
PAGE FOUR Social Notes By ARLINE D. ENGLISH Miss Dorothy Alexander cele– brated her birthday Sunday, March 6. Her s:ster Miss Juanita Alex– ander was hostess, covers were laid for eight. The guests were enter– tained with music by Miss Lois Hughe.:; and Miss Doris Janes. Mr. and l'rirs. Benjamin Beasley entertained several of their friends with a cocktail party at their apartment Monday evening in cele– bration of their sixth wedding an– niversary. Later the hosts delight– ed their guests with a delicious Chinese supper and dancing at a restaurant in Chinatown. Mr. and Mrs. Beasley are charming young people, and ,quite popular among their social group. Mr. Beasley will be remembered us having won several laurels at golf. Mrs. George W. Ring was host– ess for the meeting of the Self Improvement Club Tuesday eve– ning. The members are studying consumers education and for this meeting Mrs. Lacey Lewis read a paper on Textiles. A general discussion followed. "Bumps" Blackwell's Jam Ses– sion Six played for the Senior meeting at Broadway Wednesday. The group, known as the Jug Band consisted · of Robert "Bumps" Blackwell, Charles Blackwell, Leon Raine, Winifield King and Richard Bell with Johnnie Mae Smith and Edith Mae Young as soloists. All are high school students. The band consists of other members and is very much in demand for enter– tainments and dancing. Mr. B. A. Clark was seriously injured about the head when he was struck last Wednesday by an automobile. The accident occurred in the Ft. Lawton district where Mr. Clark was working. He is now at home, however, recovering nicely. The Will Do Club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Nellie Wilson and elected the following officers: Mrs. William Chandler, president; Mrs. Marie Lamme, vice president; Mrs. Beatrice Taylor, ·secretary; Mrs. Audrey Nichols, assistant; Mrs. Nellie Wilson, treasurer; Mrs. Dora Johnson, Pub– licity; Mrs. Tessie Austin, Mrs. Alice Cadrington and Mrs. Mamie Richardson, missionary committee. The next meeting will be Monday I at the home of Mrs. Taylor. l\lrs. Benjamin Hearst entc:·– tained with a miscellaneous show– er last week honoring Miss Bertie Howard whose marriage to Mr. Joseph Staton took place on VVed– nesday. Mrs. Hearst arranged her luncheon table in a color schen!c of pink and green with places marked for ten. After lunch can:s were enjoyed with prizes given to Mrs. Edith A!le:'l first, and Mrs. Henry C. Bell, Jr. consolation. The bride-elect received a number of I beautiful gifts. The Women's Study Club met Wednesday afternoon at theY. W. C. A . for the~r discussion on In- 1 ternational Affairs. :M:rs. Earl i Campbell led the discussion speci- 1 fically on the controversy between England and Germany. Current event topics followed. Miss Alice Dupee, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Dupee, !s expected to arrive this week from Chicago, called by the serious illness of her mother. Miss Dupee will reside with her sister, Mrs. N. T. Greene. More About Elk's Show (Continued from Page 1) Brothers and present day flying achievements. One of the largest casts ever assembled for a local production takes part, with a cast of fifty one white and colored actors ap– pearing in the large variety of scenes. Local colored actors take stPllar parts in the production, with Herman Moore, Joe Smith, RobE;rt St. Clair and a score of others appearing. One of the most difficult, though not so easily ap– preciated roles in the whole show is that taken by Joe Staton, who has the intricate job of handling all the many sound effects that make up thi) most important part of the whole show. Keep Date May 2nd May Festival-Dance SAINT PATRICI(~S DANCE Thursday~ March 17th Given By Veterans of Foreign Wars Lewis Fort Post 289 Elli's Hall, Tacoma, Wash. Cash Prizes Best Green Costume - Best Waltzing Couple GOOD MUSIC Admission 50c- - 9 o'clock- - All Welcome Radios Repaired at Reasonable Rates Standard Parts Efficient Work MADISON RADIO SERVICE .. EAst 9755 2201 E. Madison St. G. H. MONROE LeROY BROWN WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER PR. 2811 Permanent Waving PAULINE'S BEAUTY SHOP Marcel, Croquignole and Finger Waving Facials, Hair Dyeing, Scalp Treatment, Manicuring 2221 E. Madison Seattle Evenings by Appointment Miss Pauline Jones, Proprietor , ·xrt.lil NORTHWEST ENTERPRISF. FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1938 Clyde Barrie On The Air Clyde Barrie Clyde Barrie, Negro baritone, and Nathan Gordon, viola player who joined the Metropolitan Opera Company orchestra in 1936, are to be quests of the "Magazine of the Air" over the Columbia network Sunday, March 13, from 2 :00 to 2:30 p. m., PST. Channing Pollock will act as editor. Mark Warnow's concert orchestra supplies the mu– sical accompaniment. Gordon is still in his cQrly twenties and was born in New York City. He re– ceived a Fellowship at the Julliard School of Music and has appeared as soloist with the Pittsburgh Sym– phony orchestra. He has chosen Bach's Air for G String, and Ga– votte, by Popper as his selections