Culture Club, 1966-1967

-r 1-J E 1 C U l -r U I\ E, CLlJ ,B YJ:AR BOOK 1966 - 1967 PORTLAND, OREGON


IN MEMORIAM 'lmtttt'lrll-lrk**-lrlrk**** In sincere Memory of our Deceased Members we dedicate this page. "Serene I foid my hands a~d wait• Nor c~re for wind, or tide or sea, i I rave no more ' 'gainst Time or Fate - For, Lo; My own shall co~e to me. I , · stand amid Eternal ways• And what is mine shall know a;iy fat,, Asleep, awake, by night or day~ The friends I seek are seeking me. No wind can drive my bark astray• Nor change the tide of Destiny. The Stars come nightly to the sky, - The tidal wave unto the sea - Nor time, nor space, nor Deep nor High• Can ke~Q my own from me. • Gladys Holmes - Marion Brown Lucille Crosswhite Lottie Rutherford Edythe Minor Ina Pierce Odessa Fre,eman Thelma Flowers Ruth Flowers Melba Flowers Thelma Unthank Ruth Reed Della Williams - 2 - HOW TO KltL ANY CLUB l, DON'T come to the me~tings;if you do come, ~o~e-late. 2. If the weather doesn't suit you, don't think of coming! 3. If you DO attend the meeting1 find fault with the work of the officers and other meQabc&J 4. Never accept an office as it is easier to criticize than to dQ things; nevertheless get sore it you are not a~pointed to a committee· but if you are, do . not attend the committee meeting 5. 1£ asked by the Chairman to give your opinion regarding sane important matter, tell him that you hqve nothing to say. 6. After the meeting, tell e,;et'}"" one how .things aught to be don'e• 7. Do nothing more than is abso•· lutely necessary, but when other· members roll up their sleeves and willingly, unselfishly, use their ability to help matters along, .!lla'l.1 that the organizadm is being run by a clique. 8. Hold back Y.OUf dues as long as possible; or aon t pay at all. • 9. Pon't bother about getting new members, let George do it;!!

LETITIA B~WCX .• • •• • •• •• Pres i.dent AUDREY ELLIS••••• v ◄ c. e• President -- ~~I ~ B ~:Ct'.tt ••• • • Secre tary ••••• VE~DELL RUTHERFORD •• • •• Cor r esponding_Secretary . • • JO ANN WATSON •• •• • Treasurer •• • •• • • EMMA CHILES • • • • •• Parl i amen t arian *'lrlt**'lrk-Jrlrlt* ORDER OF BUSINESS ROLL CALL READING OF MINUTES UNFINi SHED BUS INESS COMMUNI CAT·ICNS NEW BUS l NESf GUESSING BOt~ ADjQURNMENT :'3E HUPEFUT, 1 'NOT C'J .l J .: •:..L" *·l:**'h:·t ··'<**'.'-:-i,·-:;·."~ STANDIN~ OOMMITTEES Program: Roberta Vann Lenora Gaskin Zepba Baker Membership: Estella Gr8gg · Je.nnie Holliday Maude Young Scholarship: Emma Chiles Jo seuhine Grimmett Roberta Vann Hospital1ty:Lenora Gaskin Mercedes Hardy Mary Morton· G9od Cheer: Jennie Ho11iday Buda:et: · .Maud.e Young Jo Ann Watson Ver4ell Rutherford ·Auditors: Marie Baker Musio: Olifford ·Dixon Emma Chil.@s ' Zepha Bake: - Clifford Dixon. fublic i t1: Lula Gragg Hazel Hayes Emma .. Chi1 ee - 5

