
Ncwlr Decorated APARTMENTS WOODSON AXD SINGLE ROOMS APARTMENTS ('0:\'VENIEXT, l\IODER~ 1820 24th Avenue Nicely furnished. Steam heat. Phone EAst 7336 Housekeeping privileges. Walking Nicely Furnished or Unfur- distance of depots. Reasonable I rent. nished Rooms )IR8. l\l. WALKER REASO~.\.BLE HEXT 1928 Washington St. \ ;;;;;;;;;M;a;;k;e;;Y;;ou;r;;P;;;e;;;r;;;m;;;a~n;;;e;;;n;;;t;;H;o;;;m;;e;a;t;;th;e;;;;;;;;~ : I THE DOUGLAS APARTMENTS 114 Twenty-fourth Ave. North i'\ewly R<"'lOYated-St-l"am Heat-Janitor Servic~Hot "'lltPt' Telephone-b1 Fact All Conveniences 'Vhen you live at The Douglas you are in the center of our best race district. The !\lost "'orshipful United G•·and Lodge, F. & A. l\1. State of ·washington and Jurisdiction Howard D. Brown, Grand Mas– ter( 2331 East Madison St., Seattle, Wash. F. U. Harris, Grand Secretary, 1212 South 12th St., Taco- rna, Wash. J. B. White, Grand Treasurer, Bellingham, 'Vash. \V. E. Cranshaw, Grand Lec– turer, 443 So. 8th St., Waila Walla, Wash. E. H. Holmes, C. C. F. C., East 2208 So. Crescent A.ve. , Spo– kane, Wash. The Churches A Prayer for All t~::aJ."turned from a trip from a- I \ ~ext Sunday the pa"tor will preach I at both "enice~. The public is :n- • 1 vited to worship with us. I th;saln: 119:33. Teach _me 0 Lo1:d, 1 Phyllis Wheatley, y. w.. c. A.- , w~y of the statutes, and I shdll Sunday Vesper ~ernces w1ll be in !' h~p It unto the end. . charge 'of Miss Grace Fisher who an- o. 04. _Give me undcrstandmg, and I nounces as her speaker, :VIr. Horace 1 .hall keep. thy law; yea, I shall ob- Carton. She also plans a splendid ! ser.;e It With my whole_ heart. musical program. Miss Idell Vertner ' <>5. Make me to go l11 the p~th of who has been a ho~:.se guest at the thy ~ommandments; for therem do "Y" for the l)ast th~ee montho 1 ft • 1 I T delight. ·· . -· e 36 ~I J' h t t th Wednestlay for San Francisco to en- . · n_c ~nc my car un o Y ter the Teacher's State Colle ·e. 1 testmwmes, and not to covetousness. \Vh'I 1 th t h h t~· 37 · Turn away mine eyes from be- · 1 e we. are Jappy a. s e as Is I holding vanity· nd ui k ··h opportumty, we are sorry to lose one 1 me in thy way'. ' a q c en " ou wh~ has been the _cause of much joy 38. Establish thy word unto thy I dm;ng her stay w1t_h us. Mr~. J. ~servant, who is devoted to thy fear. 9h,.se and M1ss Ev~lena Dav1s Exe. 1 39. Turn away my reproach which S:_~- attended the. banquet at . the 1 I fear; for thy judgen.ents are good. md,n. r Monday mgh~: .·~he M1sses 50. i~chold, I have longed after thy Ve~mce Bl~ck and Vng1ma Rob~rts precepts; quicken me in thy right- ~ve1 e the H1gh School l'Cpre.scntahvcs , cousness 111 the pageant that was given after · the banqu('t, PRAYER Preparations arc going !forward for the ;;nnual banquet to be given ! ,.Open my ~yes that I may see, at the Y Thursday, Jan. 26 at which Ghmp~es of truth Thou hast for me; time the annual report will be made I Place 111 my hands the wonderful key, J by Miss Davis. The banquet