
ONLYMASSNATIONALACTION CANSAVE FEPC Volume 3- No. 11 PORTLAND, OREGON, JUNE 15,1945 10 Cents a Copy F-1-.g-h_t_f_o_r_P_e_r_m_a_n_e_n_t_· _F_E_P_C~I-G-en-e-ra--=-z-c--=-la-r-=-k-,L-o-ng-s-=-ho-r-em_e_n_A_c"""h=O=b=s=e=r=v=a=li=o-=-ns-=-·___,~· l 1Praises 92nd To Curb Union Feared Loss When House . 1 Chicago (ANP)-Four Negro Discrimination heroes, fresh from the bloody !tal- l ian campaign, heard Gen. Mark San Francisco-The Stockton Rules Committee Fails to Clear Measure for Action •••••• Cox, Georgia, Says 'Bill Dead' W. Clark, their commanding of- unit of the International Long– ficer, credit the defeat of the pow- sharemen's and Warehou emen's erful Nazis to his all-American Union and all of its members were army during a stirring Memorial suspended last week because of the Day ceremony here. local's refusal to work with J ap– Gen. Clark hailed the 92 nd all- anese-American dockworkers. * * * * * * Wartime FEPC Doomed Negro division, as "'the glorious 1 92nd" and he, with members of I ) his staff, paid t:ibute to the 332nd I fighting group under Col. Benja– min 0. D.avis' command. He ex– The suspension action was taken by local 6 of the ILWU and fol– lowed shortly after the Los Ange– les CI 0 Council and Local I3 (San Pedro) of the ILWU has If Appropriation Is Not Immediately Forthcoming plained the battle behavior of the passed resolutions sharply con- 92nd, but declined to get into a demning the action of the Stockton controversy with Truman K. Gib- unit. son, civilian aide to the secretary Washington, June 12.-A 6 to f "'b h 'b · f tend it are now pending in Con- o war, " out t e contn utmg ac- 6 vote todaY' by the house rules h d h · bl' · gress. Bills to authorize the Fair tors t at cause t e1r pu ICized committee prevented clearance for t Employmen! Practices Committee re reat. action the legislation that would ------- F . E 1 are also currently under considera- create a permanent mr mp oy- . O h . h I I N . . I twn. n t ese two Items t e on y egro VetP a ment Practice CommiSSIOn. ' . l . -- . 1 • 1 ~r n,s ~ . · IUCiga cour<c ~~ to awa1t .eiJ!!~ a- • ~ . 1 he vote was taken after a mo-l tive developments before making a Among First twn by Rep. Delaney of New recommendation." York. Rep. Sabath, chairman of This reasoning is phony because: R .. DaY Returnees the House Rules Committee, said an effort will be made to keep the 1. While extension of the Price Miami, Fla.-Three Negro vet- 1 R C G Control Act within the next few erans of the Ch,·na-Burma-Ind 1'a measure a ive. ep. ox of eor- gia said "the bill is dead". weeks is conceded, permanent FEFC bills are facing very stiff On Friday, June 1, I945, the opposition and delay, and insiders House Appropriation Committee consider passage in next 30 days reported the omnibus National extremely unlikely. campaign were among the first re– turnees flown here under the Army's Redeployment Plan. Brought here from India by ACT plane, the three vets have cleared Air Transport Command's Miami Army Air Field en route to their homes on furlough. War Agencies Appripriation Bill 2. Permanent FEFC bills carry for the I946 fiscal year begnning a provision that all records, papers·, July I, I945. Nearly a score of properties and personnel of present key war agencies received appro– priations, but FEPC's $599,000 recommendation from the Presi– dent (Budget Bureau approved) was omitted. Said the Committee's report: FEF Committee would be auto- Veteran of the trio in point of matically carried over to perman- overseas service was Technician ent Commission for retention or Fourth Grade Ralph W. Garrett discard. b! the first ihcoming FEP 128, Kildare, Texa~, who served 24 CommiSSIOners. months with the Signal Corps in 3. While OPA's authority, I' the China-Burma-India Theater of based upon the Congress passed Operations. He plans to open a Price Control ~ct, will expire u~-~ business of his own when he re– less renewed th1s month. FEPC s turns to civilian life. authority is based upon an Execu-j F · · h b' · f . armmg IS t e o JeCtlve or t1ve Order which remains in ef- 0o 1 H B J 27 G ld rpora . . ones, , o s- fect for the duration (unless re- b N C h h · Richard Lynden, Local 6 presi– dent, ,Harry Bridges, ILWU pres– ident and J. R. Robertson, inter– national vice-president, went to Stockton from local headquarters here to carry out the suspension ~rder They