
FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1941 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE PAGE THREE PORTLAND NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John Hatcher en– tertained at Christmas dinner for Mrs. John Enox, Mr. and Mrs. Ro– bert Webb, and Mr. William Creas– man. Tacoma, Wash. By Mrs. Callie B. Mathews Spokane, W n. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Jones of Los Angeles, Calif. have returned to Spokane for ari. indefinite stay. YAI(IMA By Parker Harr:s Mary M. Duncan, Editor 2216 S. E. 37th Phone EAst 7911 Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Duvall were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ro– bert Myers, Christmas day. Miss Della Clarke, G. A. Matron made a special trip to Tacoma on Thursday on Grand Chapter bus– iness. Miss Eleanor Barrow, soprano, was guest artist of the Rotary club at the Davenport hotel during the holidays. The Mt. Hope Sunday school pro– duced a very splendid program Christmas Eve., under the direction of Mr. C. J. Harris. 'Twas a no host party New Year's Eve for the Richard Bogies and the Kenneth Smiths at the Chas. "Chuck" Williams in S. E. Madison. It was "Auld Lang Syne" and eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow is a New Year. Miss Jessie Flowers was hostess at her home in N. E. Stanton on the eve of New Year for a gay party of the younger set. Dancing was the diversion. After partak– ing of delectable refreshments the group attended the dancing party at the Fraternal hall. For the pleasure of Mr. Bernard E. Squires and his charming wife, when they were down Christmas week for the Alpha Phi Alpha;s Party, Mr. and Mrs. James Braggs on Sunday received informally at their home with Cocktails and an impromptu hour. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith accompanied the Squires. Two happy celebrants the past week were William 'Billie" Ruth– erford and his uncle, Will Gragg. Both their natal days fell on Fri– day, January 3rd. They shared a big birthday cake at Billy's home, 'cause then they could and did play with Billy's electric train and oth– er toys he got for Christmas. Billy 's four years old and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rutherford. Mr. Gragg's age? Oh! Ask the Loyal Knights of Bethel, they know. Williams Ave. YWCA Rosa Marie Spears Executive Secretary Mr. and Mrs. Dancing At An. Yule Party 1 Noted Chicagoan IFetes Portlanders The Willis A. Reed home in N. E. Cherry St. has been a mecca in recent weeks for several friends and house guests. This week Mr. John R. Davenport of ·Spokane, Washington was a brief visitor be– tween trains en route to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wilburt Johnson and daughter of Seattle were week-end guests of Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sim- mons. Miss Beatrice Price, Ima Miller, Serg. Pippins motored to Tacoma as guests of Mrs. Edith Hayes, Christmas. Church News Mrs. Chas. Burke was taken to the St. Joseph Hospital last Mon– day quite ill, the last report she was some better. Mrs. C. B. Mathews has been ill since last Friday, from a fall on her back door steps, and is not able to be out. • Seira Leon Club Holds Annual Dinner Yes, indeedy, the swelegants were there. Where? At Fraternal Hall. When? Friday evening, De– cember 27. Yes, you guessed right, it was the Mr. and Mrs. Dancing club's Annual Yuletide party. Sea– sonal decorations included a bril– liantly lighted tree, an attractive refreshment table presided over by Mr. Charles Adams who saw to it that the cocktails were of the Mr. Davenport breakfasted with Mt. Olivet Baptist, Rev. J. J. the Reeds and extended New Clow, Pastor. N. E. lst and Schuy- The Seira Leon Club held their Y t o ler. al ear gree mgs. Monday t h e annu dinner at the home of