will be That shall unclasp, and set me free. served promptly at seven o'clock for &!lently now I wait fo: Thee, 1 forty cents pe~ plate. Mrs. J. W. Inspect our rooms o.nd the quality of the service rendl!red and you will literally be astonished at the modPi'ateness of our 1·ates. I Ready, my God, Thy w1ll to see; Greenwell, president·, 1\Irs. Craige- ' ----....;....::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Open _ll?Y ~.yes, illumine me, Spirit Case, general secretr:ry and 1\IJ'S. W. PROFESSIONAL and -TRADEDIRECTORYI Clarence R. Anderson ATTORXEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBUC Ploones • Offi<'e, ELliott 4586 ·fiesldent•e, DEacon 14S1 310 Puclflc Dlo"k Seattle Dr. W. Ellis Burton DENTAL SURGEON Office Hou1·s: 9 to 11 a. rn.; 2 to 9 p. m. Special appoint– ments arranged. 2016 East John St. EAst 3349 I Office l\L\ 6093-Res., EA 3388 Hours- 8 :!lO to 1 and .2 to () Dr. F. B. Cooper DI!:N'l'JST Suitt> 3H!!-3 F.tut•irf' RnHding Seeoud nnll lUulli.~ou SI-~A'l"l'J,t:;; Spel'ial Appointments m?.de for J~vening-s and Sundays Dr. W. H. Calhoun PHYSICUN & SUUGEON 2218 Ea~t Madison Street I Chandler .~ nnex) Office Hours; 10-12. 3-5, 6-8 PHO:\E:: F:.-UoT 1£:21 Se::days by appointment ---------------------~--------------------' DR. C. J. ALLEN DENTIST Offi ;e !.ours; 9 a. m to 12 m. And 1 p.m. tn 5 p.m. Special oppointments made for Evenings and .:Sundays 231 Yale Eldg. Cor. Third and Union PHONE EJ,IOT 28-!0 Dean E. JL'lt't John Prim HART & PRIM LAWYERS 236-238 Bm•ko Building Phono ELliott 2715 Here is one apartment building- that provides real luxury and comfort at low cost. -~ divme. E. L. Schloman, chairman of co,lored , IH:IH'l l.t~;; r,onGE ·' o. 1 ;-, F. & -'-· JI., Rem~mber the Sabboth Day, to work, will be guests of honor from · .lfe<>ts 1st and 3rc1 \\'t dJH·scht\ s :.\Iason>, keep It Holy-Exodus 20:8. I the main Y. --------------~-~--------·-----' Apartments from $14 Up For Information phone EAst 8590 $10 - Apartments - $10 Furnished or Unfurnished Newly •renovated 1, 2 or 3-room apartments with kitchenette and private bath room for rent. Hot and cold water. Steam heat. Laundry. East Cherry car line. Near schoollil !lnd churches. Douglass Annex 2107 East James. PhoneEAst9852 Steam Heated Apartments for Rent Two-room apartment and kitch– enette. Five and six-room furnished or unfurnished apartments fo1· rent, very reasonable. WM. CHANDLER 224.1 l\Im•ginal Way IliA. 4323 or 2416 E. Madison EA 4347 HOMES If you want to huy, sell or built! a home SEE US 'Ve !JaudiP all lines of Rl'ai Estate, Loans and Insurance Burnley Burnett Co. 2219 E. Madison Pro. 0411 Rooms and Apartments For Rent FOn HE.:\IT-)J'ieely furni:-~hed rooms in pl"ivatc hon1c close to business center. Quiet, l'Pspectable homP. Sph-·ndid car sPrYiCP. :Mrs. M. I...r. Y. Smith. 1030 E. S)lring St. Phone East S572. 2-11 FOR RE:-.J'T-}i"'urnished 3-1'00111 apart– tnent and garage. RC'nt reasonablE'. Hazelwood Aparttnents. 