~ --- / -r }J t C UL -r U J\ f 'Cl U B 1959 - 1990 PORTLAND, OREGON I \ .I
r \ THE CULTURE CL1:JD YEAR BCOK Organized and Associated January 11, 1924 CLUB MOTTO "TO LABOR Io A fLRASUTIE 11 CLUB C01_Q;El: - BLUE AND YELLOrT MEETINC}S : s~~ond and Fourth V1e l .. 1"' ::'. .:-lays - September r. 'cfro -:.. '.gh ,Tune - 8 ~ 30 FM. 11 .JE EC?EFUL, NOT CYNICAL 11 -- ·- ·----·---- . --- . ~. --------- -·-- 1
**************** * ,:, IJLI.IBMORIAM * ** ***** ********** · In ·s:i_ncere _Mem-q;r_y_ o.f our Deceased Hembers we dedicate this pac;e • . "Serene I fold my hands and wait - Nor care for wind, or tide or sea. I rave no ~bre 1 gains t Time or Fate - · For, Lo ! My oun shnll come to me-. · I stand awid ~ternal ways - . A~d 1vha t is mine shall know my fate, Asleep? a rrake, by night or ~ay - The friends I seek are seeking me. iJo '; Jind can drive my bark astray -Nor change the tide cf Destiny. The Sta·rs.c.ome nightly to·the :sH;y. The tidal wave unto the sea - Ndr time, nor space, nor Deep nor High - Can keep my own from me. - Gladys Holmes - Marion Dl'O'l.7n Lucille Crossuhite Lottie Rut herford Edythe Hinor Ina PL)rce Ode ·s sa Freeman . . Thelma Flmrn :cs Ruth Fl-ovie rs Mel ba F J.c-,wer s Thelma Un t hank 2 THOUGHT: There is a Destiny Tb.at Me.k es Us Brothers: None Goes His Way Alone. ~:11 that We Send Into The Live s_Of Other§ Comes Back Into Our Own. - Markham A good i~h.ing to remember - ~\D e. ,:-,, b,J -t.:~·:e :':' t hing to do - I : t ~ w~= k with the constructi on F. a .,,_s ··· A1~i not the wrecking creu. vVo :;•ds s,oken, like eggs br..oken, c.E' S j1e. rd to repair ! · 3
- OFFICERS - Victoria Jackson • . . .~;.President Zepha Baker •••. , ••• Vice-President Muriel Ingram••• , •••• Secretary Juanita Brovm•• ,. •...•• corr. Secretary Jo Ann Ha t$on, ••• •••••• Treasurer Letitia Brock ••• •••.•• Parliamentarian ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Reading of Minutes Program Unfinished Business Communications New Business Guessing Box Adjournment "Blest Be The Tongue That Speaks No Ill, Whose Words Are Alrrn.ys True." 4 ➔ j I l "! STANDIITQ. . c ·m.[MITTEES Cha.irmag: PROGRAM~ Lenora Gaskin MEnffiEP.SHIP: Della Williams SCEOL!. TISH~P : Josephine Grimmett ART: P~J3LIC ITX : Cliff oi-·d Dixon HOSPITALITY: Nary Morton Smma Chiles GOOD C.BEER , Jennie Holliday 5
Refresher in 'Constitution and By-Laws of the Club., Article I I (Object) The club shall study Hi~tory, Civics, Public ·w~lfare, .Community Recreation and other chosen studies to improve our locality and promote cooperation among members. Ar ticl e IV - Section 1: (Duty Qf }/[embers) Any- riember wh o has be en absent t hr e8 consect i v2 meetings without exc ~s e mty -bG dr opped from the rol l by a u0t e of t he major i -~y i) resent at any regular _ meetin1; . A~ti c:o V - Section 1: (Dues) Dues 3~all be t wal ve dollars annual l y . A::. y 1:1emter failing to 1)8. y he r d':,cs i.n ful l by t he fi r st mee t ing i:i May shall ·be consi der ed de l i~quent. II You·c bi rth_ .; .s on" •r n e t .. .