Mrs. Reeds greeted Mr. Clarence Wad- The flu epidemic has made in- roads in the usual attendance at real McCoy, so exhilarating. And Creon Thomas' sensational swing band formed an almost incompar– able setting for the fa-shionably ley, an exclusive jewelry manu– facurer and monographist of Chi- various meetings of the church, the past month. Especially is it felt cago, thought to be the only race in the Sunday services however, man of this profession in the U. gowned 1 di 1 d t . the spiritual interest has been a es resp en en agamst S. His exhibits at the Chicago b k d f t . l greatly manifested. Sun., Jan. 5, a ac groun o conven 10na Exposition last year were very black tuxedos by their escorts, outstanding and creditable. Dur- the pastor preached two inspiring made th ·s th as • t Itr sermons. H_is subject at 11 a. m., C. B. Mathews. The rooms were beautifully decorated in the Christ– mas colors of red and green. The table, a beautiful cloth of green and white gleaming silver and cry– stal, made a beautiful picture. The ladies all wore dinner gowns. Mrs. D. W. Gibson, in black crepe and lace with white and black acces- 1 e se on s mos u a ing his few days in the Rose City S art · 1 aff · G t · 1 d "We number out days" and 8 p. m. m soc1a a1r. ues s me u - Mr. Wadley was kept in a whirl sories, Mrs. J. Benford, black ssilk d M d M the "Garments of the Redeemed." e r. an rs. Steven Wright; playing host roles. on Monday he with gold accessories; Mrs. E. B. M And There were two additions to the rs. erson Slaughter; Mr. and was host to Mrs. P. Reed and Wilson, blue figured silk with blue M P 11 d M . G ld' J k membership. Club activities: The rs. 0 ar ; ISS era me ac - Mrs. Clara Pickett for dinner and and Mrs . C . V. Taylor light gray f Lo An I M d Mr Fellowship club met Monday, Jan. crepe Vl 'l.th gold accessor 1 ·es·, Mrs. son o s gees; r. an s. a theatre party. Tuesday morning Alb t M rt V 6. The Searchlight club meets Fri- er o on of ancouver, he and Mrs. Reed breakfasted at E. Adams, black silk gith plaid Washington; Mrs. Sophie Gordon; the Cozy Inn on Broadway; Tues- day with Mrs. Sidney Porter, Sr., trimmings. Mrs. M. Piere black The members of the Acting boys' club were the guests of Mrs. Rosa Malone on New Year's Eve. One of the attractive affairs of the New Year was the open house at the parsonage of the Bethel A. M. E. church given by the Si– lent Workers, an auxiliary of -the church. Mr. and Mrs. Tolliver, Mrs. Ma– lone and Miss Francell Burns were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hagan on New Year's day. Miss Eleanor Barrow, soprano, appeared in the Chapel hour of the Whitworth College over radio sta– tion KHQ last week. Rev. and Mrs. L. S. McNeil were guests of the Hilliard Christian church Sunday evening, Dec. 29. Rev. McNeil spoke on "The Bro– therhood of Men." Mrs. McNeil, so– prano, favored the audience with a group of songs. Mrs. Reginald Wellington enter– tained a number of friends at a birthday party on Friday evening Jan. 3, at her home. The Le.s Sonombula, a newly or– ganized club of the Community and of Bethel A. M. E. church will M the S. 0. C. club meets twice r. Wilbur Marshall; Miss Rosa day evening Mrs. P. Reed, Miss crepe with old-fashioned cameo monthly at the church the attend- serve a chitterling dinner at B Spears; Mr. Lee Purnell of Oak- Barbara Hubbard and Mrs. Pickett jewelry. Mrs. H. Palm dark grey e- land, California; Mr. and Mrs. were his guests for dinner at the ance of this group of young peo- silk with pearls, Mrs. C. B. Math- thel parsonage, Wednesday, Jan. K th S ple has been gratifying. 