Northwest Enterprise_1940-01-12

PAGE FOUR THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940 Seattle Social Notes CApitol 9779 PRos~;lt 9088 SO HELP ME BY JOE STATON A certain chef is going to knock a newcomer's head lopsided if he doesn't act like a human being while being served or waiting for Information For The r'Swanee River" Filing Income Tax Spo.-ls Lane\ Now Showing at The. total number of taxpayers ,. Coach Glen Gianini' s _,, 5th Ave. Theatre who f1led returns during 1939 in s par CLASSIFIED ADS OLYMPIC COURT FOR RENT: 3-room furnished apts., toilet and bath, newly de– corated. 103 20th So. at Yesler Way. Inquire Apt. 1. The Misses Myrtle and Esther Ward two charming hostesses of the younger set entertained with a New Year's Eve party at their Herbert Williams Stricken home. Diversions for the evening Herbert Williams, employ– were; games, dancing and refresh- ed on the Northern Pacific ments. Honored guests present of the Collection District of w ash- ton Basketball team meets A little bitty man who cleans up ington and Alaska is 132,000. This Greenlake in an exhibition "Swanee River,'' vibrant, roman- 3 ROOM furnished flat, $15.00 per a local place of business threw out included 22,175 reporting incomes game at Collins Fieldhouse tic melodrama of the old south month, 1622 30th between Pine service. a gallon of sauce the chef had in a jar. When the chef asked why, he said, "I thought you were just soaking the jar out, and so I pour– ed it down the drain." P.S. The in excess of $5,000.00, only s even- Monday night, Jan. 15th, at filmed in technicolor with a cast and Olive. teen percent of which, however, 8 :00. including Don Ameche, Andrea =F::-:0:-:R::--=R-E_N_T_:_Fl_ a_t ,-3- r_o_o_m_s_an_d railroad as a barber, was Wenatchee, Wash.; Messrs. George Smith and Grant Collins. stricken at the home of J. J. paid income taxes. Persons filing The starting line, though Leeds and AI Jolson, is now at the bath, $ 15 per month. 1622 SOth returns reporting less than $5,000 5th Avenue Theatre. On the dual Ave. between Pine and Olive. The members of the ?-neers met Seely, 119 22nd Ave. No. last at the home of Mr. Frank Fair. Saturday at 12:30 noon. Bridge and refreshments the usual He was rushed to the liar– procedure. Plans were discussed borview hospital for treat– for their formal sometime in Feb- were 37,033 of which only 28 per unofficial is Al Smith, Ernie program Preston Foster and Irene chef got so mad he couldn't eat cent paid income taxes. Of the Lewis, Hank Allen, M. C. Hervey will also be seen in the ex– and hasn't eaten yet-five days. total of 13,000 corporations in the Chatman and George Minor. citing mystery tale, "Missing Evi- Everyone I've had my doubts state, · all of whom filed returns, * * * dence." TWO FURNISHED bed rooms, 1 apt. with 4 rooms and bath, un– furnished. 210 22nd Ave. No. Settled people prefererd. ruary . ment. A World War veteran, Mrs. Nona Porter, 2820 15th Ave. he will be transferred to the So., honored her son Ned on his Marine hospital. only_ s .. 150•. or two per cent, made Frisco M_cGale, East Madi- Cast in the same pattern as "Al– about from when they originally came, showed his hand when I suffiCient mcome to pay income son y Boxmg Instructor, re- exander's Ragtime Band," "Alex- FOR RENT: Home accommoda- wrote about M. C. Chatman's con- taxes. !turned Wednesday from Van- 1 ander Graham Bell,'' and other fession. To further prove my point The State Superintendent of couver B. C. after successfully film-biographies which have been Mrs. Chatman baked some corn Schools reports there tare 11 • 8 ~ 6 1 helping fight promotor Sid I produced by Darryl F. Zanuck, tiona. Free fuel. Man and wife 29th birthday Wednesday evening, Only recently has Williams January 3rd, with a very elaborate been domiciled in the Seely affair. Her home beautifully de- home. He has a mother re– corated was the scene of a lun- cheon served in buffet style. siding in Baltimore, Md. Among those present were Mr. His condition is