1924 F.n..st SprucP st. Pl1onf' East 8363 2-11 JI'OH. RENT -NicC'lV fut·ni~hed front apartment. Stf 'a.tn he<-lt. On three cat· linf•R 1\-fatlatne I>cNeal, Ul07 East :.\ladlson St. Phone East 1192. 2-11 For llt•nt-5-room how:-e at 2214 En.st ,Tohn St., near !:l3rd Av~. Goocl con– clition. ExcPllent distric~t. :Mrs. Geo. H . .AndP-rson, 2208 B. Juhn St. .Phone PHo"pect 1935. 2-3 ! For Hent-4-room flat, newly reno– vated: only ~lS. :Vfrs. /1. R Donner, 203 24th Av~. N. Phone EAst 8464. 2-3 I }i'or Hf."nt- Furnished G-roo1n npart– tnent; only $2G; close to depots~ good stre,~t car serviCP. P. S. Bar- I nPlt, 506 28th A,·e. S. Phone BEacon 3146. 2-3 I F'or U:ent-:i-ronm house in good cOn– dition. Modern except heat. -Excel– lent district. For Hell1-5-room hou~e at 221·1 E. John Ht. Good condition. ExcellPllt distriet. Call at 220:-\ E . John St. Phone PRospect 193G. 1-27 For ll<"nt-Fine mod~rn apattn1ent. \Vell lle:trerl; llot and cold water. Heut n•tu;onalJle. l\Ir~. Fa11ny King, 142G Jackson Ht. BEacon G020. 1-27 For Hent-6-1·uom houst' in l\Ia,(lJ·ona di:::!-ll'ict. Thfodcrn. Rent, $30. Pl1one l'Hospect OOG5. 1-:J7 Hon~t"ltolt1 Ooo(lS For Sult.·-One l\Ion· arch cooking range, one dining room set, 2 beds.. 1 ice box. 1 Victrola~ 1 r,uncll. bo\vl, 2 dressers, 3 rocking chairs, 2 congoleum rugs, 1 cheerfuJ heater, nearly new. l\fr~. S. E ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buxton, 107 2l"t Avt'. N. EAst !i306, 1-20 '------ Fer Sale at a Bargain A cozy home, 5 rooms and bath, newly paperetl<and painL– ed throughout. Full basement and furnace. Garage, fruit trees and shrubbery. 45 foot lot on paved street near 2 car lines. House is at 73 7 N. 81st Street and is priced CHEAP. See owner at 8103 Greenwood Ave. Phone SUnset 5762. Here's ABargain Stucco House for Sale Owner must make change and will sacrifice. Purchased five room stucco bouse twenty months ago for $6,500 on contract. Have equity of $2,100 with balance of $4,-100 payable on contract and first mortgage. Will sacrifice equity for $1,000 cash, purchaser to assume contract. House located at 507 No. 80th Street, 5 rooms with breakfast room, all floors hardwood includ– ing kitchen, bedi'Ooms and closets. Full length plate glass mirror in entrance hall. All walls oil paint– ed, no kalsomine. Living room and breakfast room finished in beautiful Tiffany finish. Large fireplace with bo<>kcases on either side full width of room. French doors. Arf.islie arc Iigh t fix! urPs and wall bracket fixtures. Kitch– en has tile sink, large C1lpboards, wired for electricity. $100 inlaid linoleum installed two months ago included. El€ctric heater on hot water tank included. Tile bath and shower, pcclestal wash bowl. Bedrooms finished in two tone oil paint and each has wall bracket electric light in addition to regular fixture. A-C floor out– lets in living room, breakfast room ancl bedrooms. Curtain rods in all rooms included. Full ce– ment basement with large garage with plastered walls. Hot