for the "Magazine" appearance. Barrie will sing "None But the Lonely Heart" and "Deep River." Mark Warnow's orchestra is to play Schubert's "Moment Musi– cale" and "La Danza," by Rossini. Keep Off April 29 Banquet and Floor Show Mt. Rainier Chpt. O.E.S. REMEMBER TO MENTION THE ENTERPRISE WH'EN BUYING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KING STREET BEVERAGE CO. Retail ALL KINDS OF Beer and Wine We Deliver 620-22 King St. SE. 9034 STOCI\ARD BROS. BARBER SHOP • POOL ROOM CANDY TOBACCO 2030 East Madison St. Seattle, Washington First Class Barber Work No Waiting GIVE US A TRY! JOE LOUIS, the World's Champion endorses and uses only MURRAYS HAIR POMADE because it is a World's Champion Hair Dressing. It must be good I You try it TODAYU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Northwest Doings ,~ , In Elkdom L--------------------· POT LIKKER ;,Ir. Joseph Staton the writer of t:!1is column, and Star actor with the Repertory Players, did not get his column in in time to be pri.nl– ed. He is forgiven, for as he prob– ~bly would write "Last Wednesday in the presence of twenty-five friends, Joe Staton, erstwhile fa- 1 vorite of ~ll the ladies, · 'Jumped . the Broom. -Ed. I I ::t:m~~d ~~! : Novel Rally Anotlter week is 1 time for another ' most popular song. of is still "'Rae!{ Back At Finnish Hall the week 1 To Balti- [ more.." ! 1 A novelty in political rallies was * * * The May festival and Dance at displays last week by the South 1 Finnish Hall is one of the major End rally at the Finnish Hall. aff:J.ir; ;; planned to finance the Car- Messrs Johnny Campbell, Ceorge avan. Don't forget the date, May VVoods, and Wm. A. ~ow::nan, were 2nd, 1938, keep that date. in charge. Now a public answer to several 'The tiresome monotony was bro- questions that are in the minds ken with a scintillating .group of of ·more than one reader maybe. cabaret acts. The acts were first As our California friends of na- class talent, being gathered from tive extraction would say, Who the Ubangi and other hot spots. ' Knows? * * * Many questions are asked about the Caravan to Baltimore. An- swer number one: No, the Caravan is p.ot sponsored by Puget Sound Lodge and Evergreen Temple. It is sponsored by the Past Exalted Rulers Council No. 29 and the Eureka Past Daughter Rulers Council. These groups are the groups of Elks from which all delegates to the Grand Lodge must come from. They are self govern– ing bodies with their own Charter, but the main requisite is that one must be a member in good stand– ing in his subordinate Lodge in order to be a member in the coun– cil. Council No. 29 takes in Northwestern ''Vashington, which includes Seattle and Tacoma as cities with an Elk Lodge. * * * Someone has asked if non mem- But in spite of the gaity of the atmosphere, the large audience was just as seriously minded as the one last Sunday at the A. M. E. Church, which also had a large gathering and was sponsored by a citizens' committee of the Madison District. Mr. E. I. Robinson, popular druggist and civic leader acted as chairman. During the whole campaign there was no community rallies that compared in numbers to the ones sponsored by the Negro citi– zens. Much comment has been made over the active part played by the race in the election. All of the winners enjoyed large Negro support. Health ·Week Proclaimed Apr. 3 Mayor-Elect and Manager Exchange Congratulations EXOJ;iANGE CONGRATULATIONS-First to congratulate Arthur B. Langlie (left) on his election .as Mayor of Seattle, was his campaign manager, Frank C. Jackson (right). Lan~lie's fi~t act after election results were announced was to compliment hiS manager on the city-wide campaign which brought him a tremen– dous plurality. N.A.A.C.P. Urges Citizens to Vote NEW YORK-Without making any open threats or disclosing any immediate plans of action, the National Association f or the Ad– vancement of Colored People to– day issued a statement urging all cilizens who are qualified too vote to register and be ready for the coming elections. "We have important tasks ahead of us," the statement said, "in the 1938, 1940 and later elections and we cannot perform thole t asks ' CO-OPERATE • • • unless Negroes are qualified to vote." The association emphasized that it is not interested in what polit– ical parties Negro citizens join, but in their registration so that t hey can vote when the time comes. Some hint of the attitude of the association may be secured from the comment of Walter Winchell, widely syndicated columnist, who declared in his column of Febru– ary28: "The ='!ational Association f or the Advancement of Colored People is taking the defeat of the anti-lynching bill grimly, but pa– tiently. bers of the Order can go to Balti– more by placing a car in the Car– avan. To date we have heard no objections, and our personal opin– ion is it would be a wonderful trip for any one who could be so fortunate as to be in Baltimore during convention time. Of course all cars will have to pass an ex– amination to ascertain their abil– ity of standing the trip before leaving Seattle. The program of National Negro Health Week, April 3 to 10, has been released by the U. S. Public t BY REMITTING YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WHEN DUE. Send All Money toP. 0. Box 1873 Health Service, Washington, D. C., !!l..