Oregon Advance Times_1968-10-29

Dear LYM - p That's for Loud Young Mugwump · and everyone • • • • knows what a. Mugwump is Dear LYMP - that'sforLoud Young Mugwump - and ev– eryone knows what a Mug– wump is. After calling you a Mug– wump last week, I wasn't sure I'd hear from you. I heard alright - so did all the neighbors. You con– vinced me of two things: you're loud and you're angry. Can't say you did much to change my mind about being a Mugwump. I had to try hard not to laugh. Don't take me wrong. I don't aim to be mean. I was glad you came by. But it just HAD to be funny. There you are, racing back and forth, beat– ing your fists and waving your arms. And me sitting there with my head like it was on a swivel, flapping back and forth, too, trying to keep up with you - like I was watching a fast ping pong game. Couldn't hear a word you said for all the noise you made. Man, that's crazy - just crazy - both of us wast– ing good time. We could have had a sensible talk; you might have had a few good points. Or do you scream and yell and curse to cover up that you don't? I couldn't get a word in, that's for sure. You say you don't want to listen to me ' 'preach. " I didn't like preaching either when I was a YMP, Look– ing back, I know it was be– cause I couldn't stand the truth - made me uncom– fortable, In the back of my mind, I was bright enough ••••••••• Black History ••••••••• While it is not uncommon in this day and time to hear of women doctors of medi– cine, a profession that was thought unsuitable for the female - yes, she could do the nursing, but not the ac– tual practicing of medicine. But in spite of all of this, the Negro came up with some remarkable women physi– cians in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Dr. Susan McKinney, a na– tive of Brooklyn, New York, was one of those accepted when women were riot read– ily done so. She began her studies in the New York Med– ical School for Women and Children, where she was valedictorian of her class. As the only female in her post-graduate class, she studied at Long Island Col– lege Hospital, and proceeded to build up a large private practice in Brooklyn, which remained her home for many years. Dr. Hallie Tanner Johnson was the first woman, regard– less of race, to practice medicine in the state of Ala– bama; Dr, Johnson was one of several women who faced the State Board examinations, but she was the first to ful – fill the necessary require– ments to practice. Prior to her acceptance, Al ab am a newspapers ridiculed the fact that a Negro was even to appear before the State Board. After she qualified as a prac– titioner, her achievement was recorded in all the major American newspapers. Another was Dr. Ida Gray, a dentist who practiced in Cincinnati, Ohio, afterobtain– ing her dental degree from the University of Michigan in 1890. Our talents were showing even then and, of course, we have many women in medi– cine who are following in the footsteps of these pioneers in the field of medicine, to know 1 soundea like a fool. You say nobody's go– ing to call you a Mugwump. A donkey's a donkey, even if he thinks he isn't. What you were saying, I think, was that it isn't your fault you're in trouble. You named off a lot of people and reasons - the cops, your folks, Tom, Dick and Harry. Even you must know that that doesn't make sense. So cops, folks, friends have their faults - they're goodorbad– you find all kinds. What they are is what they are - just like what you are is what you are. Everyone has a chance to change. Some don't. There are grownup Mug– wumps - a lot of 'em. A LYMP gets older, then turns into a LOMP, still shouting and mouthing off to hide that he never got smart. A QYMP puts on a few years and becomes a QOMP, sulking around, making everyone sick. I've got some things to say to the LOMP' s and QOMP's, too, but that will come later. Let's you and me get down to the "nitty-gritty." Maybe you'll tear this up and not read it - because you don't like the truth, either. Well, all I'll be out is a little time, effort and a sheet of paper. You stand to be "out" the rest of your life. You could go to your grave still blam– ing everybody and every– thing - but yourself. Let's face it, what you're doing - any of it - stealing cars, dropping pills, not going to school, all of the rest of that crap (there's no other word for it), is what you call "getting your kicks." Or because you're too lazy to do anything for real. It takes will power to make yourself ''put out." Will power is what you "ain't got." So you swagger and slouch around and act "pushy" with your friends to impress them. They swagger and slouch around and act "pushy" to impress you. Then you have to "put on" a little more to be "one up" on them. You're all trying to be top man. You talk out of the corner of your mouths like Al Capone henchmen, think– ing that makes you really tough. Half of it is to kid yourselves into feeling big. It's sure you're not impress– ing anyone that has good sense. You look like a bunch of crazy mixed-up peacocks, strutting around, trying to get people to watch. Of course, peacocks are at least pretty. You said something about how you didn't want anyone trying to change you. Baby, when it comes down to