
.. Page 2 THE PEOPLE'S OBSERVER VETERANS' GUARD AND PATROL AUXILIARY POLICE UNIT I GENERAL HEADQUARTERS PLATOON, COMPANY 1-Capt. H. S. Payton, Commanding Officer. Post Command, 20 N. Cherry Street, Portland, Oregon, AT 6611-Ext. 113. FIRST ROW, bottom-Charles Patterson, Lt. B. Strain, Sgt. C. E. Ivey, Col. R. E. Humes, Chief of Staff; Commander John J. Keegan, Company Commander Capt. H. S. Payton, Sgt. S. H. Duke, Sgt. Roy Collins. SECOND ROW, middle--B. Burnette, H. Hones, Cpl. S. J:ohnson, P. Robinson, R. L. Spicer, S. Payne, Sgt. Wm. Browne, Sgt. S. G. Williams, H. Morris, G. Graham, T. Tave, J;, L."Wasson. THIRD ROW, top-F. Strain, J. Johnson, H. Hoy, T. E. Allen,· J. Cantrell. J. D. Benjamin, R. Arnold. IUEMBERS ABSENT and enrollments since picture--J. Braggs, A. Burke, L. Banks, W. Cochrane, E. Caldwell, S. Cannon, J. Crane, C. Edwards, S. Denton, A. Dunn, J. C. Dilworth, A. Etherridge, J. Flood, W. H. Ford, E. Green, J, Gatlin, M. Gerald, B. Isadore, F. Jackson, C. Jackson, C. Johnson, M. Morehead, . Newton, E. Palmer, W. Perry, E. Smith, S. Smith, H. Sileas, G. Sewell, Cpl. D. Webber, S. Wilson, H. Wooten, A. Harris, R. Bennett. Serving in Armed Forces-0. D. ohnson, John Johnson. August 31, 1944 vVomen's Club Auditorium on S. W. Taylor St. in "downtown" Portland. Music was by Bob Backer's Orchestra. Some of the patrons partiacipated in a very lively sh.ow of talent during inter– mission. There is a real "Orch" in the club. Several members attended a meeting in Seattle. Meetings are being held in the Vancouver area in the study of the 1 First Congregational Church, 1+th and Mian, Vancouver. This local branch is being organized, and is still quite young. There is a good showing already which is rapidly increasing. Great things are being planned, and all clubs can ·be as– sured of wholehearted oooperation. COMING! There will be a dance at one of the housing projects in the near future. Watch for time and place. There will be a program soon at the Barnes General Hospital for the soldiers. A pageant is planned for the seventeenth of September. Keep these programs in mind, and watch the Observer for dates and places. That's all f,olks- THIS UNIT of the Veteran's Guard and Patrol has the following area under its supervision: On the Northwest side, Burnside to Glisan, Broadway to the river front; Northeast side: Russell to Sullivan's Gulch, Union Avenue to the river front. CORRECTION I A corr.ection fr.om last issue: =========================================================Misses Lucille and Clara Jordan Y0 U TH PARADE I MCLO ghlt •n friendly little tike, and the pet of 1 J d U or an are not new friends of the H • h N the neighborhood. Hundle_rs; they are part of the 0 'STA~CE J MANEY, Editors erg ts ews Mrs. Vonnie Howard, from home tO\Yn gang fro~ Huntsville. Houston, Texas, is an accom- P. S. MAILBAG! By GERTRUDE \VILLI A birthday party for Taylor was enjoyed h1 an ~ c u sive few on the 19th. Those pre ent were Ricardo Winslow, Eu· gene Fuller, Dolores \Vilkiri>vu, George Davis, Samuel Wilkin ·on. and yours truly. The refreshments were delicious and plentiful (ell Ricardo). \.Ve realy had a fine time for it was 'over only too soon. 1 * * * * * rtie \Vinslow was in town for By HATTIE Cox plished seamstress, a very welcome Letters in the mailbag from Pvt. ardition to our community, eh, John D. Ellis, who was recently girls? Mrs. Marvin Dumas left last Tuesda)l ·with . her little on,es to visit parents in Texarkana, Ar– kansas. SOCIAL WHIRL of Barnes General Hospital. Pvt. Ellis is in Spokane now, and do- ing nicely. Also letter from Pvt. _..., Leon Wright, South Pacific. "Your Tho't in Flowers" The Royal Order of the Ph~l'Vs j __.,. introduced themselves with a very \ i 1 J·' ..,. Mrs. W. H. Rodgers enter– tained quite informally friends from home Sunday afternoon. These very charming people from Huntsville do have fun at their "get-to-gethers." LIND & POMEROY mellow ()arty on the 1 9th. This 23rd as Ricardo had presumed. ~ was really a "hep jump" and the Wasn't it fine! I had a sharp ./ boys were considered most charm- time! Really mellow! These were \ flowers ing hosts by the young ladies so the expressions that could be heard fortunate as to have been invited. after the party given by Mrs. The Royal Order of the Pharos George Scott for her niece, Emes– is a club recently organized by tine Sims. The place was really some of Portland's teen age boys. jumping! The guys and gals took Incidentally each boy has joined over and-. really had a ball! The the Y. M. C. A. and therefore food was delicious and the punch have this organization behind was really refreshing after one of them. 1 those 12-inch jump records. To =========================== 1 make the evening complete John MRS, BEATRICE REED Lady Attendant HOLMAN & LUTZ The Colonial Mortuary "So Much in Service 1 So Little in Cost" N. E. 14th and Sandy EAst 4111 Minor Jr. took flash bulb pictures of the group and various individ– uals. * * * * * The young men of Portland are really going to hate to see our three charming debutantes leave for college. June Rand, Rose Marie Bfock, and Bettie Ruther– ford are going from our fair city in search of higher education. I knot.'" that all Portland wishes them the very best of luck on their new adventure. * * * * * IS IT TRUE ? ? ? That B. V. G.'s "one and only"' is J. P. That V, N. is getting to be a "hep chick" That L. M. M. still goes for S. W. A. Y. D. ACTIVITIES The American Youth for De- -IN OUR MIDST I J mocracy (A. Y. D.) gave a dance 2716-26-28 N. E. UNION AVE. 'As near as your Telephone' GArfield 1181 · Baby Joan Ellis has been ill, but and a very highly entertaining pro– IS feeling fine now, up and about, gram. It was well attended by a playing again. We are ·very glad, very jolly and interesting crowd. too, because Baby "Jo" is a very This affair was given at the.~========================~ ORDER OF PHARAOHS HOLD FIRST GET-TOGETHER The Order of the Pharaohs better advantages for the boys of been a scout master for both cub gave their first general get-together Portland's teen-age set. of the coming fall season at the home of a loyal member, Gene Gibbs of N. Ross avenue. The Phar.aohs are a group of young teen-agers of Portland and vicinity who, under the capable guidance of Mr. Maxey, their ad– visor, are aiming for higher and The club held a swim at the YMCA last Tuesday and after– ·wards played basketball. The YMCA is open to the use of the boys for their winter sports and activities. Mr. Maxey has always been in– terested in boys' activities. He has and boy scouts, and he is doing very well indeed with his undertak– ing of the Pharaohs. • Officers of the club include: Richard Joseph Parker Jr., as president; Harold Hoskins, vice– president; T. Wesley Burger, sec– retary; William Clinton Graves, treasurer, and Lawrence Campbell as Sargeant-at-arms.