-----------------------------..r;: through Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, a * * * The Lodge is~a· !king entertain- ment, Smokers Jam Sessions - Card Parties. e 'public was so Visit Robinson's Store - Completely Remodeled Fine Line of Electric and Other Straightening Combs Race Hair and Face Preparations Magazines and Newspapers ROBINSON "Remember, This Is Your Store" 306-12th Ave: South Ca. 9779 pleased with the Barn dance that they are demanding another af– fair. The Holding committee which is virtually in charge of all affairs of the Home should take time out from its-laborious duties and sponsor some form of enter– tainment. The public wants it. The facilities are there. The Lodge can use the money. So our guess is that in the near future some– thing will be. forthcoming. health specialist. This is the twen– ty-fourth annual observance, and the special objective for this year is: "The Family Doctor's OJ?pOr– tunity in Community Health Ser– vice." The program gives an out– line for eight interesting days. On 1 Sunday, April 3, Mobilization Day, sermons and lectures by ministers, doctors ,and other qualified •per- ~ sons are suggested for churches ~------------------------------~ and mass meetings; on Monday, =-------------------------------, April 4, Home Health Day, home * * * The sick are Brs. Hardin, 800 21st Avenue. Ed Payne, 525 29th Ave. So. Felix Crane, Atlas Hotel. * * • Caravan Committee's night at the Federal Theatre, Atlantic and Rainier A venues, is Friday, March 25th . . . The admission is only 25 cents, no reserved seats and tickets are on sale and count as votes for the Queen of the Cara– van Contest ... Buy a ticket and vote for your favorite. Aside from helping to finance the Caravan to Baltimore, the support helps the cast of the Negro Repretory Com– pany to be more secure in their jobs. The play "Flight" is pro– duced with a mixed cast and with this thought in mind, that the lifting of the barriers to the Negro actor will be helped by support of the communit~. Once more we urge you to buy a ticket for a worthy cause, then come out and support our own boys and girls. * * * The Herd is still talking Ball teams. Brother West, Exalted ruler reports that Brother Claud Norris, Seattle Police officer and star athlete is enthused over the I cleanup, and parents' meetings are proposed; on Tuesday, . April 5, Community Sanitation Day, "con– sider sanitary needs and improve– ments;" Wednesday, April 6, Spe– cial Campaign Day, "survey com– munity for health needs and con– centrat~ on one or more practical objectives"; Thursday, April 7, Adults' Health Day, "Emphasize: fresh air, right diet, good cheer, proper living, regular health ex– amination ,early treatment" for tuberculosis, cancer, and organic diseases of heart, kidney, etc.; Fri– day, April 8, School Health Day, 'Health programs, essays, songs, games, plays ,etc."; Saturday, Ap– ril 9, General Clean-up Day; "in– spection of community campaign results;" Sunday, April 10, Report and Follow-up Day, "close cam– paign with enthusiastic meeting for reports, good talks ,good music, experiences. Effect permanent or– ganization and initiate plans for year-round activities." Persons de– siring further information, liter– ature, etc., may write Dr. Roscoe C. Brovm, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. Caravan Inspires Gus Boger to write "It's Balti'YYWre" By Gus Boger prospects of the Lodge sponored ,We'll be driving on ·to Baltimore, I team and has pledged his support. I You know the time ain't Ion? - Claud is the manager of the Police I We'll be driving on to Balhmore I Basketball team that won the city : A Caravn.n, full of song. I ;::ilampionship. · j 1 * * * Sisters there'll be a plenty, 1 Mrs. Louise Boger, wife of Bro- ' They're getting ready now - ther Gus Boger, Puget Sound's : Giving ent.erta;nments, to show the Poet Lauret, is slowly recovering I Brothe:::-s how. from four fractured ribs suffered i in a fall at her home on Main St. · This grand old' Lodge of Puget Radio Repair Service RCA Radios and General Electric Radios FOB SALE on EASY TERMS Tubes Tested Free Sound Is all the name implies - It's getting sounder every dr.y, Every member tries. Drop over sometimes and see us Find out what we do - Maybe it wont take long, To make an Elk of you. Repair Work on Vacuum Clean- Keep· Off April 29 ers and Electrical Appliances Radio Senricc Banquet and Floor Show 1921 E. Madison EAst 9488 M R • • Ch 0 E S '----------• · t. a1n1er pt. • • • , ELiot 9308-Booth ELiot 9288 GOLDEN WEST HOTEL 416 7th Avenue South, Seattle 100 Rooms, Newly Furnished Special Rates to Railroad & Theatrical People Phone East 1811 Gus West, Prop. All Kinds of Coal and Wood Night and Day Fuel and Express Try Our Special Furna~e Mix PROMPT SERVICE AND SATISFACTION 1236 Jackson St.