
PAGE TWO THE NORTHWEST ENTERP.RISE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1944 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE Establl:shed 1920 F-F-F 430 -lli~LltiJ I . East Madison Shopping Distr1ct Published Wednesdays by The Northwest Publishing Company Official Publication of the I. B. P. 0. E . of W . in the Northwest Brotherhood o! Sleeping Car Por ters; Owls Club, Inc. .Faster Friendlier Farther 1 BLUE & GOLD TAXI S•attl•'• L•a'ill,.. lai•p•ni•llll Q,._, ~--------------------------. GENEVA · Madison Drug Co. ERtered at the Postoffice, Seattle, Wn., B.'! Second Class Matter OJfice 662~ Jackson St., 4; Ph El 9 787. P. 0 . B ox 1873 • 11 Subscription Rates: By Mail in advance : One year, $2.00; SiX SAY: "FOUR THIR'J:¥" Only One 82. PJNJ IT N..r Store! ~ · · e hi Aw. B. MILLER 22nd and E. M.adlaon Esat 8628 Drugs, Prescriptions, Cosmetics, Toilet Articles J'J•ompt, Courteous 24-Hour SERVICE Open Evenings UntillO P.M. Broker-Notary Public Hours: 10 a . m. to 5 p.m. FoUDtaJn, Soft Drinks, Candles Downtown Prices Stand a t 128, 1s t St. Frnits - Vegetables Greceries Ice Cream and Sherbets P ints 25c; quarts »oc months, $1.25; Three months, 75c E. I. ROBINSON, Editvr-Publisher Deadline for News : Tues. Noon; for ~dvertising Tues. U r. l\1. BREMERTON NOTES Official Representative Northwest Enterpr ise JAS. T. WALKER, 3801 6th Phon e 2778-W Important: Social Clubs, Organizations. News Must Be in by Sunday P. M. Please Cooperate BREMERTON CH URCHES INVITE YOU AND YOuR ClUUHU::\ TO SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL SWEETHEARTS OF RHYTHM SWUP BLUEJACKETSOFF THEIR FEET AT AMMUNITION DEPOT By J, T. WALKER Not Too Late to Buy Bonds EX P E RT WATCH REPAIRING 1!1NGRAVING ,JEWJcLRP REPAIRING GENUINE ROCK CRYSTALS 5 CoiOl'S PACIFIC JEWELERS 210 :First St. Bremerton PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT Phone MA. 1826 TAVERN OF GOOD CHEER • Where Particular People Drink Their Wine and Beer JOHNNIE CAMPBELL 1315 Yesler Way DouglaB Apartments Wllere It Ia Ooa:veDleot aacJ BODIIIWI:e Newly ReDovated-steam Heat Hot Wat:el'--Tel~phone Laundry Room 1916 E. Madison Pr 7050 Evenings, Pr 2838 AD-ELPHI APARTMENTS A. Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN In Every Respect Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Reasonable 230-32 23rd Ave. No. Ca. 1791 J. A. "Jack" Johnson Chandler Fuel Co. Race Hair Specials Race Papers For Sale Open Daily 10 a.m. i:o 12 midnight Honeysuckles Recreation ARTHUR HEAD, Mgr. CARD TABLES, POOL and SOFT DRINKS · Phone EAst 9994 2030 East Madison Street C. M. STOKES l/fJHT£N$ iBRI6HT£Ns TANNED,DARKSKIN AT1'0RNEY AT LAW The girls entered the recrea– tion hall amid wild shouts and cheers from wistful admire rs of navy t ilme- the girls let go with the umph. Boy, oh Boy' Did t hey sweep through that Bugle Call Rag. the Naval Ammunition Depot . Lovely girls too, that's what Some 300 sailors wer e on deck t he sailors said, they said tnat to rock and sway to the rhyt hm -yes they did. At our mon t hly Girls' Club ' meetin g we were privileged t o I have t he presence of the naval group of girls who possess s uch represe ntative to give t he g irls I fine musicianship, They have a much -needed pep t alk. He I such good ears and gave fi ne spoke ~o u s f or nearly . an ,hour , demonstrations of chor d struc- presenLlllg t o us the srulors side ture, range and ou l~tanding tone of the picte u re. I quality. Such individual style 1 We. were a ll inspired t o listen I anc! origina lity is seldom found to th1s man rela te to us th e even among men-but t hese girl s I though t)l of t he young ~o~s ou~ 1 have it and we do mean-IT. at sea a nd the m emone~ the) I car r y back with t hem when they of the boogie beat. Opening promptly at 19 0 0 - And beli eve it or not, even YOL'"R GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY d ignitaries are hep to the jive as Eve ning school begins at the wit nessed by their appreciativ<'! Bremerton High School Buildi ng, Ebenezer AME Church, R ev. (Continued on Page ~- ) BENTS REDUCED Fum18hed and Unturnished