
l Earl 'Father' Biaes, Civic Aaditoram Fri. April 5th • BANKS ' 'BUDDIES' ' FINNISH HALL WEDNESDAY APRIL lOth William J. Hyatt, chairman of Earl Hines, one of the most throughout the country. th<' operating c~mmittee of the famous names in th\l annals of Hines' personal appearances in Third ann Madison USO Club, popular American music, is cur- theatres, ballrooms and college =V=O=L=·=X=X=Vr::l=II==T:.=e:!:!!le=p=h=on=e=s=E=L=. =9=7=8=7-=C=A=·=46=0=9=-~=--= '==4======S=E=A=T=T=L=E~,=W=A=S=H=I=N=G=T=O=N::;;'===W;;:;EDKESDA Y, APRIL 3, 19~6 Price 5c Per C<>i>Y Mr. Waller's services are being terminaed by the USO at his own GR. EX. RU. J. FINLEY WILSON ENDS OFFICIAL VISIT TO WEST COAST ReV. F. Benj. Davis To File For Legislature In 37th District fish interests and join in the great crusade to carry the fight for th;, Carrying the fight for progres- common welfare Into the State sive legislation into tbe State Leg- Legislature." islature, the Reverend F . Ben- NEGRO HEALTH WEEK The thirty-second observance of National Negro Jiealth \VePk, s~-~ ,M , J . f•L •-·lbl ( -· for March 31-April 7, will empha· llf:i, OSep lffie lUC raven ASurprise For You Today, J lo\ ~d sit{tPJ~. 1\Tr~. fnq,et,hlnf' Craven, QutJen for a Day. [ size the theme, "A healthy home In a healthy community," tbe U. S. Public Health Service an· no.~~~~d. movement to stimulate AHappy Birthday Sunday she lives in a wheel chair. Does And why not? Mrs. McOraven is a Shut In. Yet, she distributes our Race paper and magi3.zines, alone does all her work, although. better health among Negroes is she fret? Does she complain 'I Is helpful not only to the group it- By Carrie Duvall life a burden? Never. Since first self but to the entire nation which Last Thursday, March 28, the the wheel chair came to her borne, Is seek iTig an adequate health and Sincerity Club, hearts filled with she discarded all her worries and •'medical program for all people," I joy and love, bearing gifts In a troubles ant! threw everything out Dr. 'l'bomas Parran, Surgeon Gen- pre-birthday salute, surprised one of the window excPpt her work, a era! of the U. s. Public Health I of its members, who for years pleasant salutation and a radiant Service, declared. has been a SHUT IN. smile. "National Negro Health Week is 1 E'lltering ber well kept home, Sunday, I\! arch 31, . was .Tose- jamin Davis today announced hi8 a. period of emphasis and demon-~ phine's birthday. Again they c~me candidacy for Representative from stration of year-round efforts I armed wtth love and precwus he 37th Legislative district, In the stresses the great need and oppor- gifts. Before the evening waned, Democratic Party primary elec· tunity for the average Negro fam- I a rare orchid was pin~ed on this tions. ily to improve their home and I lovable character who 1s too busy Oespite the fact that the Rev. share health benefits in the com- to worry_ Davis is the acknowledged spokes· munity." Many happy birthdays to you, man of the inter-racial forces Flash! Have you been vaeein- Josephi·ne, w•s the final salute of throughout the city, he had none- ated? If not, why not? A sma ll the departing friends. theless hoped to participate witb pox epedemie hovers ove~ Seattle. all community groups in the choice I Your only safety is vaccination. of a candtdate mutually accepts· All you have to do is to visit one ble. of the many stations about the Josephine's Orchid heart full of thankfulness request, because of his plans for future employmE"!lt. Mr. Waller has the doors were first opened on September 15, 1944. The club is operated jointly by the Army and Navy Department of the YMCA, which is the operating agency, and tbe National Board of the YWCA., both of which are par– ticipating agencies in the National USO set-up. Since September, 1944, the door count has approximated 900,000 people. About three-fourth of this number represents servicemen and women and volunteers who have participated in the program ac– tivities of the club. Mr. \Valier will bP suceedetl on April 5 by Mr. Brice McAdams, who is being transferred from the USO services in California. NAACP QUERIES NAT. W NAT. REP. COMMITTEE NEW YORK- The following let- c~n ~Sl:t} l_!