CLUB · PROJECTS SCHOLARSHIP TEA (In Honor of 0ui Jr qdu~te) DONATIONS SCHOLARSHIP ( $200.00) THE URBAN LEAGUE N. A. A_. C. P. EASTER SEALS THIS BOOK BELONGS TO: Name DUES PAYMENT RECORD: Date Amount Paid SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS 1941 • 1965 1. Robert Reynolds* 2. Steven Tillman* 3. Beverly Brock Hilliard* 4. Browning ~llen * · 5. Ellis Cassoa* 6. John Cawthorne* 7. Cornelia Walker* 8. Sherelle Thomps.on* 10. Berniece ~anks ·Batiks• 11. Shirley Long* 12. Marquita Kinard* 13. William H. Rutherford* 14. Willa :M~e Winslow 15. Irene Johnson* 16. Thelma Unthank Brown* 17. Miss Le'iis 18. Bennie Watson* 19. Miss Kelley $100.00 donation to Lewis & Clark College for purchase of books for use in; instructing teachers of handicapped children. (20) 21. William Hilliard 22. Edna Tidwell** (1962-63-64-65) * $100.00 ** $200.00 *Amount 7 -

l& E LT ING s l 6-1967 Theme: WOMAN POQR - . Reminder: Please notifY Hostea1 if you oa.nnot attend meedipg! September 28th, 1966 Zepha Baker Roberta Vann TRAVELOGUE - Althea Williams • * * *-*. * * *. *. October 26th,-1966 Marie Baker Hazel Hayes Speaker :MJ:DICARE - Vivian Richardson • * * * * * * • * * * * * * • November 23rd, 1966 Maude Young ~udrey· Ellis Speaker on Floral Arrangements• * * * * * • • • • * • • • * • 11 December a 8th, · 19,e . J Jennie Holliday Emma Chiles Ohr istmas Partl Exchange gifts - 8 - January 25th, 1967 · . Letitia Brook Mercedes Hardy Speaker - - Martha Jordon * * * • *· • * * * •••• February aancl,- )..987.. Olifford Dixon · Josephine Grimmett Lenora. Gaski,Ji Valentine Party (Bring Valentine & band.kerohief) • •· • * * * •• * ••• * ••• March 22nd, 19S7 Mary Morton nA View Through OUr Scholarship Years 1941 - 1966" Veraell Rutherfo~d * * * * * * * * • * • * * • • April 26th, 1967 , -. Lule~ Gi·agg - Estella. Gragg (Every member bring current event) (Appoin~ N·ominating Committee) -- 9 ...

K E E T I N G 8 May 24th, 1967 Jo Ann Watson Verdell ~therford -A•arding Silver Tray Election - Installation Fun Night ·····••*******••··········· June 28th, 1967 - . No Host - Picnic Stylo - Appointment of Oonmiittees . Swap Night "Fun" At The Vann1s 11" Vacation - June to September September Keetin~ . . Home Of . · Date As we count. the many blessings That the years have brought our wa:y - . _ . . _. . . . . . . Let us say. a special word of thank a - . . __ _ _···--..--- - · Each day;·~ fiie whole year through. - 10 - DIRF.CTOflY Date of Birth BAKER, Marie •.... Maroh 11th 6234 N. E. 12th -281-9250 BAKER, Zepha ••• October 23rd 6535 N. !. Grand - 287-2930 BROOK, L'etitia.••. July 19th · 734 N. E. Shaver - 281-9778 OHILES, Emma ••• October 15th 48.34 N. Borthwiok - 287-3591 DIXON, Olif ford . .•• March let . 4024 N. E. Mallory - AT 8-8764 ELLIS, Audrey •••_November 20th 5130 N~ Wiiliams •• ,282-0280 GASKIN, Len1ora. .•• 'May 16th 4025 N.E. Mallory -281-8945 GRimTT, Josephine ••. Oct. let 9670 S.E. Idleman Road Pr 5-6514 GRAOOt Estella •.• August 16th 4903 N. E. 29th Ave.-387-5323 GRAGG, Lula ••• November 20th 4902 N. E. 30th .lve-.--284-5985 HAJUJY; J.f;r oedos ••• January 5th 3933 N. 1 . 12th Ave.-287-6018 - 11 -

