
Atlead Church Services OD Easter Saaday VOL. 25, NO. 24 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, Wednesday,. March 28, 1945 ELKS' ANNUAL ORATORICAL CONTEST FIRST AME CHURCH, SUNDAY, APRIL 8 WHAT-Elks' Annual Oratorical Contest. WHE~E-First A M E Church. Price 5c Per Cowr The Ressurection is am– ple proof that the soul is immortal .Go to the church of your choice Easter Sun– day, and renew your faith in God. FROM ONE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST DRAMAS The Answer to Life's Supreme Question WHEN-At 8 p. m, Sunday, April 8. But where shall wisdom be found? and where is Following its usual custom, the Educational Com· the place of understanding? mittee of P. S. Lodge No 109, Messrs. John Copeland, Man knoweth not the prica thereof; neither is it Wm. H. Banks and Bennie Harper, will hold the Annual found in the land of the living. The depth saith, It is Oratorical Contest at the First A. M. E Church, 14th be· not in me; and the sea saith, It is not with me. tween Pike and Pine, at 8 p. m., Sunday, April 8. It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be The committee has made all arrangements to assure weighed for the price therof. It cannot be valued with the contestants a fair and impartial decision. The judges the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the will be chosen from some of the various educational in· sapphire. The gold and the crystal cannot equal it; and stitutions in Seattle and will be unknown to contestants the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. and visitors No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls; Fifty dollars will be awarded in prizes--:-$25 to the for the price of wisdom is above rubies. The topaz of winner, $15 to the runner-up and $10 to the third. In Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued addition to winning the first prize, the winner will enter with pure gold. the 7th Regional Contest, which will be held in Seattle When then cometh wisdom? and where is the place in June. The winner of the 7th Regional Contest will be of understanding'? Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all ,awarded a $1,000 scholarship prize and entry into the living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. Destruc– National Contest for the Grand Exalted Ruler's Cup, plus tion and death say, We have heard the fame thereof $150 in cash, and a round trip ticket to the National with our ears. convention.. God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth mSDEATH And so Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabas un– to them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be cruci– fied. HIS RESURRECTION And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdaline, and Mary, the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him. And the soldiers led him away And very early. in the morning, into the hall called Praetorium; the first day of the week, they and they call together the whole came unto the sepulchre at the band. rising of the sun. And they clothed him with pur- And they said among them- pte, and platted a crown of thorns, selves, Who shall roll us away the and put it about his head; stone from the door of the sepul– And began to salute him, Hail chre? King of the Jews! And when they looked, they saw And they smote him on the that the stone was rolled away; head with a reed, and did spit up- for it was very great. on him, and bowing their knees, And entering unto the sepulchre, worshipped him. they saw a young man sitting on And when they had mocked him, the right side, clothed in a long they took off the purple from him, white garment; and they were af– and put his own clothes on him, frighted. and led him out to crucify him. And he saith unto them, Be not And they compelled one Simon, affrighted; Ye seek Jesus of Naz– a Cyrenian, who passed by, com- areth, which was crucified; he is ing out of the country, the father risen; he is not here; behold the of Alexander and Rufus, to bear place where they laid him. his cross. But go your way, tell his dis- And they brang him unto the ciples and Peter that he goeth be– place Golgotha, which is, being in- fore you unto Galilee; there shall terpreted, The Place of a Skull. he see him, as he said unto you. And they gave him to drink And they went out quickly, and wine mingled with myrrh; but he fled from the sepulchre; neither received it not. said they anything to any man; And when they had crucified for they