
2 ... THE ENTERPRISE, SEATTLE, WASH Friday, January 20, 1U28 Q ~ s • I TACOMA, WASHl-NGTON 938 ~2 Pacfllc Ave. ~--------------~~ Old Homes Made New 1 1 An addition of a new porch or an extra wing -t h P. 1·emoval of a position-:t little l'OOfing. Will inake a big alteration in the value and bea nty of your home. :--rot to be mentioned is– The added comfot·t and en– joyUtent it will givo you and your family. I'll be glad to help you with your alteration plans. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All Charity beg;ins at home, but it degenerates into sdfislm<:>ss if it does not include all homes. HEXRY THL\I; S.l3~ Soui.lt Yakima. 1\ ,·enue Tt·l. :\lad. 46 7'1) Gustave B. Aldrich L.'\.WYER Phone 1\IAin 21>-!3 n:~S% Padfic Ave., Tacoma ·wash. BAGLEY DRUG CO. Pteacrlptio..ts filled by reristerect pharmacists G. B. ALDRICH, Editor-Manager Mrs. C. C. Mathews if< one of the influential women of Tacoma. She is a representative of the highest type of womanhood of the race. i\Irs. Mathews is a staunch member of Al– len A. M. E'. Church, a member of the Order of Eastern Star, several women clubs and othee or.(!,'anizations. Her husband, Sergeant Mathews, a retired soldier is an employee of the Tacoma postoffice. Inconsistencies Among White Folks It is probable that inconsistency is a very, very human tra.it and not lit all confined to persons whose skins were bo11:n faded out. Our White Folks are very consistent when it Phone IIAiD S77'7 1.801 BroadW&J Tacoma comes to getting the money. They have only one rule in this respect MALAGA HOTEL Up-to-Date in Every Way 2lH.6-2317 Jefferson ~ve. and they invariably follow the same, it is this: Get The Money. If any– thing like consistency interferes cut out the consistency and "get the mon– ey.., The Tacoma. Editor has a white friend o£ whom l<te thinks CJUite a lot. , This friend was ill once upon a time I at a local hospital and sent for us. We went and found him in a rather ----------------, serious but not dangerous, condition. He was very downcast and we wanted CASSEDY & A LLEN CO to know why the g·looms and the RATES REASONABLE Miss M. L. Gardner, Proprietor Tacoma, Wnsh. FUNERAL DIRECTORS • p:rief; we tho,ught he was brooding over his sickness. He was, but not !\lAin 8UH 1!124 South I St. as we believed. That he was being cared for properly-well-fed, good ~acODlJt warm bed and nice pretty nurses, :===============: plenty of friends to visit with him who sat and talked or listened. What JHE LYNN MORTUARY FUNERAL DffiEC~OR8 more could a si"k man want especial– ly when all the bills were already MAin 7745 '717 Sa. Tacoma Ave. paid? Yet this young man was spreading grief in greaL ,2;0bs. When we finally found out what was the 'l'acoma tro1uble, we remarked, "Well, you :;::;;:;::;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:~ are white" ami when you get to heav– ,;; en, the first thing you'll ask will be what per cent can be made up here SOUTH TACOMA UNDERTAKING CO. P. OBOAR STORLIE MOO South Union Aveuue Tt>Jepbone Madison 112~ Courteous and Satlsfactory Service for Less 1\ioney Berean Baptist Church So. 56th and L Streets Tacotna. \Vash. C. H. GRAVES, l'astor A. HAHRIS, .1<'. HHOW"!• De..'l.cons LOTTIE DROWN, A. HARRIS 'l'rustecs SERVICES 1fot·ning pl'eaching, J1 o'clock. r;oon. 12 1H., Sunday RC'-huoJ. l\lrs. -Jessie Gra;yes, superintendent. Evening- B. Y. P. e., 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. Ma1·y Pryor·, pre:shlen t; Reubcu Hardin, secreta1·y. Jackson Electric Co. '~Everything .Glectrical' Vliring-Fixtures-Snpplies lMO So. Tacoma Ave. Eugene Jackson, Prop. Economy Drug Co. P rfsrTipti on SpPcialists Pure Drugs and Toilet l Articles Cor. 11th St. & K. :\lAin 3iH I E. I. GAUDETTE .. lien's Fzi'misl1ings Phone Main 2543 on the investment?'' Anything for money-H i c k man, short-dresses, moonshine; war on Nicarauguans un– authorized