ai1· furnace. House wired for Radio, including la.te type umbrella an– tenna. Splendid radio reception. Street is paved but paving assess– ment still due. If yon are inler.ested in a high grade modern IH'USP at a bargain call SUnset 3062 or call at bolls(', fi07 No. 80th Sl., Snndays only. HOROSCOPE AND GEXER,\L LIFE READING $20 Apartment Vacant At the Laurel, 303, 22nd Ave. South, which is steam heated, com· fortably furnished and on the sun– nyside of the building. The Laure~ Apartments, 303, 22nd Ave. South. Yesler or Jack~on Street cars. Furnished Apartments Nicely furnished 2-room apartments lor h•>use keeping. Also single rooms. Everything modern; rent •·easonable :Vlrs. IJ•1 Harding, 2422 E. Madison St Ph one EAst 2595 4-Room Apartment For Rent Nicely furnished. Steam heat. Private bath. Strictly m ode r n. Close to depots. Rent reasonable. :\>Irs. C. Cephas, 316 22nd Ave. So. Phones BEacon 0217, BEacon 0424. Elks' Home for Rent For Meetings-Parties The Elk's Home offers superior facilities to lodges, clubs and indivirl– uals fo~· meetings, banquets a~.d par– ties. Large hall, card tables, fully equipped kitchen and dining room. Rent very reasonable. See or phone Wm. Bowman, 1620, 18th ave. Phone FJAst 9699. ------------------------- MASONIC HALL 2.1st Ave. and E. Jefferson St. For 203 Lodge Rooms anti rentals See or Phone A. R. BONNER 24th Ave. N. East 8464 LOW RENTS $18-Fivc·l'oom modern flat. $20-Slx-room house. $25--Seven - l'OOm m o d e r n house. $80-:\fodPrn 8-room house with garage. Re<luce•l from $40. For Sale A Real Bargain $2.200-6-rocm furnished house. Close in, on paved street. $3,300-Deautiful 1-acre tract, 17 6-foot froQ Iage, 4-room bungalow with view of Lake 'Vashington; 15-minute car service to Union station. Easy tPrmH. B. H. BARROW . Real Estate - Rentals-Loans Insurance 205 17th Ave. Hall, 21 st and Jdlc·•·son St. 'n. Hood, Go to Church Sunda" Tl1e classes J.Il French and R"t]JnJI·c Vi:. )f, :130 24tlJ Ave N. J'hone Ji~ast .r - ... -' 3443. A. c. Watc·rH, secretary. 1~11:- are progressing splendidly. The :l3rd Ave. HAst 3H9. l-1-2' Grace Presbytenan Church-Rev.! swimming class will begin again the < • 'R < , ,--- E. M. Lewio, pastor-On Sunday I first Saturday in Febrm•.ry. E~ER(, Ell:N LOUCJE, :NO. IJ, ~ • &: A, l!'.Ol'lling· the pastor spoke to the :'11., E•·erett. 'VaMh., meets eve:v first l 1 'ld ' ~ h · · · and third Wednesday night each c 1~ ren. ?' t e. sirens, showi_nr: hv' You Are N R d' g month. Visiting MaRons w~\t...>me. SUltabl-2 Ill.!l'>~ratwns. how easy It !S t0 I ow ea In Chas R. Isham. w . M., 3820 c, Iby I be lvrcd 1rom the path of honor bv THE ENTERPRISE "O A.ve. Thos. H. Jeffersun, Sec'-y.; l-'".~ ,,iren voicf·~, and poir.ting to Christ The Newsiest Negro Newspaper • . 1-1-.' as the be,ot counter-r.t~raction: T'!-hll West of Chicago! Dc>ni Has~an T<-mJ>Ie No. adult sermon was. a diss~r.tatwn on I 61, Order of Mystic obstacles to practical rehg-wn, speto- ~-· Shrine, Seattle Wash.