~~"~-Q~J~!:-~ tr'{:e ac~n without -puaciL pulling it take no action at all so that those interested may thereby know that the Republican Kational Commit· tee does not see fit to implement I without reservation its party pledges. .:. "The issues upon which we re- .Bar Association, signed by David A. Simmons, the president, on August 1, "Uotifying him that he had b·een nominated for member– ship, he said. quest affirmative action are: "(1) The FairEmployment Prac– tice Commission. Support of fed– eral legislation of this measure was pledged without qualification in the 1944 platform. But eight Republican Senators failed to vote for cloture in the Unitetl Slates SeTiate and by that margin clO– ture was not invoked. In the House of Representatives the ma– jority of Republicans have failed to date to sign the discharge pe– tition despite innumerable pleas to them that they do so. Re- He mailed his $8 membership publican signatures could bring the dues on August 7, to the assocla- bill to the floor for a vote almost tion's headquarters at 1140 North immediately. But those votes are Dearborn Street, Chicago, but the to date lacking. We ask that the money was refunded on February Republica"U National Committee 5 ,informing him that his applica- take whatever steps are possible "Since no candidates' conference city where you may be served was called," Rev. Davis declared, without cost. DO IT TODAY! soul of simple hopefulness, tion "for membership did not re- under its present machinery and An early morning prayer ceive the approval necessary for that it revise its policy and pro- thimbleful of care; "I have been relievetl of all obliga· Puget Sound Lodge Elks No. 109 tions except those I owe to the great, majority of the citizens of my District who supported me so unselfishly in the municipal cam· paign. In deferenc'l to them and In answer to their great demand will observe Health Week during tbe anti-tuberculosis drive. Tests and exami"Uations will be free to all and absolutely private. Watch for day and date to be announc· ed later. A smile to greet the morning election." The refund was ac- cedure if necessary to secure en– companied by a letter from Olive actment at this session of the G. Ricker, executive secretary of Congress of the bill for the per- with; the the association, he disclosed. manent FEPC. A kind word as the key To open the door and greet day Whate'er it brings to thee. A patient trust in Providence the Sincerity Club discarded its To sweeten all the way identity, took the role of hostess, All these combined with thought- mistress of ceremonies, and sub· 1 fulness jects bowing in honor of a be- Will make a happy day. THE I SESSION'S PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS A MARDI GRAS OF STARS F-RED and SLEDGE, Song and Dance Artists WITH Something Dazzlingly New and Different A MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES IN MISS EMILY FOSTER THE UTILE BROWN BOMBER OF RHYTHM STARS, MUSIC, LAUGHTER BY THE. CAR LOADS For Reservations Call PRospect 5960 1238 Main St. KEEP OFF DATE APRIL 28 EVERGREEN TEMPLE EASTER DANCE " ( 2) The Anti · LY"Uching Bill. Tbe recent mob outbreak at Co· lumbia, Tennessee, the attempts to revive such lawless organiza– tions as the Ku Klux Klan and similar groups designed to stir up racial and religious prejudice MAR'S 12TH AVE. FOOD MARKET • MEAT- GROCERIES- FRESH VEGETABLES BEER- WINE "DELIVERIES EVERYDAY We Sell for Less and with Quality Too! 118 12TH .'\ VE., SEATTLE PHONE CA. 0700 proms tluring the past year have broken long-standing records. Benny Goodman, not long ago, recorded aTI original tune featur– ing piano, titled "The Earl" as a tribute to Hines, whose original piano style was the forerunner great technicians as Teddy Jess Stacy and many others. During the past year, the HiTies orchestra has broken ail records for the past nine years as such spots as the Howard Theatre, WH.shington, the Orpheum, Los An– geles and the Paradise, Detroit. Showmen, critics and public alike agree that this is Hines' greatest year. One Night Only Tell your friends that one of the greatest muAic personalities in the world will be at the Civic Autlilorium on Friday, April 5, Earl "Father" Hines-in person– according to critics and showmen with his great orchestra and stars. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY w BANKS' BUDDIES AT FINNISH HALL ONE NIGHT ONLY, WED., APRIL 10 Highlighting the dance and music world, comes the following announceme"Ut from Seattle's popu– lar orchestra leader, Bumps .Black– well: "Coming to the Finish Hall, 13th and Washington St., direct from Portland's "Dude Ranch" and formerly from the Swing Club in Los Angeles, is Arthur ((Buddy) Banks and his celebrated "Bud· dies." Banks "Buddies" is one of the leading contenders for the number one spot for small combos on this (Continued on Page 4) GUEST EDITORIAL Get yom• news in the Los An– gele-s Sentinel "Golden \Vest" edition. Complete coverage of social, religious, economic, fra– teiTI1ll, human interes featured and political. Oovers the eleven westem states. Phone or writE ~'our Seattle correspondent: JACQUES R. CHAPPELL, 8621 Gilman Avenue, Seattle 99, Wash. Telephone GA. 0958. Pictures will be accepted. SHAM BATTLE Three days before Lincoln's Birthday the Senate of the United States pushed the bill for a Fair Employment Practices Commission off the calendar by refusing to vote for clotury,to shut off the fili buster. Then the Republican mem~e:r~ ,)-turrie;d to 1 various parts of the country to de ;iv- •. IT" .. ' - .1·-. :..