by Congress, President Coolidge spooning around clown in Cuba, while America·n guns thunder a few hundreds miles away talking about PEACE. The League of Na– tions which has never ceased to ANGLE after the U. S. endorsement of international robbery upon a. great scale, and which keeps all the so– called "Big Nations" tied up together and the little natio,ns squeezed out of line-all is saturated with the desire for money and is characteristic of "Our White Folks." Some black folks are talking along- that line, but they'd better quit it. No need to fol– low out white folks as -far as eter– nal damnation-as far as purgatory will do fo.r us black folks. Mrs. Tumlin is better. Mr. Osee Reed is better. Did not hear from Mrs. Benford this week. The Woman's LegislatiYe Council of ihe state of Washington held an executive board's meeting at Seattle last Thursday the 12th in the Puget Sound ba1~k and Trust building. Sev– eral representatives of colored wom– en's org-anizations attended among whom was Mrs. Nettie J. Asberry of Tacoma, president of the State Fed– eration of Colored Women's Organi– zations. It was the largest represen– tation of colored organizations that ever attended the meetings of this co,uncil. Intercity Councii of Past Matrons and patronesses will hold a. meeting in Tacoma, the first Sunday in Feb– ruary, 1928 at Elks Hall, 1529 Ta– coma avenue. Among the prominent members and officers expected to be present are Mrs. M. T. Green, W. M., Mrs. C. C. Mathews, of Tacoma, As– sociate Matron, Mr. William Jackson <>Jf Seattle, a patron; a Mr. Solomon of Everett, an associate patt·on; Mrs. Virginia Hamilton of Tacoma con– ductress; Mrs. Solomon of Everett, treasurer; Mrs. W. G. Hamilton oi' Tacoma, recording sec1·etary. Names of o,ther officer!$ could not be ascer– ta.ined at this writing. · Mr. William Ransom, a new comer was found at the County hospital last Sunday. Also a stranger. Remem– ber the stranger within thy gates. Associa·te Matron Rebecca Dent of Seattle, visited the Tacoma Chapter 0. E. S. officially last Thursd·ay week. Bethlehem Ba.ptist Church Notes: Mack Stovall, Minister.-Services fo.r the previous Sunday were well at– tended, inspiring sermons being de– livered by the pastor on both occa– sions. Mr. Edmund Moore has taken the lead in the reorganization of the Sunday School. Concerts, Valentine socails for the 14th proximo are on tab according to the ladies, Mesdames Gibson, Mathews, Geo. Fuller and H. Davis. The Bopklovers Club met at the residence of Mrs. Laura Buck with the president Mrs. C. H. McCabe in the chair Monday afternoon. After a short period given over to business transactions the members devoted the remainder of the time to the rea<i– ing of "The Negro in History" by Carter G. W o,odson. I The City Federation of Clubs held a regular monthly meeting right af– ter the adjournment of the Book– . lovers. Mrs. C. H. Graves, the vice- 1 presi('l nt, presiding in the absence of the president who is out of the city for a while. Of great interest was . the report of the executive b<>Janl meeting recently held in Seattle, giv– en by Mrs. T. J. Sadler. Those at– tending the board meeting were Mrs. N. J. Asberry, the state president, Mrs. Hattie Jackson, first record sec– retary; Mrs. Esthe:· Grady, state or- ATTEND SUNDAY SERVICES AT BETHLEHEM BAPTIST CHURCH Northeast Corner 18th and South l Con•ect · in st~·le, quality and Pl'ice / 2.":>0 Eleventh St. :\-lAin 2346 j · Charles Green Optical Company 11 a.m.-Preaching, 12:30 p.m.-Sunday School. 6:30 p.m.-B. Y. P. U. 8:00 p.m.-Preaching. Rev. J. Hamilton, Temporary Pastor Allen A. M. E. Church I 1407 South Yaldma Avo. Taronu1 Rev. A. W. Johnson, Pastor Sl::!'.'DAY SERVICES 9:45 a.m.-Sunday s-chool. 11:0 0 a.m.-Preaching. 6~30 p.m.-Christian En– deavor. 7:30 p.m.