were- afraid. him, they parted his garments, Now when Jesus was arisen casting lots upon them, what every early the first day of the week, man should take. he appeared first to Mary Magda- And it was the third hour; and lene, out of whom he had cast sev- they crucified him. en devils. And the inscription of his ac- And so she went and told them cusation was written over, THE that had been with him, as they KING OF THE JEWS. mourned and wept. And when the sixth hour was And they, when they had heard come, there was darkness over the that he was alive, and had been whole land until the ninth hour. seen of her, believed not. And at the ninth hour Jesus After he had appeared in an- THE ASCENSION Miss Vivian Meade of Garfield High, won the 7th the place thereof. For He looketh to the ends of the Regional Contest for 1944, and Seattle is expected to earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; To make the duplicate the fete, said Chairman John W. Copeland. weight for the winds; and He weigheth the waters by Puget Sound Lodge urges the- full cooperation of all measure. cried with a loud voice, saying, other form unto two of them, as Eloi, Eloi, lama, sabachthami they walked and went into the which is, being interpreted, My country. * * EASTER DAY By MARY M. DUNCAN "He is not here; for he is risen, as he said." Matt. 28:6. He is risen." We read those words and think tthey apply only to the lomb. But the triumph of the resurrection is far greater than that. Yes, He is risen from the tomb, but also above the fears of those who loved Him. He is risen above the greed and selfish– ness that crucified Him, above the political scheming that denied Him a tair trial, above the hysteria of the mob that cried for His cruet- ROOM FOR RENT Man, defense day worker, pre– fer~en. 1814 Jackson Street. PRESSING COMBS FOR SALE You can buy heavy bronze, life-time pre~sing combs. Holds heat. For operators and home, $3.95. Sold with a life-time guarantee at Strickler's Drugs, 2~ 11 ~ast Madison. Seattle 22, Wash. Send money orders with mail orders. Bungalow---$5,800 5 rooms and bath, Full base– ment with lwo spare bedrooms in basement. Automatic oil heat and water heater. Vene– tian blinds. Neat and clean. You'll like it! HAMRE REALTY 2518 BetU'on Ave. PR. 4664 Stucco Apt.---11 Units 9 units furnished, 2 units unfurnished. N e t s ap· proximately $3,000. Price only $16,000. Hamre Realty, 2518 Beacon Ave. PR. 4664. Pauline's Beauty Shop Specializing in all lines of Beauty Work 2221 E. Madison PR. 2811 Res. Phone, PR. 7502 * fixion. * He is risen! Shout it loud and long! He is risen above the might of Roman arms, above all the storm clouds of the world, above war, hate, greed, imperialism. na– tionalism-above all petty things of eat-th. He is risen! parents in the.se contests. Th~ orga~ization of Junior When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for Elks Lodge will be an added mcenhve to remove our' the lightning of the thunder· Then did he see' it and de- juniors from among the delinquents. clare it; he prepared it, ye~, and searched it ~ut. And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the JMMUTABLE LAW OF (AUSE AND EFFECT Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is under- standing. -Job 28:12-28 'NATIONAL TRENDS' Council Asked To God, my God, why hast thou for- Afterward he appeared unto saken me. eleven as they sat at meat, and And Jesus cried with a loud upbraided them with their unbe- voice, and gave up the ghost. • !lief and hardness of heart, because St M k 15 •15 they believed not them which had . ar . --- seen him after he was risen. 26 33 4 And he said unto them, (}{) ye - -3 -37 into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. wa·s a coach, and Taylor a stu- ST. MARK 16: 1---15 He is al!ve forevermore! A11d because He lives, we, too. live in a bigger world with broader hori– zons .No longer need we "cabin'd, cribb'd, confined" by fear and dis– tress. He is risen, and draws us into a richer, fuller llfe on earth and gives us the hope of life eter– nal. He is risen! Hallelujah!