15 enne mith; Mr. and Mrs. home of Mrs. Beatrice Reed. As ews, dusty rose crepe with white, · Cifford Walker; Mr. and Mrs. a climax, Mrs. P. Reed was the Bethel A M E N M Mill d Mrs. Mattie Fuller, black lace and Mr. John Davenport and daugh- . · ., · c en an ter, Evelyn, enjoyed a short visit Lloyd Flowers; Mr. and Mrs. Eu- recipient of a bracelet done in Larabee. Rev. B. c. Allen, Pastor. pearls. The afternoon was spent .th f . S g ene Carr One of the busiest per th k' ds f J 5 b · f' s m· fun and laughter. At tw1'l1'ght WI l'lends in eattle during the · - ree m o gold from her guest an. emg 1rst unday in New holidays. sons during the evening was Mr. host. Year the Pastor delivered a very when parting time came, everyone The Mite Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. Herbert Jones last Thursday evening. The Full Gospel Temple of Pray– er in Toppenish, presented one of the best prograniS of the season on Christmas day. A large crowd attended the affair. The girls of the Endeavor League paid their debt in full to the boys when they honored them with a lovely party at the church parsonage last Satur– day evening. The party was -there– sult of the Endeavor girls losing a contest to the boys of the league. Mr. Lynden Donaldson has re– turned to Seattle after spending the holidays as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Donaldson. Miss Peggy Robinson returned to Ellensburgh after spending the hol– iday season here, with her grand– mother, Mrs. Belle Evans. Everyone was "In The Mood" at the Tweed Hall on New Year's Eve. The old year was stamped out and the new year was swung in. The dance was one of th most colorful of the holiday season. Mr. David Chambers has return– ed to the Whitworth College cam– pus to resume his studies and bas– ketball practice. He spent the holi– days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Spearman. Miss Peggy Robinson was plea– santly surprised with a birthday party in her honor at the home of Mrs. Marie Evans. Miss Robinson Charles Adams, Entertainment t' 1 wished each other the New Year's The Union watch meeting ser- Ime Y message at the 11:00 o'clock vice held Dec. 31 at Bethel A. M. chairman and in charge of refresh· C h . T l hour from the subject "New Op- choicest blessings. received many lovely gifts. ts at erme ay Or Dl.eS E. church were conducted by Rev. Mr Ben s d J t d men . portunities." The evening message . an ers, r., re urne One of the high and outstand- E. B. Reed and Rev. L. S. McNeil. t S ttl ft h ---- "Our Heritage" climaxed a very o ea e a er aving a splendid M c th · F · T 1 d ing affairs of the holidays were Visiting the sick: Helen Cravens, holiday s ·th h' rs. a el'lne arr ay or e- profitable day one of rejoicing. eason Wl IS parents, parted this life January 2, 1941, Although the membership has been the New Year's party of the Need- Hattie Robinson, Jennie Walden, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sanders. at Good Samaritan Hospital, fol~ affected by the flu, Bethel has car- lc Craft Club, given at the home of Birdie Dillard, Mildred Stevens, Mrs. Carrie Seath is quite ill. "Ill-Housed" ---- The Branch expects a Iarg~ rep- The following is a letter to the resentation of its membership at I Oregonian in the January 2nd is– Central Y's annual meetmg. Tues-[ sue "Ill Housed"-To the Editor: day, Jan. 14. There will be a de- I am glad to see that you are sert supper at 7:30 P· m. follow- interested in the "Til Housed." I 1 · 1 d 111 Th Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robinson. The Flexian Pierce, Oney Smith. She h · d th owmg a pro onge ness. e ried on its programs and services as requrre e attendance d d th 'f f Mr Wil rooniS were beautifully decorated of a phus· · f 1 d ecease was e WI e o . - unhandicapped. All departments of ,J' 1c1an or severa ays. ed by an interesting program. Jan. have visited some of these people 24 is the date and 7 p. m. the time and find that plenty of them want for the banquet and annual meet- to better their condition but