reported and Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Montgomery, · not satisfactory. Mrs. Harvey Chandler, Mrs. He- len Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Black– well, Mrs. Katie Cathey and Mrs. Wood.s. A social hour was spent in danc– ing and cards. Misses Juanita Valley and Char– lena Cephas were co-hostesses at a farewell tea Sunday, Jan. 7th, from 2 to 5 p. m. on the eve of Miss Jerry Jones' departure for her home in Wenatchee. Twelve girls were present en– joying the gay time and delicious refreshments. ,Miss 1\lilderine HudHn has re– turned from Victoria, B. C. and is stopping indefinitely with Mrs. Re– becca Hall, 1728 25th Ave. Find My Sister Are you listening? Richard J. Lee, confined in a hospital in a midwestern city is not expected to live. He wants to know the whereabouts of a in Seattle or vici– nity. If you find her, notify Rev. E. F. Morris, 162 16th Ave. Dupee Court Elects Officers The Sarah W. Dupee Court No. 43, Heroines of Jericho, elect and install the following officers for the ensuing year: the schools of the state of wash- Beech arrange for a Red r e s e s ory o bread and M. C. threatened to persons employed as eachers m "Swanee Rive " t ll th t f I leave home if she ate second help C t America's troubadour writer of ing. He wanted it all for himself. ington. Available information dis- ross boxing card. folk songs, Stephen Foster. 1 closes 5,561 persons employed in The date for the benefit Foster's life contained all of the dramatic incidents, the romance, the comedy and the color needed for the making of a great motion · picture. The film has moviegoers I back to the romantic, colorful days 1 when minstrels and river boats 1 It will soon be Mr. and Mrs. the State of Washington depart- card has not been set but Mc- William Dorothy Alexander Reese, menta and institutions. It is esti- Gales has arranged to have or sump'n, so it's being said. mated that approximately 10,000 When the cream of the crop so- person sare employed by counties, Jessie Saunders and Eddie Po– ciety boy saw his lambie pie step cities and other political subdivi- well, two promising young out with the skimmed milk poor sions thereof. fighters of this city, headline boy, he almost died. In fact, he Quotations from Hearings before the card. * * * were popular. It shows his happy I shed coal dust all over the street. Committee on Ways and Means, LIARS' CONTEST House of Representatives, 76th Contestant DAVEY "ACKIT" Congress, from statement by John WILLIAMS: My uncle who lives W. Hanes, Under-Secretary of the in Kent has one of the most mar- Treasury in regard Public Salary velous dogs ever raised. He is an Act: all-around handy man. When my "Another purpose is to end, once uncle isn't home the dog is master and for all, Indefensible tax exemp– of the house. He washes clothes, tiona which produce inequity and cooks, and even makes beds. For result in public disapproval." his amusement he likes piano play- "Federal employees pay only ing and knows three songs, "My Federal incomes taxes; State and Last Goodbye,'' "The Jeep Is local employees pay only State Jumping,'' and "Stardust," the !at- taxes; 17 States impose no income ter is his favorite. There is only taxes on wages or salaries ... " one thing wrong with the dog, he "The general level of govern– makes his own corn whiskey, and mental salaries is comparatively is an habitual drunkard. low. In 1937, of 2,600,000 State K e n n y Washington has young manhood, depicts his early struggles, the introduction of his i gone Hollywood on the sports classic songs by Christry's Min- I world as he has recently been strels, his meeting with and mar- , signed to do a football picture riage to "Jeanie with the Light ; for Million Dollar Production. Brown Hair," and portrays his ra- \ Date for production has not pid rise to fame and happy life been announced but it is ex- with his wife and daughter. pected to get under way as Then, with relentless realism, · · . i"Swanee River" depicts Foster's