– Speaker, \V_ S. of C. S. By DR. JOHN K. LARREMORE I and his wife, Lady Eleanor. Since JAPANESE SOLDIER SCORES K. C. NURSES FOR RACE BIAS Ban Discrimination dent. The reunion was mutual as both EASTER BONN.ET Meta-psychologists his inauguration. the president and Among certain white individuals Mrs. Roosevelt have urged a and groups in Amorlca, the spirit change in the shameful attitude of' of Abraham Lincoln still lives. some white people toward Negroes. Foremest of te1e indivMual" are ThBlr increasing efforts to makl President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Continued 011 Page 4 ) .RED CROSS WANTS- OVERSEA WORKERS j BUY WAR BONDS •• EASTER and a ·dream You rw doubt ha\'e rl.rea:med or a ('oat to wear "ith CTt'rything, A coat that would a-dd sparkle and zf'.st to slacks . . . give that take-a-look touch to suits and dresses . .. flatter cocktail and dinner gowns • • • add sefluctive enchantment to your most glam– Ol'OUS formals. 'Vell, at last y'Ou can have your coat. Why not make your Apr·ll 1st more than a brilliant Flastet· turnout. Coat illustl'llted In your •• I SEATTLE 650 Jackson St. mae s SE. 1365 Dress Shoppe CHICAGO S. W. Cor. 68rd anti St. Lawrence Engagement Sunday Matinee Dance -Jam Session Featuring: AL. MITCHELL'S Mellow Trio An open letter to the nurses of H arborview County Hospital, criticizing them for the recent opposition to the return to the A petition to the City Council asking enactment of an ordinance making it unlawful for employ– ers to "discriminate against citi– zens of this community because of race, creed or color" wa,s sub– stituted over the signatures of several union officials and others who declared themselves concern– ed with minority race matters. The communication declared that in Seattle, "as in most few days at the hospital, leaving every city throughout the nation, hos pital of a Japanese-American nurse, Masako Takayoshi, was r eceived by The Times from a Japa nese - American soldier in Fra nce, Pfc. Yozo Miyako. Miss Takayoshi stayed only a after a petition against her pr,es- men and women of minority ence had been circulated among groups are barred from employ- staff members. Private Miyako's ment, restaurants, hotels and oth– letter to the nurses said: '•Really, I'm surp!'isPd and hurt jn your narrow-mindedness in your very unfair stand against one of your former co-workers, a woman of your own profession. I thought there was an unwritten code of understanding among all of you, regardless of race or color .... "To the nurses that refused to sign the petition against Nurse Takayoshl, •Hats off!' You really took a step toward making Amer– icasafe for democracy. er places, in our commumty, be– cause of race, creed or color." The Council was asked to set a date at which the proposed ordi– nance could be discussed. Alex Irwin Reminisces The coming of Mr. Samuel B. Taylor to Seattle to aid the Red Cross drive, reunited for the time two former co-students of North- western University, when Irwin COSMOPOLITAN CLUB Presents GRAND EASTER PARADE DANCE Sunday, April 1st, Finnish Hall, 7P.M. Untill2 M. Featuring AL PIERRE'S ORCHESTRA and RUSSELL JONES TRY TO GET IN $25.00 War Bond to Best Dressed Couple LADIES FREE UNTIL 7:45 P. M. SERVICE MEN WELCOME men recalled many pleasant stu– dent days. It also served to place the visitor at ease, in company with a former companion and now a fraternal brother. After Taylor's initiation in the Elks, the herd felt Irwin no long– er had a monopoly of the direc– tors• entertainment and called the hour of eleven, which means a so– cial session. Taylor said his Seattle visit was so different. TIES FOR EASTER ++ Beautiful, Gorgeous Patterns ++ Gilt-Edge Smart Shop 611 Jackson St. SE. 9450 In your Easter bonnet, With all its f:·ills upon lt..... You'll be the grandest lady In the Easter Parade. I could write a sonnet About your Easter bonnet, With Its frills upon it, In t):le Easter Parade. Pre-Easter Specials Get your Easter bonnet and dream outfit at Mae's Dres-s Shoppe, 650 Jackson Street. Gentlemen: You are not dress– ed without that flashy Easter tie - 57 varieties at Gilt Edge Cleaners & Smart Shop, 611 Jack- son St. They are beautiful. ! Ladies I It Is a difficult task to please the beautiful sex. After you leave one of these b'eau ty oper– ators and hair stylists, you are a beautiful doll: They are my lady's last word: I Ethel's Beauty Shoppe, 657 Jackson St.; Ruth Whiteside's School of Beauty Culture, 614 Jackson St.; Streamline Beauty (Continued on Page 4) GILT EDGE CLEANERS & SMART SHOP 611 Jackson Street SEneca 9450 Three-Day Service Expert Cleaning and Finishing Repairing That Satisfies Hats Cleaned and Blocked Ladies' Alterations By Experiencd Dressmaker Prompt and Courteous Attention We Carry a Full Line of Army and Navy Accessories =--- Extraordinary ADMISSION Every SUNDAY AFTERNOON beginning March 18, 2 to 6 p. m. Basin Street Social Club, 413 Maynard Avenue