can– ing of the Branch Y . Miss Spears Ex. Sec. is arranging the program. Mesdames Letitia Brock, Cora Mi– nor and Cecil Berry is the ban– quet committee. not rent or buy a home in Port– land until the agent or landlord takes time to circulate a petition from every home in the neighbor– hood asking if they object to a dark skin, regardless of character or recommendations. We drove around for three weeks with one family from Alberta to the river and were told that ~e landlord didn't object but the neighbors did. Who are our neighbors? One fam– ily was forced to put their furni– ture in storage from June until .September making their children one week late starting to school because they couldn't rent or buy a place because there were five children in the family. Yet, at the hearing in the city council, the apartment house owners stated that in a recent survey there were 7,000 vacant houses. We would like to know where to locate some of these houses. While we are help– ing the foreign refugees why can't we help our American citizens that are treated worse than refugees? Do we really want Democracy or do we want class privileges? -Ruth Flowers, 1806 N. Victoria li B T 1 d th d in blue and silver, the whole en- H } M Her f · d · h h am . ay or an e aughter the Church swing into action this e ena, ontan · a l'len s WIS er a speedy re- f Mr d M Ch 1 F . f tire living and dining rooms were covery o . an rs. ar es a1r o week with renewed interest and in- · thi ·t M covered with silver stars and tin- Th il' M' s c1 y. rs. Taylor was a na- spiration. The club Shuta held an e sm mg ISS Anna Wag- t . 0 . b . p rtl d sel hanging down from the ceiling, By Hek gener 18 · h · aft d lve regoman, orn m o an ' enjoyable meeting Monday at the I orne agam er spen - 2 and mantel with white and blue In w h' t th h n- ing th h l'd July 4, 1913, was 27 years old home of Mrs. J. A. Nichols. The as mg on ey ave ~n- e o 1 ays in Seattle, the at her death. She was a member Bethel Live Wires met Tuesday 4 l~glhts :Vith Hbapkpy New Year in gress which will doubtless prove house guest of Miss Jewell Wells. of Mt or t B t· t Ch h F th . st ver m a ac ground of green the· bearer of considerable pyro- Mis.s Waggener was kept busy . 1ve ap IS urc . u- p. m. e Loyal Krughts met Tues- f 1 . d neral arrange ts · ha d 8 ° lage, rna e a beautiful setting technic activities within the next responding to friends and relatives men were m c rge ay p. m. at the Church the 0. 1 f ll 1 d' . . d of Holman and Lutz, Monday, M. E. club called members for a ord a a. leSt _m 1 eTvhenmgl resses few weeks; Montana legislators and attending various holiday par- J 6 . an men m a1 s. e C ub mem- met · · t tad d ties anuar~r '11:30 a.m. Rev. James meetmg Wednesd~. Pastor Allen, b h d th . t M m sessiOn a noon ay an . J Cl ff . i t d M S . . . ers a as , eir gues s r. and WI'll be probably 1 d ----------- . ow o 1c a e . rs. enora called a JOmt meeting of class lead- M A B , a c ose secon N 1 "Th R " d d . . rs. . ranch, Mr. and Mrs. to the solons at Washington m' e son sang e osary an ers an offiCial Board also on Tues- Ch J hns . as. o on, Mr. and Mrs. Nak- word b ttl · th · k "Perfect Day." The deceased re- day. The Bethehte Club regular . . a es m e commg wee s. Tacoma, Wn. posed amid a profusion of gor- meeting will be held Monday. sun- ~· Mr. H!hard Hood of Seattle; Our Governor is Republican and geous flowers an expression of day Jan. 12 will be quarterly meet- ' r. and Mrs. James Claxton of he has a majority in the Senate. Fnll Gospel Pentecostal Crapel, friends and loved ones. ing with presiding Elder Rev. C. B. Colorado; the city guests were The House is Democratic, with on- 25th So. and Tacoma Ave. S i b . , Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bowling, Mr Iy a majority of eight members. Watch meeting