•u . ~ a.. ,ven. The path y~u WAlk h~o omes your li f e. 11 6 l I - l 1 I PAST PRESIDElIJ§. Lula ·Gragg.~ •. ~ ·; ••• -. ' 1924-1925 Clifford -Dj_xon:. •.·. ~: . 1925..;.192~ Thelma Flowers •••••• 1926-1927 Susan Nichols •• ~. ~-~ :1927~1928 Zepha Baker ••••.•.•• 1928-1929 Lucile Cr osswhite •.. 1929-1930 Jennie Adams .•...... 1930-1931 Es t e l Ja Dow•ning . . . . • 1931-1932 Rut h Flc~~rs . ..•. ..• 1932-1933 The l.ma ·lTnthank ••...• 1934-1936 J ennie Aci.oms • ••••• • • 1936-1937 Le t i ti. a Brock • • ;~ • •• 19-3-7=1-939 Lenor a Gastc-· n ... ~ •.. -:. 1940-1942 Fra.!1~ "ivi lliams.. . • • 1942-1944 Emma i)al ke r •... _.• ·..• 1944-1945 Ma ~d Banks ..•••••.•• 1945-1946 C~r isti ne Elkins •••• 1946-1947 J ennie Adams • •.• ;;;. 1947-1948 El i zabe ~h Ca rden ••.. 1948-1949 ~ udr ~y El l is ..••.•••. 1949-1950 Verdell Rutherf ord .~ 1950-1951 Thelma Hnt han.k. • • . • • 1951-1953 Len~~a Ga skin•..... • 1953-1954 lla~J B~nks • •.••..•.• 1954-1956 v~ c :- c,.,_" ··. E· J a ckson •••• 1956-1958 Rn t i.1 1' E: €d , • • • • • • • • . . 1958-1959 7
JV J E E T I N G s 1959 - 1960 THE ME: "CIVIC AND HO ME . LIFE" SEPTEMBER 9t h , 1959 Victoria J ackson SEPTEMBER 23r d, 1959 - Roberta Vann Emma Chiles OCTOBER 14th , 1959 Jo.. Ann V'Ia ts on Verdell Rutherford OCTOBER 28th, 1959 Victoria Jac~son NOVEMBER llt~1 , 1959 Maud Banks Audrey Ellis Talk on Children - - Emma. Chiles . and· Josephine Grimmett NOVEB.IBER 25t h - Thanksgivifig ~oliday (Ho meet ing ) DECEMBER 9t h~ J S1 ~-;9 Pr e - Xma s P2.1°ty Place 8 ! DECEMBER 23rd -Xmas Ueek No meeting. JANUARY 13, 1960 Mercedes Hardy Mary Morton Pointers on Table Setting by Hostesses JANUARY 27th> 19$0 Mary Young Betty Carden Games - Recreation FEBRUARY 10th , 196$ Lenora Gas kin Juanita B:P:Cwn VALEJ\!TINE PARTY FEBRUARY 24th, 1960 Lula Gragg Verdell Rutherford MAR=:H 9t h~ 1960 Ze:1h,l B,Aker El l s ,1 M2.8 Dancy Talk on 'Ins urance' by Lonetta Plummer 9
MEETINGS MARCH 23rd, 1960 Estella Gragg Jennie Holliday APRIL 13th, 1960 Ruth Reed 1.ietitia Brock Political talk - APRIL 27, 1960 I::velyn Allen · Gust2.via Winslow W..AY 11th, 1960 Clifford Dixon (Games) Muriel Ingram (Swap Night) MAY 25th, 1960 _ Della rlilliams ----1 ~ - Lonnetta Plummer (Appointment of Nominating Committee) JUNE 8th, 1960 VJ Josephine Grimmett c/J W V:i..ctoria Jackson · (Business - :i:ns talla tion of Officers) J ? ~ ng 0 ~ I · R ECTOR Y ALLEN Evelyn 2618 N. E. 8th Avenue AT 1-2~93 BAKER Zepha 6~35 N. E. Grand Avenue AT 7-2930 BAN'.t(S , Ma ud.e 4927 8 ., E. 60th PR 1•4 5430 . BR tY'K T p..-; ·c··1· a· ": · V ~ , .:J- v_ , 734.· N. E. · Shaver Street .AT 1--9'7'78 BROWN 1. • j-atmi ta 4226 F. E: Rodney AT 1-6310 C--J T .,..,,8 ' 'G' li .wl.'.i , ...:.irnma 483,1. N ~ . Borthwick A'J: 7··3591 DANG:':i· 'I :Ei.:.l }. n :.,_ Mae 613~ N_. ·E. 13th Avenue AT 7- 9496 11
