Oregon Advance Times_1968-04-04

Page 8 Oregon Advance/TIMES Apr II 4, 1968 Dramatic Event Presented (Continued from Page 1) timely and compelling. In– geniously he involves the audience as both responders and impromptu performers. A spectacular example was the riot scene in his play on Black Revolution, where four teen-age on- looker s were so convinced of the violence on– stage that they fled their seats in a panic. Dumas was just one of sev– eral extrao rdinary talents. However, "Modus Quan" was not a showcase for egoists, and the brilliant young poet from Watts, the popular sing– ing stylist, and the excellent trumpeter went vi rtually un– named. What survived for the audience was a sense of black identity and vitality, reaching its most dramatic expression in the . African ballet. The show ended on a similar pitch with the entire cast and some joiners denc– ing. "Modus Quan" originated in Seattle, where it was given twice to small but enthusi– astic audiences. The Port– land performance sponsored by the Albina Art Center at the A, C, C, S, auditorium was equally well-received. Democratic Forum Plans Dinner, Meet The North Portland Demo– cratic Forum will hold its second annual chicken dinner on Wednesday, April 10, at the Polish Hall, North Inter– state and Failing, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Prices are $1,50 an order and $1 for children, After dinner there will be a film docu– mentary on the Portland docks. Political candidates will be present. 'There is no Doubt When you call Vann' VANN'S .... MORTUARY ... I 5211 ~~:~~A~~~·~:E~~~ENUE I • for PHONE 281-2836 EFFICIENCY for CARE for COURTESY At Vann's No Service Ever Costs More Than The Family Wishes To Pay MUSIC TO WIN PRIZES BY KGW 62 PRIZES TICKETS MERCHANDISE SURPRISES YOUR RADIO SHOULD BE LEFT TUNED TO KGW! EVERY HOUR ... Send your name , address & phone number to ••• - KGW62 1501 S.W. Jefferson , Portland , Oregon 97201 Note, of /nte,e1f Model Cities Planning Board Hello~h~~~ ~i!Bto have Makes Final Committee Selections DEPUTY SHERIFF ARE YOU A YOUNG MAN WITH A COLLEGE DE– GREE? ARE YOU S.ATIS– FIED WITH YOUR PRES– ENT CAREER GOALS? IF NOT, HAVE YOU CON– SIDERED A PROFES– SIONAL CAREER WITH THE NATION'S LEADING LOCAL POLICE AGENCY? Multnomah County is cur– rently recruiting top cali– ber men to fill eligible list for future vacancies. Vision, 20-100, Corrected to 20-20. you aboard once again • . • . Mani Last weekend was out of sight with all the gala affairs . • • . For those interested, the Sportsmen Club will be giving another Cabaret real soon ••• Iwould like to hear from you on Presi– dent Johnson's decision not to run for re-election •... While attending the Negro his– tory workshop last week I learned some things I didn't even know • . . . I might mention also the Creative Job Search class is quite stimu– lating . . • . There seems to be some pros and cons in the air about the housing that is rising in the area • . . • There seems to be a few '' stookies'' from some agency in the area - have you heard or do you know • . . • To the young men who removed the tapes from those auto– mobiles please return them - you know who you are I'm sure • . • • To the sports– minded it's mushball and soft– ball season again • . . • Are the arms of two well– known softball pitchers Bill Mooring and Al Rivers going to be striking out batsmen again . . . . I know Richard Johnson is returning to the mound in mushball . • Negro History Interest Shown The Negro history work– shop at the Neighborhood Service Center will conclude this session April 5 after IO successful weeks, Future workshops are being planned by the center, through the Portland Community College, Date of these classes will be announced at a later d~te. Persons interested in attend– ing are asked to call Verna Shepherd at 287-2603, Dan Robinson, teacher of Negro history for three years at Grant High School was volunteer teacher for the concluding workshops • To Honor Minister There will be a testimonial dinner in honor of the Rev. George E. Carter Jr, Satur– day, at Rose City Park Methodis t Church, 5830 NE Alameda, The dinner will begin at 7:30 p,m, There is a donation of $5. The Model Cities Planning Board's first meeting wa1; held at the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church with 24 membP.rs present. A nominating committee selected members for the two remaining standing commit– tees: Personnel Community Relations. These were named: Personnel Committee: James Thompson, Jim Neil, the Rev. Edgar Jackson, Otto Ruther– ford, Opal Strong and Vernon Butler. Community Relations Com– mittee: Harry Ward, Father Stead, Frank Brawner, Matt and Peter Wolmut. Each committee will elect its own officers. Wolmut suggested that all committees commence work :is soon as possible. When asked what the rela– tionship would be between staff and working committees Paul Schulze, Model Cities director, stated that staff would serve as technical as– sistants, do paper work and prepare final plans to pres ent to the board. Matt Dishman was appointed sergeant at arms. MULTNOMAH COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COM– MISSION, Room 140, Mult– nomah County Courthouse, or call 227-8411, Ext. 387. Dishman, the Rev.DavidWeed -----------------------, CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT Large 2-bedroom Apartment, Upstairs. Newly decorated, Lights, water, garbage paid, 123 N. E. Thompsono $60,00. 285-2013 or 638-5854, 4/2 PLEASE HELP RAISE MON– EY FOR THE NEW "TEEN CLUB." DON'T WAIT. CALL NOW!! 284-7088, 4 to 9 p,m, 3934 N. Borthwick - 1 Bedr,, Iiv, rm, din. rm, kit.&. bath. $60 per mo. Call 288-6359. 3938 N. Borthwick - 1 Bedr., liv. rm, dino rm, kit &. bath• $60 per mo, Cal I 288-6359, APT: 1812 N.E. 1st (fur– nished or unfurnished), 2 Bdr, space heater, fireplace, no pets. $60 per mo, APT: 1814 N.E. 1st ... 2 Bdr, space heater. $60 per moo Fireplace, furnished or un– furnished. Bachelor Apt, (furnished) - Single man ONLY, Utilities paid. $40 per n:io. Phone 289-7354. APT: 4014 N. Montana - 2 Bdr., oll furnace, hrdwd firs, fireplace, NO PETS. $80.00 per mo, Cal I 289-7354. BOOKKEEPING AND TAXES Not an ''Expert" or "Consultant" - just a Good Book_keeper New in this area, but have long lease and wi 11 be here after tax season is over. Norma Gibson 2726 N. E. Union Ave. 284-3698 or 281-3512 tf PHILCO® Batr~-Pow~ MINI ,A RADIO/ PHONO • Measures only 2 '!,,' x 5%' x 9%' • B,g, rich-sound 2 1 /z"speaker • Plays all record sizes. up to 12' LP's • Two speeds-33\/3 and 45 RPM • 45 RPM adapter included • With case on. ti 's a portable radio , Transistorized for instant play • Plays on 4 "AA" Pen11te batteries / with this great new CROWN 500 STEREO·BAR RELAX Choose from many colors Easy Credit Phone 234-7286 Now only Want to rela x those tired muscles? Sit in th is Chair for solid comfort. This handsom e chair is m ast erfu I and manly . Vi.Jrator ' Solid State Stereo Hi-Fi $ We carry our own contracts a,aHable I Tom Psle,ton~ 69 ~ 0 . ,,-..... DISCOUNT Upen To11ite '.ii 9 p.m. f ~ '~- ~ ~. s••• ~.~NTERS 82nd at Foster Road 777-3307 509 S.E. GRAND AVE. at E. ST ARK Mid-City N.E. Union at Broadway 288-S1S3