Oregon Advance Times_1968-09-12

Political Views ADVANcE 1Y~ ~ rn~ ----. Demonstrations Continued Letters Dear Editor: lbe Oregon Advance/TIMES Publishing Company, Inc., lj<)n-profi~ COJ:l)Oration, Publisher Chairman of the Board •.....• , ..•.......... . .... ,.. ·..... Roz.ell Gilmore Vice-Chairman ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•.•••.. Hazel G. Hays Offices at 7U-1/2 N. E. Alberta, Portland. Phone ••.••....••• : • 288-6409 Mailing Address •• , •••••••.••• Post Office Box 11274, Portland, Oregon 97211 Subscriptions: Bymail, $4.50 per year in advance. By carrier, 40¢ per month (voluntary) STATEMENT by EMILE SUMMERS The reverberations are still going on in respect to the recent Democratic con– vention, and the words "pro" and "con" are many. Many people criticize the Vice President for not having done something to stop the dis– graceful show that went on during the convention, but what puzzles me is why blame Mr, Humphrey? The demonstrations were lbe Oregon Advance/TIMES goes to press weekly to serve residents of the l'sorth-North– east Central area of Portland with news about the life of our community; information on the opportunities before us; discussion of the social and political issues that confront us. lbe Oregon Advance/TIMES gives to our community a newspaper which factually reports the news of our area and aggressively seeks the full rights of our ciuzens. It will pro– vide a forum for community expression and help people become more conscious of their obligations to themselves and their community, ln all this, the truth, as we see it, will be consistently presented. not for him; they were against Page 2 Vol. 1, No. 34 Thursday, September 12!.~ him and if anyone should -..;....-------------------------------- have stepped in and made an Model Citie1 P,og,am Taken Shape effort to curtail the activities it should have been the man they were supporting. Sen– ator McCarthy, whose plat- Now that the Model Cities Program is emerging from its embryonic stage and beginning to take shape, it is emerging as a possibly feasible operation which may, as it grows into maturity, develop into a full– fledged project of its own. The staff has been working hard to conceive and deliver a program that will be both purposeful .and far-reaching. The purpose, of course, is to gain citizen participation through job opportunities and in-service training for staff and volunteers, and to present to all who would be inquiring, a current, precise and ample supply of materials and information pertaining to the Model Cities area and its residents. Some of the problems are numerous complaints of resi– dents that they know nothing about the Model Cities area, and there are not enough resi– dents involved in the program. The present Model Cities In– formation Center is a center for agency services and does not specifically provide infor– mation for and about Model Cities. This Center is also not easily accessible for all Model form they were demonstrat- ing about, the one on Viet Cities residents. Nam, should have talked to The goals of the program are the people and made them simply to reach all the citizens realize that what they were doing did not concur with his of the Model Cities area by peace policy. That the Sen- providing information regarding ator is a sincere man there all Model Cities programs, proj- is no doubt, and his views deserve to be heard; that is ects and other activities, and what is known as the Demo- to get residents involved to a cratic way. Also, after cam– greater degree by providing ' paigning as hard as he did, easily accessible facilities for it no doubt was very dis- . . appointing not to win the these purposes. Prov1s10ns nomination, but the public should be made so that the resi- opinion of the party and the dents of the area can utilize the convention reached a low center for community activities. There will be four centers strategically located to serve the eight elementary school at– tendance areas of Model Cities. A center would s e rv ice each of these areas: Vernon– Woodlawn, Sabin- Irvington, Eliot-Boise and Rumbolt-King. Nine full-time people would be hired, two people for each center and a coordinator. All people hired are to be Model City residents. The center should be large enough to accommodate up to 50 people. There will be provisions for part-time clerical and secre– tarial help as part of our in– service training. point that he, and I believe he alone, could have pre– vented. ••••••••• Black History ••••••••• Much of late has been said concerning Negro history, and the lack of knowledge has been appalling, even by the Negro himself. Of course, there is a reason for the Negro to be ignorant of the contributions his race has made, not only to the United States but around the world. This is because he was too busy listening to the white man discuss what he had done and failing to mention that there was a black man also involved, Wbife1 Still Fea, Black, So now it can be told: Alex– ander Pushkin is recognized as the Father of modern Russian literature. Ancient Egyptian history shows they had important as well as il– lustrious black leaders who built some of the great cities, temples and pyramids. Ne– gros in Africa were among the first to make iron. This was known by white and Ne– gro scholars for half a cen– tury, but it never appeared in textbooks. Senator Mark Hatfield, speak– ing before a group of Christian men recently, stated that our country is presently preoccupied with fear. This writer is in full agree- .ment with the Senator, and there– fore attempts to discuss some of the reasons and solutions to the problems of fear. It appears that fear is more intense in the white communi– ties than in that of the blacks. This fear seems to be based on the beliefs that the blacks , are working overtime to destroy ·the whites and all they stand for. Also, a fear that the black man is getting too many hand– outs. In appraising the matter, the average black man is puzzled by his white brothers' fear. First of all, the black man feels that he should rightfully be the one to fear. After all, he has been the victim through– out U. S. history. The black man was the person lynched, beaten, jailed and mistreated, in many cases for no reason. The black man is the one who lost home and family in the · riots which took place over the country. The black man is the target of most of the hate literature circulated throughout the coun– try. Yet, with all this, he re– fuses to panic. Usually, one does not have to talk very long with a white man to realize that he is suffering from a fear of blacks. The fact that white in Port– land have had no confrontation with blacks does not seem to give release to this fear. So, the only conclusion we can come to is that the whites are hung up on that old tale of fearing blacks only because they are black. New, a