
' Page 8 GRAND GIFTS FOR HIS GRADUATION SAY IT WITH GIFTS HE'LL TREASURE FOR YEARS AND YEARS TO COME Good luck .•. symbolized in a stunningly massive ring of 14k gold, set with real or simulated birthstone. Alsc masculine rings of servlce or other designs. Starting at $17.50 Presentation set by Eversharp. Repeater pencil and Skyline pen. Gold filled top, military clip. Other pen and pencil sets. Starting at $8.75 Wrist watches, although limited in number, present a varied choice of designs and models. Starting at $24.75 ' THESE AND MANY OTHER GIFTS MAY BE PUR– CHASED ON OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN Red Caps to Have Representation on Hospital Board SAK FRANCISCO, Calif.– The CIO United Transport Ser– vice Employees of America, this week was designated as one of the 14 railway labor organizations which " ·ill select one employee rep– resentative to the Board of Man– agers of the Southern Pacific Com– pany's Hospital as the result of the unanimous decision of an arbitra– tion board created to study em– ployee , participation in the policies of the hospital. The decision which went into effect this week, transferred con– trol of the hospital's board of man- · agers from the company to em– ployee representatives. The hos– pital has been under rigid company direction smce its inception in 1868. MEDLEY I HOTEL CAFE Excellent Food Serving All Meals and Short Orders FIRST CLASS SERVICE 2274 N. Interstate Ave. OpeD 1 :&. M. to UP. M. BEBBER.T LEWIS, Prop. .. The hospital's board of man– agers ·will consist of 13 members. Seven to be selected by the labor organizations and six to be selected by the company. The six other employee representatives on th~ board will be chosen by the five operating brotherhoods and 10 of the non-operating brotherhoods. The seven employee members of the board will give the 80,000 em- , Call BEacon 1133- Ask for ROY LOMBARD Expert Laundry and Dry Cleaning Curtain Care a Specialty PROMPT SERVICE ASK YOUR FRIENDS New Mayer Hotel Rooms by Day, Week or Month Reasonable Rates Excellent Location - Near all Trolley Lines N. W. 4th at G118an. ATwater 7987 David Nance, Mgr. The OBSERVER ployees of the Southern P acific majority control in the operation of the hospital. The unanimous decision of the arbitration board, in addition to giving the employees a majority voice in the hospital's management, likewise ordered a substantial in– crease in company contributions for on-duty injuries and provided for an annual report of hospital finances. The board of managers is dele– gated the po,nr to manage busi– ness and financial af~airs, includ– ing tha authority to amend hos– pital rules, increase or reduce the scale of individual employee cn– tributions and pass upon the ap– pointment o fthe Chief Surgeon and his staff. T he far-reaching imp] ication of the award springs from the unani– mous acceptance' of the arbitrators of the principal of "no taxation without representation". And the showing that 93% of the hospital department income " ·as derived from compulsory employee contri– butions, the board of arbitrators awarded majority control t<: the labor organizations. Other CIO unions involved in the decision are the Inland Boat– men's Union of the Pacific and the National Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association. Portlander Gets Award Corporal Arlon Overton, for– mer resident of 36 N. E. H ancock stre,et, was recently awarded the meritorious Service Unit Plaque I for superior service performed dur– ing the period of June 6 to August I 6, 1944. Overton is attached to jthe all Negro 554th Port company which has been stationed on the coast of southern England. Watch the next Observer for full details on the opening of the "Playhouse". KEYSTONE LUNCH 1461 N. Williams Avenue Breakfast ~ Lunch Dinners SHORT ORDERS 24 Ho ur Semce Mrs. Hazel Jolmson, ~. SHASTA CAFE and LOUNGE BREAKFAST - SHORT ORDERS SOUTHERN STYLED DINNERS SOFT DRINKS - MUSIC * OPEN 24 HOURS * Comer NW Glisan at 4th Ave. MAY 15, 1945 Phone BRoadway 5395 "Credit to All" Open Fridays until eight p. m. ARBITMAN'S NEW YORK OUTFITTING 00. Full Line of Ladies' and Men's WEARING APPAREL I 1007-1011 S. W. Washington Portland, Ore. 1.11 Pho~e MU. 9528 Nigh t, OA 2'129 . , AV R I TT 'S GA RAGE Truck and Auto Repairs 8707 N. VANCOUVER AVE. PORTLAND, OBI!:G The Victory Club ' 1466 N. E. Williams Court VEtinont 9483 DELUXE CAFETERIA OPEN Z4 HOUR S - DISTINCTIVE FOUNTAIN SERVICE - RECREATION ROOM ROBERT SEEGUR, Manager .•....•................. ~ WALTER WARE'S COCKTAIL BAR SERVICE PARTY ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL A'ITENTION 638 EAST BURNSIDE STREET EAst 4357 Portland, Oregon The Charter Members of the COTTON ~LUB 215 MAIN STREET, VANCOUVER, WASH. In~te you to avail yourselves of thdr ENTERTAINMENT and RECREATIONAL QUARTERS Deluxe Modern Restaurant Serving All Meals PAYROLL CHECKS CASHED- NO CHARGE