Apartments Benta 'lt aacJ Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, ~· 11& Utla Ave. No. EAit 9811 Express-Moving and Stora.g&-lce OHi~ Phone East 4282 2226 East Madison St. Seattle, Wash. i\b 527 P eople's Bank Hldg. -~'IE L--~-:_~_~_;_~_o~-~-~-~L-kl_:_ts_~r2_e=-~---JOIN THE NAACP NOW! Everett P. Williams, pastor. presence. !'ith and High Sts. Register du r- Sunday school 9 : 30 ; morning Then carne the all famous- ing the wee lc of September 25 to wonhip ll; Christian Endea vor When T hey Ask About You- 29, hours 8 a. rn . to 4 : 30 p, m., 7 ; evening uervice S; prayer wh ich Is tops by popular ac- 6: ~ 0 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. Fir st meeting 'W!"dJ.es(b yg at s o'clock. claim. class begins October 2. Ninth asd Park in downtows Special feature of the night Service men may r egister now. Bremertou. was Kansas City's "Tiny" Davis, Some subjects are: mathema t- slnglng the Vine Street Blues. ics, social science, electr icity a nd Slncl<ilr Community Cn•1rct., Rev. Hunt, a cting pastor. Sun– day school 9 : 45; services 11 :3 0 and 8. This number brought 'the house radio, welding, aero na u tics, Ian-· East Port Orchard, Rev. C. W. Williams, pas tor. Sunday s chool 9 : 45, services 11 and 7 : 4 o. Church schools at Upper View Ridge, 9:45; the Church 9:4 5; Sheridan School, 9: 30; E astpark Hall 9 : 30. Morning worship at 11 ; eve– ning worship 7:30. Youth groups {junior, junior high and high school) 6: 30. Prayer meeting Wednesdays at 2:.:~.!l1~to~r~Rt!v, Willis Loa r. down, yes sir, a rousing house It wa8. For a repeater she k nocked us out with The Ration Blues. Put ou t the lights _and call the law, Mama, Tiny is in town. The g irls are "all reet" say t he boys, and yours truly agrees wit h th em. At t he suggestion of Lt. Camp, recreation officer, the boys really gave vent to their appreciat ion for t he girls nearly five minutes. Bremerton and the N. A. D. ar e deeply indebted to ·Mrs. HaY Lee J ones, the girls ' manager , for permitting us to lisleu to a HERE'S THE PLACE TO DINE OUT-- DELicious GOLDEN FRIED CHICKE N SERVED TO YOUR TASTE • SANDWICHES 1 • SOFT DRINKS Open Nightly --.Fast, Courteous Service THE PUBLIC is the boss in Dick Greens' P lace. want to do a.U possible to give you wbat yon want the way you wa-nt it. GREEN'S CAFE SINCLAIR HEIGHTS GILT EDGE CLEANER S SEneca 9450 -:- 611 J a cks o n St. THREE-DAY SERVICE Expert Cleaning and Finishing Repairing that Satisfies. Hats Cleaned & Blocked ! ":.{\- ~~·, - :t·~ Ladies' Alterations by Experienced Dressmaker PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION Ethel's Beauty Shoppe Hair Styling Our Specialty 657 JACKSON ST. PHONE MAIN 8893 OPEN 9A. M. TO 1 P. M. THE ANGELUS, Inc. guageg, commercial, machinist , ship-fitting, home economics, physical etc. "--- sciences, sheet meta l, AXYTHING BUT THAT" I "My but you're dark," says a tcaehPr to her pu pil. "What na- 1 tionality are . "No," says ··spanish?" "No. " "Jewish? " "No." you, French?" pupil. "Italian,Chinese?" 'i'~o." The pupil says .she call!ld ever y nation ality she coul d t hink of. Finally, s h e said, "The n what ARN you?" "I'm colored," he r epli ed . "Aw, no, you can't b e, '• sh e au swered. Puget So und Recrea tion Office issues a call for material to .ap– p0ar in a m instrel show which will appear at various community halls in the h ous ing p roj ects. Juds in Fox, employee in X 26, former producer of "Chocolat e Blondes," an a ll-ocolor ed r oad show, will be in charge of t he presen t All-Colored Revue to go into rehearsals soo n. Ta l<>nled persons d esiring par – ticipation in t he show may reg– ister at Yard Recreation Office. Two colored men were listen– ing to President Roosevelt's talk Saturday 11ight. Sa id one to th e other, " You know, for tho;> goo d Roosevelt and his administration h as done for the Negro's cause, I t hink I'd lik e to 'l'HUS'l' him for an othn four years." 