DIRECTORY Date of Birth HAYES, Hazel .•• March 23rd 3016 H. E. 14th - 287-9542 HOLLIDAY, Jennie •.. Sept. 23rd 2033 N. E. Rodney- 288-1713 !IORTON, Mary - November lOt h ' 3956 N. E.12th 4ve.• 881-5871 RUTHERFORD, Verdell •• Jan. 1st 833 N.E.Sbaver St.- 281-3037 VANN, Roberta. •••• Sept. 3rd 5211 N.Williams - 284-2210 WATSON, Jo Ann ••.• June 9th 1315 N. E. GOi!!g Street 28':'-3422 YOUNG, Ma.ude•... January 27th 4927 N. E. 60th Avenue P~.l-;ii¥Q There's happinese in little things - There's joy in passing pleasures But, Friendships are from year to year - The best of a~l Life's 'treasures - - -12 - YOU~ KOST VALU.ABL~ POSSJSSION Ea.ob ot us has Qne posse9sion Which i s prioeleas, and many ~t us neve~ deri ve 4mY pl~aeure · f rom it. Thie thing of great va l ue is t he pr esent moment, t he "now" of our livoa • . Have you ever stopped to think t hat t his is al l YOU have, The past i s gone; tho tuturo never comes . You have only the pres ent , and, if you're Wise, you' l l accept it and uae it~ I f you put off l iving now. chances are that When you do finally f eel t ea.d.y to start enj oying lif e, you won't . kno• bow. You.r l ove of beauty, your simple pleasure in simple t hings may be all 1hriveled up· from d1eus e . Actually, 1'hile for the f utu '• you Will havEt squandered your ~resent, and therefore y~ i 1fe . --Leslie Jonee .$ • * •••• * Yes t erday ia gone, forget t t . Tomorrow may never come - don't w·orry. Today 16 hare - use it . . *********** **

PAST PRESIDENTS Lula Gragg ••••••••••• 1924-1925 Clifford nixon ••••••• 1925-1926 Thelma Flowers ••••••• 1926-1927 Susan Nichols •••••••• 1927-1928 Zepha Baker •••••••••• 1928-1929 Lucile Crosswhite •••• 1929-1930 J~nnie Adams •••••••••1930•1931 Estella Downing.~••••1931-1932 Ruth Flowers ••••••••• 1932-1933 Thelma Unthank ••••••• 1934-1936 Jennie Adams ••••••••• 1936-1937 Letitia Brock •••••••• 1937-1939 Lenora Gaskin ••••••••1940-1942 Francis Williams ••••• 1942-1944 E111ma Walker •••••••••• 1944-1945 Maude Sanks •••••••••• 1945-1946 Christine Elkins •••• il946-1947 Jennie Adams ••••••••• 1947-1948 Elizabeth Carden ••••• 1948-1949 Audrey Ellis .......... 1949-1950 Verdell Rutherford •••1950•1951 Thelma Unthank ••••••• 1951·1953 Lenora Gaskin •••••••• 1953-1954 Maude Banks .••••••••• 1954-1956 Victoria Jackson •••• ,1956•1958 Ruth Reed •••••••••••• 1958-1959 Victoria Jackson ••••• 1959-1960 Zepha Baker •••••••••• 1960-1961 Roberta Vann ••••••••• 1961-1962 Muriel Smith ••••••••• 1962-1963 Hazel Bailey ••••••••• 19~3-1965 Letitia Brook .•• 1965-1967 - 14 - CHARTER MEMBERS '1rlr-lrl:**1rk'lrk*'lrlt***.,,.**.... BOOKER, Maud BROWN, Marion CAGE, Hazel DIXON, Clifford FLOWERS, Ruth* FLOWERS, Thelaaa* GARNET, WiHie* GRAGG, Estelle GRAGG, Lula HOLLIDAY• Jennie NICHOLS, S1,Jl~n 71ERCE, In4~ * D~ceuad *** AAt Alll'1Hti ~hAT 1 ~ _.. i .a1 ... ..~.07 One who knows you through and through - Underatanda the things yQU. do, Keeps on pulling just for you - That's a friend - One that trusts you all tho While - Grips your band and sbaree a smile - BeB,fs no thought that's not worth while - 'l'HAT ' S A FRIEND! .·-l.5- .

CLUB SONG (Tune "The Old Refrain) With hea1tand hands we strive to do the best .. Our eyes upon the highest peak doth rest~ Honor -and culture both we have in view, Friendship and Loyalty and courage too• As onward up the path we daily go; We falter IDUch, our steps are often slow•. But for God's helping grace, we daily pray; His hands for us will ever point the way: So to our tasks we go without a fear, We know "To labor i8 a pleasure" here; A smile and song for all• along the -way,. The CULTURE CLUB lives on . from day to day. - Emma Chiles NO'tES: 16

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