'- .. • THE CULTURE CLUB · Organized and Associated Janury 11, 1924 . ., CLUB MOTTO "To Labor Is A Pleasuren CLUB COLOR ' ,..._ . ..!: \' Blue and Yellow~ . • . ' ( ' .. CLUB FLOWER 1 • Violet - ' , ,,;._ MEETINGS · Second and Fourth Wednesdays September through June 8:30 P.M. . i 1
THEME "DO IT YOURSELF" THOUGHT Try to ·make ·at least one person happy every day, -and then in .ten years you may have made three thousand, six lrundred and fifty persoris · happy, or brightened a small town by ·your, contribution to the fund of general enjoyment. I I 1 2 ' • l , • -_ ,.. . · .. Sidney Smith . ·· . .,, OFFICERS Zepha. Beker-~----------President . Roberta· Vann----------Viee President . Muriel IngraJn-•--------Seor'ete.ry · Ju~ni ta Brown-.:.~--:.--.;-Correspunding Seo• Jo Ann Watson•---------Treasurer Letitia Broek-~----~---ParliaJnentarian STANDING COMMITTEES . Pr,ogram Emma Chiles Ruth Reed Maude Banks ~ Scholarship Audrey Ellis Victoria Jackson 'f Lonnetta Plumer . ~embership Evelyn Allen Delle. . Gustavia Winslow Budget Jose-phine Grimmett Hospitality Mary 1lorton Mercedes Hardy I.ult. GrEigg
• ; : J . .. . - •.: •• 1, .. • • .. ' • • ,., ••• ' • -;i.,'. • PROJECT CHAIRMEN AND CO-CHAIRMEN MEETINGS Art !',, · ·· .. ... 6t : : • :: • •• .. . .. Goocf Cheer L':3nora Gaskin.. . -·~.' Jennie Holh~ay . : . F •. • , ... l ' " ' *"' ·01u1i: ~~-~je<lte ** :. Harv-Erst Tea. .Anniyer sary Par,:by ... Cu_d Party .. -~= -r·(·· Schotlarship .. . ., .,' ' ORDER OF BUSINESS:' . Roll Cail-:· Minute e . : :_. ·, :: · Un:finish~'d Business Connunicat-'1-errs • -•,._ New Bu~ine ss Guessing Box Adjournment ' s September . 1:1:th-------------·--•••Emma Chiles , 28th-;--~---·---~------Zepha Baker'. t- > f I I , . October 12th-•-----------------Maude Banks · :. ·. •-26-th.:----·-.,............. ,.~--Gus.tavia Winsl fYN . Harvest Tea------16th Nove~pe~ , .. . ·: 9th--~~--------~~~~--Victoria Jackson . • . . .... Audrey Elli~· Deoembei, ..... , 14th------------------Christme.s P.arty Letitia Brock Ruth Reed January . , llth---------------Jertnie Holliday , .... . Lula~ ~gg 25th•------:--"'.'- ----'!'-Merce de-s .· Ha~dy Mary Morton • . ~ _ Anniversary. Party . +·.. 5
February 8'h-•------------Valent1ne Party Lenora. Gaskin Juanita ·:ermm ·,,.. . ... ,.. i2iid•a1--------.;.--•-Della Williams thlriel Ingram March· ... .. ·8tli~-.-~.........- ..--Ve-rdell R:iil1 l :ttw · Jo Ann Watsori 22nd-------~-----Evelyn Allen Harriet Wilson April' . :",: .. · . . · 12th•-••----•-•·••-Lonetta Plununer Joaephine Grinmett Ce.rd Party_: ' - ' May 10th----•-•·- -•---Betty Carde-n·· ' · 24th•--:_.;,....,___:..;.••.;.___ Cl1f'ford · Dixon Julie · . -:-,c "'-:;.-:..~ •·· 1 • , l4th•"-""••:.._:,_________ Swap Night Roberta Vann \• -··· r .- . ;., •t . ., ; 6 ' CWB SONG (Tu~e, "The Old ~ef'ra~n°) Withqhee:rt and hands we strive ·to do the.,; Our eyes up.on the highest peak . doth restJ · Honor and Culture both w6· haw in :view, . Friendship and Loyalty and Cour- . age, too, · As onward up the path we daily go; · We falter much; our steps er8 of.. : ten slow, B~t for God1s helping Graoe we daily pray; His Hands for us will ever point . the way._ So to our tasks we go without a .i'ear-- We ·know "To labor ·is a pleasure" here; A smne 'a:nd ' song for all along . the way-- The Culture Club lives on from day to day, •-Emma Chiles 7
