittee for Intergroup Relations, the r esultai]t passage of a civil r ights ordinance by the Council and marked improvement in the Herndon Receives NAACP Posilion Rober t Herndon Jr., 1404 N. E. 1st avenue, was appointed Port– land youth chairman of the NAACP by Otto G. Rutherford, president of the Portland branch, December 24. It will be Herndon's responsi– b ility to organize high school stu– dents p ar ticipating in inter-racial p rojects of the NAACP youth council. \ graduate of U11iver .sity of P ortland, Herndon is now an en– gineer at the Bonneville power administration. He is a m ember of Kappa Alpha P si fraternity. Holiday Pictures ln Next Edition The January 23 issue of the Portland Challenger will carry a full page of pictures depicting the holiday spirit of Christmas and New Year's Day. There were many parties and just plain get-togethers and the Challenger was there to record the celebrations with the cam– era for your enjoyment. Keep your eye open for the January 23 issue of the Portland Chal– lenger. Vol. I. No. 19 Portland, Oregon. Friday, January 9, 1953 PRICE 10 CENTS senator, her name appeared on a civil rights measure sponsored by the NAACP and passed by the Senate. Rutherford's letter to Mrs. Lee was written in behalf of the Port– land branch of the NAACP. School Plans Ready; Berry Post Discussed Children To Get ~Booster Shots' Free immunization for pre– school children from the ages of 2 to 5 and school children not previously immunized will be pr ovided in nine city areas from Janunary 15 to May 14. New Eliot School Construction Expected lo Begin in.March Formal authorization, granted by the school board, was given'the Portland school admin– istration to collect bids for the construction of the new Eliot elementary school Thur~day night at the school board in the district ad– ministration building at 631 N. E. Clackamas street. McKay Gives 'High Regards' To Urban League Executive Reports in two national Negro publications that Edwin C. Berry of the Portland Urban league would get the nod from Oregon's ex– Governor Douglas McKay, now Secretary of Interior, for a Negro advisory post to that cabinet spot seemed to be unfounded, accord– ing to sources checked by the Challenger. Complete immunization, "boost- According to Dr. Paul Rehmus, superintendent of the Portland schools, all bids are expected to be in by February and construc– tion will begin by •March. Site of the n ew elementary school will be on N. Flint avenue adjacent to the park at N. Flint avenue and -------'-------- Recent editions of the Pitts- er" or vaccination shots will be administered under municipal supervision on January 15, Feb– ruary 19, March 19, April 16 and May 14 at the Knott Street com- munity center, 77 N. E. Knott street for children of this area. Parents may also take their chil– dren to the Division of Public Health Nursing at 516 S. W. Main street. Russell street . Plans have been completely d rawn for the school which will be full-sized with a gymnasium and a cafeteria. Most of the park which exists now will be saved for u se by both the school chil- Immunizations are for diph- dren and adults. theria, whooping cough, smallpox The school will also provide and lockjaw and the child may shower and locker facilities for have any number of these on the adults and others using either the condition that the parent spepifies park or the school gymnasium. exactly what is to be given . For· It 1 s expected that the s.·. .Jol children who have not previously will be ready for occupancy by been immunized and who want September, 1954. It will be con– the complete treatment these structed to take the place of the shots will be administered in old Eliot school, now condemned, three doses, each a month apart. at 77 N. E. Knott street. EDWIN C. BERRY Capitol Move Rumored Parents are urged to attend with---------------'--------------- their children. Registration at the Knott Street community center will begin at 12:45 p.m. and close at 2 p .m. on 1:he dates specified. At the Divi– sion of Public Health Nursing the hours will be from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Fridays. Children from any area in the city will be accepted in these clinics and the immunizations can also be secured at the University of Oregon Medical school Out-Pa– tient department on Thursday mornings at 11. Job Seeker Must Train, Prepare~~ Qualify for Post '.rhis is the ·second in a. series of five articles by Mark A. Smith, dep– uty commissioner of labor for the state of Oregon ·in the Fair Employ– ment Practice division. '.rhe articles can be of great assistance to ·l;he mi– nority job hunter and the Challenger recommends that its readers keep the series for reference. You and Training for a Better Job-So you have a job. But you want a wanting one· are better one. Of course, a better job and getting different things. To the 1 1 burgh Courier newspaper and Jet magazine predicted that Berry would get the advisory post to , McKay. J et, one of the national weekly n ews magazines, forecast that McKay would name a Negro as one of his top advisers and pre– dicted Berry t o get the call. Urban league officials here couldn't confirm the possibility of such a position going to Berry and knew nothing of the proposed position until confronted w ith the stories in the Cour ier and Jet. McKay wired the Challenger that he had "high regards for E. C. Berr y but at present d oes not know of any position for him in Wa sh ing ton organization." : o.tn Holley, neighbo.-houd ;,;..c r et ar y of the Urban league here, said that the Pittsburgh Courier had asked Berry to write t h em in– formation on McKay and thought that their prediction stemmed from the fact that Berry and Mc– Kay have worked t ogether for the past four years in improving race relations in Oregon. It is Holley's belief that Jet based its forecast on the Courier's rewrite of Berry's McKay story and the familiarity existing be– tween McKay and Berry. Most observers here felt it logi– cal to assume that if such an ad– vistory post was made available in Washington under the Secre– tary of Interior that Berry was the man for the job. MAN ROBBED OF $6 Red Portland Roses Go to Mrs. Dorothy Lee better job seeker the recommen– dation reduced to simplicity is pr epare, train and qualify. Some– times, it is WHO you know, but always, it is WHAT you know. Possessing the most dynamic per– sonality coupled with the most acceptable work habits the indi– vidual seeking to improve his po– sition in employment finds a high degree of skill vitally important. and faster toward mechanization and higher skill in all walks of life. Employees of today must put into all occupations a better kind of preparation, intelligence and character than was required a few years ago. In the world of business and industry promotion comes in direct proportion to the amount of supplementary train- Bodily overpowered and robbed of $6 Christmas afternoon was Valentine Gette, 65, of 261 N. Fargo str.eet. The incident oc– curred at N. Williams avenue and Monroe street. Mrs. Marie Smith, former president of Portland's NAACP branch. and U. H. Leverett. second vice pres· ident, present ex-Mayor Dorothy Lee with a bouquet of red roses as Mrs. Warren Marple, secretary, and Mrs. Verdell Rutherford, first vice president, look on. (Oregon Joumai'Photo) ing one acquires. Job Requires Training 1 I The common error of most un– successful seekers of better job opportunities is that they seek the better job "half-shod." You may know a great deal about that job you want. But, are you sure you are equal to it? Can you master it? It must be remembered that the better job requires more train– ing than the poorer one does. The stock clerk, whose duties require a knowledge of unpacking merchandise, assorting, checking and properly placing it in stock for the salespeople will find that in order to become a salesperson certain additional knowledge is needed. Some specialized train– ing in psychology, sociology, speech and salesmanship will come in mighty handy. (Continued on page 3)