0 Franklin D. Roosevelt Four More Years • IDS ------...- 'EQUALITY LAWS t- 0- ::: ~ , nJ:~~- ~~ 0 ~= :~~-1%... MOCK NEGROES, _.._ :_ ~~ -;__~~~s-~~~---.t;~~ SAYS PRI"~'S!, ._...: 01-lVewsp-nper- lli~eople JIFiii/jih:iiJe, -lllfd-1/eJpe,ct. - ::!.:~;:~~:~~:::::=·:::. •. ::·~ Negroes," the Rev . Raymond J. ~4 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1944 Price 5c Per Co-p:y Campion, pastor of st. Peter ~======================~==========~~========================~================~================~==~~==~~;;~~~;;~~·====~~;;~~~;;~~; Claver's church and chaplain of VOL. 25, NO. 6 GRAND EX. RULER J. FINLEY WILSON 1 43 FORT LAWTON RIOTERS SOON TO BE /NEGRO PROBLEM IS ~::~;~~~~~yt~:~~:~~>:~::i~::~:;j IS ROYALLY RECEIVED IN SEATTLE TRIED BY GENERAL COURT MARTIAL WHITE PROBLEM ~:~~~.tu:;on~~r~nt~~ra~~:~ c~~~~~~~ Forty-three members of two Negro port companies SAYS FR PARSONS tee. Hon. J. Finley Wilson, Grand Seattle. Members were: Exalted Ruler Of Elks, IBPOE i Leader, Staff Sgt. Ernie Har– of W arrived In Seattle Thurs I per, formerly with Fletch Hen– day, Oct. 26, the guest of Puget j derson's Band and Jimmy Luna– Sound Lodge Elks No. 109. The I ford's arranger; two years In the Grand was accompanied by Grand' service In Washington, D. C. Esquire Eugene Sorrall or Los Alto sax: Joe Thomas, former– Angeles, Callt. The grand oftlc- ly with Fletch Henderson. Tenor ers were chaperoned by Grand sax: Bill Williams, formerly with Traveling Deputy J. Chavis, Los Tiny Bradshaw. Tenor sax: Les ot Angeles to Seattle. Turner, formerly with Les Illte G. E. R. Wilson came to Se- and Lionel Hampton. Trombone: attle, ostensibly to direct the Wyatt Ruther, formerly with Elks Bond Drive, sponsored by Chick Web. Senior drummer: Puget Sound Lodge No. 109. Bob Smith, from Cleveland. At Already the possessor of 22 mill- I the plano, Don Hill, of Detroit. ion in bonds, a nation-wide drive Lieut. Frank Brown, Special Ser– is in progress to Increase their vices Officer, is In charge of the quota. management. The orchestra par- The bond drive ended Tues- ticlpated in bond drives In Art– day, Oct. 31, with the Elks an- zona and California and netted nual dance at Civic Auditorium. 25 million dollars In sales. They The sponsors report the bond also played In Hollywood, Calif. drive a snccess, and later wl!l The 29th Special Services Band be repeated. Wilson urged bond will be heard again In another bnying and contribution to the futnre bond drive and are well war chest by all Elks, and was worth going miles to hear. given an ovation leading the will go on trial soon before a General Court Martial at • One hundred white and colored Fort Lawton. I WASHI:\'GTON-The so-called Catholics attended the session, at Three are charged with murder and rioting and the 1 "NPgro problem" is in reality a which the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward • P. Hoar, VIcar Genera! of the other 40 are charged only with rioting. The penalty .'whi~e problem," ~ problem con- Brooklyn diocese, presided. He for rioting under the Articles of War I. "a th C · t i tronti~lg the conscwusness of the . . , . . S S e. o.ur 1 majonty group, the Rev. ,VIIfred read a letter of greeting from Martial may dJrect, wh1ch may mclude up to l1fe 1m- Parsons, s. J., pointed out In the Most Rev. Thomas E. Mol– prisonment. Under military law there are only two J opening the Interracial forum loy, Bishop of Brooklyn, In penalties for murder: life imprisonment or d~ath. s nsored by the Washington which the Bishop said that there T • c th 11 l'b . t G t "is scarcely any problem of our he charges are the outgrowth of a raid bv '1. group a 0 c 1 raJ Y a eorge own 1 . · ' university here Fathe. p 8 community lite which merits of Negro soldiers on the quarters of the 28th Italian professor of p~litical ~cte~:eon:~ and shonld receive more tmmear- Quartermaster Service Unit at I tt C tl It U 1 ·t A ate, reasonable and practical F t L t AL • T dd p • 1 1e a 10 c n vers1 y of m. ~rht aw on after taps on the eWJS 0 resentahon ., enca and former editor Of Amer- conslderatloln by all groups In n g of August 14. The next ic·l was chairman of the forum. our commnnlty population" than morning the body of Guglielmo Coming Black & Tan Soon T~~ speakers were Ernest the one which has been under- Ollvotto, a private In the Italian ' Ga.laraza, director of the Labor taken by the Institute. Service Unit, was found hanging THE LUCKY ONE Division