- ial attention being paid to the ne'!-1 SUNDAY, JANUARY ~ I, Stra•;~~;~~~~ ~;come 1 ! Meets on notice th~ essity for choosing· between the o·o0d .tt ~~,;i~ ar~~~so~7c A~~h. t~ings of life, ariel things that h·tve 21st Ave. and Jefferson higher value. f' A M E Ch h St. c. E. Rounds, Ill. The Presbytery of Seattle met at Irst ' ' ' urc Potentat~. 91~ 30th Ave., I G. ch h T d · 1 'th ~ d E l'"k Phone PRospect 0672; \V. H. Vi'ilsan, 1aee ur~ on U(;!S ay evPmng. ,. ave. an . J e Hecorder, 2401 E. Howell, PRospect I The Elders conference and dinne1· 0065. Jan. 1-26 was held at 6:30 p. m. with an at- ----------- tendance of 80. Miss Lena Irvie TouNsnlnt L'Ov.,rture Con"l~tory No. sang for the occasion. At the 7:30 SUNDAY SERVICES l i 31, Seattle, Wash., meets on notice at Masonic Hall, 21st Ave and Jef- session of Presbytery Rev. H. I. ferson St. F. s. Sanders, ('amman- Chatterton, the moderator presiu.,<l, der-in-Chief. 309 J Sth Ave. N.. EAst and the sermon was preached by Rev. 1413; John W. Fort, Secretary, 2320 Phillips of the Bethany Pre•byter,·~n N. 53r<l St., MElrose 0037. - u. church. The sessions were contin- nnrmou,· Loti~!;<', Xo. !!, F. and A. 11.. ued throughout the day on Wednes– H<>attl<·. \\'""h.-Meets 2nd and HI! day adjournino· at 4 ·30 p m :\londay nigl1ts "'t Masonic Jlall. 2l•t ' t S d ~ ·. ' ' nncl .Joff<>•·son st. .Jnme., l>"'vls \V. :.\1. Nex un ay mormng the pastor ;.38 :<::. 77th St. Phone suns.et '1947. 1-•: 1 will speak on Lessons From the Con– H. Sancl<,rs, "Per'ctary, 30~ ISth Ave. X. duct of Demas l'hune EAst 1-113. 1-1-~S .' . --- - - - I The pastor IS conductmg a series Eur..J..a ('lwt•lcr, Xo. 1, Royal Arclo of Bible studies in the Gospel of . \la~ou~. :.\[N>ts every third Friday Mark on Thursday cveninoo at8 n1ght at ~Ia,omc Hall, ~1st Ave. on<l o'clock in the chu . h t d "' d 11 PROGRiU'I 1 9:45 a .m.-Sunday Schoo 1 Meeting. 11:00 a.m.-Sermon by A. R. Dobbins. 7:00 p.rn .--C h r is tian deavor 1\Ieetir:g. Rev. En 8:00 Jl. m.-Sermon by Rev. A. R. Dobbins . I I I ' .T~ffprson St. F. L. :\Iarsllall, ~L g., . tc .. s U y, an a REV. A. F .. :UOBBINS, Paotor 1 H. T'., G031 uth ,\ye. N. w, phone who desire to participate in the~e Pastor I 1 i HL'n,;ct_ 1870; Fred \Vood"on, secre- discussions are welcome. tar~·. 1;,10 12th Ave. So., phone EAst ~~:;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;:;::;~ 4927. 1-J-2g --- I Mt. Zion Baptist Church-Rev. J., ---- I Pugct sound Lodge No. Sterling Moore, pastor--In the Sun- ATTE.ND SERVICES HUl, '· 11. P. o. J<Jik" or day School, it seemed as if the surom·- ~vurl<l. i!enttle-:'vleets 1st · t 1 t d h' ff' · and 3rd Mondav nights 8 m en( en an JS corps of o Jeers o'clock, at Eiks Hm;.,e, and teachers had conFpi1·ed to ma~•e J Sht A_ve.. and E. Madison I the session a splendid one. The St. VJO;rtlng Elks are wei- 1 . b . · come to privileg~' of Elks ~Ige nun~ ei present, the mterest Home. W. K Vrooman, displayed 111 the study of the Ies30"l , , exalled ruler, 111 24th I ~nd the J'oyous sino·ino· served tc j .