
• VOL. XXX, No. 35-CApitol 4609, Seattle, Washington 10c pe 1 Copy-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1951 UNITED IN WEDDED BLISS I Reception Will Honor Official of Porters' Union 130 ARRESTED AS POLICE RAID CLUB More , than 130 persons were arrested when nine police officers raided the Washington Social and Educational Club, 1041!2 23rd Ave. N., at 2 o'clock recently. All but one of the persons ar– rested were charged with frequent– ing a place where liquor is sold illegally. Bail for each of these was set at $15. Sy F . Groves, 56, o.f 2401 E. Howell St., was charged with pos– sessizrg liquor with intent to sell il!Pgally. He was released on $250 bail. Sgt. G. N. McDougall Jed the raiding squad. Patrol cars were busy for hours carrying the crowd to the Public Safety Building, and jailers took until 8 o'clock to book A reception for C. L. Dellums them. of Oakland, Calif., a vice president and Pacific Coast-zone supervisor of the International Brotherhood The Mt. Zion Women's Society Presents Recital Sgt. W. E. Vrooman Director, Civil Liberties W. E. VROOMAN In their reorganization of Puget Sound Division of Civil Liberties, Puget Sound Elks, 109, Sgt. W. E. Vrooman, oldest Chief Antler in the land of Elks, adds to his offi- I of Sleeping Car Porters (A. F. of L.), will be held Tuesday evening in the East Madison Y.W.C.A. cial duties. He was named as di– Miss Thelma Modisett, daughter rector of Civil Liberties. Ezell Henderson, president of of Rev. and Mrs. Anthony Modisett, The sergeant pledges all out et- the Seattle branch of the union, 9 Searle St., was presented in a fort to restore civil liberties to its and Mrs. E . A. Hall, president of recital at the Mt. Zion Baptist rightful position in Elkdom. The the auxiliary, are in charge of the Church Sunday afternoon, Aug. 26. Northwest Enterprise congratu– reception and program. The young artist's program consist- !ates the director and looks for- Dellums will arrive in Seattle ed of dramatic readings with soft ward to a real revival. Monday, said Mrs. A. Fletcher music in the background which Booth, a member of the auxiliary. created a heavenly atmosphere He will speak Monday evenmg at during her performance. She be– a Meeting of tJ-Jl' :'>< ,tion::,l Ass:o- gan her program with a song, ciation for the Advancement of Sci·lpture, and a very fervent pray– Colored People in tlfe East Madison. er, which gave her assurance of DEATH TAKES HENRY B: HARLEY -~ MISS CONSTANCE JEAN MANEY WEDS LESLIE ERNEST CARTER JR. IN PORTLAND Y.W.C.A. the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Henry B. Harley, 81, died here The most fascinating reading Monday, Aug. 21. He had been ill was the dramatizing of "Creation," since last December, growing bet– ter at intervals but finally sue- . Urban League Delegates by James Weldon Johnson, derive~ On Saturday, Aug. 25, at half after four, Miss Con- from the book of Genesis, telling cumbing August 27. Born in-Brit- stance Jean Maney pled~ed her troth ~o Mr. Leslie Ernest I Off To Conference how heaven and earth were formed ish West Indies, Harley came to Carter, J r., of Seattle, .m a double rmg ceremony. The f:nd the making of man. The beau- Seattle early in life, joining the vows were read in St. Phillips Episcopal Church by the A delegation from Seattle to at- tiful portrayal described the handi· Cooks and Stewards and Puget rector, Rev. Lee 0. Stone. tend the National Urban League wcrk of God. Sound Lodge of Elks, the org~nl- The bridesmaids, gowned in Casson, and the Misses Virginia Conference which meets in St. zations furnishing pall bearers. green •-ffeta-fallle and carrying Newby, Ozie Mott and Unis Mott. Pan!, M1"11n., f1·om September 3 to For added attraction the Mt. "' ,., Zion Senior Choir rendered sever- He is survived by a neice, Mrs. P olis•hed ivy leaves, were Mesdames Among the many out o.f town 7 it was announced by Bish o P Ruth Morse Johnson. :r h tt d d th b "d • al numbers appropriate for the J: J . Nunn, BenJ·amin Hamilton, A. guests w O a en e was e ri es Stephen F. Bayne, president or the Last rites were said at St. Clem- d th M G Ch · occasion. Miss Sara Tolliver sang R. Rae and Miss Bettie Rutherford. gran mo er, rs. eorge ris- Urban League Board. The follow- "Just a Closer ,valk with Thee." ent's Church, 32nd S. and Atlantic. Master \Villiam A. Belcher III, tian, of Helena, Mo~t. Mr. ai~d ing t,oard and committee members nephew of the bride, was ring- Mrs.. Carter led th~ir guests . '.n I are attending the conference from bearer. Keith :\furray, of Seattle, dancmg to the strams of David ' Seattle: Mrs. Roy Greene, Mrs. was best man. The