DIRECTORY Evelyn All.en 2618 Ne E. 8th Avee . . ~ ·. Zepha Baker -· · ' 6535 N. E• Grand' Ave ~: • ."1 · i Maude Banks . 4927 • s.• E• 60th Ave • . Letitia .Bro~k . 734 N. E.-, $~0:ver Juani~ Brown · .. 422.6 N • E. Rodney · , , Elizabeth Car~en 5214 N. ·Maryland · r ') AT 1-2993 (October· 23) AT, 7-2930 ·(Nbve~ber 20) PR 1-5430 AT i-s!io · AT 4..;3471 Emma Chiles , (October 15) 4834 N. Borthwick Ave. AT 7-3591 Clif£or1 d Dixon (March 1) 3818 N. Vancouvei- Ave·. · · ' AT 8-2764 Audrey Ellis "" (No~ember . 20) 3033 N~ .E. 12th Ave: .I. - : AT 7-1585 8 . ' . . . :' ·' DIRECTORY (Conti.-) · 1',nora . . 402·5-' N.- :E. Me.llory .... : :: ' -~ ~· ~:.~.~ Lula Gragg·' ·4902 N. : E..- .30th Ave. Mercedes .. ;ffa.rdy ~ :3933. N. ·E,... 12th Ave• . ~ . (May 16) · · ,AT ; r.;;9945 C-Noveniber·· ··2·0 > · .- AT 4-5~85 ··(Janu~ s) , . AT 7~6018 (Septamb~r 6) . AT 7-2128 -·,. . .. Josephine Gi-immett' (Ootop-er ,1) 9670 s. E. Idleman Road PR 5"".:Q514 Jennie E~ -· ~ollid~y (September 3) - , 2,033· N• . E. Rodney . AT 8-rl 713 . Victoria Jackson . ··• ::3018' If,., E• 8th Ave. Lonnetta PlUilll\er 4539 N• E. Rodney };r 7-5.513 · AT 4-6901 Mary Morton (Novembe~ 10) · 3956 N. E. 12th Ave. ~' AT 1•5871 9
IN MEMORIAM OUR DECEASED MEMBERS 1uth Reed -· •. : (June 22) . 1615 s •. .E. 49th Ave.~ BE 6-8307 r WHEN ALL IS DONE verdell Ruth~rfora · ·833 Ne 'E• Shaver ;_~ . 1· (January l) AT 1-3037 Jo Ann We._tson -· • . (June 9) .. · , · AT 7•4339 .· 1315 N. E. Going_ · Della Wil'liams ' 3222 N. Gantenbein Gustavia Winsion 4078 N. E. Roqney • Harriet Wilson 84 Ne Ee Wygant Roberta. Vann 5211 N. Williams Ave. (March 21) . AT 2-1527 (April 17) AT 1-4978 (October 12) AT 1-47:55 (Sept8J'llber 3) AT 4-2210 Members on leave of absence Ellen Mae. Dancy 6133 N. Ee 13th Ave. ' AT 7-9496 "8stelle Gragg 4903 Ne E. 29th Ave •. 0 ,-5323 When all is done, and my last word is said~ And ye who loved me murmer, "He is dead," * Let no one weep, for fear that I should know, And sorrow, too., that ye should sorrow _- ,o. When all is done and in the oozing clay, Ye lay this cast-off hull of mine away, Pray not for me6 for, after long despair, The quiet of the grave will be a prayer. For I have suffered loss and grievous pain, The hurts of hatred and the world's disdain, And wounds so deep that love• well-tried and pure, · Had not the pow'r to ease them or to oure. When all is done, say not my day is o'er, And that thro' might I seek a dimmer shore, Say rather that my morn has just begun,-- ! greet the dawn and not a setting sun, · vVhen all is done. P. L. Dunbar 11
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