•• ,l ,,..t;,,.:" •. _J.,~~·.• t"t'"+-:';v· EW, ~;; ..tt ~i:f'':'-'•i' J~J "'''u\t!.o, !]'~"""'C. ,.-v U" "";.><:! glories oD'~he Republican party. Mr. Roover spoke in New York and did not mention FEPC or the Negro.. Mr. Stassen spoke in Boston and likewise found other items to discuss.. Senator Robert A. Taft spoke in Kansas City and passed up FEPC. and the Negro. Senator Wallace H. White of Maine, Republican leader in the Senate, is not recorded as having spoken anywhere but he did not have do to so. H said his piece on FEPC' just before it was killed, declaring he was against it because it was unconstitutional anyway and would stir up more prejudice than it would cure. One would never suspect, from these speeches, that the Repub– lican party promised in its 1944 platform to enact FEPC legislation. It does not take very keen insight and no "inside" information to arrive at the conclusio that the "battle" over FEPC from Jauary 17 through February 9, except on the part of a few senators of both parties, was pr-:.!tY much of a sham battle. The Democrats have little cause for boasting over their part in the fiasco. Obviously both' the Democrats and the Republicans in this election year weres triving to make a record with– out actually passing this bill or any similar to it. Senator Dennis Chavez of New Mexico carried the brunt of the fight and, in our opinion, was s_incere every step of the way." The other cheerful news 1s that 48 votes were se– cured for cloture, a record numbr. The fight for FEPC is just beginning. The next step is to secure the 218 signatures on Discharge Petition No. 4 in the House and bring the bill out of committee for a vote. The bill can be passed in the House if it gets to the floor for House rules do not permit a filibuster-and every m~mber of the House is up for election next fall. If the political chenanigans continue, the voters will un– derstand what to do in November. threaten a recrudescence of mob ing agreement has long been seen, violence which ca"U only be check- bas infuriated many American ed by federal legislation. We ask citizens, particularly those of a the Committee to go on record and minority like the Negro, because to implement such pledge by sup- d of the opposition of that coalition port of cloture in the Senate an the signing of the discharge pe– tition in the House. "(3) The. Anti-Poll Tax Bill. The UTiited States is vigorously sup· porting democratic elections in Bulgaria and Japan while Amer– ican citizens, Negro and white, are denied the right to vote here in the United States. This is a most extraordinary and hypocritical CO'U· tradiction. Republican votes for cloture can bring about the pas– sage of the anti-poll tax bill with– in the next few weeks. Will the Republican National Committee see that these votes are forthcoming? " (4) Housing. AmericaTis of all races and all sections of the country desperately need housing. A fantastically financed lobby of real estate interests is bringing pressurJ; to bear on the Congress against housing legislation. Many of the Republican Senators and Congressmen, as well as those on the other side of the aisle, have given evidence of yieldi"Ug to that pressure. We ask the Republican National Committee to repudiate this lobby and to put forth every possible effort for the immediate enactment of such legislation. "(5) The recent public an– nouncement of a coalitio-n in the Congress between conservative Re- to legislation desperately needed for alleviation of suffering caused by job discrimination, disfrran· chisement, mob violence and lao'!: of housing. We ash. th" ltovub– lican National Committee to re– pudiate this coalition without equivocation. "The position take"U by the Re– publican National Committee on these issues will profoundly affect the decisions made in 1946 and 1948 by many Americans, but par– ticularly by Negro citizens." FLASH! CORRECTION "Mr. Clarence Anderson" the Prince of Blues now featuerd by the Washington Social and Ed,u– cati'onal Club, should have read •'Mr. Clarence Williams." EXTRA SPECIAL! All Permanent Waves Cut % Price Hot Oil Electric Manicure............ $ I.()() Electric Steam Facial & Pack......$2. Streamline Beauty Salon publicans and Southern Democrats, 1 1212 Jackson St. although evidence of such a work- I'----------------'~