ushers were the Graham's orchestra. Clarence L. McCullough, Mrs. Lon– Messrs. Aaron Webb, Calvin De- . After a honeymoon in Canada, nie Shield, Mrs. W. B. Foster, and Bass of Portland and Vlrtrum Law- the young couple will be at home Lewis G. Watts, executive seen• son, Jr., and Howard Redmond of in Seattle where Mr. Carter will I tary. Seattle. I co~tinue his stu~ies . in political The bride was given in marriage I ~c1ence at the Umvers1ty of ,vash- } 5A'RRESTED IN by her uncle. Walter H. Ma ey, of mgton. --------- Seattle, .in., the ~b§. ce f Mr RAJD ON CLUB brother, Pfc. Isadore G e O r g e Pardon Sought for Negro Maney, Jr., Army Air Force, Lack- land Air Base, Texas. Fifteen persons were arrested by police about 1: 30 o'clock one morn- , Lieut. Who Refused Duty Nuptial music was furnished by ing this week in a liquor raid at Mrs. May Lack, organist, and Miss CLEVELA~D - The National the Playhouse Club, 1238 Main St. Bertran Banks of Helena, Mont., Negro Council said it has acquired Le Roy Anderson, 36, club man• soloist. 600,000 signatures to petition for a Mrs. Cl}.rter, a native Oregonian, . . . is the daughter of Mrs. Isadore I presidential pardon of 1st Lieut. George Maney and the late Isadore Leon A. Gilbert of York, Pa. George Maney of Portland. She An Army court· martial board was a member of the January, 1947,, sentenced Gilb'ert to death on class of Jefferson High School, charges of refusing to lead bis Portland, and a student at the Los I men Into a battle in Korea. Presi– Angeles City College, Los Angeles, I dent Truman later commuted the d'llring 1947 to 1949. Mr. Carter_ Is I sentence to 20 years l.:1 prison. the son of Mrs. R. L. Carter-Rice Edgar c. 13rown, director of of Seattle. ,. the Negro council, said Gilbert re- Immediately following the cere- fused to advance his command be– mony a reception was held in the I cause be was certain it would be Parish House of the church. . wiped out. Gilbert was wounded The hostesses who greeted the in Italy during the Second World many guests were the Mesdames War. Eugene Carden, Laurence Maddox, William McClendon, Fielden Stew- WANTED - Experienced House- art, Howard Ellis, David Graham, Louis Fuller, Sherman Pickett, Ralph Stevens, Robert Herndon, Mattie Lock, Beatrice Reed, Ellen Fowtber, Winifred Bouie, Madeline keeper, one who likes children preferred. No objection to one child of her own. Call CA. 9681, daytime ; night, CA. 1480. dence 2824 E. Cherry. ager, was charged with operating a place where liquor was dispensed illegally and released on $250 bail. The others-12 patrons and two club employes-were charged with being in a place where liquor Is consumea illegally and were re– leased on $15 bail each. JOIN THE N.A.A.C.P. NOW! . CHANCE OF A LIFETIME T his is a golden opportunity t o ow n a splendid duplex. Two complete apts. that should eas– ily rent for $150 per mo. Widow must sacrifi ce. Asking $7,500 with small down payment. Make offer. MARTI REAL TY 2101 Rainier Ave. FR. 1935 Mrs. Mary Rogers, Miss Modisett Cremation followed. and her sister, Mrs. Mouton who sang "Dear Lord of Home." Charles MIDDLE AGED woman, pensioner Herman sang "Bless This House," accompanied by Miss Geraldine Drnper. The program was most inspiring to those attending. Miss Modisett is noted particu· larJy for religious and civic affairs. Despite her dramatic ability, she Is a major in art and clothing at the University of Washington. She is a member of the Ivy Leaf of the Alpha Kappa Sorority. Atlas Trading Post Enters 1800 20th Ave., Fast grow– ing East Madison District, and stops right at your door. They Buy, Sell and Exchange and Deliver The Trading Post bids fa ir to become t he biggest Money Saving A ll Purpose Store in tf\e ent ire dist rict. This Week's Grand Opening Specials- Laundl'Y. Baskets, reg. $2.99 ... This Week, $1.99 Come in, Look A round. L ino– leum, Housewares, New and Used Furn iture, Tools, Hard– ware, Garden Hose. WATCH OU R SPECIA LS and SAVE MONEY , preferred, to care for two chil– dren. Mother employed. Phone l\li. 2124. ATLAS THEATRE Maynard & Jackson FALL POL ICY START S Sept. 3 LABOR DAY Open EVERY DAY at 1 P. M. WE STAY OPEN ALL N IGHT 30c ANYTI MESEneca7495 Saturday, Sept. 8- N IGHT IN THE CITY -and– DEVIL'S DOORWAY Sunday, Sept. 9- V ~ NGEANCE VALLEY -and- TO PLEASE A LADY Monday, Sept. 10-– HIDDEN DANGER -and- ANGEL OF THE AMAZON Tuesday, Sept. 11- SONG OF THE DRIFTER -and– GROUNDS FOR MARR IAGE Wednesday, Sept. 12-– W ATCH THE BI RDI E -and- 1 SHOT BILLY TH E K I D Thursday, Sept. 13- ST OP THAT CAB -and- BLU E GRASS OF KENTUCKY Friday, Sept. 14- 3 GUYS NAMED MI KE -and- LA ND OF THE LAWLESS r . /