Culture Club, 1961-1962

THE YEAR BOOK 1 9 6 1 1 9 6 2 Portl~nd, Oregon , J

J THE CULTURE CLUB Organized and Associated January ll, 1924 CLUB MOTTO iiTo Labor Is A Pleasure" CLUB COLOR Blu'e and Yellow. CLUB FLOWER Violets ' . MEETINGS -- Second and Fourth Wednesdays September through June 8:30 P.M.

THEME . • . .. .'l!OU :-DECIDE IT'7 ...7'HOI,JGHT Who walks with b~auty. has no need of fear, · the -stb:'l 'arid ·moon and stars keep pace with Him, invisible hands restore the ruined ·year·, and time, its elf, grows .be'autif'ully dim. ·· Anonymous ___ _._ ____ ~_ . . .. ' . 2 OFFICERS Roberta Vann Harriet Wilson . Victoria Jackson. Evelyn Allen Jo Ann Watson Ruth Reed President Vice President Secretary Corresponding Scty• Treasurer Parliamentarian STANDING COMlvlITTEES Program · f Harriet Wilson l Letitia Brock Verdell Rutherford Scholarshin Victoria Jackson Della Williams Ennna Chiles Music Clifford Dixon Membersh:i£ Maude Banks Budget_ Audrey Ellis Ruth Reed Jo Ann Watson fil Lenora Gaskin 3

Hospitality Mercedes Hardy _ ~ !.. Mary Morton Publicity Muriel Smith Evelyn -Allen _, Emma -Chiles Lula Gragg . Auditors . Lonnetta Plummer Good Ch~er Jennie: Holliday Club Pro,iects Annual Scholarship Tea Anni versary .Christmas Party Rummage Sale Donations N.A.AeC.P. Urlhan League United Good ·Neighbors · , . Cancer Society · -Mental Health Multnomah County Farm SEPTEMBER 13th 27th Roll Call Minut es Unf inished Busines s Co:mm.unlcations ·New Business Gues sing Box Adjournment • · • · Emma Chiles Zepha Baker i OCTOBER 11th 25th Maude Banks Victoria Jackson NOVEMBER 15t h DECEMBER Letitia Brock Thanksgiving 13th Reed Club Christmas Party 5

,T A.l\1U A,-q y J.oth 24th FEBRUARY J enr.. i ,:3 r: ()11:i.da:; Lula Gragg Mercedes Hardy :Mary Morton 7th Lenora Gaskin Valentine Party 21st MARCH /~7th :16 22nd \. PRIL 11th 25th f.A.Y 9th 23rd Appointment JUNE 13th Della Williams Muriel Smith Jo Ann Watson ~~ Lonnetta Plummer . Josephine Grimmett Verdell Rutherford Clifford Dixon of Nominating Committee Roberta Vann Swap Night 6 CLUB .32NG (Tune, \'/The Old Ref;r-ain ·;) With heart and hands we strive to do the best ; Olll~ eyes upon t he highest pe~ . doth rest ; Honor and Culture both we have in view Friendship and Loyalty and Courageo too, · As onward up the path we daily got We falter much, our steps are often slow. But for God ?s helping Grace we daily pray; His Hands for .- us will ever point t he way. So to our tasks we go without a f ear-- We know ··To labor is a pleasure " here; A smile and song for all along the way -- The Culture Club lives on from day to day. Emma Chiles 7

DUff,c•:..·uRY J'i' Y' • Evelyn Allen 12.' 7 t 2618 N. E. 8th /{)(J.1.U ') Zepha Baker Dec ember 15 \ ,.._. AT 1-2993 October 23 lJ 6535 N. E. Grand Maude Banks 4927 s. Eo 6oth AT 7-2930 .. . , ,,J ~ J·anuary 27 ' . ,, ' PR 1-5430 ' ,, Letitia Brock July 19 . 734 N. E. Shaver AT 1-9778 ~ Chiles 4834 N. Bll>rthwick October 15 1_1(. AT ·7-3591 ' ~lifford Dixon 4025 N. 'E, ..Mallory March l · · 11 AT ·8-2764 M vCc,\ ·.udrey Ellis November 20 ,,,- , _,, '-- 4073 N. E. Cleveland AT 7-1584 _ ,, Lenora Gas kin May 16 4025 N. E. Mallory AT 1-8945 Lula Gragg 4902 N. E. 30th ' 8 /✓~ JJ.~v - November 20 AT 4-5985 :; /Ca,/ a{,../-). ft;O ';;"' v Mercedes Hardy ~ J 933 N. E.: ·12th January 5 1 6-' AT 7-6018 1 Josephine Grimmett October 1 t,i,,:/,1,,1 · 9670 ·..s.E. :Idleman ~ : PR .$-65lh - Jennie E. Holliday 2033 N. E.. Rodney . i ·_ Victoria Jackson 3018 N. E. 8th Lonnetta Plunnner ~ 4944 N. Commercial - Mary Morton '1itu l) 3 956 .. N. E. 12th Ruth Re.ed . . •· v µ) 1615 S. E. 49th \ Verdell Rutherford 8'.33 N. E. Shaver September 3 r, J.- AT 8-1713 · /,<_,,,., ' . I October 1 AT 7~5513 A'I' 4-6901 November J,.O · 0 AT 1-5871 , June 22 BE 6-8'.307 January+ AT 1-3037 September 6 AT 7-2128 9 '-

Jo Ann Wats-on June 9 · · i/ 1315 N. E. Going AT 7-4'339 Della Williams March 21 · ~ : /(a J 222 N. Gantenbein AT 2-1527 C , -1 j?:;i.s-- 7),<r,;. ~'3,iA 1-"I 'Jt Harriet Wilson October 12 { ~~<..4), 82.l • E. Tillamook AT 1-4735 CJ-,( a,[ \ ·~ !,l.~(t' . ~ ;Roberta Vann 5211 N. Williams September 3 /t f AT 4-2210 ,_,, AssoGiate Member ~lien Mae Dancy 6133 N•. E. 13th AT 7-9496 Members on Leave of Ab.s enc e ........ Estella Gragg 4903 N. E. 29th z/,0_ ~ f cl2-d-n1; 10 AT 7-5323 _ca,,:, -. .r.s-13 WJ:ier/ al l' is ·done , and my · ~ord is said~~ . . • . · :.ti:rid ye who loved me murmur• . .Y'He is dead YY · · , Let no one weep, for fear that; should know, And sorrow~ too, that ye .should sorrow so. Wh an all is done and; in the oozing clay, Ye lay this cast-off hull of mine away, Pray not for me, for, after long despair, The quiet of the grave will be a prayer. For I have suffered loss and grevious pain, The hurts of hatred and the world 7s disdain, And wounds so deep that love, well tried and pure, Had not the pow9r to cure. (cont 9d) ease them or t o 11