-Preaching and Song Service. Joyrualcers· Club l\leeting eyery Friday night. PACIFIC STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Fnrnitnre Moven Plano Moving - Furniture Packers Auto Van Service 17th aud Broadwa7 Kain 7738 • M ~ma ({You ](now Us)J HANS JOHNSON ((Tlte Busy Sloresn 11th at J{ St. 100 Third A\·e. Tacoma Puyallup THE RYAN PRESS ((Printing That's All'·' l\Iarguerite Taylor, Manager 324 28 PJ·oddent Bldg. MAin 909 YE OLE CABINET and REPAIR SHOP C. S. ROBINSON, Prop. 1::>09 Tacoma Avenue Tacoma, \Vash. Furniture Repaired and Refinished Cabinet Work Expert vVorkmanship at Reasonable Prices Tlatch Your Eyes! When you need good glasses Come and see us. 9M Commerce St. Rust Bldg. Gleason Electric Co. We will be glad t{) take care of all yom• Electrical needs. Prompt Service– -Prices Right 037 Commet'CC St. Jim Wood Hardware -f Company Any time you want anything in our line. Come in we'll treat you fine. 1116 Pacific Ave. MA.in 2700 FRIED->IAN'S Tacoma's Credit Jewelry Store u Home of Blue- TVhite Diamonds'' Diamonds, \Vatches ancl Jewell')' on Credit at Cash Price5 FRIEDMAN'S 042 Pacific Ave. ~ Want to Marry? CARSTENS PACKING CO. g·anizer; l\lrs. T. J. Sadler cha·irman of \V ays and Means committee; Mrs. Worther Hamilton, chairman of Scholarship Loan Education depart– ment; Mrs. C. H. McCa·be, chairman o£ Music department; Mrs. Florence Jones, chairman of Junior Auxiliary department, and Mrs. L. Smith rep– resenting the Rhododendron club. Mrs. Du Vall, mother of l\lrs. E. P. Edson was very low Wednesday night and seemed to be sinking rap– idly. Little Miss Princess Marie Doage t()J(lk the bull by the horns and did her part right up to the handle. She married Sam J ohnsor., a bright youn11; man who believes he has a plzce in the sunshine. Go to it Sam– mie. Mrs. L. Harrison, Daughter Ruler, Lily of the West Temple, visited the sick and infirm daughters at their hc1mes, bringing; flowers and good cheer to many. Thanks Daughter Ruler. Old friends are sometimes forgotten and we should make a.n ef– fort to remember them not only of the order but also to those who 1 do not belong-. Thus we became "good Samaritans." 1\Irs. Harold Mitchell, riall)!;hter of Mrs. H. M. Terry visiting here for the funeral o,f her grandmother Mrs. Rawls sometime ago, returned to her husband and home in Los Angeles last week. Mrs. Virginia Hamilton is reported to be preparing a big reception for her friends o,n the 25th inst., in honor of her recent marriag·e to Mr. Hamil– ton. Mr. Hamilton was the man who successfully stood off a bunch of Kluxers over in Bremerton some time ago. Mrs. Kellum leading the members cf the church tendered the new pas– tor and his 'W-ife quite a surprise par– ty Wednesday evening of last week with many of the good things of life included. On Sunday, January 29, each divi– sion will be prepared to report. The p:::stor will occupy the pulpit at both services. Mr. Henry Trial desires to inform the public that he has donated his three shares in the Bushy Horn Cor– IJOl'ntio,n to the Mt. Tacoma Lodge NP. 142. I. B. P. 0. E. of W. Mrs. Nettie J. AsberrY has been accorded the pt·ivilege and duty of selecting two or more speakers from the Negro race for Lincoln's Day program. The activity of Mrs. As– Berry is quite commendable. Dr. A. PORTLAND OREGON Charity Ball Is a Brilliant Affair l\lRS. W. BOGLE, Editot•-l\Iana.ger 567 East 35th South Phone &ellwood 1678 Beautiful Cotillion ~·as the scene - --------------------------·~of the most brilliant dance of the season when the eleventh annual Mrs. A. E. Flowers, r charity ball was held Monday night Pioneer Resident. Dies CARDS OF THANKS under the auspices of the Oregon ' We wish to thank our many Federation of Colored ·women of This community was saddened this week when it learned Mrs. Louise Flowers, wife of Allen E. Flowers, pioneer citizen, had passed away \Vednesdav afternoon at their home on East First street, N. Mrs. Flow– ers