
-- PAGE TWO THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1944 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE rights act as now stated in our constitution is to place the col– ored race, In respect to c!v!l rights, upon a level with the rights. 1 East Madison Shopping Distr1ct Established 1G20 Published Wednesdays by The Northwest Publlshine 0ompa117 Official Publication of the I. B. P. 0. E. of W. In the Northwest Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Owls Club, Inc. The legislators of 187 9 made the rights and responsibilities, civil and criminal, of the two races exactly the same. Only One PINE ST GENEVA B. MILLER Madison Drug Co. Jllntered at the Po.stoffice, Seattle, Wn., &.'1 Second Claas Matter Oft'lce 662Y 1 Jackson St., 4; Ph El 9'187, P. 0. Box 1873 - 11 Subaerlptlon Rates: By Mall In advance: One year, ,2.00; Six This brings us to our so-called civil rights here in the state of Washington which we must con– fess are somewhat weaker than we desire. Store! ;, . e Ill Afto Open Evenings UntillO P.M. Frnl.t:s - Vegetables Greceriee B.tOker-Notary Public Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1916 E. Madison 22nd and E. Madison East 9628 Drugs, Prescriptions, Cosmetics, ToUet Articles Fountain, Soft Drinks, Candies Downtown Prices Ice Cream and Sherbets Pints 25c; quarts oOc months, $1.215; Three months, 75<: PRIOES ALWAYS RIGHT Phone MA. 1826 Race Hair Specials Race Papers For Salo E. L ROBINSON, .Eciitvr-Publlsher You may already know, there is a movement underfoot spons– ored by the Northwest NAACP Regional and branches to effect a stronger civil statute. Pr 7050 Evenings, Pr 2838 Open Daily 10 a.m. to 12 midnight DeaclliD.e for News: Tues. Noon; tor Advertising Tues. 6 P. l\1, ID'S DINING ROOM----.;=======:. BREMERTON NOTES The Bremerton membel'Shlp In Specializing in Chandler Fuel Co. Express-Moving and Storage-Ice Honeysuckles Recreation Oflieial Representative Northwest Enterprise general seems non-Interested In CHICKEN DINNERS ... JAS. T. WALKER, 3801 6th Phone 2778-W this amendment. Quite a few say it is not necessary. It should be Important: Social Clu~s, Organizations. News Must clear to au of us that 1t we get Office Phone East 4282 2226 East Madison St. Be in by Sunday P. M. Please Cooperate this amendment enacted our Seattle, Wash. ARTHUR HEAD, Mgr. rights Will be guaranteed be– CHURCHES INVITE YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN BREMERTON yond a shadow of doubt. This FRENCH FRIED AND SOUTHERN STYLE - ALSO CARD TABLES, POOL and SOFT DRINKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL amendment will be self-enforc– ing. Delicious Chili Ebenezer AME Church, Rev. ~Terett P. Wllllams, pastor. Sunday school 9:30; morning wol'bhip 11; Christian Endeavor '7; eTening service 8 ; prayer meeting Wed1.es<l!\YS at S o'clock. Ninth and Park In downtown Bremerton. Sinclair Community Cnltrcl:., Rev. George Hunt, acting pastor. Sunday school 9:45; se vices 11:30 and 8. East Port Orchard, Rev. C. W. Williams, pastor. sunday school 1:45, services 11 and 7:45, Church schools at Upper View Ridge, 9:46; the Church 9:45; Sheridan School, 9: 30; Eastpark Hall 9:30. Morning worship at 11; eve– ning worship 7:30. Youth groups (Junior, junior high all,jl high school) 6:30. Prayer meeting Wednesdays at 7; 30. Pastor, Rev, Willis Loar. Printer's Note - Correspond– ents will help materially in mak– ing the paper better if they w11I kindly WRITE PLAINLY, and be sure to have names sp,elled cor· rectly. Also, many items ot In– terest a,re missed because some writers use both sides of the paper. USE ONLY ONE SIDE, please.