
I Page 8 New Mayer Hotel Rooms by Qay, Week or Month Reasonable Rates Excellent Location - Near all Trolley Lines N. w. 4th at Glisan. ATwater 7987 David Nance, Mgr. SHASTA CAFE and LOUNGE BREAKFAST- SHORT ORDERS SOUTHERN STYLED DINNERS SOFT DRINKS - MUSIC OPEN 24 HOURS Corner NW Glisan at 4th Ave. KEYSTONE LUNCH 1461 N. Williams AvenJJe Breakfast l:J.. Lunch Dinners SHORT ORDERS 24 Hour Service Mrs. Ha.zel Johnson, Mgr. Call BEacon 1133- Ask for ROY LOMBARD Expert Laundry and Dry Cleaning Curtain Cart a Specialty PROMPT SERVICE ASK YOUR FRIENDS MEDLEY I HOTEL CAFE Excellent Food Serving All Meals and Short Orders FIRST C'LASS SERVICE 2274 N. Interstate Ave. Open 7 A. M. to '11 P. M. HERBERT LEWIS, Prop. Pictures Obtainable In the future, any pictures ap- pea.ring In the Observer may be purchased at our office, at nom- inaJ cost, 201'7 N. WiDiams Ave. THE PEOPLE'S OBSERVER September 30, 1944 Fine for Non-Voters clause in their platform. I for one Suggested by Kaiser certainly had not." Henry J. Kaiser, theshipbuilder, Representative Hamilton Fish, who is chairman of the newly- I prominent New York Republican formed Non-Partisan Asspciation member of Congress made this for Fran,chise Education, Inc., said statement to Miss Pauline Myers, that he welcomed the suggestion to administrative secretary to the Rev. include a Negro member, at the W. H. Jarnagin, director, Fratern– first meeting of the group, held at al Council of Negro Churches, in tLe University Club, 1 West 54th an interview here last week. Miss street, Wednesday. Myers revealed the nformation in Mr. Kaiser made the statement a long statement released last in response to a suggestion by Neil Tuesday. Scott, of Neil Scott Associates, Representative Fish, declaring who recommended that Walter that any attempt to abolish seg– "White or A. Philip ltandolph be regation would "start another war" added to the membership. Kaiser refused to have anything to do ed the .anti-discrimination order onwas true, for attempts at strict seg– the ground that this policy prevent-regation resulted in increased racial ed trouble. The reverse actuallyfeeling and incidents. +--·---·-··-··-·-·-··-·-··-·--·~~-·--··-··-·--··-·---·--··--·-··-·~-+ 1 i f BEi\UTY OPERATORS WANTED f i i j Out of State Licenses Acceptable j i i j Call Mrs. Vivianne Barnett • i t I LA VIVIANNE BEAUT.Y SHOPPE I f 524 N. Broadway Portland, Ore. MU 9912 f +--•-•-u-••-•--•-••--•-••-••-••--•-•.-n-••--•-••-••-t~•-11.-H-tl--•+ TRinity 7421 ruggested that a fine be imposed with the fraternal council's propos- GEORGE OLSON'S on all persons who do not exercise ed amendment. the right to vote, modeled on the "I don't believe in miscegnation BR0ADW J LL PHARMACY Aust!alian plan. and intermarriage and all that PRESCRIPTIONS - DRUGS - SUNDRIES The aSISociation he said, was u,.- stuff," he declared. "Negroes ought Complete Foufttain Service dertaking the "u~ique task of en- ,j to be proud of their race and glad N B d W"'l" P 1 d 0 . roa way at li 1ams ort an , regon gaging actively in a politicai cam-/ to stay i_n it. The! ,ought _not to ~========================il paign without plumping for any be wantmg any mixed regiments. particular candidate," and chal- To permit Negroes to fight 'fith lenged both political parties to white men in a mixed regiment is adopt the plan he proposed for the same as inviting Negroes in an getting citizens to exercise their 'exclusive white club.' Negroes voting rights'. ought to fight for civil rights and stop pushing themselves on white W k St "k Whe people. I repeat, white people or ers r1 e n 1 d , , 3 Negro Girls Up·graded on t want you. -------- Jersey City, N. J.