soon a~ Kenn~ fmish~s h~s emotional stability, his disillusions . professiOnal grid sesswn m and disappointments, his gradual ! California within the next I disintegration and eventual death 1 month or two. in a shabby Bowery rooming I .. * .. house. Among the multitude of Foster melodies comprising the score are "My Old Kentucky Home," "Old Black Joe,'' "Oh Susanna!" "Old Folks at Home," and "Beautiful Dreamer." $20 per month, bath, telephone, cooking, home privileges, and free garage service. Single wo– man, same privileges $12 per month; single man $10 per month. James Bell, 807 21st Ave., Tel. Pr. 9453, Car No. 11. 5th Avenue Theatre NOW PLAYING The story of Stephen Foster now on the screen in color "SWANEE RIVER" -with- DON AMECHE ANDREA LEEDS AL JOLSON and the Hall Johnson Choir -Also "Missing Evidence" The Will Do Club met Monday evening, January 1st, at the home of Mrs. Tessie Austin. Arrange– ments were made for the annual Colonial Tea on Feb. 22nd to be held at the home of Mrs. Art Smith, 105 22nd No. An interest– ing program will be rendered. Ev– eryone is invited. Nellie Wilson, pres. and Audrey Nichols, sec'y. A. E. Bagley, M. A. M.; Jeanette Waters, S. M.; S. C. Winston, J. M.; Susie E. Mar– sh a 11, Sec.; Eliza Hanger, Treas. ; Iva Carter, Sr. A. ; Ida Mae Streets, Jr., A.; Ora E Brooks, A. G K.; Directors: Contestant MRS. WM. MON- and local employees, 1,000,000, or ROE of 1417 So. M St., Tacoma: 40 per cent, received $1,000 or less, ONLY A MATTER OF TIME: and approximately 2,300,000, or 90 The time was 3:15 a. m. Sunday per cent received $2,500 or less. morning. I quietly turned the key Thus, 90 per cent of State and lo– in the lock and opened the door its cal employees, if married, would widest, realizing that I was four not be subject to the Federal in– A business meeting , has been called by Glen Gianini, coach of the Brown Bombers football team, of all team members for Tuesday night, Jan. 16th at 7:00 p. m. The meeting will be held at the home of Danny Allen, 28th and Yesler. A~ec~e as Foster, Andre Leeds 1.-------------– as h1s w1fe, and Jolson as the min– strel, Christy, head a cast which includes Felix Bressart, Chick Chandler and the famed Hall John- The C. S. E. Social Club held its Annual banquet at Masonic hall New Year's night. Among the ma– ny guests who enjoyed a lovely time were: Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Williams and son and daughter, Harold and Doro– thy and Mrs. Gray, all of Everett, ......Mrs...J..Jli'.Y Morri!'. Mr. and Mrs. McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ba– k er, Mr. and Mrs. King, Mr. and Mrs. Vennetta, Miss Cora Jones, Miss Alberta Baker, Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell, Mr. H . Hood, Mrs. Walker and son, John, Mr. J. C. Thompson and Mrs. Lucille Nelson. The next regular meetil.;g will be held Jan. 27 at the Venetta home in New Castle. Helena, Montana By HEK Mr. J. A. Johnson, Joshua, J. B. Scott, N. T. Green, Wm. Bagley. hours later than what I had told come tax." my husband (hen party of course). "In State and local governments I gave the door a push and hurried for instance, there are approxi– up the carpeted steps to my room. mately 16,000 employees with an– I took my clothes off, folded them nual salaries of over $5,000.00, in– neatly, got ready for bed by brush- eluding 1,300 with salaries of over ing my teeth, washing my face and I $10,000." Railroad News hands, combing my hair, and last "From thEl stan,dpq_int of r ve- l of all said my prayers, praying to nue, the exemptiofl of governmen- The Ladies' Auxiliary of the God that my husband would not tal employees is of little signifi– B.S.C.P. will hold their first meet- wake up, and that I could wake up cance. It is estimated that in 1937 ing of the year at the home of early enough to be to church on there were approximately 2,600,000 Mrs. Florence Thompson, 2040 lh time. After my prayer I turned State and local officers and em– East Madison, January 16. The the light switch