-Thanks. Are You Man or Mouse? Editorial A certain "Brown Skin" that d.ellghJs in giving colored admlr– el'S t1e cold shoulder got a slap in her ego when a Roxy theatre usher directed her and her (?) beau to the ghetto section, re– cently. She was indignant but her friend acceded, "That's alright." This reminds us of how Negroes are accepting "the upper right hand side" directives. Some do not wait to be ushered "top– side". They go automatically to this area set aside for-"you people." How can the NAACP continue to fight; wrestle daily with white people for civil rights and Amer– ican priv!leges for Negroes if you continue to ask for d!scrimlna- tion. There are some things The responsibility for the suc– cess of this program rests with every Negro, not just one or two. Made from a Famous Call for Reservations 2330 E. Madison Old for Mexican Recipe ~.,ecial Parties CApitol 9864 YOU must demand. It you are respectful, act decently, you can effect ~ much greater Influence in obtaining your civil rights. The Hawaiian Islands, known • the world over for their Polyne- -----------------------_::__......___ In part the Washington stat- utes says, "refused because of alan chants and love songs, now race, color or creed in any place· sends out to the world the rich of amusement, public accommo- spiritual music or an American dations, shall be guilty of a Negro Marine choir, led by Pvt. misdemeanor. Bernard C. Gill of Beaumont, When you become involved Texas. All military posts, U S 0 don't get excited. Remember the Clubs and churches throughout theatre managers know the law. the Islands enjoy their music. Said one manager, '•These direc- SINCLAIR NEWS By Mtss Irene 'Vllllams A Hallowe'en varty, sponsored by tU S 0 No. 2 was given at Sinclair Recreation hall. The tives are handed down to us from our Seattle office. The white patronage objects to being seated alongside colored people -folks they have often put In their place back home. Person– ally, I have no objections but small boys and girls were en- tertained from 7 until 9. The what can I do; I've got to fol- older boys and girls were enter– low orders or else--. tained from 9 until 12, Mrs. "We do not force 'you people' to ·sit in these areas. 'Ve direct Irene Napper chapnroned. them there politely. Most of them HONEST GROCERY 1235 Jackaon St. CAp. 9897 Has a Complete Line of Fineat - Staple Groceries Fresh Fish Fresh Chickens Fresh Fruits Beer Mixers VISIT OUR STORE INSPECT OUR STOCK Norman A. West, Proprietor Regiment Receives Honors FORT LEWIS - There was plenty of spit and polish for the Phone EAst 9994 2030 East Madison Street ADELPHI APARTMENTS A. Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN In Every Respect Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Reasonable 280-32 23rd Ave. No. Ca. 1791 J. A. uJack" Johnson j Not Too Late to Buy Bonds I l Douglas Apartments I Wllere It Is Convenient and Homelike Newly Renovated-steam Heat Hot Water-Tel6phone Laundry Room RENTS REDUCED Furnished ana Unfurnished Apartments Beats $10 and Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, :Mgr. lU 24th Ave. No. EAst 9817 9 3rd General Service Engineer Regiment when its membern, dressed in their finest, stepped out smartly on the parade grouttd iu cadence to martial airs and were honored with a presentation from the war de– partment of their own unit! bat-. tie streamers. 'j The regiment, now stationed l-.------------~ at Fort Lewis, was cited along :-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••r, with 16 other units in war de- partment general orders for mer- itorious conduct in the construe- 1 obey, Friday a Dewey and Bricker "Sure, we are aware of the forum was held at the Sinclair civil rights law and we do not Community Church, 11ponsored by wish to violate that law, but-" Mrs. Wm. Hill, RPopublican com- Uon of the Canadian-Alaska mili-~ tary highway during the period .----------------------------· 1 from March to October in 1942. ; BARBER WANTED See what we mean? The mltteewoman. The speakers were NAACP cannot help people who Prentise I. Frazier of Seattle and do not want to be helped, This Mr. Hayes and Mr. Johnson of ''polite segregation" w!ll con- Tacoma. Candidates were Robert tlnue endlessly until we say, "I H. Harlan, Willard W. Parker, will not accept It," and stick Harold D. ·Lent, Kenneth E. to it. Young, W. W. Bill Shepherd and Please don't make youl'Self County Chairman George Thomas despicable with loud, boisterous spoke in behalf of Governor conduct, sloppy attire, odorous Langl!e and Harry Cain. work ~lothes. Be a good citizen, Sunday, Nov. 