-(ANP)- Walkouts and more walk-outs Eisenhower Aide were in in progress Friday at P. Bans Segregation !Lorillard's cigarette plant when ('Continued from Page 7) officials upgraded three Negro segregation of Negro soldiers. This girls to machine jobs which pre- was considered difficult inasmuch viously had employed whites. as combat divisions composed main– Immedately following the girls' ly of white southerners passed . promotion, Kitty Brady, a white •through or ·were stationed near shop stewardess, went to Roy bases where colored soldiers of the Thomas, president of Local 218, service·of supply were on duty. International Tobacco Workers Certain local commanders ignor- AFL, and complained that the col- ored girls did not have enough seniority to warrant the promo– tion. Thomas contacted company officials and the girls were remov– ed from the jobs. The 70 Negro men employed in the plants walked out in protest. "When the shop committee held a meeting it was decided that the colored girls had merited the pro– motion and they went back on the machines. After this aotion all the white girls walked out of the plant. Hamilton Fish OKs Jim Crow Washington-(ANP)- "I do not favor abolishing segregation and allowing Negroes to force themselves on white people. I do not think the Republican party had any idea of abolishing segregation n the army when they wrote that i Letter to Editor: (Continued from Page 1) capital "S ?" Is that what our boys are giving their lives for; fighting to come back to a world of segrega– tion, a world under the rule of the vhite man's whims? ' Sincerely, A Few Disgusted Negro· Students U -NEEK CLEANERS Expert Cleaning, Pressing BROWNIE & SPICER, Managers Medley Hotel Bldg. 2272 North Interstate Portland, Oregon LOOK OUT FOR "THE JOKER'~ -~n the "Burke Bill". Just as in 1918 the "drys" are at it again. Protect your freedom– defeat prohibition. VOTE 313110 Paid Adv. The Anti-Prohibition Committee of Oregon. G. J. McPerson, Chairman; Pearson-4th Ave. Bldg., Portland +--··----·---·-·-·-.. ---··-··-·----·-·-·-·~··--·--··-+ J WILLIAMS A VENUE GRILL J i Hospitality • Distinctive Atmosphere i I f I We Specialize in Home-Cooked Meals SOFT DRINKS MUSIC N. Wiiliams Ave. at Weidler Phone MU. 9623 Night, GA :.l'l29 A VRITT'S GARAGE Truck and Auto Repairs 8707 N. VANCOUVER AVE. POBTLAND, OBE Two Convenient Stores N. E. Union Ave. and Hancock S. E. 12th and Hawthorne GA 4602 LA 1165 FURNITURE, RUGS, APPLIANCES Open 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. I i i 111--·-....-··-·-··-·-··-.-.·--·-··--·-·-··--··-·-·---+ The Victory Club 1466 N. E. Williams Court VErmont 9483 DELUXE CAFETERIA OPEN 24 HOURS - DISTINCTIVE FOUNTAIN SERVICE - RECREATION ROOM "LITI'LE JOE" SMITH, Manager CIGARS-LOUNGE-BILLIARDS ~ cLUii"'ACiiE ~ 1500 N. Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon Results on AU Sporting EW1IIts ••••••••••••••••••••••••• WALTER WARE'S COCKTAIL BAR SERVICE PARTY ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATI'ENTION 638 EAST BURNSIDE STREET EAst 4357 Portland, Oregon, The Charter Members of the COTTON CLUB 215 MAIN STREET, VANCOUVER, WASH. Invite you to avail yourselves of their ENTERTAINMENT and RECREATIONAL QUARTERS Deluxe Mod'ern Restaurant Serving All Meals PAYROLL OHECKS CASHED- NO CHARGE M. S. Williams fl ~·---··-·-·-··- ..-..--··-··-··-·-.. -··-··-··-·-··-·-~~--··-·+ ·------------------------· ./ -· '