Culture Club, 1952-1953

1952 • 1953

T!I& CULTU.HE CLUB In the year of rinetecn hundred twenty four ••••• A group of young women had few places- t.o go.;•·• ~So a -Social Club was .organized., ••• And the fun we had, ; you'd bo au.rprizcd •••••We kept this up for many yoars ••••• Until Lula oamo to the club in tears, and askod •••••ghy is it wo can't do s omo thing wort}mhilo •• And start a scholarship fund for somebody's child••••• so under the Presidency of Lenora Gaskin ••••• Tho Scholarship Fund was begun ••••• All t ho mombors becn,oo very busy •••• .And started in raising funds ••••• Since then the Culture Club believes in doing things worthwhile ••••• Each year we award a scholarship •••••To some dese.rv ing child ••••• When these children have reached tbeir goals•••• It will bring , happiness to our souls. - Estella Gragg we live in the present, we dream of the future, but we loarn eternal truths £.r om the past. Hardening of the heart ag-es people more quickly than hnrd~ning of tho arteries. - Franklin .?ield The more importa nt part of mc ••••• Is not what I em worth ••••• But how much g ood rey life can do ••••• For othors on this earth ••••• For I mey have enormous wcaJth ••••• J. nd carry quite a name ••••• And never share a particle •••• • Of money or of f amo ••••• h{y worldly goods and g lory aro ••• • • Of little us e to mo • • • •• Unless they bring s o,no b0nofi t • •• " To my community ..... Unless I try to ov orcom0 •• , .• 1~ sol fishnoss and pride •• ,,. And sho~ my ne ighbors tha t I hrvc , ,, •• A more conei do rrto sid0 •••• . Tho only r eal, subotrntirl wort h , . ••• Tha t I pOS-JSD todr;;, •••• ,Is not the sum I gn th~, r, but, .• •• rio,·i muc h I 0ivo Fwry . - J. J. r,lu tcPlfc THOUGHT Psnlm 153:1. B0.h ol d , How Good And How Pl oa snnt It Is For Broth.ran To D..?o ll Togoth0r In Unity.

1 • J THE CULTURE GLT.m Organized l~nd l~ssoci o. t c d Jnnunr y 11, 1~24 CLUB I.lOTTO "To L cb or I s A Pl o::;sure " CLUB COLOR :B l ue Lnd Yoll ow CLUB F10\"iER Viole t MEETI NGS Seoond a nd Fourth Wedne sdays September thr ough June CH..4.RTER MEMBEbS .., Adams, J e nni e Bookor, i,la ud B.rown, l\ia rion Cage, Haz e l Dixon, Clifford, :rmth *.Deceas ed ASSOCIATE l!E11BER: ·, Thelma Garnet, Willie • Gragg, Estella Gragg, Lula Nicholij, Sµ Pierce, Ina -* Ethel Williams 2780 Sc cramnto St • .san Franciqoor, C~l. THE LITTLE THWGS If a ny li ttlo word of mine May ma ke a life the brighte r, If ony little song of mino Mey ma ko a he art t he ·lighte r, God ho lp me spoak tbo little word And t ake my b it of singing , And drop it in some lone l y vr l o To s e t tho ocb oos ringing. If any little lovo of min0 May make a lifo t ho sw...:c t or, If any little care of mine _ May mPko a fri end's tho fl 0o t or-, If any little li f t mry 0ase Tho burde n of anothe r, God g iv e. me lov a , ~nd e r r 0 .-nc. s t.rdngtb To he lp 'rff/ toil i ng bro -c !'.io.r. --.A. nonyr.-1ou£:

OFFICEHS Thelma Unthank------ - -----President Evelyn Allen------~----Vice-Presi dent Maud Ba nl{s~--------Rc~ording Secre tary Audrey Ellis---C~rresponding Socrotary Lonnctta Plummor-------------Tr0asuror Odessa Freeman ------- Pnl'liame ntarian STANDING Co:.mITTE:i!JS ME~JBERSHIP Chairman - . Elizabot b Carden Thelma Flowers Letitia Brock GOOD CHEER Lanora Gaskin PROGRAM Cha irman - HOSPITALITY Odessa Freeman Verdell Rutherford Emma Walker Chairman - Mary Alexande r Lula Gragg Gustavia Winslow SCHOLARSHIP Chairman - Hc l o n Rawlins Ma ·.J.d Banks Huth F lowers L onno t .t a Pl w:unc1~ STANDING CO:i,TII.HTTEES (Con 't l PARLI.Ai'1ENTAR IAN Odessa Freeman ART DEPAHTJilENT Chairman - CUSTODIAN Evelyn Allen Melba Flowers Jo Ann Watson Clifford Dixon PUBLICITY ----i.etitia Brock ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Reading of Minutes C ommunica ti ons - Bills Unfinished Business New Business Guessing Box Adjournment PROJECT§ J/4.BBERWOOK Cnrd Pcrty - Februe.ry Q.A.c.w. Negro History Ten - Feb. CIVIC ENTERPRISES United Fund - Oct. Scbobrsbip - Morch of Dimes, Etc.

September lOt • Jennie Adams Moving Ahead Th.rough Understanding February 25th - Jo Ann Watson Convention Reports 14th - Odessa Freeman United Fund Film October 8th - Maude Banks 22nd - Eiruna Walker Conve ntion Reports Political ;ibeting Speaker November 12th - Letitia Brock Social Meeting December· 10th - 'iif.a.ry Alexander Thelma Unthank - Xmas Party January 14th - Mercede,s Hardy O. A. C. Vl. f:>tate· President 28th - Lonnetta Pllllnmer Business i~lee_ting February 1st - hUth Flowers Book neview - "Black ilfajosty'1 by John W. Vandorcook Odessa Freoman Socia1 lVfeo ting o. A. C. w. Neg.t"() History Toa Nogro History Wook Feb. lE-19 :iv'.farch 11th - Clifford Dixon Business Meoting O. 1. C. W. Art 25th - Audrey Ellis Social Meeting April 8th - Helen bawlins Verdell }mthe.rfo.r·d - Socirl · Meeting 22nd - Zeph~ Baker St:ate Convention plaris 1\Jay 13th - Lenora Gaskin ~ Business l\leetfng 27th - Gustavia Winslow 10th P.uainess iieeting June - Evelyn Allen Eli2abeth Carden Annual Repprts Eloction of· Officers 24th - Estella Gragg Lula Gragg Installation of Officors l~otc: OAC;'! Executive Board meets ovory 4th Wed.- ?P. i.i . -1~s. Avo. Y'l'CA. • or Clubwoman wolc omo.