was one of the outstanding· char– acters of this community, much loved by all who knew het· besause of a loving disposition. Recently she and her husband celebrated their forty– fifth wedding aniversary, surrounded by their family. Mrs. Flowers was known as "Mother Flowers" to a host friends for their sympathy and which llh·s. Ralph Flowers is pres- beautiful trihutes during the ident. This affait is eagerly looked death of our heloved daughter forward to each year by tll() smart and sister, Eunice Bagley-Mr. set oi the city and the attendance Samuel Bagley and family. Monday night proved the affair still We take this means to thank our many friends for their sym– pathy and kindness and floral tributes during the illness and passing of our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. Francis A. Watson. -J. E. Watson and family. of friends and acquaintances. She Mrs. Francis A. Watson was a charter member of Bethel A. 1 A F. l S has first place in the hearts of Port– land's social leaders. Under the leadership of Mrs. H. D. Fuller, every arrangement for the pleasure and convenience of the guests was com– plete in every detail. In the i·eceiv-· ing line were Mesdames J. A. Nichols, K. Gray, K. Lewis, C. Towns, W. Bogle, G. V. Grayson and H. P. Ful– ler. Many out of town visitor$ were noted among the guests. The federa– tion thanks each and every one who assisted in making the charity ball a success. M. E. Church and up to a few years I nswers Ina ummons ap:o was also promintely identified with other organizations. Besides 1 Impressive funeral services were her husband, Mrs. Flowers is survived · held Tuesday morning at the Hom– by four wns, Lloyd, Ralph, Elmer, man and Lutz funeral parlors for Ining and grandchildren. Mrs. Francis A. Watson who passed Funeral services will held Satur- away last Satu1·dav at the familv day, 2 p. m. ·at Bethel A. M. E. home, 916 Haig·ht ·st. The chapel Church, of which Mrs. Flowers was n was filled to overflowing with friends charter member. and acquaintances of the deceased Elks Old Kentucky Home Draws Large Crowds EJlensburg, Wash. Mrs. Mamie Robertson, Reporter The ladies of Baptist church, last week gave a dinner at the home of Mrs. L. Taylor. Rev. W. B. Williams preached on last Sunday at the A. M. E. church in Roslyn. .Mr. and Mrs. Amos Harris of Seattle were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burris. Mrs. William Knox spent the week– end in Yakima as the guest of Mrs. Ora Evans. Mrs. Wier of Cle Elum was a vis– itor in the city and the house guest of Mrs. Laura Tyler. Mrs. Belle Powers during last week had her house robbed and 25 dollars stolen. Jrfrs Fred Taylor returned from the N. P. hospital in Tacoma much im– proved. Mrs. Wm. Robertson made a bus– iness trip to Yakima Tuesday. M1·. Walter Watts of Spokane is the guest of Calvin Harris. who came to pay their final respects. The many floral tributes bore mute testimony of the esteem in which she was held. Mrs. Watson was a native of Portland, having been born here in 1864. Funeral services were con– ducted by Hev. J. L. Caston of Mt. Olivet Baptist church assisted by Rev. J. F. Moreland. Interment was in the Rose City Park Cemetery. The deceased is survived by her husband J. E. Watson, four daughterE, Mrs. L. Hubbard. 1\hs. K. Fair, Mrs. H. Lee, Mrs. G. WatKon and a son, G. E. Watson and several grandchildren. "The Old Kentucky Home" enter· tainment staged by the Rose City Lodge of Elks presenting plantation scenes, depicting life "way down yonder" held at the Labor Temple auditorium for four nights this wee!