5 the senior and then simply say, "I'll take a seat junior classes of the Sinclair over here, thank you." Community Church were guests If you look presentable, act at the First Methodist Church in sensible and talk intelligently, Bremerton. you can help us clear up these Bremerton Ghettos. Sunday afternoon Rev. George Certain civil rights of the in- L. Hunt passed the examining dividual are protected by the council for ordination. On the federal statutes. When the con- council were Rev. F. B, Davis, stitutlon was adopted in 1787, Mt. Zion, Seattle; Rev. Loar, of the rights of Negroes were not Sheridan Park, Bremerton; Rev. considered, but later the Con- Lyles, Seattle; Rev. Shirley, Ev– gress repealed most of the fed- erett; Rev. Brown, Seattle; Rev. eral civil rights legislation. Paul E. Hamlin, Bremerton. SEE OUR SELECTION OF BULOVA AND GRUEN WATCHES PICK YOUR GIFTS NOW AND USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING THE PACIFIC JEWELERS 210 FIRST STREET, BREl\lERTON TIP TOP C.LOTHES SHOP MEN'S BETTER CLOTH~S FOR LESS • TWO STORES IN BREMERTON 231 Burwell • 323 N. Callow Tailor Made Ready Made Unclaimed H. H. McCOMB Open Eves. Phone 3242 Incidentally, sections 51 and I The congregation was enter- 52 of our present criminal colte tained by several numbers by thl! offers protection to minorities. West Coast Gospel choir, The --------------~-------------· It deals respectively to cases 1 meeting was conducted by Rev. where there is a consp!ra~y to F. Benjamin Davis. Injure persons in the exercise of Baptism was held at the eve- AN OBITUARY gled with a sens~ of guilt, for we took more from her than any of -------1 really unimportant. She was born : In 1901. She graduated from the University of Washington in 1925. She died on September 14, 1944. These are unimportant because the things that l1appened to her were not the most mean– ingful things in her life, but the things which happened to her family, and to the world. Tho most eventful dates might be when Revels was sick, when Susan was born, when Lillie got married, or when Horace left home to come to Chicago. Proud Tradit;on How do we account for Madge Pleasant 'Vorking Conditions. Post-War Security Position $65 PER WEEK GUARANTt:ED 8-Hour Day. Own Time. Barber Shop, Choose Your Apply Jackson 666 Jackson St. • WHEATLE ,y YW·CA'' Club, junior and senior Girl Re- ' serves and Modernettes. By Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt The Friendship Club will nont The Business and Industrial 1· ts r·egular meett'ng Punday af- . . . we or the family? We ac- o count for her because she lived Club entertained 35 service men ternoon. The club welcomes the at a Haiowe'en party last Thurs- f 11 · b M'ss ln a great tradition. This is that o owmg new mem ers:. t tradition. Her paternal graud- day night. The y was cleverly Myla Gartin, Miss Lovie Sanders decorated in a black and orange and Mrs. Alma Renfro. father, a slave, ran away four h . f . 1 color scheme, apples were strung The Mernbersht'p Commt'tlee is times to get baclt to ts amt y when he was sold down the river at different lengths in the arch- to sponsor a forum on Sunday, ways. The serving table was cov- the 19tlr at the YWCA at 5 to Mississippi. Her maternal ered with an orange and black ' 1 k Th k ill be grandfather was the first Negro o c oc . e spea ers w senator and was honest and de- cloth from which apple cider was Mr. Reginald Johnson, field sec– cent and strong and courageous. Her father never compromised served during the evening. An retary of the National Urban enjoyable evening wass pent in League. Public is invited to at– dancing and the guests departed' tend. Mrs. Cartwright ·ward is having had a fine lime. chairman of the committee. their civil rights. ning services. Candidates were on a principle which involved the dignity and sacredness of the us could return. All of us had a human personality, whether it There 'Will be a city wide Girl Reserve recognition service at The plain objects of our civil Miss Irene Wllliams and Mr. ______________.;..._____________ Rielly Shelton. Rev. George L. (We are touched by