-ve. N. Phone EAst 5364. L. Harts- · ·-:- · . · " " field, sec~y., 620 Jackson St. Phone add msprratwn. MAin 712.>. 1-1-28 John 3:14 and ,John 12:32 WPl'e - ., the scriptural references and the Jepbthal• ChaJ>ter, Number 11. l)rd.,, basis for a very helpful sermon by of En~t<"rn Stnr, meets every first nnd . tl t t th · · thil·n Tuesday nights, s o'clock, at 1~ I~as or a . e morning serv~cl~. Masonic; Hall. 2l~t Ave. anti E. Jef· I Pomtmg out the mcrease of the .Jews ferson St. Mrs. Vivian Spo.>arman. W. l while ~n the land of Eg·vpt and the set 2363. Mrs. Pauline Anderson, sec- manner Ill w IC cd hdped ihc1;1 M., 7334 12thfAve. N. IV. Phone SL'n-~ . · · h' h G· ..• ' retary, 19~2 Jackson street DEacon and made them stronger than the1r Z57D. · 7-1-n enemies, Hcv. Moore applied the h'uth to ihe present dav, and showed how ~It. Bninie1· <'lu111t<'r ~o J 0. E S r.o J protects his· l · 1 · I >·l•Jlttle--:l!ects on' fir~t 'and tilir;i -" ' , peop e, urg~ng .llS Mont!'\;\' nrghts, S o'clock, at :>Iason<c r•earers to f?O fo~·ward, despite '.he ~ 1 ":11• -lst A' e. and E. Jefferson Cit. , ob<tacles whiCh mwht confront them., .. l <J, Idt.. Jluun<ls. IV. ::-r., 919 30th. H' p I; w"'h·· I d A~·e., l'Hospect Oii7~; :IJrs. Elizabeth I miSS au .ne • I_Le e. the B. Y: l~Jpsher, Recrt'tlll'Y, 2502 2Uth Ave. P. U. 111 an mterestmg diSCUSSIOn <>l South l3JJucon 3430. 1-1-28 the topic, "Do We need the Church now?" AI:pnpic Lodge ~o. 5, Knights of Pythlus ,.....,t second and fourth Fri- "Sirs, .what must I do tJ be day ni~ht at Masonic saved?" was the text of 'In en– Hall, 21st ave. ,all;d Jef- couraO'ing sermon hy the pastor at ferson St. V t s 1 tin g 0 , • . . Knights are cordially 1 the 8 o clock serVIce. Good smgu;g we I com e. Abner L. I throughout the day marked the ser– ,Tones, C. C., 1508 27th I vic 5 Ave. Phone PRospect e · 21S3. E. E. Spearman, On Tuesday night, the district M. \V.,. 7334 12th. Ave. N. IV. Phoue 1 leaders who had been appointee[ for SUnsot 2363. Lewts Conway, K. R. s .. 1 the year were entertained by the 109 22ntl Ave. N. Phone EAst 6S<i9 · 1 _ 1 ~ 28 pastor nt a banquet where plans w·~re __________________:_ discus~e·'l for the advancement vi the Queen of Sheba Chapter, No. S, o. E. s., \VOi~k. m_eets. second and fourth We<;~nesday Splendid services at .Mt. Zion next mgllts each month at Masomc Hall S A Twenty-first Avenue and Jefferso~ unday. II are welcome. S!reet. ;).lrs. Ida \Vilson, W. M., 1112 2oth Ave., PRospect 2033; Mrs. Anna E. Dagley, secr~tary, 144 22nd Ave. X., EAnot 9392.. 8-28-28 First A. M. E. Church-Rev. A., 1 R. Dobbins, pastor-Last Sunday the Presiding· Elder, Rev. S. R. Maguinez Itt 1. 1'neomn Lodge . . No. 142 , 1 , B. 1 •. 0 , was m our midst and preached at I E. of ~v .. Tncomn. both morning and evening services. Wash. ~ Meets 1st In the mornin'S' the subiect of the I and 3rd Friday '·'!! • d' - "T.h U ]' nights Elks' Te _ "' c er s 1scourse was e n 1m-, SUNDAY, JANUARY 22 Mt. Zion Baptist Church 19th Ave. and E. Madison St. "The Welcome Church" 9:30 a.m.