D I R E C T O R Y DIXON, Clifford 4535 North Kirby AT 8-276¢ ELLIS, Audrey 3033 N. E. 12th Avenue AT 7-1584 GASKIN , Lenora ,,n" i=' · -v ,.,, "11- 11 - ~- : .J . .• .r,. . a _ory ACol 1 ~9,1 .~ p'• ..i...-v 'i·? GRAGG, Estella 4903 N. ·E. , 29th Avenue . AT 7-5323 GRAGG, Lula · 4902 N. E. · 30th Avenue '4 AT ~5985 GRDLfJ\JIE:TT, Josephine q670 Idle::nan Road PR 5-6514 HARDY, MeJ:>cedes 3933 N, E. 12th Avenue AT 7--6018 HOLLIDAY, Jenni8 2033 N. E. Rodney· AT 8-1713 -, r, .J. < . J2.-l:...Bl C T O Jl..l INGRAM, MU.,riel 1~0~-~~~~flJ~i1' 7? j/~~ JACKSON, Victoria 3018 N: E. 8th J,.voilue AT 7-5513 MORTON, .Mary 3956 N. E. 12th AvenU8 AT 1-5871 PLtTh!UVIER, Lonnetta 4539 N. R. Rodney AT 4-6901 REED, Ruth 1615 S. E.· 49th Avenue BE 6-8307 RUTHE~FORD, Verdell . 833 N. E. Shaver AT 1-3037 VANN, Roberta . 5211 N. iilliams ~venue AT 1-2836 \!ATGON, Jo Ann - 1315 N. E. Going AT 7-43/39 13
D I R E C T O R Y WINSLCW, Gustavia 4078 N. E. Rodney AT 1-4978 W!LLIAUS; Della 3 222 N: Gantenbein Al' 2-1527 } - YOUNG, Mary 511 N. b. Roselawn AT1 4-8888 r 14 CHARTER MEMBEtlS . ADAMS, Jennie BOOKER, .Maud BROWN, Marion CAGE, Hazel DIXON, Clifford FL01JERS, Ruth * FLOWERS, Thelma :, * GARNET, Willie * GRAGG, Estella GRAGG Lula NICHOIS, Susan PIERCE, Ina ,;. * Deceased THE WORLD IS FULL OF PRODLEA~ There's much to cause distress He all are bound beneath the Cares that daily ro1md us prESs, There's only one solution, 'Tis simply stated Thus !11 A little less of you and me - A little more of us 11 A flake of snow is very small. 11 I gave to humanity, for everyone made of flesh as ourselves, is entitled to his share of consideration. 11 Aristotle 15 .,
CLUB SONG (.Tune 0 '.L'he Old Refrain11 ) Uith hea:ct and hands we strive to do t~1e best -:- Our e/es t!.) on the highest peak c1oth rest; Honor a.i1tl culture both we have :Ln vien, Friendsl1ip and Loyalty and courage too As onrrard u:-i the pa th we daily go; We falter nuch, our steps are often slo·.1. But for God1s helping grace, we daily !)ray; His hands for us ~ill ever point t:1e way '. So to ot1.r tasks ue go without a fear~ "live know 11 To labor is a pleRsure 11 here3 A smile and song for &11 along the 1.my - The CULTD1U~ CLUB lives on from day to day. - Fiffiffia Chiles lf6' UtJi,,u,0 j 14 t,.. - ly~ J- /'1JClAc/v :to ,'LJ J U)c+ / -) - ~~-tf4 bi~~ ~-~ .... s-x:: / -/ ' '