Northwest Defender_1962-05-03
UNDERSTANDING AND EDUCATION PORTLAND . OREGON PRICE 5 CENTS Thursday, May 3, 1962 VOL. I, NO. XVI Safeway Continues Fair Hiring Policy -:NAACP As.ks Fred Meyer Boycott Minister·sSupports Boycott In a special call meeting, some fifteen ministers of the Abina Ministerial Association voted unanimously t!o support the Fred Meyer boycott instituted by the NAACP and to urge· their members and friends not to buy at the Fred Meyer stores. Mrs. Verna Smith was referred to Safeway. Inc. by the Industrial Relations De·partment of the Urban League, ad was subse~uent· ly hired after passmg a The Portland Branch of the NAACP began negotiations with Fred Meyer Stores, Inc.. in December, 1961. At that time the personel manager advh:ed that plans were un– derway to hire their first Negro employee. However, he would not advise in what capacity. Subsequently. a· Negro man was hired at the Walnut Park Fred Meyer store on Killingsworth and Union Ave. Shortly there– after a Negro woman was hired at the same store. Both these employees were hi'red for Eve's Restaurant (the' woman by her own request) and are not too much in series of tests. It was felt evidence. by Jim Frazier. Industrial We were promised Negro checkers would be hire:d Relations Director of the during the customary spring upsurge in business. Contac't Urban League, thtatt Mdl'nrsg. has continued with the management and to date it ap·' Smith was an ou s an . . applicant. He said, "She pear's stymled. pcssessed all the necessary The Portland is now suggesting an economic skills and qualifications. boycott of all Fred Meyer Stores n Portland until fur– and she should be a? ~~set ther notice. There may be a necessity for a picket at to !he Saf~way cha~n. some· future date. - Mrs Sm1th was h1red at the U~ion Avenue store on Negotiations will continue but we solicit your im· April 27. _ me.diate cooperation by urging all your members and friends to refrain from buying at Fred Meyer Stores. Low-RentPro]·ect We urg: all citizens to buy where equal oppo~tuniti~' are ava1lable to all people. Your cooperation is urgently· To Be Restudied requested .. . the. Housing Authority of Portland was requested Tuesday to halt all opera– tions in connection with the proposed Daisy Williams low-re'nt public housing project until the Portland Planning Commission cern finish a study t is now mak– ing in relation to the pro– ject. The request, directed to all the housing commission– ers by the Greater Portland Council of Churches Com– mission on Christian Socal Concerns, appears to. have been ignored by the Hous– ing Authority at its meet– ing Tuesday niqht. Exec– utive 'director Gene. Ross– man has stated the matter was "not on the agenda." The Church commission had made a srecial effort to get the matter before the commissioners prior to the meetin~. Dr. Robert B o n t h u s, chairman of the Council /commission, said the re– quest was for the reason that the Planninq Commis– sion study would be the most inclusive study ever undertaken for the long– r a n g e developement of Portland. The study is par– ticularly centered in t'h north€ast section, including Albina, and was begun at a request of Mayor Terry Schrunk. It is expected to be completed in about two months. Mr. Henry A. Talbert. Western Regional Director, Na– tional Urban League. 17th AnnualMeeting ofULA AWARDS (reading left to right) Thomas R. Vickers, Royal Esquire Club of Portland; Mrs. James Frazier, Jr., Jack and Jill of America. Inc.. Portland Chapter; Mrs. Mary M. Duncan, Rosebud Study Club; Mrs. Pauline Countee, Kwanzan Club; Mrs. Bernadette Plummer. T-he Links. Inc.; Mrs. Asa L. Brock. Culture Club; Mrs. Bertha Anderson. The Modes Royale Social Club; Cleodis Vann, .Tack and Jill of America, . Inc.. Portland Youth incentive Clinic Panelists: Mrs. Margaret Van Thiel. Mrs. Angie Davis, Mr. Arnold Kan, Miss Donna Helzer, Mr. Richard Payne. -Photos By John Holly By Alyce Robinson A warm r eception was given Henry A. Talbert, w es-– tern regional director of the National U:r ban League, as he addressed the 17th annual meeting of the Urban League of Portland Tuesday night on the t opic "New Horizons in Race Relations." An appre,ciative crowd filled the b an quet t a bles in the' Portland Police Athletic Association building as Talbert, a leading authority in matters of social work and· race· relations spoke in a quiet, . yet authoritative voice of the progress of non-whites in fields of labor , education, transportation and population incr ease, and the shifting of the same in cities. Student drop-outs, the speaker pointed out, can be perilous in this day of automation . He strongly advised education as a means to gain employment in limited fields. He received a hearty ovation at the conclusion of the speech. Spe.dal awards for participation in a series of UL Incen– tive Clinics, h eld in several schools, were presented t o Mmes. Angie Davis and Margaret Van Theil , Miss Donna Helzer, Richard Payne and Arnold K am . Mrs. Inc t a Evans was cited for obtaining 33 UL m embe rs and awa rds for 100 per cent UL membership w ere given t o r epre– sentatives of the Royal Esqu ire Club, J ack and Jill of America, Rosebud Study Club, Kwanzan Club, Th e Links , Culture Club and the Modes Royale Socia l Club. Dr. DeNorval Unthank, president-elec t , p resented the cit a– tions. A special presenta tion was made to E . She lton Hill, the League's executi ve director , by th e Mina Temple Shrine rs, w ith offi ce rs Thomas Vi ckers, Benj amin Ro b-– inson a nd L. C. Ellison ma king th e award. Mss Gail Strong. P or t land S tate College stud ent , re n– d e red two beau t iful vo'2a l selection s. Th e an nua l mee t- The church council com– mission request came after a study in which consulta– tion was had with the Housina Authority and with the Urban League, NAACP and other groups which are opposing the pro– ject.- ...._ ing chairma n . H. L. Belton Ham ilton . in t roclu cccl s pea ke r Thomas R. Vickers, Beniarnine Robinson, E. Shelton Ta lbe r t. Dr. E . Ki mba rk MacColl. 1JL pn .,;ident , pres id ed . HilL and L. C. Ellison. - E •
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