-Sunday School. 11: 00 a.m.--sermon by t h " pastor. 7:00 p.m.-D. Y. J'. U. 8: 00 p. m.-Sermon by the Pastor. REV. J. STERLING MOORE Pastor You Are Welcome AT THE Church of God in Christ 1437 Jackson Stl•eflt Sunday Services 10:0 0 a.m.-Sunday School. \1:00 am.-Preaching. g: 30 p.m.-Preaching. 7:3 0 p.m.- Preaching. Midweek meetings, 7:30 p. m., every Wednesday and Friday. Strangers Especially Invited Elder S. V. Howell, Pastor pie, h29 Taco:::a Ited Dominion of Christ the King." Ave. Fred u. Har- Zahariah 9:9-10. This was indeed a 1 ~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;2.1 J'is, Exalted Ruler, < splendid sermon and was gTeately en-! 1212 South 12th St · · · P~qy Hob; 11 s 0 n. Joyed by the mtensely mterested con- s~e· ,-., 1 o 2 7 so: gregation. "The Essence o:f Faith," I 'Irafton. 7-28 was the subject of the evening ser-1 mon, Hebrew 11:10. "For he looked\ J•ugPt Sound Lodg,., No. 3211 G. u. for a ciV_• wh1'ch l1ath f'oundat1'ons, 0. 0. F. Tncoma "'osi•.-Meets 1st anti ' - 3rd Wednesaay nights at Elk's Tern- whose builder and maker is God." ple, 1529 'l.'acoma Ave. E. A. Hall! ilton. This likewise was a very interesting 1 N. G. 2527 So. Cushman, .Main 596 a; ant! impressive sermon. Ray Gibson, P. S., 1112 So. M St.; Main 9466-L. 10-1-2,; :Most every officer and teacher of OJ:tJnJtic Cbnptt"r, 0. E .. S., 'l'ucomn, \Vnsh.- Meets every 2na Thursda•y night at the J<]lks' Temple, 1529 Tacoma !\Yc. M!'R Mamie Dixon, W. 1\L, 20~ East 27th fit.; l\1r•. W. Hamilton, secre– tar.'l, 321.3 So. .Ash St. Phone l\Iad. 26594. Sept. 19 ·~s the Sunday school was present last Sunday to start this the Second Quarter and to make it even a betr<'r one th~ln the last. Last Tuesday evening the P1'C?,Jid– ing Elder, held the Second Quarter-– ly Conference. Very splendid re- 11•-s••ertd..,. 'l'nbernacl<" No. 100, ports were read from the various de- l ~~!~~·tj~;r,~o:nct ~~ 11 ~~~~rs gt Tn";{• partment and auxiliades, showing or the month at g ',;'cloc~r~t~~~~nl~ mm·ked increase and activities of the Hall,_ 21st Avenue and Jeffer,on..,.St. WOlking forces of the Fir~t A.M. E. Vls1tmg Daughters and Sir Knights Church. Phone East 9~92; Nor~t Walker. c. R., e c Oil IS pi esentmg Mr. Dock are welcome. Anna E. Bagley, H. P. 1 Th h . . . . . Phone East 2424. Aug. 14-o6. Snelling, Baritone singer, on Feb– Dretul•rton, \\~nsh. uary 3rd. This will be a rare treat to the lovers of music. Dr. Snelling, TRY CAROLINE COAL $8.,75 Ton DELIVERED A Hard Coal, Holds Fire, Lots of Heat and Little Ash CLAIBORNE Fuel and l'ransfet· Co. COAL AND WOOD Phone BEacon 5339 310 Twell'tl.t Ave. So. 0. D. CLAIBORNE, Prop, Pure Gold l,od:;<' ""o. 27, I·"'. & A. "lr.– :,\feet~ Ull :se(.'1'1111 and fourth nioJlday nights. R. H. \Villiams. \\'. :\1, 1070 >:ev•·nth St. Ph~nc Jlq.J_ J. K. Black- J \\'f'll. .St-'Cl"t~t:t.r.r. I3ox 3\-4, Brt>mPrton. I \Vash. 1-1-28 l\luri;:tnl ~l'abernncle, No. ~1, 1. 