of the Pan_ American The Rev. John LaFarge, S. J., by a tent rope from a guy wire Union; George M. Johnson, dep- editor of America, weekly maga- over a small stream which flows uty ehairman of the F. E. P. C., zlne Of current opinion, praised into the Sound from the Fort and George Hunton, secretary of the new Institute as a pioneer Lawton reservation. .: . the Catholic Interracial Council educational endeavor which will The charges follow an lnlens- , ) Of New York and editor of the produce cooperation, mutual nn· I !I II! I :I .I! Franklin D. Roosevelt ELECTION OVE.R -- WHAT NOW? By MARY M. DUNCAN lve Investigation by Army auth- Interracial Review. derstandlng and good wlll be- orlties. The Investigation has 1 :lir. Galaraza described the va- tween the two racial groups, I With skies over the nation clear - back to normalcy disclosed no evidence of I rious types of economic and ed- Miss Mary L. Riley, chairman of after the glare of political lightning, the victor's shouts racial trouble between the ucational discrimination to which th~. committee, a:so spoke. briefly. I modulated and the defeated resigned to his fate, we'll The Morr).SeS Enterlam' !an and Negro soldiers, nor Mexican-Americans are subjected Our purptosd: mfestablhiisthlug ad I unite as Americans to rinish the fight-do the job (Continued on Page 41 and suggested reforms. course Of s u 1es or w e an · grand march to the bandstand. 28th Special Service Band Music by the 18 well groomed master musicians of the former 28th Special Services Band at Ft. H J Finl W'l Pointing out the widespread Negro citizens," Father Campion I Colored America, since it has not in the past and • on. . I ey i sonj Clarence u,shaw Takes discrimination against Negroes, said, explaining the opjectlves of does not at the present matter a great deal to us which Mr. Johnson stated that the the Institute, ''is neither more party has won, just what should we do? Are ·we going Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morris en- M' Rb M S d I nor less than to secure justice Iss U Y ae an ers American Negro Is asking for Its to unite to win victory over ourselves?. Wt'n "J.ctory at tertalned the Hon J. Finley Wll- for a great minority-the Negro • complete eradication in the home? Win victory abroad? Or are we going to re- Hauchuca was Intriguing and the son, grand exalted ruler of Elks, A H B'd t YWCA I armed forces, In the exercise of race. We hope to bring to bear equal of any name-band heard in I. B. P. 0. E. of W .. at their S S rJ e a E:«l"''" IPS F~... the franchise, in education and the teachings Of Our Lady to main divided, giving Way to hordes of our oppressors Rev. Penick Is Host palatial country home in Renton It's the old maestro, Lucius economic life. As a remedy, Mr., ward solving the great problem and aggressors who say "Colored America, stay down, Heights, Sunday, Oct. 26. The At a beautlfnl wedding cere- (Lucky) Mlllinder himself. Mil Johnson urged the establishment of segregation and dlscrlmlna- stay back, you shall not pass." ~~~:eu:::rsb=~~~~n~: t~~~::~:~· ~~~~ds a!~~ndf:~lo!Yw:rk:r~stMI~! ~ien:t~; ~:;~i~~ ~~;a~r~:_~: ~~ c~~~ of a permanent statutory FEPC ~~~~ ~fln:~~tl:s~~ro and other ra- Regardless of party affiliations, we, as Colored Friday, Oct. 27, Rev. F. W. Penick, host at the Iowa Cafe, 6 62 'h Jack·son; J. Finley WI!- Regal Theatre in Chicago. with powers of enforcement. A . After being served a variety Ruby Mae Sanders became the Every priest assigned to work mencans are still a minority. Nevertheless we should Mr. Hunton deplored the apa of cocktails the guests assembled bride of Mr. Clarence Upshaw at DEVOUT NEGRO . . in a Negro parish realizes early -it's a MUST _ that we continue to fight for our son,, Eugene Sorrell, John Bnrns, in the dining room around a the East Madison Branch Y. w. thy and prejudice of white Amer- that he must devote a great deal · ic~ s b t t th t' he rtghts as American citizens. E. I. Robinson, E. R. Chainey, huge table. It was bedecked with C. A. on Saturday, October 21. .. n u a e same une of energy in combating racial dis- Mrs. E. R . Chainey, Miss Regina a·ssorted delicacies, home pre- The bride, attired in a dainty HONORED AT 4TH found cause for hope 1 ~ the f:ct 1 crimination, Father Camplan Bothmaj or parties, the Democrats and Republicans Twaltes Miss Rita Reese, Mr. and pared meals and fowl, which tea- blne dress with a blue veil, tlwt more than 150 