
Page Two THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRtS"W- FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1937 L With The Churches THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1920 Published Every Friday by Zelmar Lawrence, Editor & Publisher Entered at the Postoffice, Seattle, Wn., as Second Class Matter Office: 501 1331-3rd Ave. Bg.; Telephone: Eliot 4586; P.O. 1873 Subscription Rates: By Mail in advance: One year, $1.50; Six months, $1.00; Three months, 75c Deadline for News: Wednesday, 12 Noon Advertising Rates Upon Application EDITORIAL GEORGE GERSHWIN - Colored people rightfully mourn the passing of George Gershwin. He took a serious interest in their lighter music, and correlated it into a "Rhapsody in Blue." Then he wrote "Porgy and Bess," the opera, from the play, which was based on the novel, "Porgy." In the opera colored artists of the younger and better trained group got a chance to appear on Broadway in a new and higher vehicle for many weeks, then went on tour. Todd Duncan, Anne Brown, Ruby Elzy were some of the new stars developed. But from Gershwin, Negroes should learn this: that they must use intelligence to make· a hit with America. They have the "makings" of many fine and important contribu– CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, 21st and East Madison. - Many souls have been blessed in our meetings since Elder Crouch has been with us. Mr. and Mrs. Spen– cer entertained Elder Mi'lls and Elder Crouch and sons and other friends with a luncheon Tuesday evening. MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev. T. M. Davis, pastor-The pas– tor brought inspiring messages to the large congregations attendant upon both services last Sunday. Many visitors were among the worshippers, and were given a cor– dial welcome.-All departments of the Sunday Church School showed splendid attendance.-An interest– ing B.Y.P.U. was held at 7 o'clock. The church and its auxiliaries are electing delegates to the General Baptist Association which con– venes in Tacoma with the Bethle– hem Baptist Church, August 3-8. Spokane, Wash. Mr. Adolphus Gilbert of Kansas tions, but these contributions cannot be made unless they are City was the guest of his cousin, FIRST A. M. E. CHURCH, Rev. Fred A. Hughes, minister-Next Sunday will be quarterly meeting and Rev. George S. Allen, Presid– ing Elder, wHI have charge of the services all day. Rev. T. L. San– ders and his congregation from Tacoma will worship with Us in the afternoon. The Fourth Quar– terly Conference will be held on Monday night. This Friday evening the Junior Stewardesses will give a Travel– ogue presenting Rev. Hughes and the delegates who attended the Sesquicentennial Congress in Mem– phis recently. Friday, August 6, the Stewards Department will present the Feast of the Seven Tables on the church lawn. Members and friends of the church are cordially invited to at– tend. Our Sunday School and the Mt. Zion Baptist Sunday School will have their annual picnic at Lincoln Park on August 12. The members of Grace Presbyterian Church Sun– day School are invited. Tacoma, Wash. made on a certain plane-are up to a certain standard. In Mrs. Frank stokes, of this city · 1 th · th f' ld th t d d t b for the week end. Mr. Gilbert is Many participants at the Point mus1c, no ess an m o er le s, e s an ar s mus e Defiance Picnic sponsored by, the · t · ' d E h th t d d · th t k touring the west motoring from ma1n ame . veryw ere, e s an ar s require a a now- Junior Missionaries of the Pente- d Spokane to California.