View,--------- IT'S NEWS WHEN IT HAPPENS TODAY - IT'S VIEWS WHEN WE READ IT TOMORROW! It was the Africans' ex– perience in mining that was such a help to the Spanish and Portuguese after gold was discovered in America, and a Negro planted the first wheat crop in America, when he accompanied Hernando Cortez to Mexico; or how about a Soul Brother named Estevenico (which I believe would be Steven in English) whose search for the seven cities of Cibola led him to discover Arizona and New Mexico for the Spanish? Yes, we have been around for quite a while and the facts to prove it are just coming to light; yes, we have had genius show up in the midst of every skill that is known to man - machinery, science, the medicines, clothing and the cobbling business. Both women and men who have done their race proud, and any young black student who sits beside a white student today need not feel inferior when they start extolling the virtues of the white race, because 10 to one, if you dig into the details, you will find a black man or woman also had a hand in the pie, Refusing to accept defeat in a gracious manner as did Sen. McGovern and not get– ting behind the party's can– didate to help get him elected in the fall was very disap– pointing to me; everyone can not be a winner, but in the loser's corner, I like to re– member what the late Adlai Stevenson quoted when he was defeated by General Eisenhower: "It hurts too much to laugh, and I'm too big to cry." · Mr. Stevenson did not take his marbles and go home; instead, he con– tinued to be a popular figure in public life, It takes no special type of man to be a bad loser, but the one who can shrug off defeat and say, "Walt until next time," is a big and think– ing lcind of man. Of course, TV had a lot to do with the publicity the con– vention received. It was a known fact before it convened that the networks were very unhappy at the expense they had to go through transfer– ring their equipment from Florida to Chicago, and they made it obvious by having 1 their cameras trained on either the bad part of the police scene or else holding very boring interviews on the convention floor while im– portant debates were going on. Who doesn't get the urge to show off when they are on nationwide TV? Incidentally, The Citizens for Humphrey were fonnally opening his headquarters at 12 noon Wednesday, Septem– ber 11. The address is 1029 S, W. Alder. It will remain open five days a week and everyone is welcome. For– mer Congressman Bob Dun– can is the State Chairman for the Vice President and is hard at work setting up campaign headquarters throughout the state and is hopeful of a successful re– sult in November. Speech by MRS. FAYE LAYDAY When the problems are as serious as war and poverty, discrimination and unrest; when the gap of communica– tion is widening within the society and between the par– ent and child, it is not enough for a citizen to be content just to register and vote, We feel it is unwise to vote simply because the candidate has a familiar name, or for the candidate who can afford the most expensive campaign. We citizens must get to know the various candidates and the function of the positions or office which they fill, This is the only way we can vote intelligently to fill the position with the right candi– date to do the best job of ad– ministering to the needs of the people and helping to heal the often-called "sick" so– ciety. Again you have an excellent issue of the Advance(I'IMES. I believe I mentioned before that I would like to see these on newstands. We voted to have the black youngsters join our young– sters in the area school last week for school. The next step is for you folks to move· into our area. We have one family in Garden House and it is a rare day we think of her as colored. She is just our friend and our kids' playmate's mom. If there were to be preju– dice, and I'm not saying there wouldn't be, you peo– ple would have to just be yourselves. We would soon judge you only as you would judge us - neighbors. To the Editor: Sincerely, Mrs. A, C. We, the undersigned mem– bers of the Democratic Party, hereby express our indignation that our recently elected national Committee– man (by virtue of one quarter of the votes cast in Oregon's Democratic Party), Mr. Blaine Whipple, saw fit to protest the actions of the forces of law and order dur– ing the National Convention of our Party, but failed to offer one word of criticism concerning the rioters, who were waving Viet Cong flags and attempting to destroy the American Flag. In addition these people were assembled illegally and were hurling bottles and stones at the members of the police who were attempting to clear the streets, Critics of the police action seem to think that such riot– ing is permissible and com– mendable, but we who are loyal and patriotic Ameri– cans, resent and repudiate defense of such people. Yours truly, Alice Taylor 4712 N. Willis Blvd. Josephine Edwardson Walter Wisdom Isaac Payne Martha Payne Ethel B. Kramer W. G. Redmond Representatives Use Powers __) (Continued from Page 1) the Democratic Central Com– mittee in Multnomah County, As has already been stated, what with the problems that have been centered around the Postoffice practices this past year, this would have made a good impression on the part of the Postoffice Dept. But, now it seems our Congresswoman Edith Green, who, incidentally, is also the lady who authored the notori– ous Green Amendment that put the OEO programs into the City Fathers' hands, as well as was to blame for the loss of one of our seats in Congress (when she per– suaded a very popular con– gressman to run against the Governor for the Senate and then wouldn't work for him in the state at all), has had a change of heart and is be– coming very ethical and is going to do the thing right and make the appointment from the ranks, What our voters of 1968 should be seeking is the quality to vote wisely for candidates who have been chosen for their strength of character, courage and jus– tice. Equally significant is the man's self confidence, the quality of inner assurance that he can serve all the people regardless of their race, creed or color, The first and priority commit– ment should be his aware– ness and willingness to lis– ten and understand the prob– lems of the not-so-affluent society as well as the whole society, This creates for our nation one of the most attractive traits men in seats of power can display (Continued on Page 7) This is all well and good and as · it should be; but, 1 will continue to wonder if the fact that a black man had been mentioned as a possible choice had anything to do with her decision. Maybe not, but it's worth thinking about. Mr. McCoy has been a loyal Democrat and has the qualifi– cations to have been a sensible choice for the job, but I guess The Lady in Washington must be humored,