Northwest Clarion_1959-02-12

I • :North west-;:,/ ~#Y·E~RI ON ~J., ... ~1l.¥.4'~-How Can I Hear the Things You Say, When the Things You Do Keep Thundering In My Ear Vol. 13, No. 4 Price 10 Cents OREGON'S ONLY NEGRO NEWSPAPER Portland, Oregon Thursday, February 12, 1959 Mrs. G. A. Randolph District Chairman For Albina Area Tuberculosis Survey First Life Member in State of Nevada O.A. (. W. Gives 9tll Annu11/Negro ,~ .. History Te11 Invitations are being- extended to the g-eneral public to the ninth annual Neg-ro History Tea of the Oreg-on Association of Club Wom– en, an affiliate of the National As– sociation of Colored Women's Clubs, Sunday, February 15, at St. Philip's Parish House, 120 N.E. Knott Street. In conjunction w'ith the Oregon Centennial, the history of the N e– gro in Portland from 1870 to the present will be the main feature. Progress of the Negro in the fields of employment, business, profes– sions, religion, organizations and miscellaneous will be displayed in pictures, newspaper clippings and articles of historical interest. Proceeds of the tea will be do– nated to the Katherine Gray Schol– arship Fund. Mrs. Robert Cannon heads the committee in charge. Mrs. Thomas Vickers is president. Bew H. Fong (right) bands a $500 check to a National Association for the Advancement of Colored People committee and tihus becomes the first paid-in-full life member of the NAACP in the State of Ne– vada. Others in the picture (from left): Frances Walters, NAACP branch entertainment chairman and New China Club secretary; Leroy Badie, branch treasurer and assistant pit boss ~f New China Club; Margaret Badie, life membership chairma.n.; U.S. Wooda.rd, t4le branch president. March of Dimes Tea Given by Charms Social Club Mrs. G. A. Randolph (left), chairman of community organization for "TB Trackdown" in Albina district to start Feb. 16, checks tuberculosis spot map with Mrs. Evelyn Harriman of Oregon Tuberculosis and Health Assn. and Mrs. F. D. Gray Jr., of her committee. Map shows 70 cases of active tuberculosis found i n the Albina area during the past five years. Semin11ri11ns He11r T11/k On N.A.A.C.P. NORWALK, Conn. - The work and contributions of the National Association for the Advanlement of Oolored People were set forth in an address delivered at St. Mary's Seminary (Holy Ghost Fa.thers) here recently by George K. Hun– ton, executive secretary of the Catholic InteiTacial Council of New York and a member of the national Board of Directors of the NAACP. "Don't let anyone tell you that the NAACP is subverSive," Mr. Hunton counseled the seminarians in his talk on the progress made in the struggle for interracial justice in the United States. Mr. Hunton Sen. Morse Names Student toPosition A search by Senator Wayne L. Morse, Democrat of Oreg-on, for two college students in financial need was brought to a successful conclusion last week. Benjamin A. Walker, Portland State College frP.f',.,man and Dnvid B. .Ander30n, formerly a student at Reed Col– lege, were named by the senator to capital positions where they will continue working for their de– grees. Both of the successful candi– dates for these positions were rec– ommender to Senator Morse by Bob Jordan, chairman of the Mult– nomah County Democratic Central Committee, and by Dale Hender– son, alternate chairman. Candi– dates were selected on the basis of spoke under the auspices of the the senator's requirements that CSMC Mission unit of the sem- the accepted students have an aca– inary. demic standing- which would per- mit them to attend one of the KERMIT SHAFER ART EXHIBIT Washington, D. C. schools, that AT UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND they be in financial need to com- Paintings and drawings by Ker- plete their education, and other mit Shafer will go on exhibit at personal qualifications. the University of Portland library Ben Walker, 19-year-old son of Sunday, February 22, for a one- Mrs. Emma Chiles, 4834 N. Borth– month showing. wick, will serve as an elevator op- A public reception from 4 to 8 erator. He graduated from Jeffer– p.m. Sunday will open the showing son High School in the class of of 40 artworks by the head of the June 1958 where he was active in university's art department. The the Young Democratic Club and exhibit will be open daily to the other school activities. He has public from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., clos- been accepted by Howard Univer– ing March 23. sity where he will continue his undergraduate work, principally in OBITUARY ::ti~~~lds of science and mathe- MRS. LA.URA. BUTLER David B. Anderson, a 26-year-old Funeral services for Mrs. Laura Korean War veteran, has been se– Butler, mother of Laura Jean But- lected as police private on the ler, 648 N. Morris, will be held sat- Senate police force. Mr. Anderson, urday at 10 a.m. at Cox Funeral who left Portland for Washington, Chapel. Surviving are one sister, D. C. earlier this week, has been Mrs. Elsie McCarter, of 3605 N . admitted to George Washington Commercial, nieces and nephews. University where he will continue his studies. His wife, Rosalee, and KlT,rY L. HAMPTON his daug-hter will follow him later The family of the late Kitty L. Hampton wish to express our gratitude for the flowers and ev– -ery act of kindness extended to us <luring our bereavement. BILLY WASHINGTON AND FAMILY. this month. At Reed College, Mr. Anderson majored in political science and took an active part in Multnomah County Democratic politics. He and his wife have served in the precinct organization and other capacities s'ince 1956. SPECIAL LENTEN SERVICES SPONSORED Special Lenten Services were sponsored by the Sellwood Meth– odist Church, Race Relations Sun– day, February 8. Mrs. Mattie Collins of Allen Temple C.M.E. Church was sent to represent her church. Mrs. Collins was guest soloist. She is a church school teacher and a member of Allen Temple Choir. · She is also solo!Bt for Cox Funeral Chapel. First in Nevada History Governor of Nevada, Grant Saw– yer, proclaimed "Negro History Week.'' Present for the signing of the proclamation were the follow– ing: Rev. C. A. Crosby, Education chairman of NAACP; Leroy Badie, branch treasurer; Margaret Badie, Life Membership chairman; Mas– ter Sergeant Wm. Watkins of Stead Air Force Base, Nevada.. SYMPHONIC CONCERT GIVEN The Portland Symphony and the Portland Symphonic Choir concert given at the Civic Auditorium >.ras well attended. Zeta Iota Chapter of Alpha Chi Pi Omeg-a was repre– sented by the following ladies: Mrs. A March of Dimes benefit tea A silver offering was given by Rozell Yee, Mrs. Cuma Clayter and was given b~ the "Charms" (social each guest. All proceeds were giv– Mrs. Inez MaybeiTy. Mrs. Clayter service) club, on January 2 5 at the en to the "March of Dimes." The Charms' officers consist of: President, Opal Tarrant; secretary, Phy 11 i s Scarborough; treasurer, Pat Lincoln; histo:dan; Mary Hub– bard, and last but not least, their wonderful advisor Mrs. Etoile H. Cox. sang with the Portland Symphonic new YMCA, on the comer of Kil- Choir. lingsworth and Moore. The "Charms" wish to thank This is one of the many cultural Refreshments were enjoyed by each and every one who helped to activities required by the sorority. everyone. make their tea a success. EDt ..fORtJ.\t Wilkins Sees President's Rights 0 Program as Representing Advance CERTAINLY I NOT THE NEGR NEW YORK - President Eisen- the latter includes, for example, hower's civil rights proposal "rep- authorization for the Department One of the biggest social, economic and political ques- resents an advance over previous of Justice to initiate action in all tions today in America-and in Africa, the West Indies and Administration positions" in that civil rig-hts cases, including school England-is: What to do with the Negro? it "embQdies the desirable thesis desegrega tion, not merely votirig that the Congress should support cases. The 150th birthday observance of a great American Pres– ident, Abraham Lincoln, approaches, so perhaps this is a good time to answer this question. It appears that the Negro is in revolt, but actually he is seeking the human dignity and rights that belong to him as they do to any human being, and this awakening has too long been delayed. The Negro is blamed for many of the social ills that exist today in Oregon and other American cities. Many people here presume to speak for him but very little is heard from the Negro. Most of the ills of our urban centers are blamed on him. The South blames all of its ills on the Negro. Re– cently, the subject has confounded our State Department and hypnotized many of our foreign diplomats. The Negro is blamed for the decay and blight in our city -they say we create slums. But who owned these slums be– fore they were rented to Negroes? Who charges exorbitant rents for these squalid quarters? Who has cut up these quar– ters to double and triple the number of units for rent? Who permits these unhealthy conditions to arise? Who forced the concentration of Negroes-and other minorities--into these ghettos? Certainly, it was not the Negro. the ruling-s of the courts (on pub- The Administration bill embodit.s lie school desegregation) through the desirable thesis that the Con– appropriate legislation," Roy Wil- gress should support the rulings kins, executive secretary of the of the courts through appropriate National Association for the Ad- legislation and in this respect it vancement of Colored People, said represents an advance over pre- here today. vious Administration positions. The Administration bill, as out- lined in the President's civil rights EASTER SEAL SALE message to Congress today, "is far TO OPEN FEBRUARY 27 ahead of the grievously inadequate EUGENE- Les Casanova, Uni– bill of Senator Lyndon B. Johnson versity of Oregpn football coach, which ignores the desegregation has accepted the chairmanship of issue entirely" but "falls short of the 1959 Easter Seal sale of the the Douglas bill in that the latter Oregon Society for. Crippled Chil– includes, for example, authoriza- dren and Adults, according to Wil– tion for the Department of Justice liam Walls of Portland, society to initiate action in all civil rights president. cases, including school desegreg-a- The Easter Seal sale will open tion, not merely votinf;" cases." on February 27 and continue The full text of Mr. Wilkins' through Easter Sunday, March 29. statement follows: "It has been my privilege to The Administration's civ'il visit the Children's Hospital school rights proposals contain several in Eugene, where children from desirable features which we have all parts of Oregon receive special urged in the past. In recognition education and therapy," Casanova of the importance of the school de- said, "and this school is certainly segregation issue, President Eisen- an excellent example of how fends bower has now recommended legis- from Easter Seals are spent." lation to meet certain problems in In addition to the hospital 3Chool, that area, including that of ob- the society operates a summer struction of the execution of court camp for crippled children and orders. He also proposes assistance young adults, the only camp of its to state and local educational kind in the state. It also t perates agencies "in preparing and imple- a mobile therapy clinic and pro– menting desegregation programs." vides special equipment for some While the Administration bill is persons. The Negro is charged with being disportionate on the relief rolls. Who investigates the reasons for this inequity? Certainly, not the chamber of commerce, or the employer or even many unions--for they prefer to keep the Negro off the economic payroll. Who prevents Negroes from becoming apprentices? or from the protection of union membership in many industrial plants? far ahead of the grievously inade- "We ·are most happy to Mr. quate bill of Senator Lyndon B. Casanova as our Easter Seal chair– crimes Johnson which ignores the deseg- man," Wells said. "He has a deep– regation 1Bsue entirely, it falls rooted interest in physically han– short of the Douglas bill in that dicapped youngsters." Certainly, not the Negro. Crimes by Negroes are deplored the most. But (Continued on Page Two)