-Miss Mar- ledge of the history and tradition of the field be possesse , jorie Fitter, daughter of Mr. and costal Chapel, 25th and Tacoma and that some improvement be shown over what has gone Mrs. Edward Pitter of Seattle, is Avenue, of whom Misses Bettye before. Most colored people try tb make their contribution a pleasant visitor in spokane and Roberson and Tessa Williams are b l · k' · th 1 h d k f the house guest of Miss Ruth Ro- leaders, reported a great time. Y g ossmg over or even s lppmg e rea ar wor 0 These young ladies are outstand- 1 · 11 b t th · f' ld d · 1 I'd · 'th gers. While here, she was the re- earnmg a a ou e1r 1e , an srmp Y s 1 e m WI some ing Christian workers. E lder E. cipient of many courtesies from little ditty or "piece," pick up some easy cash, and go on out the younger set. The outstanding W. Henderson of Helena, Montana, to spend it in the first saloon they come to. To achieve last- event of last week was the dane- spoke at the Chapel Saturday ev– ing fame, or a reputation that will stand the test of time, ing party Miss Rogers gave at her ening and will conduct services t h t · t th 't · d AN ld d 'th N home honoring Miss Fitter. The throughout the week. You are a lS no e way I IS one. egro cou 0 Wl egro welcome to attend these services. · h t G h · d'd 'th 't 'f h ld 1 t h d spacious rooms were decorated in music w a ers wm 1 WI 1 , 1 e wou on Y ry ar Come and bring your Bibles. huge baskets of red carnations and enough. Next thing we know, the spirituals will be taken baloons. Twenty-four young peo- The Full Gospel Light House away from us, all because we are too lazy to do anything pie were guests on this occasion. and Rescue Mission, 23rd and Jef– with them ourselves. Right now, Benny Goodman is better Miss Pitter is returning from an ferson Avenue, Tacoma.-Rev. J. J f I · N · 't I th h h · extensive visit east and attended H. Mitchell, pastor. Services are mown or p aymg egro spin ua s, even oug e Jazzes being well attended at the Mission. th th I t N A d h ? It · t 1 the sesquicentennial conference at em, an a mos any egro. n w y . IS no a ways Elder Jones visited and spoke to Memphis.- The annual picnic of color that keeps us back. It is sheer laziness, indifference, the Pierian Club was held July 22 us during Sunday SchooL- Elder the love of a good time, and the absolute refusal to apply at Natatorium Park. Members George Smith preached Sunday ourselves for fear we will miss something of what is going and families enjoyed the many morning.· · th t t t · 1 f t ' th t d t concessions. At six o'clock thirty- The Culture Club met with Mrs. on In e s ree or a some SOCia unc IOn, a oes no Lewis McCabe in a social hour. t t th· six persons sat down to a tempting amoun o a mg. basket lunch. Miss Jessie Grubbs The book review of "Gone With The Negro has creative ability. That is generally ad- and Mrs. F. Jackson, and Mr. E. the Wind" was discussed. mitted. The question is: Will the Negro sit idly by and allow Hatcher of Kansas City were the his own native artistic potentialities to be appropriated by guests on this occasion. Mrs .Hel– others who make fame and fortune from them and we not en Davis is president of the club. b · 't d t t k b t th h ff? ' 1-Mr. Earl Hatcher of Kansas Ci- even e mvi e o a e a ow a e s ow-o . t . . ·t· t th h f h' . y 1S v1s1 mg a e orne o 1s Today, more wh1te people are famous for what they sister, Mrs. F. ·A. stokes. Mr. have written about, or done for the Negro, than are Negroes. Hatcher is enroute after a visit Let us beware. -Floyd J. Calvin. with his parents in Bremerton.-- Y. M. C. A. NEWS Y. W. C. A. NEWS The Holzclaws and Stephens fam– ilies and a group of friends are the guests at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barrow at ·EAST MADISON BRANCH - Y. M. C. A., J. A. Johnson, direc– tor.-The annual picnic held Sun– day, July 25, at Woodland Park was largely attended by both par– ents and children. The entertain– ment committee is to be highly commended for the manner in which the affair was carried out. Everything good to eat and drink was plentiful and games including races, jumping, and softball fur– nished plenty of fun for all. The prizes were won by Billy Catlett, Donald Alexander, George Wil– Uams, Bobby Catlett, Ken Barnett, A. Dawson and Doug Long. PHYLLIS WHEATLEY Y. W. Deer Lake. A ball game bteween the men and boys was won by the boys, 8 to 7. The feature of the game was