set a 24-hour deadline for individual members to sign a pledge card signifying their will– ingness to abide bY' the union con– stitution. Failure to sign the card would bar members from working in any warehouse under union con– tract. The constitution of the union specifically states that the union is opposed to discrimination in any form because of race, color or creed. The anti-Japanese action of the Stockton warehousemen has occur– red at a time when a number of unprovoked attacks against re– turned Nisei in the rural areas of the state have provoked protests on (Continued on Page 4) Paratroopers Visit Portland \Villiam Hilliard, winner of the Criterion club scholarship award, was also the winner of the one hundred dollar scholarship award– ed annually by the Culture club. Hilliard received this award at his commencement ex e r cis e s. An– nouncement was made by Mrs. R u t h Flowers, chairman of scholarship committee, and Mrs. Emma Walker, president of the Culture club. * A newly organized baby clinic will g'et in operation June 15, when the mothers and babies of Burton Homes will be carried to the Wintler Drive Nursery for medical care. * * * Edwin C. Berry, executive secretary of the Urban League of Portland, was guest speaker of the Vancouver Inter-Racial Council meeting held at the Junior High School Monday night, June 11. Mr. Berry stressed the need of inter-racial understanding and pro– gressive and constructive plans for post-war need. * * * The McLoughlin Heights Choral club rendered an enjoyable musical program at the recently built McLoughlin Heights Bap– tist church Sunday, June 3. The club journeyed to Seattle Satur– day. June 9th, to present a Chil– dren's Day program June 10. The group is directed and trained by Mrs. Mignon Cabell of Portland. * * * Mrs. Ollie Roper of Vanport is a new addition to the Bagley Downs Recreation staff. Downs Recreation Center will be the scene of a Mammoth Emanci– pation ball Monday, June I8. M~sic by Joe Crane and orchestra. • * * . "Estimates were submitted ... upon which no action has been taken by thecommittee. They have been laid aside for future consid– eration ... The Price Control Act which authorizes the operations of the Office of Price Administration expires on June 3{), and bills to ex- . oro, '. ., w en e goes mto scmded by the President before ex- f · · C 1 J mu t1 agam. orpora ones was pi ration of his wartime powers). overseas 22 months. The size of OPA's budget is also affected by pending amendments \Vearing the Bronze Star, Priv- while FEPC's is ) not. Thus, Ap- ate First Class Vincent A. Crowe, propriations Committee action was 33, is looking forward to returning legitimate for OPA, but was a stab to his home at 1126 Union Ave., in the back to FEPC. the Bronx, Ne"· York Citv after One hundred and thirty mem- bers of the 555th parachute infan- The Junior Commandos and Ba– try battallion were week-end vis- ton Girls of Burton Hmes were itors in Portland from Pendleton featured attractions in the Van– Air Base. The 555th has the dis- couver Memorial Day parade. 15 Yz months overseas. . ' tinction of being the only outfit of * * * its kind in the service. Also of sig- The Vanport Blacksox won nificance is the fact that all of from the Willamette University the officers, and there are more Navy V-12 team by a score of II than a dozen, are colored. to 8 Friday, June 8, at the Vaughn A report on the House Ap- T ALK TOWERS Th Street park. The Blacksox are un- propriations Committee's closed ' e men were entertained by . d . Two and a q.uartt·r n1r'lli.OI1 peo- the Williams Ave. U. S. 0. with a der the leadership of Henry James meetmg an vote IS not yet, and P le heard 167 American net! Cross picnic at Columbia Park Saturda\.' of Vanport. may never be, available in detail, .~.~ but the first 24 hours after re– lea~e of the Committee report re– vealed: Vote in the subcommittee was 5 <Continued on Page 4) speakers during the last war fund drive, and helped to swell the ulti- mate contribution figures to more than two hundred and a quarter million dollars. afternoon, a formal dance at the Center Saturday night, a break– fast Sunday morning and a stage ,how Sunday afternoon made up of talent from local night clubs. * * * Evanse Cantrell is going to re– main at Univer~ity of Oregon dur– ing the months of June and July ior a summer se<;sion.