Portland Challenger_1952-08-22

Page 4 PORTLAND CHALLENGER Friday. August 22. 1952 Kots Prove Too Much For Apes in 8 to I Win Prep Stars Hustle for Shrine Tilt Paint by Jennings With Bob Herndon's brilliant three-hit pitching leading the way, Kappa Alpha Psi romped over an athletic-shy Alpha Phi Alpha nine 8-1 Sunday at Columbia park. . The climax of the annual Alpha-Kappa picnic, the game held little consolation for the losing Alphas as they watched "Bullet Bob" set down 16 brothers via the strikeout route. It was the second successive win for the Kappas in the soft– ball series. And they wasted lit– tle time in getting to Alpha's l moundsman lefty Wilson Walker. Alert base running by Art Shep– herd and Herndon accounted for two runs in the second inning. Score Two Runs They tallied twice more in the fourth and once in the fifth. A spectacular running catch by A Phi A's Ted Burger of Shepherd's line drive to deep right center field choked off any more would– be Kappa runs in the fifth. Burger's fine stab came with the bases loaded. Although the Kaps scored two more runs in the sixth inning, : fine defensive work by Bennie Hamilton and Carl Deiz stopped another Kappa rally. Strikes out 16 Alphas It wasn't until the Kappas had scored their eighth and final run that the Alphas came to life. Hamilton's screeching drive to left field-by far the hardest hit ball of the game-was good for a double in the ninth. Mrs. Oteria Lott Takes Altar Step Do Own Work Terms 6 to 36 months Call after 7 p.m. WE 1702 106 N. Monroe Services in Real Estate Herman C. Plummer and Co. 2752 N. Williams GA 7763 BETTER CLEANING! Ellis Cleaners John Ellis, Prop. 3304 N. Williams WE 3898 SEMLER'S Sporting Goods Photo Equipment 500 S. W. 3rd & Washington AT 4565 Glamorous Pictures Ballzegar's Photos EM 0979 9 N. E. Halsey Hardy's "New Look" We Give S&B: Green Stamps Shoe Bepair & Shine Phone MU 4732 11 N. Russell Quietly married Tuesday nignt were Mrs. Oteria Lott and Mr. William Nicholson. The ce~·emony With the Shrine game set for Saturday. August 23. these two city all-stars rush through their ball-handling paces. Here ~en Deane. Roosevelt, hands off to Washington's Odie Canada. Od1e plans io '-------------.....1 Bowman's Drive Hot took plac~ at the St. Luke Ep– iscopal church in Vancouver. enroll at OTI soon. (Allan deLay ph;.::o.:.t:.:o..:..>:.___________ 1 I OIL. GAS and WOOD CIRCULATORS Joe Bowman's liner to shortstop Father Lee 0. Stone. Portland, Ruth Reed Hosts U. G. Plummer was just a little administered the vows, M;:. And h JUST OPENED too much for the old timer to Mrs. Edwin Berry were be!>t man Backyard Brune Service 24 Hours handle and advanced Hamilton and matron of honor and Mrs. A back yard brunch proved Home Cooked Meals Blue Ribbon Barbecue $5.00 Furniture Exchange d d I Ollie Epps, Prop. to third. Hamp score on a passe Cora Minor was witness. Othei".> quite the thing for guests of Mr. 2017 N. Williams ball for the Alphas' sole run of were in attendance. and Mrs. Joe Reed, 1516 S. E.·,________"""""""'_ _,_'"'l .---------------; 2621 N. Williams GA 3583 the game. Immediately following the 49th avenue, Sunday, August 17. A. B. James-Benj. Dean Richard Neal, of Neal Drug, ceremony the wedding guests and Given in the honor of Mr. and M I • P. W. Wilborn. operator·mgr. and E. Shelton Hill, of the Port- newlyweds attended a w':'!dding Mrs. Arthur Lee Simpkins of Los YS erlOUS land Urban league, played sec- supper given at the home of Mrs. Angeles, the brunch was held in Billy Smi!h ond and shortstop respectively Cora Minor. the attractive back yard of the for the lively Kappas. Nicholson, an elementary tea- Reeds. Tables were set up with 1500 N. Wheeler VE 9163 IDEAL BARBER SHOP 6 N. E. RUSSELL Hill proved no fluke when, hit- cher in Pittsburgh, Pa., plane; to big lawn umbrellas to shade the ting for Shepherd in the eighth, return there Monday to fulfUl sun from the guests. 1 &iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;.;;;;;jjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iijiiiii he promptly lashed Walker's first , 1 teaching contract. The new Mrs. Guests at the afternoon food- delivery for a single to center- Nicholson works with the o•1.blic fest included Attorney and Mrs. field. He was thrown out in an ·;,relfare commission of Port 1 and. u. G. Plummer; Dr. and Mrs. De– attempted steal of second. . ·,~;:4-- __ _::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.::=----~ Norval Unthank and the doctor's MU 9298 Next on the Greeks' athleti 1 mother from Kansas City, _Mrs. agenda is a team golf tournament :(.eisure Hour Tourney T. c. Unthank; Mrs. Cora Mmor; slated for the first part of Sep- Mrs. Letitia Brock; Attorney and tembcr. The Leisure HGur golf club Mrs. Carl Johnson of Kansas City; Measure qour SAVINGS! Yes, you can COUNT your savings when you go P. T. C.! Surveys have shown that it's far cheap– er to take the bus than to drive your car! It's QUICKER ..SAFER ;;;~"/ is holding its annual links tour- Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Dancey, Mrs. nament Monday and Tuesday. Sophie Gordon; William Hilliard August 25-26 at Tualatin Coun· and Miss Beverly Brock; Mrs. try club. Clara Graham; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Club members expect 100 lis Williams; Mrs. Edwards; and out-of-town golfers io swell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee Simp– the ranks of competitors. Tourney entrant fee is $10. This includes the alter-tourney dinner-dance in the clubhouse. Non-golfers can purchase :tickets to the dinner-dance for $3 by contacting Vernon Gas– kin. GAfield 8945. BETTER BARBECUE EATS Nance's Playhouse Specializing Barbecue Steak, Chicken Chops Open 24 Hours D. L. Nance, Prop. 31 N. E. Cherry Compliments of Keystone Investment Co. 1453 N. Williams Ave. kins. Frat House Plans Football Party Benny's Frat House. formerly the Fraternal hall, to be the scene of an after-game-get-to gether for Norm Van Brocklin. Wod!ey Lewis. Ollie Maison and other members of the Los Angeles Rams' and Chicago Cardinals' professional football tewns. according io Bennie Hamilton. club manager. Frolic and Fun·Wilh Your Friends at the CASBAH Food and Drinks 2014 N. Vancouver Ave Phone TU 9131 Thorough Eye Examinations Latest Style Frame Continuous Vision Lenses Credit Accounts Welcomec' 011en 9 "uO 6 Da.Uy Mondays Downtown to 9 P. :M:. 1\s~nciate Optometrists: Dr. Geo. Marumoto, br. Jack Patton You11t Racing DOLLAR Where it Goes • •• flu- rf'prNeut• eYer)' dull.u fJ;lUIItll tltrou11h Multnom•h Krnnd Clul.'~ I. and~ durm,~t 1951 .uul '"'"" 11 '"lot fl.tld out TheH llr•trM h.t~t' ltt'1" <'OA!Julf'd Iron. uftln"l f.-l·~onl .. •ud IHHht. 'iulonullt•rl l•y \1ultuunuh t< .-u~ wl I :lulo ~Jfi/ MUIIRAY KEMP. I'N!Jid~tU