'l'he other revlied, la ughingly, "You w on't have to, t h at's u ot for you to decide." Social News and Events R)· JUAYI'l'A GAREY The rso staff and a host of frie nd s were deeply grieved for th e YWCA director, Mrs. Josie G. Hazel, when she l earned of t he death of ller last living r ela· liV(' . Mr. An d rew Smit h , her brot h er . Com~ n g a t a particu– larly bad time, the news found her just recuperating from a very r ecent operation . It was neces– sary for Mrs. Hazel to travel hcr oss the co untry to Aik en, S. C., to make arrangements for his funera l. Deepest heartfelt sym– pathy goes to Mrs. Haze l in h er hou r Of grief. D . A. n. clrrncc was not t he suc– cess we h a d hoped for, for the simple r easo n that ou r own girls let ns down. This came as a sur prise to all of us in a ttend– ance to fi nd such a small group of gi rls present. With transpor– tation, refreshments , music, en– tertainment an d evf'ry ot her pos– s ible thing furni shed for us I , sPe n o earthly r eason why our I girls canot sacrifice one night ror Embalmers, Funeral Funeral Directors 319 11-2th Ave. Chapel Martha PR. 0333 I the boys a t NAD. PPrsona lly I was quite clis– guested to see the Bremerton bus carrying only 13 passengers an d Lady A ttendP.nt 1 two-th irds or those being senior Davis, Manager hostesses. Now, girls , do you Seattle, Wash . 1 call tha t cooperation? I s houlil - - --------·1 say not. 'Nuff said. DEifiiOCRACY Since a substantial number of citizens of the State of Washington are serving their Country either in Military Units or Defense Plants, t~is infoFmation is presented to assist (1) Members of the Armed Foc-ces in voting the .absentee WAR VOTERS' BALLOT, and (2) civilians at home who, because of business, working hours or travel– ing conditions, expect to be absent from their electibrf p'recincts on the day of the election -or because illness or physical disability ~a~ . nQt; qppear in person to vote and consequently must cast an Absentee B~JIIot. . ' .\ ·•· ." ' ~~· ' I ' , HOW MEMBERS Of THE ARMED FORCES VOTE ~ (LIP TH! S, .J.ND SEND TO Y.OU -l • ' -. ' J ' ' • The "War Time Elections and Voting" law provides that MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES DO NOT HAVE TO BE REGISTERED VOTERS IN ORDER TO CAST THE ABSENTEE . WAR VOTERS' BALLOT. The affidavit they sign at the time of voting is considered as registration for . that election. However the state constitutional require– ments as to age and residence must be recognized. Every person (either in the service or civilian) voting the State of Washington ballot must be· at least 21 ye.ars of age on the day of the election (November 7th, 1944), and must h~ve resided in the state one year, county 90 days and city or precinct 30 days. For War Voters this residence means prior to entering military services. The "War Time Elections and Voting 11 law was passed for the benefit of all members of the armed forces wherever they may be. These include: WACS, WAVES, SPARS, etc. Any officer or member of a crew of a merchant vessel documented under the laws of the United States and serving outside the territorial limits of the United States, · ·: • SERVIHMAN OR WOMAN • . ... . ' BELLE REEVES, Sefr~}~;';'~T St":J; •· O LYMPIA, WA5iu r<ct'o'N · · · ...;...................- ...................................1944 Date Being a member of the armed forc~s," or ~uxiliary· branch thereof, or otherwise a war voter, and desiring to vole in lhe coming state·wide elections, I hereby apply for an official absent War Voters' ballot. I undersland that I do not have to be a registered voter and that the affidavit I sign on the absentee ballot envelope will constitute temporary registration. . My legal residence (address before entering the military service) in the State of Washington, Is..........- ..... .......................................................................· .................................in. the city or town of........................- ................................., (Number anli Street) and my voting precinct, to the best of my knowledge is......................................................................................................... (Precinct Name or Number) I desire lhat the ballot be sent to me at the following address :............................................................................... •••••••••••••••.o•••••••••••n •••••u•••-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-n ..o•--••••••-••-•--••••••••••••••·-••-••- ··•· ..,.