
PAGE TWO THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE Wednesday, March 28, 1945 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE Established 1G20 East Madison Shopping Distnct PubUshed Wednesdays by Dle Northwe11t PubUshlng Company OUicia.i Publica.tion of the I. B. P. 0. E. of W. in the Northwest Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Owls Club, Inc. lllntered at the Postoffice, Seattle, Wn., 811 Second Class Matter 01fice 662¥ 1 Jackson St., 4; -ph El 9'78'7. P. 0. Box 1878 - 11 Subscription Rates: By Mail in advlllloe: One year, $2.00; Six montha, $1.26; Three months, 75c E. I. ROBINSON, Editc.r-Publillher Deadline tor News: Tues. Noon; for Advertising Tues. 6 P. M. BREMERTON NOTES Official Representative Northwest Enterpriae JAS. T. WALKER, 3801 6th Phone 2778-W Ebenezer AME Church Rev. Everett P. Williams, pastor Sunday school 9:30; morning worship 11; Christian Endeavor 7; evening service 8; prayer! meeting Wednesdays at 8 o'clock. Ninth and Park In downtown Bremerton. FLASH! Pittsburgh Courier to carry story .. ...,.,.._~~~~~~~l~rwl~ep~e~n:d~ent Groc..,. ~t~~,one IJ PINE ST. ta~T". Open Evenings UntillO P. M. FruJ.ts - Vegetables Grooeries PRIOES ALWAYS RIGHT Phone MA. 1826 BENEVA B. MILLER B.toker-Noiary Public Hours: 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. 1916 E. Madison Pr 7050 Evenings, Pr 2838 Important: Social Clubs, Organizations. News Must Be in by Monday P. M. Please Cooperate of New China Cafe racial con– asked for thi-s convenience, in flict. Due to the close relation– preference to west Park station. ship of this Incident to similar But-If you prefer the later- cases that have happened in Los THEY SAY--- WEEKLY FEATURE By J. T. WALKER Eaeetly As /Uostroteof Solid Colora-Stripes or Plaida In Blue, Brown, Black, Teal, Tan and Gray SIZES 32 to 38.. . ...............Sit.SO 5/US 40 to 46..................$24.50 To Be or Not To Be is the question to be decided by the citizens of Sinclair Heights, very shortly. If the present Posct Office is to remain-you MUST us it. It you think just dropping a few letters in the mail w!ll sat– isfy Uncle Sam -you're wrong. You must buy more than just penny post cards. This station handles the same service as any other polit office -with the exception of war bond you'll soon get to return to it. Morfe use of your station or no Sinclair Post Office. The facts are final, coming from the post office inspector. So, Citizents of Sinclair- Is it to be or not to be--only you can decide. What will be your an– swer in the next 30 days? Ebenezer AME will observe Youth Day, April 29. Fellowship program morning and evening. Watch for further details. Prominent teen-age' speakers of the Northwest will be present. sales. You can, however, pur- In Bremerton segregation ls a chase savings stamps. common thing, so one more story This, 1 understand, Is not an wont' hurt. Read the corker for attempt to segregate you- you next week. SEE OUR SELECTION OF BULOVA AND GRUEN WATCHES EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING THE PACIFIC JEWELERS 210 FIRST STREET, BREMER'fON TIP TOP CLOTHES SHOP MEN'S BETTER CLOTHES FOR LESS • TWO STORES IN BREMERTON 231 Burwell • 323 N. Callow Tailor Made Ready Made Unclaimed H. H. McCOMB Open Eves. Phone 3242 Angeles recently - wherein the Chinese consul was brought into the picture---the editors feel this matter appeals to the national public and