0. (J.\ JOHNSON ·& HAMILTON T''"el,·e, Tn<>onan, '\Vnsh..--~1eets 1st and 3r<1 ~1on•lnys, 2 p n.. at the K 0f P. Hall, 1137',1, '.::ommerce St. Mrq Jesse Graves. E. P.. flll3 'I'hompson >\ve.; Mr... Mnrv Prvor. C. R.. 4828 ~,...; l T-;e n l <;:.: -·------------- FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone EAst 0300 I i ' I I I ! l<'ull information. A sur]Jrisc awaits I ~·ou. Jmme1Uate re-p!~·. Send d!me ftml bil·th clato . l\IO,JAYE STUDIO, 13ox 4.1H, Troy, How l:'Q!'k, Pirone EAst 5877 I I HEAJ, HASONRY LODGE 1\o. :t~. 1-'. & , A. :u.. SI)OJcane, "\Va!ilh. ::\feets firf't nnil third !l'[onday night• at Rf':ll Masom·y Hall, corner E. Trent and Maclc!ia St. Visiting brethren wel– COlne. C. R. Ro·wens, W. M., North 4SOI C:alis!>el; George Collins. Sec'y., Suuth 103 F St. 10-2D-27 EAST MADISON AT 11th AVE. __,~ATTLE Carpentering and Cabinet I Work When you are in need of ~ny odd jobs, phone me at EAst 3 443-R. I am able to do the most skillful worlc at reasonable rates. H. HOOD 330 24th AYe. ~. EAst 3443 THOS. H. JONES CARPEXTER anll CJOlJ.JXT UO~TRACTOR General House Repairing Sidewall's and Basements Built and Repaired Right !'rices Satisfaction Gua•·nntee<l Phone PRospect 0933 The I I ALVIN PORTER G~NRRAL COXTRACTOR Painting, Decorating, Kalsomi– ning ann Paper Haugine. Up-to-date color schemes for walls and ceilings. Ehtimates furnished. Reasonable Prices. Work Guaranteed. Phone EAst 8732 Alvin Porter 120-21st Ave. N Painting - Kalsomining GENERAL REPAIRING Right Prices. Estimates Furnished G. J. PENN 11807 20th AYe. So. BEacon 3296 PrLtdent Man provides for his family by saving part of his earnings for a rainy day. That day may be far away but it is sure to come. Be ready when it does come by having a Savings Account in this Bank. Where We Pay- 4 01 INTEREST /0 GUARANTEED ON SAVINGS AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK Established 1902 !lank RnBc1ing, Southeast Corner Second and l\Iadi~on APPROVED Every ELECTRICAL appli– ~>nce sold by the P U G E T SOUND POWER ! 1.ND LIGH'l' C'O:t.lPANY is approved by us tnd as~ured to be the •.atest and m o s t dcpendv.ble mer– chandise Oil the mal !1-Jt today. PllGET SOUND POlNER & LIGHT CO. l\1 '\in 1)000 Electric Bldg. 1312 Foul'th Al•enue ' 5342 Ballard ~venue COMPLETE FLOWER SERVICE Floral bouquets for weddings, funerab, <linners, personal remembrances, to any part of the United States. ''Ve render high grade guaranteed servicA. Our prices are very reasonable. CJ-"1 Y FLOWER SHOP 601 Union StJ eet, Cornet• Sixth Ave. ~lAin 2113 l•TXBHALS A'r :\fODJ<JH:\TE COST RtACKViELL UNDERTAKING COMPANY FC.\'ERAJ, DIRE('l'ORS ami E:\IllAI~:\IEllS 317 22nd Ave. Routh, Sc•attle, "\Vash. Phones: Office, BE•teon 2285; Residence, EAst 011)4 and 4.931 N. T. GREEN, President -- 0. H. WINSTON Becreta..-y-Manager J. A. JONES, Treasurer ' Our F o!'emost Aim- "CAREFUL. CONSCIENTIOUS SERVICE" BOtiNEY~WATSON CO. Phone EAst 0013 BRO/lDWAY at OUVE <;1'UEET SEATTLE l