mterracJal said. "As a Catholic priest," he have made us numerable proimses (they always do be- Mrs. McKnight. tured the eight-course dinner. carried red roses. She was at- ANN'L MEMORIAL c.ommlssions have been estab-~ continued, "I say that racial seg- fore election) some of them good sounding. We have Saturday, Oct. 28: Mt, Tacoma Other guests enjoying the hos- tended by Ml's. Alberta Elegan, llshed in the USA in recent regatlon is a serious injustice f years I our years before us to determine their worth. A cru- Lodge at Tacoma, Mr. Arthur pltallty of the hosts and daugh- maid of honor, who wore pink (NC)-Speaking at the close] ' · and violation of the law of char- HayPs, Master of Ceremonies. ter, Birdie. wPre: Mls~e~ Regina and carrlf>d pink carnation!': The of the fomth annual mPmorinl " ., , lty. Further, it is contrary to sade for self-government will go far towards gammg They didn't come home till Thwaites and Rita Reese' bridegroom was attended by rservice. at the grave of Piesre AS HAYES SEES IT ; the law of God. Communities as recogmtJOn as American citizens. We .:\1 U~T win first morning. Messrs. G. Esq. Eugene Son·at, Ulysses ward, best man, and the Toussaint, qevout Catholic Ne- well as individuals can and do the victory overour selves, then at home and abroad. G. Trav. Deputy J. Chaves, Gus Rev. 1<'. Benjamin Davis nutted' groe who is buried in the grave- The trail followed from Taco- commit serions wrong." The McKnights Hosts at Forget Me Not Dinner For J. Finley Wilson West, Exalted Ruler E. R. Chai- the couple. yard of old St. Patrick's Catlle- rna over the great mountains and ney and Mrs. Chalney, Mr. and Mr. Upshaw has attended the drat, in New Yorll, the Rev., ravines covering that vast span Mrs. J. Green, and the Rev. Jud- Washington State College, Pull- Gerard J. Murgplly, S. J., de- of our country leading to Chi– son Swaney and son, Sandy. man majoring In agriculture and clared that a Catholic champion I cago, evidences of the potential Following the dinner, the expe~ts to finish his remaining of interracial justice should be 1 party attended the evening serv- year after the war. He has been, distinguished by "a charity ice at the Institutional Baptist e plo ed f 1 b I which is Christ-like in its inspir- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Me- 1 m Y or severa yearn y church, the Rev. F. W. Penick,' the Gray 0 A 1 Sh I atton and in its action." The Knight, former Iowans, bnt now definitely wedded to the Queen City opened their beautiful home to guests, In honor of G. E. R. J. Finley Wilson, Monday, Oct. 30, at 6 p. m. s n ppare ops, on pastor, where the Grand Exalted Third Ave. His popularity with service was sponsored by the Ruler Wilson delivered a fine his fellow workers is attested by Alumni Race Relations Council, Inspirational message. the nnmber who attended the a group Of Catholic college Receiving their gnests In the blue drawing room where cock– tails were served, they were halted at a table set for nine, the dining room continuing the drawing room blue. Maitre D' Hotel McKnlghts, both masters in the cnllnary a rt, the table groaning with a variety of del– Icacies left one or two of the guests singing the blues-they knew not where to begin. Two beautiful little ladies, Misses Barbara McKnight and Gloria Spicer, attending the serv– Ice, gave the cue and they needed no fnrther coaching. Present beside the bosts and guest of honor were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Chalney, Messrs. Joe Burns, Gust West, E. I. Robin– son, G. Esq. Eugene Sorral. PERCouncil Hosts to Hon. J. Finley Wilson In the beautifully decorated home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vrooman, 1474 21st Ave., the Past Exalted Rulers' Council hon– ored Grand Exalted Ruler J. Finley Wilson with an elaborate midnight gumbo supper. The supper followed the joint meeting of Puget Sound Lodge No. 109 and Evergreen Temple 157 Daughter Elks at Harmony Hall Monday, Oct. 30. Guests of the Council were the Daughter Elks Mesdames W. E. Vrooman, Marla .H. •raylor, Em– ma Chalney, Susie Marshall, Vrooman, Marla H. Taylor, Ema– Helen Snyder and G. E. Eugene Sorral and Rev. Judson Swaney. WOULD YOU LIKE TO GROOM THE BIG SILVER PAN AMERICAN CLIPPERS THAT FLY TO ALASKA? Pan American Air Ways Offers permanent positions for AIRCRAFT CLEANERS AND JANITORS T rue Democrat ic Working Cond it ions Certifica te of Availability Required Apply m