service was held urv vors esides her husband, Clements m charge. Monday, Jan. d M R G'b · father and mother, :include two 13, is quarterly conference when an rs. ay 1 son, Sgt. and At this time it is anybody's guess New Year's Eve. There were a hild Ch 1 d F T 11 ff . f th h ch d 1 b Mrs. Walter Moss, Dr. and Mrs. E. as to just how far the new admin- number of sermonettes and solos c ren, ar es an ranees ay- a o ICers o e c ur an c u Emore, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Me- lor; a brother, Francis Fair of Se- presidents are expected to be pre- istration can advance with its pro- by Sister Lois Gordon, C. Johnson attle; two aunts, Mrs. Hazel Lee sent. Cabe, Mr. and Mrs. Eed Ellis, Mr. gram, which promises to be quite and Mary Corbin. Sister Morris and Mrs. Lula Lee; an uncle, Ed- and Mrs. Wendell Stafford, Mr. and radical in changing many of the conducted the service while Elder d d Montavilla Community Baptist, Mrs. James Dupree, Mrs. Ethel acts of the out-going regrm'e. One Morris was in Seattle. Many vis- war Watson Jr., and a Gran father, Mr. Edward Watson, Sr 7524 N. E. Everette. Rev. R. E. Butler, Mrs. C. V. Taylor, Mrs. Pa- of the great battle grounds will itors were in the congregation. Interment was in Portland Crema- Donaldson, Pastor. tricial Covington, Mrs. Thomas, surely start on a reconstruction of General Ordinance service was con- torium. Order of service, Sunday school, Jones, Mr. F. U. Harris, E. Short- the Liquor Control Board and all ducted Sunday morning and Elder ----------- 10:30 a.m.; preaching 11:30; B. Y. ridge, and Clarence Martin. The its environs. Criminations flew Morris preached. Subject: "Jesus' The H. Hicks and Ed Smiths P. U. 7 p. m. evening worship 8 members with their husbands and thick and hot during the campaign Suffering." Text, Luke: 24:46-47. Mrs. Rosadele Parker, her little p. m. Sunday, Jan. 5 was a grand others with their beaus made one and actual crooked manipulations son, Robert, and daughter, Marie, start for the new year. Profitable evenmg to be long remembered to were charged in radio addresses. had a real family dinner and re- services were held throughout the those present. A delicious lunch It is possible the fire brigade may union Christmas day at the home day. Pastor reviewed S. S. Lesson was served at the close of the be called before it's time to set of the Hicks inN. Vancouver. Mrs. Rev. Moffit and deacon Woods con- evening. Prizes were won by Mr. the clock back for aljournment. Hicks is the aunt of Mrs. Smith. ducted devotions which prefaced a A. Branch, H. Hood and Mrs. W. A church in Pasadena, Califor- Mrs. James Cantrell has return- spiritual messafge by the Pastor, Stafford. nia advertises a one and one-half ed from a two weeks holiday trip subject, "Loose Him and Let Him The Matron's Club met on Thurs. hour sound motion picture enter· to Oakland, accompanied by her go." Emphasis placed on the im- day evening, with Mrs. W. P. Staf- tainment with color effect for Sun- daughter, Florence. portance of going forward. ford as hostess. Nine members day night service. Bremerton. Wn. ---- Ebenezer A. M. E. Church, 9th and Park Ave., Rev. J. w. Con– quest, Pastor. Pastor Conquest preached a very interesting sermon Sunday morn– ing. Reservations are now in order; call the Branch office. Regular activities include Tuesdays, 4-5 p. m., Musical appreciation and 5-6 same day, rehearsal of the mixed chorus. The basketball team ha.s played 5 games the past season with 6 more to go. A group oof interesting lectures are scheduled for the following dates; Jan. 27, personal Hygiene and communica– ble diseases; Feb. 10, Sex Educa– tion and Dental Hygiene; Mar. 10 Medical Economics; April 14, Dis– covery in medicine. Dr. D. N. Un– thank and Dr. Weinzire will give the lectures. Under Religious Ed– ucation are the following topics for Jan. 20, "What religion is and why I am interested in it." Miss Mildred Bartholemew. Feb. 17, "Why _we should be Christian and how we become Christians," Miss Gertrude Eakin, general secretary of Cen– tral. March 17, "How We Live Christianity" speaker to be applied. The public is cordially :invited to attend each of these lectures. 