<, proved a greaL success from every standpoint. Beginning with the open– mg nig·ht Wednesday the large aud– itorium was crowded by merrymakers who en,ioyed every moment of their stay. One of the features of the entertainment was a large cake weighing 300 pounds. This affa:r was given by the lodge to raise funds to errect a suitable lodg-e bui](Jing·. Much of the ~uccess of the af– fair is due to T. H. Williams, exalted ruler, and Dr. J. A. Merrimall', chair man of the tl·ustee board. An– nouncement of the prize winners wilt be made in these columns next· week. . Mt·. an:l Mrs. Fred Mitchell, J')rom– tnent res1dents, al'e leaving Portland next Friday for Los Angeles where they will reside indefinitely. Their daughter Miss Carlotta, is complet- Mrs. James Brags is confined by ing !u nurse training course in the illness to, his home, 446 East lOth N. Los Angeles General Hospital and Mrs. Geo. Jzekson is confined by their son Harold is employed in one illness to her home, 347 Margaret of the large garages. Many friends Ave. Mr..Tachon just recently re– in this city regret the departure o;f I eovered from an attack of- pneu– the Mitchells. Mrs. Ira Hart will take monia. over the Mitchell home at 374 Wil- Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander, accom- liams Ave. panied by her mother Mrs. S. J. Day, W. ,Tohn'ion will be one of the speak- a Mr. and Mrs. Pet·ey Phillips have 5-tubc radio. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have reh1rned motored here last week from Vic– from Spokane and are now residing toria·, B. C., an'd were ho,use guests on South Fir Street West. of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott ami M. ers. we wish to thank the people very ft1Uch for their courtesy in sending their news matter to the office. We assure you that we appreciate it. We have been out of the office quite a bit an.l ho,ne to have everything in uRual working order pretty soon. A little ;;~ore money and a little more patience will t~ke away worry and care Mrs. Annie C. Carter, Mrs. N. N. Carter of 1309 S. Cushman Ave. is not quite out of the woods yet but is feeling much better than fo,rmcrly. The stranger, Mrs. Richardson from Oklahoma who was ill at coun– ty hospital last week has recovered enough to continue~ he~~-· i.9.urney to Port Angeles where she 'has rela– tives. Spokane, Wash. 1\It·s. Gco. E. Anderson, Ret)()rter Notice, Republicans Spokane County Colored Re– publican Club, will hold a big get-together meeting at the new Calvary Church assembly hall Wednesday evening, Jan. 24, at 8:30 p.m. All members and civ– ic and religious dubs are invited to be present as there is business of importance to all to come be– fpr this meeting.-Dr. John H. Thompson, president. 1\frs. J. H. Black entertained at a dinner party Sunday honoting her husband's birthday. The color scheme was carried out in pink and green place cards, nut baskets and a huge centerpiece of flowers and fo– iage, snd the tall candle tapers lent a beautiful scene to the room. Those included were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mapps, Mr. and Mrs. Freel Sharp, Mt·. and Mrs. J. Coltrane, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lewis, Mrs. M. Dorsey, Mrs. L Fugit, Mrs. A. Redd, Mrs. E. A. Rivers, Jack Black, Vienna Jones and hostess. Don't Fail To Register St. Thomas Altar Guild met at the home of Mrs..wm. Nash Monday at 1 o'clock; luncheon was served. After which their regular business session was held. Mr. Robert Ryan of Seattle writes that his brother Thomas (Pearl) Ryan of Spokane is recovering from a nenous break-down. Mr. and }lrs. Farron and Children of Detroit, Mich. are new anivals in the city and came to reside. Calvery Baptist church-Rev. E. B. Reed pastor, morning subject, "The Penitent Thief," evening sub· ject, "The Little Foxes." The ser· vices were very inspiring and en– joyed by all present. Because of the cold weather many were not able to attend. The B. Y. P .U. Young People spent a very profitable hour dis– cussing the lesson topics. Don't Fail To Register Reported sick: Mr. Lee Bass, Mother Smith, Mr. Brooks, Mrs. Eliz– abeth Bass, Mrs. Kenneth Ross. Bethel A. M. E. church, Rev. B. Clements, pastor-Because of the cold weather the attendance was small at both services. The Christian Endeavor was well attended by the young people. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished rooms Reasonable rates. Mrs. Fred Sharp, 120 East Pacific Ave. Phone Riverside 3883. llEJAi. ;u.,~oNRl' UALL Corner 1!:. Tro>nt and lllndella St. Y aki:ma, Wash. Mrs. Joan W ooda, Reporter At their meeting last Friday, the McClear. For the pleasure of their Culture Clnb elected the following guests, Mesdames Scott and McClear officers, :\Irs. L. Stevens, president; jointly entertained with a party Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Jones enter- Mrs. J. Bak-er, vice president; Mrs. Thursday evening. OJ! Saturday eve– tained with an elaborate five course R. Love, recording secretary; Mrs. ning, Mrs. B. J . Fuller honored the dinner last Saturday evening in hon- Ervin Flowers, corresponding secre- visitors with a. dinner at which cover;; or of Mrs. E. B. Reed of Spokane tary; Mrs. R. C. Garnet, treasurer. were placed for twelve. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Jones, covers Miss Erleta !lubb&·rd returned Among those reported ill thi8 week were placed for twenty relatives Tuesday from Chtcag·o to attend the are, Mrs. Susan Flc,wers, Mrs. Elia and friends. funer~l of her grandmother, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. G. Myles. Mrs. Chas. Robinson entertained Francis Watson. Mrs. W. F. Smith, president of the 15 friends with a luncheon Tuesday Eddie Morgan, formerly a resident Old Rose Club, is recovering from afternoon complimenting· Mrs. E. of Portland, now a popular musician her illness. Jones and Mrs. E. B. Reed of Spok- in Los Angeles, writes to Portland Mrs. Isabella Maney is recovering· ane. Mrs. E. Jones was presented friends that he is now a member ot from her injuries caused by a fall with a beautiful bouquet from the Reb Spikes and his famous o,rchestra last week on a slippery pavement. hostess. which recently t·ecordecl several num- ;,-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; Mrs. E. D. Reed retu1·ned· to her bcrs for the Vitaphone. home in Spokane Wednesday after The Birthday Matron;s Club, at spending several days here as the their recent meeting re-elected their guest of Mrs. Thos. Jones. officers as follows, Mrs. C. E. Towns, 1 Mrs. L. Pinxton returned from president; Mrs. Lee Shephard, secre- 1 Seattle last Wednesday. tary; Mrs. L. Bowers, treasurer; Mrs., .l\1!', and :Vlrs. D. Bradford' are Camp, chaplain; Mrs. Crawford, re– rejoicing over a fine daughter born porter. last week. Both mother and daught- Mrs. G. v. Gl·ayson was hostess Eugene J. Minor A'l'TORNEY-A'l'-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC PHO~ES: Sellwood 2514.-GIU'ficl<l 9626 419 Abbingtotl Building Portland, Ot·e. er are doing nicely. w d Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson were ednes ay afternoon foa· the meet- p l d B h N A A C p visitors here last Sunday, inhg: lofRthe JRoHsebuld kStudf~ t!CluNb at ~rtxecauntive. r:onaci·d n•teet•s • fi.rst• M· J Bl 1 k · 'll t h' h w 1c1 ev.. an< sa ·cr o 1e ear 1 • • a 0 ~. IS 1 • a IS 0 1!le. East Relief, was the principal speak- Thursday night of each month. Rei- Mr..w. D. Neighbors 18 slowly Jm- · er, Mrs. J. Martin also gave an inter- ular meeting is held second Thurs– pr~~{ng.A ~I E Ch 1 R G esting reading on the subject of "The day night each month, to which the Al ·1 en · ' 00 · ·s l~rc 1 ' ev elorgc Negro Goes to College " During the public is cordially invited. Lee C. en, J>nS r- ervtces were arg- . ·. • d . 'd t J • Ed' d e l tte d d St d . d R AI- meetmg word was recenred of Moth- .....n erson, plest en ; ess1e , '\"ar s, Y a n e m ay an ev. . Fl ·' I I I h I ' secretary len delivered tWO. beautiful sermons. ei OWel S (eat! an~ t e Cub sto~d r - -..