a brother's lament, the things Mad g e thought, the family's air castle for a loved one which, too, failed vague notion, a hope, and a plan, was white or black. Her mother Central YWCA Sunday afternoon, to do something big for Madge. carried the torch for human Jib- November 19. All member~ of MAN WANTED GILT EDGE CLEANERS· SEneca 9450 -:- 611 Jackson St. THREE-DAY SERVICE Expert Cleaning and Finishing Repairing that Satisfies. Hats Cleaned & Blocked Ladies' Alterations by Experienced Dressmaker PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION Ethel's Beauty Shoppe Hair Styling Our Specialty 657 JACKSON ST. PHONE MAIN 8893 OPEN 9A. M. TO 1 P. M. THE ANGELUS, Inc. Embalmers, Funeral Chapel Lady Attendant Funeral Directors Martha Davia, Manager 319 ).2th Ave. PR. 0333 Seattle, Wash. Hunt officiated. to materialize, and finally her Mrs. George Hunt is on the bequest to advance medical road to recovery from a recent science. Horace, Seattle sorrows, illness. too.-Ed!tor). James McDaniel Is now recu- By HORACE R. CLAYTON peratlng from a recent lllness MADGE WAS ONE OF THE For all news contact Miss COMMON PEOPLE, BUT SHE Irene Williams, 1045 Union St. El\IBODIED A TRADITION News must be In before Satur- This Is a piece about death. day evening. It is also about a tradition and a family. It concerns my family, That was to be some time In the erty. This is the tr:j.dition that . . . accounty for Madge. This is the JUlllor and semor Girl Reserve vague future. Part of our grief, tradition which she handed no to clubs are to be present. Also too, is a feeling of frustration us. This is the tradition which friends and relatives are invited. th t th t I I 0 lbl gives us comfort now that she is Everyone is looking forward a a now s mp ss e. to November 18 at Phyllis W " I th t lif ather gone. Of this tradition we are e .ee a e r Wheatley. Why? Homecoming, cheated Madge, She went through ferociously proud. of course Come out and enjoy the University Of Washington Perhaps you would like to · the fun Buy hats, eat candy, and made an enviable record, but know what Horace, our father, · play bingo, request your favorite specialized in a field In which, born a slave, wrote in -896. "But we live in the present song and have fun in general. and in the future, and not the Christmas gifts can be purchased. past; Jet bygones be bygones, and The following clubs will par- For Packing House VVork. Hours 4:30 to Midnight. Good Pay. ACME PACKING CO. RA 5700 Mr. Shekter WANTED E. P. 0. WASIUNGTON but it ls Important in that it is a tradition. Our sister, Madge, because of her race, she could not find employment. For a num– ber of years she did work which was not in fitting with her ac– complishments, training and In– telligence. Later she came to Chicago and after years of strug– gle achieved a position which was comparable with her training– where she could make a contribu– tion. It was ju5t when she real– Ized this, after she had accom– plished what she should have today let all men, irrespective of ticipate in the homecoming: En- Experienced Beauty Operator By ADA BEST who Is now dead, was a good Calvary Communiy Church woman. There are four of us held ordination for Rev. Wll- left now. Madge wa.s not a great Hams, Its pastor. Rev. Jackson figure in the common sense of Brooks Sherman and Rev, Mor- the term. She was one of thll gan performed the ordination.. A common people of the world. She solo was rendered by Mr. John– son and the paper by Brother Clark was beautifully read. Oth– ers taking part in the services were Sister Brewer, Sister Wright and Mr. Taylor. • Rev. Jackson preached out of his very soul from the first chap– ter of Jeremiah. Receipts were $46 and we were grateful to have so many visitors. Rev. Williams will be guest Rpeaker at Rev, Hunt's church at St. Clair Heights next Sun– day and Rev. Sherman will be in charge of the morning service at Calvary. Mrs. Buck Williams enter– tained a group of little ones for her daughter Georgia Marie on her sixth birthday. Ice cream and cake were served and games were enjoyed. Georgia Marie re– ceived many beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Giggins are the proud parents of a baby boy and little sister Bernice is very happy with her little brother. Mr. and Mrs. Glgglns are among the out– standing young couples here. was Intelligent, strong, and hon– est; but no more so than thou– sands of other humans who live, struggle and die, and In doing so, make a small contribution to the society in which they live. Madge made this contribution by her work in the organizations to which she belonged and by her idealism and hope for a better world. But she meant much more to us. She was to us not only a sister, but In a strange and curi– ous way, a mother. It was not that she was more of a mother than Susie, our mother, but that in an incredible way she was even a mother to Susie, Why this came about or how it came about, none of us will ever know. We accepted It as a natural thing and it is only now that we ex– amine it and realize that this woman had extra o r d i n a r y strength and exerted a powerful Influence over the l!ves of us children. Cheated by Cruel Forces Of ~e Prejudice years before, that she was strick– en down. She was cheated first by us, her family, who made de– mands which thwarted her own amb!tion5 and alms. She was later cheated by the cruel forces of race prejudice. Then, and finally, by circumstances. Dates Not Important In l\(adge's Life race, color, creed or nationality, tre Nous, Self-Improvement, the MODER:'IJISTIC BEAUTY SALON meet on one common ground, Younger Matrons, Daughter Elks, 674 Jft(!ks<>n St. 1\IAin 9398 smoke the pipe of everlasting Matinee Matrons, \Vomens Study peace and bow without murmur or complaint to the inevitable. Club, Altiora Peto, Evergreen Let there be one flag and one Progressive Club, Sempre Fidelia, country for ali manner of man and Senserity Club, the Business that swears allegiance thereto. and Industrial Girls, Friendship Let America be for Americans, wlthou t either color or race dis– tinction cutting and figure in the contest. Let the race bE: for all, It is far more important to me to preserve an unblemished and the prize to the winner, ir- conscience than to compass any respective. Let us join in the object however great-Channing. brotherhood of man, and form a nucleus, both defensive and of- Roofing, Siding Insulation WORK GUARANTEED Estimates Free. Ueal Dit·ect With the Applicator and SAVE MONEY. PR. 84.81 840 Poplar Place fensive around which we will gather the elements of American humanity, now repeiling each other, and thus move grandly on to a goal, and with our combined forces defy the world, should it threaten our liberties or endan– ger our institutions." SESSION BROS. BAR-B-QUE We do not all think alike, her brothers and her sisters. That's unimportant. But we believe from the depths or our soul in Madge and In the tradition which she embodied. If this sounds like a social document rather than an obituary it Is because we choose for It to be. And we choose for It to be this because we wish to I think · of her as one of the com– mon people of the earth, who "Where a Sandwich Is a Meal" BAR-B-Q SPARERIBS e BEEF e PORK 8 CHICKEN Not Too Late to Buy Bonds Because or her devotion to her family she m!!de many sacrifices and, ln a sense, our grief is min- But Madge was not a weak, helpless thing, tossed by imper– sonal forces. She was tnwarted, but not crushed. She, like all of us, fought back. She belonged to unions, she belonged to pro– gressive organizations. She was sweet and gentle, but she could and did fight tor a better world not alone for her, but for all peoples. Symbollc of her life and her hopes and her aspirations for mankind Is the fact that, because she suffered from a little known disease, her body was used after her death by medical science to advance, though just an Incre– ment, their knowledge. We are proud that she could make this final contribution. the ideals to whicn we are ir- has made a small contribution to I I revocably committed.-Pittsburgh 316 12th Ave. So. Phone EA. 9784 The dates In Madge's life are Courier. ii.......................................................