1 Sick in the community: Helen B. Y. P. U. program conducted Dancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bethel tivewires by Edith Jackson, pres. "Striving were present ,and plans were com– pleted for the Christmas dancing Laurel Covington, and Miss Louise party. After a delicious luncheon Ray. Christmas gifts were ex– the meeting adjourned. The next changed by the members, all re– meeting will be with Mrs. Frances ceiving useful and beautiful gifts. Bradshaw. Mothers of Beta Theta enter- Quartette featuring Mesdames Elene Alberts, w. J. Conquest, Messrs. Lawson Finns and Robert Malone entertained with spirituals Sunday evening services. to Remember" was the theme for CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindly expres– sions of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings in our bereave– ment through. the loss of our beloved wife, mother, daughter and sister, the late Catherine 1 Taylor. William B. Taylor, husband; Charles and Frances, children; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robert Dancy, continues quite H T J • ill at their home in N. E. 13th. OStS 0 UniOrS the evening sermon followed Mr. and Mrs. Lee Matheys in S. E. by the Lord's Supper. Tuesday the Grant st. have recovered from at- The girls' club room at Wllliams Missionary society met in its re- tacks of the flu. Ave. Y. with its decorations of gular monthly meeting with inter– Fair, parents; brother. SAVE-WAY Francis Fair, CLEANERS 13 N. Brdwy at Williams Ave. Tel. Trinity 2569 Alterations and Repairs Suits and Overcoats, 45c Two f~r 85c PREFERENCE Gwedolyn Vyolette Hooker There's a certain satisfaction when your flower needs are purchased at your own Flower Mecca 6126 N. E. Halsey St. 1 Block So. of Broadway Call Lancaster 7027-No Agents Ye Olde Bar-B·Q Pit Open fl A. M.-4 A. M. 26 N. Cherry St. Ea.1699 Portla.nd, Oregon That Permits Beacause our overhead is distribu- ted among $0 many fwnerals our prices can necessarily be low. Ser– vices from Holman & Lutz are within the means of all . . . • re· gardless of creed or income. LOWER COSTS Oonven(ent Monthly holly, red candles and fir, made esting Bible lesson. The Rev. and an appropriate background for a Mrs. S. K. Holland and Mr. Floyd pretty formal dancing party for Standifer, father of Rev. F. L the Bethel Live Wire Club, Thurs- Standifer of this city is visiting day, January 2. A group of teen the Donaldsons. Rev. Holland will age girls and boys with several preach Thursday evening. "High older girls, shared the pleasure of Values" and "What is Man," will the evening. Especially noticable be themes for the a. m. and p. m was Joyce Hillard, wearing rose worship Sunday, Jan. 12. figured satin. Blanch Graves and Norma Logan wore blue taffeta; The Red Caps local furnished Helen Mae Thomas, Annabelle entertainment foc a goodly num– Shelton and Harriette Fuller chose ber of the gay, cheering crowd that welcomed in the New Year rose taffeta. Phyllis Reynolds gowned in pink taffeta while Ruby j at their Annual dance, New Year's Minor and Christine Harris wore pink net. Shirley Reed selected peach net and Lurline Gibbs wore blue net. Betty Rutherford's blue gorgette had a gold belt; Jeanette Harris' blue crepe, Rose Marie Brock, white procaded taffeta and Helen Mitchel's blue satin {)On· eluded the array. The Misses' es– corts wore dark suits. They .pre– sented their lady fairs with cor– sages. Mrs. Lulu Gragg and Mrs. Bernice Allen were