Oregon Advance Times_1968-08-15

Aygust 15, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page3 Training For "Hard-Core" Provided By JOBS Program Bell, Book & Candles High Schools Ready For Fall San Francisco, August 11: with the federal funds helping A President's JOBS program to offset the cost of on-the– contract has been approved to job training and extensive SUP– provide 193 hard-core un- portive services required by employed in five West Coast the trainees. The training cities with training for per- will be conducted over a two.. manent employment. year period as follows: Regional Manpower Admin- Montgomery Ward and istrator Kenneth C. Robert- Company will train 19 son announced that a JOBS workers in San Diego, 14 in (Job Opportunities in the Los Angeles , 74 in Oakland, Business Sector) proposal by and 13 in Portland. Cali– the Manpower Consortium of fornia Laundries will train Milwaukee, Wisc. to train 647 60 in Los Angeles, and disadvantaged at a cost to the Nuway Laundry and Supply government of $1,582,608 had Company will train 13 in been signed in Washington, Long Beach. Wednesday August 7, a group of young people sur– prised Evelyn Collins with a birthday party. ~--Q. ,,f I ·x,[11« ·$,S ' ~ ~. t. . .II ' ' ~ Miss Collins is director of the Christian CommunityCen– ter and day nursery at 128 N. E. Russell Street. ' ''The Center will celebrate its tenth Anniversary and we expect to burn the mortgage at that time," Miss Collins stated. Many young people have en– joyed basketball, ping pong, kick ball, quiet games, cookies and Bible Study that makes up the heart of Miss Collins program. Miss Collins stated that she and her staff conducts day nursery for children, infants through kindergarten and for school children during the summer months they have various activities including field trips. The Center has provided many youths a chance to play excellent basketball. Last year two teams won awards. HIGH SCHOOLS Orientation days for fresh– men and registration days for other students have been scheduled for Portland's 13 public high schools for the 1968-69 school year. The dates for orientation and registration vary from school to school, with the first freshman orientation slated at Wilson on Tuesday, August 26. All high schools will open with a regular full-day schedule on Monday, Sept. 9. For further information contact: John H. Nellor, Di– rector, Public Information Dept. OUR DAD SAYS: Check out your Contractor before you call him. 8 ...;.._,._" '\ REMODELING RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL / COMPLETE PLANNING SERVICE D.C. The nationwide contract The Consortium proposal provides for training by pri- · is part of the partnership vate industry of 19 hard-core between the National Alliance unemployed in San Diego, 13 of Businessmen and the U. S. unemployed in Long Beach, Labor Department to provide 74 in Los Angeles, 74 in Oak- employment for 100,000 dis– land, and 13 in PORTLAND. advantaged workers in thena- Contest Offers Prizes ROUGH-IN OR FINISHED JOB Robertson said the training tion's 50 largest cities by will be done by private firms June 30, 1969. The Oregon AdvancemMES is sponsoring an essay con– test. Three-hundred words or more will be appropriate for entry. There are two divisions in this contest - under two age groups. First group is limited to 20 years and under. Second group is 21 years and over. Each essay must be an original of your own composition, and may be chosen from any of the titles below. The dead– line for this contest will be effective the 31st of August, at 12:00 midnight. i( Handcrafted Quality! .\' Specially Developed! : WITH TRADE .. .. .. .. .. * New Zenith Super ·t 50 Handcrafted 1; Color TV Chassis T" for unrivaled dependability year after year. * Zenith Super Video Range Tuning System for ultra-sensitive reception . * Sunshine Color Picture Tube for greater pic ture brightness. * Advanced Zenith Color Demodulator Circuitry .. .. .. .. The prizes consist of: 1st prize • . . • . . . . $10.00 (Two First Prizes) 2nd prize . . . . . . . $ 5.00 (Two Second Prizes) 3rd prize . . . . an interview OTHER ENTRIES WILL RE– CEIVE A BIG THANK YOU FROM THE TIMES STAFFII In order to enter you must live within the Albina area. Mail entry to: The Oregon Advance/TIMES Attention: Contest 714-1/2 N. E. Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 TOPIC TITLES i(-- - for unsurpasse_d color picture.. WHITE-MANN co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1. Why I am Proud of My Race. 5001 N.E. UNION at ALBERTA Phone 288-5303 Let US be your 2. Why I am Proud to be be an American. 3. What Needs to be Done in the Albina Community• 4. Do You Feel You Have "Financial Partner" When you do all your banking - checking, saving, and borrowing - at our full service bank, you'll soon realize "we know you at the bank." You'll find that we can help you in a dozen dif– ferent ways with advice on how to manage your money most efficiently. Manager Bill Greaby and staff at our Union Avenue Branch will be happy to show you why it pays to deal with just one full service bank. · UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON UNION AVENUE BRANCH 5505 N. E. Union Ave. Phon e: 228-6111 Member FDIC Received an Adequate Ed– ucation So Far? 5. What it Means to be a Teen-ager. 6. Why I Like Portland. 7. What I Think of. Inter– Racial Marriage. Golf Lessons Wo rd has reached the Ad– vance/TIMES office that free golf lessons will be given to a group of Albina Youth. Those wishing to learn golf should call the TIMESoffice and leave your name and address. It is a wise man who makes mistakes but does not respond to encores. NEIL KELLY can 287-4176 735 N. ALBERTA - PORTLAND, ORE. 97217 THE LIVE ONES show 111• in a ~orfolk jaeket A ~n·at da,-,-ic· t·ome,. ha<'k ... better than ever tlw way Catalina ,tartin doe,- it! Deep, deep pockets, ,..wa,..hlnu·klin~ hell, heathery Doneµ;al tweed wool fahri1· , full linin;!, Have yours in ~ame i:i;ray or ,-a~t· ;,::rPPII: ,-jzp,- :38 to -1-6. 850. \11·11',- Sport,..wear, ,1&F Downtown, St>eond Fluor, al,-o Lloyd ',- & Salem. Hll!it•r ·'Enk ,na il and pluln (• ordt."'r ~ • p lu ...... t. ippinµ; t·o~t to areas out:,,,idc our rl",:!Ul..tr frt:"e ddin-rJ· ro utt•, • dtm nlo " n , 227--l-l I l • lloJ d's, 288-6633.