••••••••••••• (PLEASE PRINT PLAINLY) (Prla.t Name and Serial Number Here for Positive Identification) (Writo your ueual Si(Uaturc Here) (THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE VOTER) Any citizen of the State of Washington sojourning outside the territorial limits of the United States. Example: Salvation Army or Red Cross worker, civilians employed in Alaska, Canada or Hawaii, etc. Any discharged veteran who has not been out of the service l.:mg enough in order to register and vote as a civilian. IF YOU WISH TO VOTE AN ABSENTEE BAllOT CLIP THIS AND SEND TO YOUR REGISTRATION OFFICER HOW CIVILIANS AT HOME VOTE AN ABSENTEE BALLOT Send this application to your city clerk if your vo~ing precinct is within the 'city limits or to your c:ounty auditor if your voting precinct is in a rural precmct. APPLICATION OF ABSENT VOTER I hereby state that I am a currently register~d voter in the county of.........................................................., State of Washington, my legal residence being............................................................................................................. (Str~et and Number, or Rural Route) (City or Town) and my voting precinct to the best of my knowledge is...................:............................................................................. (If poaaible fa]) in precinct name or number) and am entitled to vote at the General Election to be held therein on the 7th day of November, 1944: ..That (Strike out either Paragraph No. 1 or Paragraph No. ~ below) . . (I) I shall be absent from my precinct and unable to vote m the usual way on the day of said electiOn. (2) I am so incapacitated that I cannot attend at the polls and vote in the usual way at said eleclion, my incapacity being, in manner as foll ows.............. oeoooooooo•oooooooooooooooooooooooooo•oooo•••••••• •••••••••-·• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• l': - --······---·······........ (Wrl~~-y~~~--N~~~--H~;~j······························ ·-··················································-······-·······················- - - ........................... (i.W~·Add;~~~ ................................._ PORM APPROVED BY ATTORNIItY GENERAL. • • • The· civilian who is a citizen of the State of Washington and residing within the United States MUST FIRST BE A REGISTERED VOTER BE;:ORE HE IS ELIGIBLE TO CAST AN ABSENTEE BALLOT. This is one of the most important differences between servicemen voting and civilians voting the absentee ballot. (Last day to register is October 21st.) YOUR APPLICATION MAY BE MADE TODAY! Use the form marked "Application of Absentee Voter." All you do is flll out, sign and moil! It's as easy OS that! Mail to your city clerk if you vote in a city precinct or to your county auditor if you vote in a rural precinct. In order to facilitate your voting, public spirited organizations and the various lab~;~r unions will see that notaries public are available. We suggest defense workers contact their lead man, foreman or shop steward for information on this. Please remember that your ballot must be marked and affi– davit executed not later than the doy of the election (November 7, 1944). Furthermore, your absentee ballot must be in the mails not Jeter than election day. Should you wish additional application blanks or other vot– ing information do not hesitate to write my office. ; · "BELLE REEVES, Secretory of State, Olympia, Washington FOR THE CONVENIENCE: O.F SEATTLE VOTERS . f; REGISTRATION BOOKS WILL BE OPEN AT EACH OF: S~!6.TTLE'S SIXTY-FIVE GRADE SCHOOLS FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 9:30 P.M. STARTING SEPTEMBER . 25 AND CONTINUING DAILY UNTIL ~. ; () SEPTEMBER 29, INCLUSIVE. . * REGISTRATION OFFICIALS HAVE CONTRIBUTED THEIR TIME AS A PUBLIC SERVICE :~.*-·, . PLEASE COOPERATE BY COMING EARLY :. . i