Person at PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Boeing Field, King County Airport wedding and reception Including alumni organized to nromote the the store manager. ' I canse of interracial jus~ice. The bride, formerly of Hart- Father Murphy. remuHIPd the f d c h 11 d 1 S ttl group that their •deals mnst be or , onn., as ve n ea e 11 d . tl th about a year. ve Ill ac on; at ''they must Queen of Sheba Chapter Holds First Fall Tea remember that we have decided to advance no ordinary cause and that the ideal we strive for cuts at the root oE a great dis– ease in modern society. May the saintly Pierre Toussaint, who triumphed in his life over distinc- Sunday, October 29 trom 3 to tlons of class and color, recall 6 p. m. the Qneen of Sheba to our minds that we are all Chapter No. 12 0 E S held the one in Christ, Jesus." first fall tea of the season at Miss Catherine Paul!ni, a sen– the beautiful home Of Mr. and tor from the College of New Ro– Mrs. N. L. Brook·s, 325 34rd N. undeveloped wealth. is unspeak– chelle, gave a resume of the, able to the untrained mind. There life or Toussaint, who was born! is every reason why we should in Haiti in the late 1700'·s. Aftpr love every foot of our America coming to America he formed! and everything for which onr lasting friendships with mem- government stands, regardless of bers of the distinguished fam-1 the origin of our family ties. llies of early New York and be- 1 Let us not be fooled; there Is came a trustee of St. Peter'sj' no country where people of the Church. His life was devoted to lower brackets feel free to go works of charity among the and come unmolested, other than poor and unfortunate. (the good old U.S.A., and further The Hallowe'en motive was carried out. The table was pret– tily decorated wl th fall flowers. Pouring at the table the first honr were Mrs. Callie Bradley, Mrs. Lucille Hood. The second hour: Mrs. Suzie Marshall, Mrs. Bessie Ratcliffe. The third hour -Mrs. Fannie Cook, Mrs. Helen Snyder. At the punch bowl were Mrs. Viola Palmer, Mrs. Dora Smith. Mrs. Jeanette Waters attended at the door. G. E. R. J. FINLEY WILSON, OVERCOME NOTICE TO PATRONS IN SOCIAL WHIRL; TAKES TO THE AIR The house guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bradley, 120 26th will have to seek another world. ++ THE J,UCIT.J,E BEAUTY AHOP, 526 23rd Ave., will be closed till further notice, account of the se1•ious iilness of a mother Ave., G. E. R. J. Finley Wilson hoisted the while flag, yielding to the horde of hosts ancl hos– tesses during his five-day stay In Seattle. "To find a more people than Seattle hospitable affords, I r-----------------------------------~1 IN PERSON THE;DARLINGS OFRHYTHM 14-0 RCHESTRA-14 BLACK AND TAN, 404Vz 12TH AVE. SO. Beginning Thursday, October 26 COOKS, PORTERS ANDWAITERS CLUB FOR RESERVAT IONS CALL CA. 9989 JAM SESSION EVERY MONDAY NIGHT I was forced to take a plane for air; but I am coming back again soon," he said. VERY SPECIAL $800 DOWN FIVE-ROOM Stucco, very clean, with hardwood floors, living room, dining room, laro;e kitchen with breakfast nook. Two good-sized bed– rooms with bath. Full cement basement, oil heat, air-conditioned, near parochial and day school, close in near 24th Avenue South. See this dandy buy for $3,800. Call Can 0222 Agt. throughout our conn try, and 1 STITU'l'ION? its general and over-all laws give there is still room for every per- r More than 400 boys, who had every man an eqnal opportunity, son to become self..gustained iu seen service in almost every sec– insofar as he fits himself. We every phase of human endeavor. tor reached from the west coast, Americans only have to apply Is not this alone worth maintain- were homeward bound; som hav– ourselves to the task of system- lng the kind of government our ing been away from the beginn– atical honest and productive de- forefathers fought to establish ing of the present conflict, and velopment Of the vast resources nnder our present GREAT CO~- (Continued ou Page 4) SAVE S15 SEneca 1365 Save $10 to $15 on om· large collection of suits and sport coats. Eyefulls ~·ou have wish<'<l tor in Vogue and Ha•·per's ~~7~r. Snits that "111 gtv<' you that poised, ronfident air of a mo<l<'l. Coats, casuals for that warm 'glowing feeling on <'OI<l, damp days. Orlgi nally ]Jriced $27 to $-1;). \\ hil<' they last $15 to $29.95. • Mae's Dress Shoppe 650 Jackson St.
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