Culture Club, 1964-1965

y ·E AR BOOK l 9 6 1 9 6 Portland, Oregon ,,.

THE CULTURE CLUE Organized and Associated January 11, 1924 CLUB FLCNIBR Violets . CLUB COLORS . Blue and Yellow CLUB MOTI'O 11To Labor Is A Pleasure" . : . I-$ETINGS Second Wednesday Each Month September through June 8:00 P.M.

THEME "Striving Upward" , YEAR1S ·. $TUDY "History and Travels Through Oregon" '7l '-1.,. ~ a. ~ -;;. , c.,.J rTHOUGH'! Life ts r1:i.~ br· ~ / ~ There are loyal hea~ts; there are spirits brAve; t ., -.. There are souls that are pure and true; Then give to the world ·the best you have, And the best will come back to you. 2 •,· OFFICERS Hazel Bailey President . ...... , , - 'T . T. • ~ Maude- Banks · Verdell Rutherford Jo Ann Watson · Emma Chiles · Vice President Secretary Correspo?ding Sec'y Treasurer Parliamentarian ·STANDING COMMITTEES Program ..t'"::L~~: Member~hip ~ • . T , _ :__ ~ Muriel Smith Marie Bake_r Evelyn Allen Verdeil Rutherford Audrey Ellis S.cholarship Emma . Chiles J osephine Grimmett Letitia Brock Budget Maude Banks · J-o Ann Watson Roberta Vann Hospitalit;y: Auditors •• i • ' . Mary Morton ·c1ifford Dixon Mercedes Hardy Emma Chiles •. Rff bh it~ 3

Art Lenora Gaskin I .' Good Cheer 1:\lblicity Jennie Holliday . .. .... . ... Marie Baker . Della Willi2:m?r ··- Zepha Baker ·,- ; •; ' ' . . / ~:. CLUB PROJECTS ,. . . . ' ' . . .. . ., . .....4... .. . ~ ·• ANNUAL SCHOLARSBJP .TEA URBAN LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP ( . f -i:•..-. NAACP MEMBERSHIP · ( · · · · CHRISTMAS PARTY DUTCH TREAT DH-HIJER ( Out.- "Make this .:th.e Ur an Le~e . 4PJ1.u~l Dinner~~- ·'. ·-"~:. · ·- ··• 4 ~ -)Jt.e.Ul , ,;; /JI 'I! · - ' : . DONATIONS '( : ., ,, i - Scholarship ($200.00) NAACP URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS ORDER .OF BUSINESS SOCIAL HOUR FIRST - Business Meeting Roll Call Minutes Unfinished Business -Commun:ications New Business Guessing Bax Adjournment 5

October~ i~+h ' ·, November ·;etn .Letitia Brock / / ff, . . Dell~ , 1-:Jilliams December~',~: ·. Hai!~~ 1 '! Christmas ·Party At.)rJ., ~ ,... 'J Janua ry r_;}h February :.@th / 0 -rt, 6 - Verde ll Rutherford Jo Ann Watson Lenora Gaskin Clifford Dixon March ~ .h ~ ,.. .. : . /fl Hr APrd~, J.VIay -~ I~ 'Pi . , . . June~ : . -9 # '. ~ ...... . • · ' ,, ......... ~ Zepha. Baker /,.. ...J ) Roberta Vann CllWU Jennie Hoiliday ( 1-,ft,-n J Emma Chiles · · .Macy Mo~~:bn l · ) Mercedes ·Hardy -{J,/-8--m.c, ,. . . I ~~v""' .:n_..l;~;iJ""':lc"!"r",JJr,]:-_t"'i ~t"l!~"""~IC,O ~ ~)v flu.a;pey Ellis September 8 i 196$ Hazel Bailey Marie 7

CLUB SONG (Tune, 11The Old Refrain") With heart and hands we strive to do the best; Our eyes upon the highest peak . ~ot_h, rest; Honor and Culture both we have in view Friendship and Loyalty and Courage, too, As onward . up the path we daily go; We falter much, our steps are often slow. But for God •s helping Grace we daily pray; His Hands for us will ever point the way .. So to o;ur tas.ks we _go wit_hout a_ fear-_.. We know "To labor is a pleasure" here; A smile and s'ong fo·r all -along -the way The Culture Club lives on from day to day. - Emma Chiles. 8 DIRECTORY ·· Evelyn All~n 2618 "' N. ,E.. 8th Hazel Ba1.ley 28.15 ·N. E. 11th Marie .Baker 6234 'l-f... E. 12th Zeph~ Baker 6535 N~ E. Grand Maude Banks 4927 S. E. 60th Letitia Brock I 734 N. E. Shaver Emma Chiles 4834 N. Borthwick • Date of birth --.- ,Deliember 15 AT 1-2993 pct9ber. 23 AT 7-2930 Jaqua:cy 2'7 PR 1-5430 July 19 AT 1-9778 Oct.ober 15 :AT 7-3591 9 V"

Clifford Dixon 402.5 N. E. Mallory . Audrer•Ellis ..----4Gf-3 N. Ew Glov:c,J @JOd Lenora Gaskin • 402.5 N.. E. Mallory ~~ Josephine Grimmett 9670 s. E. Idlernan Rd. ~ Mercedes Hardy 3933 N. E. 12th ~ Jennie Holliday 2033 N. E. Rodney . r " Mary Morton . 395.6 N• E. 12th March 1 AT 8-2764 November 20 ~T 7-J$BlJ... . . 'May 16! AT 1-8945 Octbbe~ l PR 5-6514 Ja'nuary 5 .. AT 7-6018 September 3 AT 8-1713 November 10 AT 1-.5~71 Lonnetta Plummer - Associate·Member 56 N. E. Emerson CA, '-/-: ~ i o. 1. 10 -· --Rtt'bh ~ 1:6]5 s.• E. 49t,h Verdell Rutherford 833 N. E. Shaver Muriel Smith 640 N. E.· Simpson Roberta Vann 52ll N. Willians .. . •o Arut Watson 1315 · N1 E. Going ~.' ~ Della Williams 2825 N. E~ 23rd ' . ~ : 1 f ·· H-eno~ary Me~bers: Estelle Gragg Lula Gragg . . .. . , n; Jlri1e z'~ -~-:)2w: i:;.2JJ J~rm.aey l AT 1-3037 September 6 AT 7·-2128 . September 3 . AT 4-22l0 Juner 9 287.-.3422 . Mar·ch 21 AT 2-1.527 11 ----

r:- .· -;- A SOBERING THOUGHT Samet ime , - when you' re f lllJ.PO~tant, Sometime, when your ego's in bloom, · Sometime, when you take it for grant ed You1re the best qualified _in ·t h~ r~om; Sometime, when you f eel that your going Would leave an -unfillable hole, Just follow this simple instructi9n And see how it humbles your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with.wa~er, Put your hand in it, up to the wrist, Pull it'-out ·· and the hole that ' .s . re- . .. ' mainingIs a rrieasure of how you111 be missed. You may splash all you please t1hen you enter, You can stir up the water galore; But stop and you'll find in a minute - That it looks quite the same as before. The moral of this quaint example Is to_do jus t the best that you can. Be proud of yourself, but remember There is no Indispensable man. 12 ..