the cross-eyed umpiring of Earnest Alexander. A short game between the wo– men and men was played and the women think they won. The wo– men could catch the ball pretty good but as batters they could not hit the ocean with a paddle. Known casualties: Jack John– son limping into the drug store the following morning to buy ei– ther a cornpad or a crutch. Irene Alexander trying to blame a little healthy exercise for the mischief being wrought by Fatehr Time, and Haskell Campbell rubbing his elbow after falling down in shame when he said that "Fat Man" Croaker was beating him in the foot race. Patronize Enterprise Advertisers VISIT C. A., Miss !dell C. Vertner, Exe- cutive Secretary-Miss Vertner re– turned this week from an extend– ed trip through the South and the West Coast where she visited ma– ny Y.W.C.A. branches and noted their progress. Last Sunday the Delta Sigma Theta held a Forum at the "Y" to present their Grand President, Mrs. Vivian Osborne Marsh, of Oakland. Mrs. Earl Campbell pre– sided and musical numbers were presented by Miss Syvilla Fort and Miss Alice Dhue. Rev. S. M. Beane of Los Angeles was intro– duced and spoke briefly. A seven o'clock breakfast was served by the Deltas and Pledges Sunday morning at the "Y" for the pleas– ure of Mrs. Marsh. Other out-of– town guests were Mrs. Maybelle Craig of Kappa Chapter, Oakland, Mrs. Katherine Flippers and Mrs. Ann Brownee of San Francisco. Mrs. W. D. Carter, first secre– tary and organizer of Phyllis Wheatley Branch in Seattle is vis– iting in the city and is guest at the home of Mrs. Minnie Wilson. Out-of-town guests registered this week are Miss Zelmyra Pet– erson and Mrs. Roselin Hest of New York, Mrs. R. H. Parker of Berkeley and Mrs. L. Carter of Los Angeles. Under the present-day arrange– ment of the calendar, the vernal equinox will fall back one day in 3,323 years. THE Full Gospel Pentecostal Temple Full Gospel Pentecostal Chapel 150 16th Ave., Seattle, Wash. 2505 So. Tacoma Ave., Tacoma Meetings: Tues., Thur., & Sun. Meetings: Wed., Sat., & Sun. 8 p. m., Sun. 11 a. m. 8 p. m., Sun. 11 a. m. BISHOP E. F. MORRIS, RECTOR We pray for the sick and relieve the distressed THE FULL GOSPEL LIGHT HOUSE AND RESCUE MISSION 23rd and Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. - Morning Service 11:00 A. M. Y. P. P. U. 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M. Weekly Meetings, Tues., Fri., Sat. You Give to Us- We Give to Others. We Give Food to the Hungry, Clothes to the Needy, and Pray for the Sick Prayer Meetings Thursday R~v. J. H. Mitchell, Pastor Toppenish~ Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm and Mr. George Harris of Yakima were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Record, Sunday evening. Mrs. 0. Stalsworth of Ellensburg, and Mrs. H. Ferguson of Yakima were also visitors at the Record horne Sunday.- Elder Corbin was in charge of the evening service. Mrs. H. Ferguson, the pastor, is making plans for a revival soon. - Sunday evening Mr. Albert Tur– ner, Mr. Howard, the organist, and young people met and practiced some songs.- Miss Ethel McSwain was the guest of Miss Kathryn Turner Sul}.day.-Those on the sick list this week are: Mrs. J. Holt, Mr. H. Allen, who has improved and Mr. S. Record. Wenatchee~ Wash. Mr. Bob Smith is in business and has a first class shoe repairing shop . . . About 100 colored peo– ple are r esidents of this city ... This is the only city in the State that our people did not have to ap– ply for relief during the depres– sion .. . Miss Helen Thornton re– turned recently from a very plea– sant vacation in Seattle ... Mr. Fred Gaines is making rather fre– quent trips to Yakima. We learn that Mr. Gaines has some unusual interests in that city ... Mr. Wil– lian Nichols paid his mother a vi– sit to Seattle recently . . . Mr_ Frank Collins, 813 S. Wenatchee Ave., is the local representative for the Northwest Enterprise ... Please send all your news to him. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the friends who expressed their loving kindness and sympathy of Mr. Samuel Edward Dyson, during his illness and death and for the lovely floral pieces. We especially thank Rev. T. M. Davis, Rev. Thrasher, the choir, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kuppler. Surviving are Mrs. J . D. Free– man, sister, and Mr. Scottie Dyson, brother, of Hamilton, Ohio. Yakima, Wash. Mr. Ben Sanders and son, Ben, Jr., have returned home from Se– attle where they spent a very pleasant 10-day vacation. - Mr. and Mrs. Sanf&td Ba1·nes are the proud parents of a baby girl. The mother and child are doing welL– Miss Oris Sperman, formerly of this city, now a sophomore in the Wayne U. at Detroit, is in our city, visiting her sister and broth– er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sand– ers, 1198 S. 6th St. Miss Sper– man is pursuing a course in prac– tical sociology and plans to return to the motor city within the next few weeks to resume her studies. - Mrs. J . R. Berry and daughter, wife of attorney J. H. Berry, De– troit, a sister of Mrs .Ben Sanders, are visiting relatives in Baker, Ore. - .Mrs. Marie Evans enter– tained a group of friends at a pic– nic in Yakima Park recently. - Mrs. Selette Washington enter– tained a group of friends at Soda Springs r ecently. A very enjoy– able time was spent. - The "Washington Brown's" defeated the "All-Star" baseball team of the Twilight League last Sunday. The score: 9-5 - Mr. and Mrs. Emery Chrisholm were recent visitors to Seattle. - Mrs. B. Holway, 1108 S. 6th St., will be one of the re– porters of this paper in the city, and Mr. Parker Harris, 1105 S. 6th St., will be the other reporter. Both are authorized to represent this publication. Please give them your news and any other support you can to assist us in building up a strong paper for the Northwest. - The Rev. A. J. Lucas, newly– elected pastor of the Mt. Hope Baptist Church, preached a very inspiring sermon last Sunday a.m. The Rev. Samuel Barret preached very acceptably in the evening. Both were entertained at lunch in the hom~ of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Frye, 1105 So. 6th St., and dined with Mr. and Mrs. G. Anderson in the eYenin. - Services at the Free Churcn of God in Christ are as follows: Sunday morning at 10 a. m.; Y.B.C.W. at 6:30 p. m., Rev. W. Johnson, pastor. - Delegates to the Northwest association meet– ing in Tacoma from August 4 to 7, are: from the church, Rev. A. J . Lucas and Mrs. George Anderson; from the Missionary Society, Mrs. Nora E. Harris, Mrs. Geo. Ander– son; from the Sunday School, Ed– ward Donaldson and Arthur Brad– ford; from B.Y.P.U ., Parker Har– ris. - The Rev. A. J. Lucas and the Rev. Samuel Barrett were en– tertained at dinner in the home of Mrs. C. A. Arn.old last Tuesday.– Mrs. H. H. Jones, 713 So. 1st St., is in Portland visiting her daugh– ter. - Mr. Chas. Ewing, an old resident of this city, passed away last Sunday night. These Merchants Have Proven Themselves worthy of your patronage through honest prices, prompt service. Give them a trial. ·:·~~,~~~--~-.~~~-~~~}-.t~)...C,._..)--.cJ.-.o~~~)-.cl.-.o-.cJ~l--C·:· TO SELL: 12-room rooming house FOR RENT: Large, light store. Very reasonable. 2610 E. Madi– son. EAst 4759. FOR RENT: Five-room flat. Rea- sonable. 2608 E. Madison. EAst 4759. FOR RENT-Furnished or unfur– nished rooms. 2401 E. Union. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE - 7-room house and 6-room cot– tage on one lot. Paved street. Madison district. Fruit trees. Easy terms. Pr. 8695. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK - Two in family $30.00 per month Call at 413 Yesler or Phone MAin 1155 FOR SALE 1937 Chrysler Royal FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Trunk, Heater, Overdrive, Radio Will Sacrifice GLendale 9634 Used Rug and Carpet Shop Rugs Cleaned ..........·-·- 1.50 Rugs Dyed, per yd. __.... .50 Rugs Demothed .......... 