sponsors. Eve at Fraternal Hall. The ladies auxiliary to the local assisted in making the dance a success. The Portland Branch N. A. A C. P. will hold its first meeting of the year Sunday, January 19, at Williams Ave. Y. Mr. Wyatt Wil– liams, newly elected President with an all new staff of officers, will greet the membership. Executive Board meeting will be held Thurs– day night preceding the regular meeting on Sunday. Clubs •• Organizations The Women's Study Club met tained with a gala Christmas par– with Mrs. Felicia Ray, on South_ ty honoring their daughters, Beta Junett. Subject for discussion: Theta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Al– Christmas il\ Other Lands." A very pha Sorority. Motoring to Seattle interesting program was rendered for the event, which was held at which included a piano solo by the beautiful home of Mrs. Clifton ~rs. Geraldine Covington, and an I Morris, were Mrs. James L. Beck, Impromptu trio, "0 Holy Night" and Mrs. Alice Roberts, members sung by Mrs. Helen Stafford, Mrs. of the Mothers Club, and Mrs. literarily in the home of Mrs. J. D. Davis. Mrs. Udseth, guest speaker, talked on the Christ child, society and Christmas in Norway. Party Guests other than the speak– er were: Mrs. Catherine Gray, President, Emertius of the 0. F. C. W.; Mrs. Jessie Flowers, Pres. of the Rosebud Study Club; Mrs. Gladyce Williams, Mrs. Ann Shep– herd, Mrs. Francis Hood and Mrs. Ola Reed. Mrs. Pollyanna Reed, Pres. of the ·o. F. C. W. presented corsages to the guest speaker, Mrs. Udset, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Flowers and the hostess. Gifts were ex– cha~ged preceding delectable re– freshments. Moore's Food Store Groceries, Meats, Fruits Helen Stafford, member of Beta Theta Chapter. Mrs. Alice Roberts presided at the beautifully appoint– ed table. All departed at a late hour after a very enjoyable even– ing. Many members of the younger social set motored to Seattle for the mammoth dancing party at the Trianon Ballroom by the Entre Nous Club. Among those noticed, posing for pictures were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Thad. Tate, Mrs. Emmett Elmore, Mrs. Doris Bowling, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. James Dupree, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chew, and Mr. and Mrs. Ho– mer Bradshaw. New Hair Permanent Virginia Hair Dressing, Supez-– ior Pressing Oil, Sta-Straight, Brilliantine ~t!~k Colonial Mortuary Holman fDlapel Mrs. Lillian Payne is reported improving at Portland Sanitorium. Mrs. Lillian .Tinsley has been re– leased from the Good Samaritan Hospital. The Literary Research club's And Vegetables monthly meeting and Christmas [ J .L.A. Co., Mfg., Dist. 976 Carrol Ave., St. Paul, .Minn. 14th & Sandy Blvd. S. w. Third & Salmon party was a. success socially and r... 2_2 _6 _N_._n_rd_wy __ c_all __ T_rini_ty_7_7_2_2~ Mrs. Nannie Jones, Doris and Ruth, visited in Seattle the past week. Miss Roberta Towns is confined at the home of Mrs. John Enox with illness. Visitors for New Year's Day: Mr. and Mrs. I. Jones motored to Aber– deen, the guests of the Andersons. Mr. and Mrs. James Dunbar of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. John Walls of Bremerton were guests of Mrs. Nannie Jones. Miss Ina Miller visited friends in Seattle. Mrs. Robert Myers visited in Se– attle Tuesday. Mr. Robert Johnson served as mail clerk during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Aber– deen, Mr. Bill Tyler of Elmore Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis an~ Mr. and Mrs. Simmons were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Jones, Christma.s day. Licensed Massage Institute Steam Vapor Baths Minera.I & Magnecoil Sweat Boors 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Massages 1736 N. Vancouver Tel. Trinity 0510