-_..:;;,:;;;;;;;.;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;: The pastor announced several ac- a few moments m s!lence as a tnb- _. tivities for the coming month. ute. R• h d ' At the election of trustees the fol- Mr. and Mrs. "\Vm. Reese motored IC ar son s lowing were elected to serve for to Tacoma on a business trip this one year:Brothers John Woods, week. ~raggs, J. L. Booker, ~· I. Scott and Messrs. A. Weber and J. Bryant, S. C. Scott. The Mtsswnary Soc1ety after visiting here a. few days with met at the parsonage. Mr. Harold and Quinten Reese, left for their home in Tacoma. Fourth Annual Clearance Sale Vancouver, B. C. By Jar.:k Clark, reporter. The meeting of the Douglas For– um last week at Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Nelson's w,as well attended. The subject for the evening; "The ben– efits of public speaking and its re– lation to democracf'' was handled by Mr. A. Ware, J. B. Wallace and R. H. Nelson. After the discussion the usual social hour was enjoyed. A delicious luncheon was served. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Caruther's home, South Vancouver. Mr. Joseph F. Sims of the Columb– ia County Club staff, Portland Ore. is in the city visiting his daughter Mrs. Howard Estes. Mr. David Gist, r .is still sick at the home of his son on Garden Drive. Mrs. Sydney Davis is still quite ill at her ::-.partment on Hastings St. The Christian Endeavor and Sun– day School of Fountain Chapel will give a joint conceit and enteltain– ment Friday night, January 20. Rev. Frank E. Churchill returned to the city Sunday morning from Cal– ifornia where he buried his mother. The members of his church were all glad to welcome him back. Services were held at the church as usual, the pastor preaching at both morn– ·inr.: and evening services. Mrs. C. Steele has returned from a visit to Portland, Ore. Mrs. Samuel Howard is up again after being confined to her home for th1·ee weeks with ::_ severe attack of flu. Miss Imogene Fuller is still at the General Hospital. The Women's Endeavor Club met at the home of Mrs. Torbert Wcd– nesday afternoon. Toppenish, Wash. Mi.. Ida Swan, Reporter I .Mrs. C. Van Dyke left for Metrop– olts, Ill., summoned by the illness of her mother. FOR RENT-Furnished room with housekeeping· privileges. Rent very reasonable, marrif1d couples or single persons preferred. A. L. Landcast– er, 3-17 Margarctte Ave. Phc 1 ne Ta– bor 8222. Mr. Benford, the young man con– nected with the auto accident in which two lost their lives, was bound o,ver to the grand jury by the coron– er's verdict. If You Want Negro Newspaper Buy The Enterprise. Fine stationery, fancy col– ors, at one-third regular p.-lce. Regular 15c envelopes, lOc a package. Regular lOc tablets, 3 for 25c. Big reductions on all lines for 30 days. Buy Now~<>ave 1\lone:y Richardson's Golden \\·ost Hotel 81 :\"orth Bt'Oadway The gallons of good gasoline that run through his green-and-white pumps are his stock in trade and they go to keep the wheels of your commur.ity turning. I Thousanrls of l 0 n e I y I Packers and Exporters men nn<1 wonwn are. seek 1\IEJATS--HAMS-LARD and BACON lng lll at c <;. 0:\Inny "'o' e I Mal·n Offi.ce-Tacorna, Wash. worth from $2, 00 to n '- 000. Join our cluh. Send I t a 111 P r n r pani<'ula 1 ·~. Branches in '\Vashington, California, Oregon, :.\Iontana, Idaho and PlnJer~· c ln h, II o "- ::as, l .______________ _,;,A;.;l.;a.;s;..k;;;,a______________,..:. For reut for lodge, social or public m~etlngs. Centrally locaLed. Two car llnes. Rent reasonable. Apply to Ed– ward Wallace or Edward Hood. Tele– phonA Lakeview 194G. 10-29-28 )fr6. M. Pollard spent the week end visiting in Yakima. Little Annie Allen, who recently returned from the hospital in Yaki– ma continues to improve, General Gasoline is sold by Independent Dealers Only Sc-nitle, "\\ .tud.1. - I' ~\ "1