it, nobody can change you but you. You can't blame me if I try to pass on some things I've learned. It's your choice. You are free to make yourself into what ever. Just don't cry then when people treat you like whatever you are. Makes me sad when I see how fine you could be. You could walk into a room standing tall, head up - proud of yourself - your good looks and good mind working for you, You wouldn't have to "show off"; people would know. If you got your wump off that fence and your mug had something real to say. If I told you to go on being a bum because that's all you could be anyway, you'd be mad about that, too. What I'm saying is that I know you could be real fine. It's time you wised up. I'll be "minding the store"; drop by, maybe we can talk. Your ever lovin' JB August 29, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page 7 ' ~ USINESS IBERVICES ~;!RECTORY ,---- AUTOMOTIVE CARLOS Body & Fender * Bring us your dents * Guaranteed Work 2609 N. Vancouver Ave. 287-8529 tf CUSTOM AUTO u·PHOLSTERY 55 S. E. 11th Ave. Portland 14, Oregon 8/15 Phone 288-6409 to place your classified a<! in the Advance/TIMES HARVEY'S AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Motor rebuilding· crankshaft grinding· automatic transmission repair . tune up & brake service 45 years at 2016 N. E. Alberta PH. 281~4820 MOR-MILE TIRES 3368 N. E. Union 284-9758 . tf Ron Hays TOP SHOP AUTO UPHOLSTERY Complete Line of Auto Upholstery Phone 287-8284 400 N. E. 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CUSTOM WORK UNFINISHED FURNITURE HI-Fl BARS STOOLS Donald Ryan Robert Ryan 8/29 GROCERY BRANDALLSGROCERY MARKET 2909 N . E. Prescott Phone 281 -9873 Open Sundays 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. PARKWAY GROCERY 3016 N. Williams Phone 284-9576 MALIES GROCERY 4601 N. Williams Phone 284-9523 CALL Oregon Advance/TIMES to phone 288-6409 list your services in the Directory. INSURANCE The man to see for your living protection The EQUITABLE Lift' A1ro,ur.if1( (' S0cie1, of lhe Uniled St•te, BENJAMIN M. LEONARD 2040 S.W . FIRST AVE . PORTLAND , OREGON 97201 BUS . PHONE : 222 -9471 HEATING UNIVERSAL HEATING & AIR COND. INC. 1714 N. E. Alberta 287-7211 Residential and Commercial Gas, oil, electric installation and repair on all makes. 24-hour service LUMBER PARR LUMBER COMPANY 6250 N. E. Union Telephone 287-1136 PHARMACY tf PAIGE'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Phone 284-4656 2701 N. E. 7th PLUMBING MARTIN T. MORLAN Plumbing Co., Inc. ATiantic 4 · 1109 tf 4829 N . E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Denny Morlan, Mgr. tf D. & F. PLUMBING REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS 4636 N . Albina Ave. , Portland, Ore. 97217 Morrie Minor - Res. 282-3890 RESTAURANTS FRANCES CORNER COFFEE SHOP FEATURING : * BBQ RIBS & BEEF * CHITTLIN'S ---– SAT. ONLY SPECIAL ALWAYS: Good Home Cooked Meals & Courteous Service 3622 No. Vancouver 282-3060, SPORTSMAN CAFE 3213 N. E. Union A variety of foods Breakfast anytime Slim & Ruth SHEET METAL ATLAS SHEET METAL STAIN LESS STEEL *** ATLAS HOTEL SUPPLY RESTAURA~T EQUIPMENT 4215 N. Williams Ave. Phone 288-6081 TELEVISION tf COLOR TV REPAIR ALSO RECONDITIONED SETS SOLD CROWN MART TV & APPLIANCES Sales · Service · Rental Presented by 30 29 S.E. DIVISION E. Side 235-1602 W. Side 223-6942 TELEVISION METRO TV SERVICE Color, BW and Stereo All makes. Guaranteed Service and all new parts. 2932 S . E. Division Phone 234-6675 tf SCHOOLS Training For Welding· Mach. Shop Auto Tune-up & Repair Diesel Mechanics & Operators Radio, TV & Electronics GI APPROVED TECHNICAL TRAINING SERVICE 1401 N. E. Alberta St. 2~4,1181 There are openings now for 3-year olds at St. Phillips Corporative Pre-School 120 N.E. Knott St. tf For other information call 282-5195 after 1 p.m. Call 287-0305 Scholarships are available. Hours: 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays CLASSIFIED Up to 15 words for $1.00. ,Cut out, fl II out and mall in with your $1 .oo. OREGON ADVANCE/TIMES Telephone________ SUBSCRIPTIONS WANTED Mail in your check today for your yearly subscription of the Oregon Advance/TIMES. Only $4,50. WANTED: Paper boys to fill route. Good pay for your work. Cal I 288-6409 and leave your name and address. Friendly assistance Is available to families who are interested In buying homes in the Milwaukie– Oak Grove area. For information, contact the housing committee of the North Clackamas Human Relations Council, 771-8833. SUBSCRIPT IONS WANTED Mall In your check today for your yearly subscriP– tion to Oregon Advance/ TIMES. $4.50 per year. WANTED Paper boys wanted to fill route. Good pay for your work. Call 288-6409 and leave your name and address. Being appreciated is a rare experience for many handi– capped people, until they come to non-profit Goodwill In– dustries. Some have been turned down for many jobs for which (!ley felt qualified. Some may also have been rejected in their personal lives. For these handicapped people, Goodwill is the first helpful, caring experience they have had 1n many years. Goodwill's whole purpose is to provide a good experience for each handicapped person, Your donations to Goodwill will help make this new use– ful way ~f life possible, ful way of life possible.