and snuggled ployees representing a total an– past year has been a success and comfortable down for the night. nual pay roll of $3,600,000,000. Be– efforts will be made to excel that Then I heard the door slam shut, cause of the relatively low average record during the coming year. heard the water running down the level of salaries, the removal of The public response to the social drain-pipe in the bathroom, and the present exemption of govern– affairs of the auxiliary encourages then the light went out-the time mental employees is not expected them to continue their activities. was 3:15 a. m. Sunday morning. to add more than about $16,000,000 Hostesses for the recent previous MRS. DAVID BRADFORD of to Federal revenues." meeting were Mrs. Gertrude Gray- Yakima says: She can smell a per- "The probable effect of the elim- son, Mrs. Caroline Lewis, and Mrs. son's breath over a telephone. ination of tax exemption on the Armita Hearst. BEORGE BRADFORD says: It revenues of State governments Lately we have missed the an- Adul s was so frosty in Seattle once that cannot be readily estimated." nouncements of church services of t pecialS it curled up all the rugs in my "In 1937 there were approxi- Wilder Avenue Bapti~t Church, us- house. mately 1,200,000 Federal employes ually appearing in our daily pa- Homemaking classes in the new "SWITCHY" HEIGHT said that receiving $1,900,000,000 in annual pers at the end of each week. The year's program of adult education things were so bad down south compensation. Approximately 400,– time limit in the suit against the sponsored throughout the city by that even the dogs get vouchers. 000 regular full-time Federal civil– pastor, Rev. J. Abram Hayward, the Seattle Public Schools, assist- Latest reports are that Jerry service employees show that ap– brought by Logan Smith, will soon ed by the Work Projects Adminis- Hunt's Christmas watch didn't proximately 6 per cent of that expire, and the question arises: tration, teach subjects such as come from California but from group received less than $1,000,000 will Mr. Hayward get out and give tailoring, pattern drafting, cloth- right close by in Seattle. and 82 per cent less than $2,500,- All members shouJd be pre– sent 'at this meeting and are asked to bring a:t\[1 football equipment they ntn~ht have. Haskell Campbell, A~ting sec'y East Madison "Y" has two teams entered in the roller hockey leagues sponsored by the Park Department. Members of the 135 pound team are Captain Billy Ahderson, Art Harris, Carl Valley, Billy Tolles, Fred Wingo and Preston Howard. Members of the 110 pound team are Billy Catlett, Richard Yarbo– rough, George Camper, Stanley Valley, Harry Winston, Clem Gal– lerson, and Captain George Wil- Iiams. The East Madison Y continues its weekly basketball practice ev– ery Friday night, 8-10 p. m. Ping Pong Patter According to Frisco 'McGale he gave Haskell Campbell such a beating that Haskell has given up ping pong playing for a week. However last week Wednesday, they reached a more favorable agreement in which both may play at all times. possession of the church as direct- ing construction, and sewing. "Tony" York was washing some annually." ed in the court order, or will he Classes are open to all persons windows and they really needed it. Campbell claims he can play Now if some of the water had NATIONAL HEADLINES fight the matter out in court pro- 16 years of age or over. No charge circles around IMcGale In dominoes dropped On Ton yth . ld (Continued from Page One) ceedings. is made for the enrollment or the y, ever mg wou Mrs. A . L. Byrd, who has been instruction. have been o. k. 3. The wage tax of 1 per cent each and checkers. ill, was seen on the street last 0 Mitchell says, "I wish old Art for employers and employees re- ther groups of the program in- H d ld t h h mains the same until 1943. It will week, seemingly recovered from elude arts and crafts, music, nat- ea wou re urn my ammer e her sickness. uralization, parent education, pub- borrowed. I