does bear watching. OPA REFUNDS Leland Glazier, OPA investi– gator in Tucson, Ariz., revealed that owners of frame, corrugated iron and tar paper shacks around Ft. Huachuca are being sued by the Office of Price Administra– tion for alleged overcharges on houses rented to hundreds of Ne– gro soldiers stationed at the Fort and their families. These families were required to live in the ·shacks with only the barest conveniences, paying sums from $25 lo $100 per month. Refunds have been made con– tinuously since the investigation began, but hundreds of dollars await the soldiers who are now at the battlefront or elsewhere. Editor's note: Anyone reading this report and formerly a victim of above mentioned circumstances would do well to get in touch with 'OPA authorities. East Port Orchard U.S.O. The Orchard Heights Social and Civic Club ·sponsored a very successful dance last Saturday night at the Red Recreation Building, About 250 people were present. During the Intermission Rabba Donna performed several magic numbers. The Jitterbug contest was one of the main at– tractions. For Holy Week observance the USO will sponsor "GALOTHA," a religious movie telltng the story Of Easter. The following is the schedule: Wednesday, March 28, Send your beirht, weltht and cheat wU.t and inteam measurements with $2.00 OepoJit-Bolance C.O.D. S.tltl•ctloa Gvorontncd or Mou)' Clturfwll-, ltet..de4 • 9.4.-e I.A REIGN'' faaetly As 11/utr•teof ID Solid Paatel Colora or Lovely Plaida In Black, Brown, Tan, Blue, Teal, Lilac anti Fucluia Sf!ES 10 to 20..................$18.71 Sf!ES 31 to 42..................$21.75 Send your ·hei~bt, wei1ht and dreu size-- butt and wai•t meaaurementa with $2.00 Depooit-S.Iance C.O.D. s.tfal•cff•• GHta•toed er M•••r Cioerl•Jip ._....., ~~s~~!ofEN~t~ 'I ~ o.- ~· i ,J GENUINE I LEATHER.&. ZIPPER MAKEUPKIT ON'-1 f 1 DO ChniC"e "' BLACK, RED, BLUE, BROWN BEAUTIFUL GENUINE SPECIAL Any Nrme £naraved in Gold Leaf tt No Extra Cc•t. ORDER TODAY. Send $1 ,ry 20~0 Federal Tu. ttta! $1.20. or trdcr C. 0. 0. Pa.y Ptst~ man $1.20 plus vott;~ge and tees. F. R. NOVELTY WORKS, DEPT, EA ll EAST BROADWAY, NEW YORK 2 ~---------------------------~4 p. m., in the Navy Shopping Center; 7 p. m., Green Recrea- WE KEEP YOU LOVELY ALL PHASES OF BEAUTY WORK -Try Our- Vita-Fluff Shampoo and Steam Hot Oils FOUR EFFICIENT OPERATORS TO SERVE YOTT Ethel's Beauty Shoppe tion Bldg.; 20th Century Bldg., 9 p. m.; Thursday, March 29, 20th Century Club. Many vol- 6 p. m., Cafterla Bldg.; Recrea- umes of fiction, poetry and trav– tlon Bldg., 8:30 p.m. Admission el are on the shelves. The coi– ls free. Be sure to attend. lectlon includes a wide selection The East Port Orchard Social of books on the Negro and by and Civic Club is planning a I Negro authors. ''Native Son," by health program in observance of Richard Wright, Lillian Smith's Negro Health week April 1-8. '•Strange Fruit," Cary McWil– Watch for further news. Iiams' "Brothers Under the Skin'' Don't miss the Saturday night are among the most popular. If dances given by the All Seasons you do not have a library card Athletic Club at the 20th Century I obtain one and make use of this I . Out• readers have> watched with intere-st the introduction of newcomers to Seattle. They also knew at the same time we wm-e adve.•tising 2330 Et1St 1\fadison, a business called Sid's Dining Room. 