Culture Club, 1958-1959

THE YE A .R BOOK l 9 5 8 1 9 5 9 Portland Oregon

THEME "A Gracious Woman Retaineth Honour." W- Willing O - Observant · M ·• Motherly A - Ambitious N • Noble She. ~alks In Beauty, L 1 k e . The Night or Cloudless Climes AndStarry Skies; And All That's Best Of Dark And Bright Meet In Her Aspect And Her Eyes. Lord Byron

THE CULTURE CLUB 2 oreanized And Associated January 11, 1924 ·, CLUB MOTTO "To Labor Ia A Pleasure" CLUB COLOR Blue And Yellow CLUB FLOV1ER V 1 o 1 e t MEETINGS Second And Fourth Uednesdays. September Through June. T IM E 8:30 p.m. 0 F F I C E R S . ........ .. , , '!: .. l . , .. j " ," President Ruth Reed ~ ... Vice-President . . . lobetta Vann Se.eretary , , . . ~:· · Juanita Brown; Corresponding Secretaey Audrey Ell.ta Treaaurer • Jo Ann Watson Parliamentarian Bmma Chi·le■ ~ ... ' : ™B Ql · BWU§U · ....... --ifo!l Call Reading or Minutes · :- : ,. Program . .. Unfinished Business ::: Communications ·: · New Business •• Guessing Box ·Adjournment 3

COMMITTEES Program Letitia Brock - Chairman Josephine Grimmett Emma Chiles -. . JlemberSh1p Elizabeth Carden .. Chr. · Verdell Rutherford .Mary Young . ' Hos pi ta;J..ity : Maude Banlcs - Chairman Mary Morton Zepha Baker Budget · ~ Juanita Brown - Chairman Jo Ann Watson Lonnetta ~iummer ScholarShip · · · Thelma UnThank • Chairman Mercedes Hardy Roberta Vann Just A Little Thing "SMILE" 4 COMMITTEES Art Ella Mae Dancy - Chairman Della Williams Lenora Gaskin Publicity Evelyn Allen - Chairman Gustavia Winslow Victoria Jackson Music - Clifford Dixon , Good Cheer - Jennie Holliday T O P I C § 1 - Hygiene 2 - Fashion 3 - Feet 4 .. Beauty , - 6 -

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS JANUARY 14th, 19,9 Muriel Ingram Clifford Dixon JANUARY 28th 19,9 Elizabeth ~arden Mary Young FEBRUARY llth, 19~9 Valentine Party Lenora Gaskin Juanita Brown FEBRUARY 25th, 1919 . · Lonnetta Plummer Roberta Vann MARCH 11th, 1959 Ellen Mae Dancy Zapha Baker (Fashions r Evelyn Gibson) MARCH 2$th, 1959 Mary Morton Mercedes Hardy 8 J1/1 E E T I NG S APRIL 8th, 195'9 Ruth Reed • (Care Of The Feet: . Cora Minor) APRIL 22nd, 1959 Victoria ~ackson MAY 13th 1959 Josephlne Grimmett (Beauty: In•a Duke) MAY 27th, 1959 Letitia Brock §. I AI l 1d l l t l li ¥ JUNB 10, 195'9 Thelma UnThank JUNE Lula Gragg - 9

PIRECTORY Allenz. Etelyn 240, N. Ross At 1-2993 Baker·!. ZApha ·· 653, N.E. -, Grand At ?-2930 Banks Maude - 492~ S.E~ 60th Pr l--5430 . Brock, Letitia 734 N.E. Shaver At 1-9778 r r • Br own, J\\a.l.'11ta · ::. 4220 N~E. Rodney· , At 1-6310 ' Carden, &lizabeth 5214 N. MaryLand At 4•3471 Chiles, EJJUna 483.4 N·. Borthwick , At 7•35'91 11S m i 1 e*' 10 'T Dane71 llltn Mae 613J N.E, 13th At 7..9496 D1%b~_- Cliftord 45"35 Ii. Kirby At 8-2764 Ellis Andrey . - 1296 N.E. Wheeler Be ,-2733 Gasktnt Lenora 402S N.E. Mallory At 1-894-5' tea111 Estelle 490J N,E. 29th · At 7•5'323 - Gra11, LQla - 6204 N. ilki Road Vancouver, Wa•hington· Oxford 4-4670 Grimmettt Josephine · 9670 Idleman l'ld. Pr S-6S14 . 1•Pai~h" 11

}lIRECTORY Hardy 1 ~.rcedes 393j N~E~ 12th At ?-6018-- Holliday~ J.ennie 2033 N~E. Rodney At 8-1713 Ingram, Kuriel 4506 N~ KirbY At 7-2128 Jackson Victoria Tua1at1n•· Country Club Me 9-1276 Morton, Mary 3956 N~E~ 12th At 1-5'8?1 P1ummer.,_.~_Lonn~tta 4$39 N~E. Rodney At 4-6901 · "Blest Be The Tongue That Speaks No Ill, Whose · Words A:re Always True." 12 J2IRECTOBX Reed Rut.I\:'. 16l~ s.E. 49th. ~ Be 6-8307 Rutherford, Verdell 833 N.E. Shaver At 1•3037 'CJnThank ·Thelma 1912 h.E. Tillamook At 7-1180 Vann Roberta · ,211 N. Williams · Avenue At 1-2836 Wats.on, J..o · Ann 1315' N.E. Going At. 7-4339 Williams; Della 3222 N. Gentenbein .At 2-1527 11Let No One Falter Who Thinks He Is R 1 g ht« 13

. . . Young, lfat7 · . , . Sll N··g·· Roselawn At 4-88A8 ' • .• ' I; ,. .· : 14 Perta1nittg, fg A Groom Woman. Here · Is A Plan For You1 Have you ever stopped t c realize the importance ofYour appearance? Appearance is a woman's calling · card and she is Judged by it. To suaceeo. · in any career, business, •·••• . social or dories :tic, your per-- s onal attributes must be cultivated. So many have the mistaken belief that beauty•• poise and personality a r • gifts, God give~, to a select tew. Actually every rrcman••• with a little skillf'ul direction, ean acquire loveliness, tha~ is so vital to success and happiness, I realize that a charming personality 1s n~t achieved by assembly line or carbon copy technique~ Quite oppositely1 ii 11 woven • o .t hand pickeCl threads into_· -~ •a · · highly individual pattern. "l u d g e Hot" (Cont,) 15'

Suceess · comes to youB&eauae · you are pr.epared for it, . • • through tine grooming that takes· away self .~onsci_ousness; appropriate clothing thatMakes you· comfortable in any company and able to g1ve yourAttention to oth~rs_; c~rrect -postureThat .. help_s .keep ybu in good heal th; · poise that takes care or you in unusual situations; pers'onality ,and indiviauality that gives you t ·hat special attraction whioh_ causes people t · o · reme,iaber you, and seek you1 •• when .the,: -~ve :an op_p.ort~.ty ,to offer~. . : · - , : : . Clothe·s may .be beautiful.And e~pensive but .can tail utterly . in their nu.ss1Qn' ot the. wearer's pers ona,11 ty•. .The most -smartly_ gowned woman 1 s one ·whose :clothes complimenter emphasize her .natural attri- . butes, ·subdue · or conceal ~ e r physical s~ortcomings andAbbve all are p·erf'eotly sui te·d toHer type -and tigure. - 16