don't know what he DR.K.HARADA Why are bachelors and widowers lie affairs, and general miscellany. could be pounding for this length in Helena remaining secluded all Additional information may be of time without being through, ex- day and only at night are you abel obtained by telephoning or writing cept Head's own hard head. to find either on the streets. Is it the Adult Education Department, A to d * * ·1*1 car s o on a h1 one day, because this is leap-year? One 810 Dexter Ave., Alder 0900, Lo- Sumpin' happened and on its way thing certain is Hek does not seem cal 70. It went, and pretty soon my friend, to fear, probably because he's sure &--------------. The car looked like a water-soaked he's a hopeless case in the eyes, 1 h even of the most lugubrious and Pauline's Beauty Shop en.. forlorn maiden. Chee,r up, girls, S · nz· lllin f I Papa? Yep, he almost d1'ed. peCia mg a es o it is said, "One hair of a woman Beauty Work To tell the truth he really cried. can draw more than a hundred 1 Daughter? She hid out someplace - 1221 East Madison Pr. 2811 ;p_a_ir_o_f_o_x_e_n_-'_' --------~=============::!'Didn't dare to show her face. ' When papa saw the car's old bones He even swore by Dewey Jones, He'd tan her hide and boy friend's Greetings From FUJII'S CAFE Draueht and Bottle Beer Sandwiches - Cigars - Cigarettes Wines - Bottle Beer-All brands to take out "A Nice Resort te Which You Oan Bring Your Friends" BOOTHS FOR LADIES 1812 Yesler Way, CApitol 9824 too, Until they looked like mutton stew Remembering he didn't have to pay I The car was insured any old way, He sent a message, if she'd come home They'd forget about the car's old bones. So Help Me. COAST HOTEL Seattle's Finest Colored Hostelry Phone Seneca 9382 901 Kin~ Street Seattle, Wn. not be increased 50 per cent in 1940, as provided by the old law. All of these will begin to share in the cash benefits which are to pour into thousands of American homes, beginning with New Year's Day, 1940. • Tune in Every Friday, 7:45 p. m. KEEN 1370 k.c. I GOSHO DRUG co. I SEneca 9283 523 Jackson St. EAst 9882 J. I. CIDKATA Pharmacist CHIKATA DRUG CO. Prescriptions 1203 Jackson St. Seattle Painless Dentist Phone PRospect 5085 1221 Jackson St. Seattle I SO Double Edge Razor Blades for SOc postpaid J. E. W. CLARKE Box 25 Helena, Mont. Newly Renovated Hill Top Tavern IS TANTALIZING Now Serving Direct Draft Brewery Fresh Beer No Coils, No Beer Hoses Washington and California Wines Bottled Beer To Take Home 1200 Jackson St. at 12th Ave. Cily Cash G.. ocery "We Deliver" Fresh Vegefables & Fruifs Meafs&Fish MONEY SAVING VALUES 121 21st Ave. No. EAst 1155 son Choir. Join the NAACP if you believe in protecting your rights. Dr. Wm. H. Calhoun Physician and Surgeon 425-26 Railway Exchange Bldg. Office Hours: 11-1 and 2-6 p.m. Office Phone: ELiot 1045 Res. Phone: EAst 9S7S Douglass Apartments Where It Is Convenient and Homelike Newly Renovated-Steam Heat Hot Water-Telephone Laundry Room RENTS REDUCED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Rents, $10 and Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mgr. 114 24th Ave. N. - EAst 9617 Soft Drinks, Cigars, Tobaccos SHOE SHINE 1203 Yesler G. \V .French -ABEl PHI APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Very Reasonable 230-32 23rd Ave. No.-CA. 1791 J. A. "Jack" Johnson, Mgr. General Surgery Gynecology Obstetrics Nervous Diseases Genital-Rectal Diseases X-Ray Laboratories Office El. 5431, 6152 Res. PR. 8626 Dr. James M. UNOSAWA 420 Maynard Ave. Atlas Hotel ALL YOU JITTERBUGS! Looking for a Place to Jive? Swing out at the Six Crowns Jam Session at the 606 Club on King Slreel Beginning Sunday, January 14, 1940 Admission 15c to all BUY 'EM WHERE THEY'RE FRESH HOLIDAY POULTRY Large Colored Roasts ·· Large Colored Fryers ·· ·· 25c lb. ·· 25c lb. Ducks, Geese and Farm Fresh Turkeys .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25c lb. and.up Jointed Slewing Chicken, Z lbs. 45c SOUTH PARK POULTRY CO. 1528 PIKE PLACE- Next to McDonald's Grocery \