'Vhile this wns generally understood, they were certain of one thing-these lovt'll;y young women would be we>lcome to any city. Madison Dng Co. 22Dd and E. Madison East 9628 Drup, Presorlptlou, Coametlcs, ToUet Articles Fountain, Soft Drinks, Candles Downtown Price& Ice Cream and Sherbets Pints 25c; quarts oOc Race Hair Specials Race Papers For Sale Open Daily 10 a.m. to 12 midnight ROYAL BILLIARD PARLOR • POOL and BILLIARDS, CARD TABLES, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, AND SOFT DRINKS ARTHUR HEAD, Proprietor 413--6th Avenue South ADELPHI APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTBA MODERN In Every Respect Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Reasonable 230-82 2Srd Ave. No. Ca. 1791 J. A. "Jack" Johnson j Not Too Late to Buy Bonds 0 Douglas Apartments Where It Ia Oonvenlent and Homelike Newly Renovated-Steam Heat Hot Water--Telephone La.undry Room BENTS REDUCED Furnished and Unfurn.lshed Apartments Bslta .10 and Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mgr. lU 24th Ave. No. EAat 9611 BERT'S BEAUTY SALON ALBERTA COLEMAN, Owner A Complete Beauty Service MARCEL-HAIR STYLING Electrical Steam Fac:ials and Scalp Treatments "If your hair is not becoming to you– you should be coming to us" 2301 East Denny Way EA. 9685 VISIT THE STREAMLINE BEAUTY SALON SERVICE DE LUXE 1212 Jackson St. CA. 9942 65'7 Jackson St. For Appointment Phone MA·881Ja Club. Give the boys your sup-~ fine collection of books. port. The Girl Scout Troop meets If you can lead community I' every Monday night from 5 to singing please contact Mrs. 6:30 p. m. Aall girls age 10 Squires at the. USO office. and over are eligible to join. Mrs. Since we all &.g'ree on this point, meet another comparative r----------------------------; newcomer-Miss Mellie Marie Hill-talented daughter of 1\[r. and Green's RADIO SERVICE Modernly Equipped and Technically Qualified WE HAVE ALL TYPES OF RADIO TUBES No Overcharge Follow OPA -Priee Listing 406 MAIN STREET Phone, SE. 1964 THE ANGELUS, Inc. ~•. Embalmers, ... ..,~ .... Chapel Lady Attendant Funeral Directors Martha Davis, Manager 319 Htb Ave. PR. 0333 Seattle, Wash. The library is now open at the j Laura Hazley is the leader. BLENDED WHISKEY 86 proof-60% grain· neutral oplrlt1. Sch•nley Distillers Corp., N. Y. c;, .. THE CLEAN-UP SHOP UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT P. TRUEHILL, Prop. PRESSING WHILE YOU WAIT • Cleaning and Repairing 216-A Fifth Avenue South Seattle 4, Waah. 1\[rs. Charlie Biglow. )fiss Hill, who ,hails from Austin, 'fe:xas, has been in Seattle three years. She is studying voice and piano at the dornish School of 1\lusic. Hobby, sewing and study or color harmony. She attended Prairie View College, majoring in F•hysical Education. We are proud to state she likes Seattle. NOW AT FOUNTAINS TOOl PEPSI-COLA COMPANY, _LONG ISLAND CITY l,N.Y. BOTTLED LOCALLY BY FRANCHISED BOTTLERS NEWTON' PLACE • All Colored Papers All Seattle Daily Papers Healthful Recreation for Youngsters Friendly Atmosphere 2 Pool Tables, Ready-Made Lunches, . Cigarettes and Cigars Shoe Shine Soft Drinks • 500 MAIN STREET. SE. 9028. . r-·--·-----·-·-·---··--·-··---·---.;. I ' I DAUGHTER ELKS I I ! 1 EVERGREEN TEMPLE 157 I I - I • I I ! I Sponsors I 1 GRAND EASTER PARADE AND BALL t I CASSA ITALIANA HALL I I 1520 17th Avenue, Near Madison I J Monday, April 2, 8 P. M. to 12 I . I I Prize for Best Dressed Woman ~~ 1 Admission, $1.00, Tax lne. Good Music ~~~-----~--~._~--~~~~~~~"~