1.50 Specials 9x12 Axminister 17.50 and 12.50 Good Rugs 9x12 ________ 9.50 Others -----·-- 5.50 and 6.00 We carry all makes and sizes of Rugs, Hall Runners and Pads Cleanwell Used Rug and Carpet Shop 4n 12th Ave. South S. H. Stone, Mgr. Dr. Walter S. Brown PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office E.r. 3631; Res. El. 8700 Office Hour!!: 11-1; 2-5 602-603 New Orpheum Building ADELPHI APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Office: El. 3547; Res. Ea. 3388 Hours: 8:30 to 1 and 2 to 6 Suite 362-3 Empire Building Second and Madison Special Appointment made for Evenings and Sundays Clarence R. Anderson ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC 501 McDowall Bldg., Seattle Phones: Office, ELiot 4581j Residence: PRospect 2711 at 918 Washington St. Good con– dition. Owner will be pleased to escort prospective buyers around premises. Call EL. 7346, ask for Mrs. Wells. LONESOME? Join a National Get-Acquainted Club. We are sure to have a sel– ect helpmate for you. Write for full information. Colored people of high social standing use our club-some beautiful and lead– ers in Church and Community. WE HELP YOU GET AC– QUALVTED.TheREV.S~ON DIXON CLUB., P.O. Box 363, Norfolk, Va. I--- SUITS =------------ As Low as $55. Douglass Apartments Where It Is Convenient and Homelike Newly Renovated-Steam Heat Hot Water-Telephone Laundry Room RENTS REDUCED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Rents, $10 and Up DOUGLASS APARTMENTS Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mgr. 114 24th Ave. N.- EAst 9617 DR.K.HARADA DENTIST Phone PRospect 5085 1221 Jackson St. Seattle Dr. Jas. M. Unosawa Diseases of Men & Women Nervous Diseases Chronic Diseases Maternity Cases General Surgery X-Ray Laboratories Atlas Hotel, 420 Maynard Ave. Office, El. 5431; El. 6152 Residence Pr. 8626 We Serve BEER and WINE HOTEL ATLAS Strictly Modern - High Class Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Free Telephone in Each Room EL. 6152 - Phones-EL. 6153 420 Maynard Avenue With Private Bath, $1.00 Up Rooms, 50c Up Special Week or Month Rates - SPRING HOUSE CLEANING Rugs, Curtains, Drapes Call KING'S LAUNDRY SERVICE MOTH PROOF DRY CLEANING No Extra Cost PR. 6300 -- Res. £A. 1169 Designed and Tailored by KANE The Tailor 1408 2nd Avenue 2nd Floor, Denny Bldg. Phone EAst 9882 J. I. CHIKATA Pharmacist CHIKATA DRUG CO. P rescriptions 1203 Jackson St., Seattle WALLA WALLA PHARMACY Prescriptions Filled Promptly CANDY DRUGS ICE CREAM · 429 21st Ave. EA. 962!> CROWN BAKERY Wedding and Birthday Cake!! to order. Highest Quality Bak– ery Goods. Milk, Eggs, Butter. 2210 E. UNION - PRos. 0519 ........................... FOR RENT Neat Modern Apartments PARTLY FURNISHED W ith Storage Room 2 and 3 room Apartments PRICES REASONABLE Close in-216- 22nd Ave. MRS. PHILIPS -- PR. 2732 •+++++++++¥U(F COOL OFf AT OUR~l FOUNTAIN WHERE YOU KNOW YOU ARE WELCOME ICE CREAM-Qt. 25c POMADES and HAIR PREPARATIONS RACE NEWSPAPERS and MAGAZINES EAU SUBLIME HAIR DYE ROBINSON "YOUR OWN STORE" :'\06 12th Ave. So.-PR. 4437 EAST MADISON LUMBER Co. We Deliver Everyt hing to Build or Repair Your Home EAst 8080 - 2021 E. Madison Draught Beer TOKYO CAFE Under New Management Regular meals at reasonable prices. Private booths for ladies and parties OPEN ALL NIGHT 655 Jackson- SE. 9342 1528 Pike Place - EL. 9448 COLORED FRYERS AND ROASTERS COLORED FRYERS---·--·-----------..-............________, ___ Jb. 30c CUT-UP STEWING CIDCKEN______ ____ Jb. 25c; 2 lbs. 45c SPRINGS..........--··---.................._ ...____......_ ..........._3 for $1.00 ITALIA CAFE BEER AND WINE Home Cooking Southern Style JIMMY SPERANZA, Properietor 517 Jackson St. Phone SE. 9441 Performing Tasks Well– THE ANGELUS, Inc. FUNERAL DffiECTORS and EMBALMERS Overlooking Dignified Service - Efficiency - Lowest Rates Lake Washington FUNERAL CHAPEL - LADY ATTENDANT Ap·trtments Very Reasonable 230-32 23rd Ave. No.-CA. 1791 Phone PRospect 0333 J. A. "Jack" Johnson, 1\lgr. I :....;.:.:.:...-__ 3_1_9_1_2th __ A_v __ e_.,_at_t_h_e_c_o_r_n_er_o_f_T_e_r_r_a_ce_ s_tr_e_e_t___