, DI~TORY ADDHESS PHONE V'CI· ..Lc.- 0-I\\ XlW:add.OJl! i Mary 3956 N. E. 12th Gn . 5871 Bakar, Zepha 6535 N. E. Grand---- Tr. 2930 :Banks, Maud . 136 W. E. Viiedlo.r--- Ea. 6593 Brock, Loti tia 734 N. E, Shaver --- Ga . 9778 t..,-Ca.rdo n., Elizabe th . 5214 N. Maryland --- 1l..u. 3471 ~ '-Da ncy, Elle n tlae 6133 N. E. 13th---- Tr. 949 6 ~ Dixon, Cliffo.rd 1806 N. E. Victoria --Tr. 6553 -llia, Audrey 1290 N. E . Whaolor -- Vo. 2733 lowers, Melba 1826 N. E. First---- Tr. 7656 lowers, Ruth 1806 N. E. Victoria-- Tr. ~553 Flowers, _The lma 1826 ~ . E . Victori a --We. 48 13 11-'~U'.L'U.H Fr eeman, Odes s a 4927 N. E . Grand We. 8773 a skin,, Len o.ra ,;,025 l~ . Z . Ma ll or y -- Ga . 8945 t.Gr agg , Es tella 4905 ti . E . 29th ---- Tr. 5323 Gragg , Lula •·-- -· --Vanaouve r 67649 Rt. 7 - Box. 50 A. ... V'a nc ouver, Wn. ar dy , Me rcede s 3933 N. E . 12th ----- T.r • .60la · 'J, - L-f-5j'\ '<' l ~ L_..- '-» ·a-ummer, L onne ~a.J~~~ - · _-_- (S tJ-5~'\ ~ N. ~ . ' (fTr{[{"J. __ Mu, 6801 ( 11 J U lr:>wlins , Helen 1307 N. E. Se cond --- Em. 20 18 Ruther ford, Ve rdell fa33 N. E. SbPver ---- Gr . 3n37 Unt he nk , 1912 N. E . Tillrmook -Tu. ~608 ' lke r, . Emma W,. ~ ' 4834 N. Bo.rtbwi c k --- -G ... 6tte"8 Wats on, Jo Ann 1:::lf N. E , Go ing ---- Tr. 4339 · Willi ams , Del l s. · 3222 N. G-an t e nbe in -- Y/e . 1527 . $?e>9 ~w w-~ k.2'v r ,, Vi ns low, Gus tav ia 511 N. E . Roselawn - - Ga . 4978 We have c ommitted the Go l d8 n rlule to memory: let us n ow ccmmi t j t t o li fe .

DII®TORY ~ §Qfili (Tune, "The Old Re frain") With heart and hanas WO strive to do tho boat Our oyos upon tho bigho5t peak doth rest; Honor and culture both we have in vier;, Friendship and Loyalty and courage too As onwa.rd up the pa th we daily go; We f a lter much, our steps are often slow. 13ut for God's helping grace we 1 dnily . p.axy; His .hands for us will ever point the way; So to our tar~s we go without a fear; We know "To labor is a pleasure" here; A smile and song for all along the wayThe CULTURE CLUB lives on from day to day. - Emma Ylallcer FUIANCIAL Dues --------1952 --------1953 MISC. AS6EGSiaENTS PAS'.l.1 PHESIDENT,'3 Luln Gragg ------------------1924 Cliff ord Dixon -----~-~-----..1925 Thelmc Flowors -------------1926 Suscn Nic hol s -------•-----~-1927 £ophn Bckor --~------~-------1928 Lucile Cr oss, •hi te ------------1929 J ennie Adams ----------------1930 Este lla Don ning ---- ---------1931 Rutl) FlO\'.:e l ·s ----------------1932 - 33 Thelma Unthank -------------1954 - 36 Jenni e Adams ---------------193h - 37 Letitia Br ock----------------1 937 - 39 ~ Lenora Geskin ---------------1940 - 42 1 Franci s Williams ------------1942 - 44 I Emma Wa l ke r -----------------1944 - 45 Maud Bnnk.s ------------------1945 - 46 Chris t ine E~ki ns ------------1946 - 47 Jenn i e Adams ----------------1947 - 48 Elizabet h Carden ------------1948 - 49 Audrey El l is ----------------1949 50 Vorde ll Rutherfor d ----------1950 - 51 * * CU1%'.'URE CLUB - O. A. C. W, .Past-Presidents Ruto Flowers Leti t i a Br ock In Memoriam * Ina Pierce Lottie Rutherford* * Lucille Crosswhite Edythe Minor*

DII-uroT ORY DA'ff,mra .QlJm. PRAYER Keep us, O Gi;,d, from pettit1ess. Let us be large in thought, in word in dee cl. Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking • . .. May we put away_ p.retense and moet each othor face to fac.o w'i th out self pity and without projudicc. May we not be hasty in judgment. Lot us teko time for all things; Mako us to grow calm, sorono and gentle; Toah us to put into action our bo ttor impulses, staight forward and. unafraid. Gran.t that wo may .realize it is tho little things that create diffcroncos, that in tho big things of iifo , wo r,, rc one, And may wo strive to tough tbc common woman's hoart for us all, And O! Lordt God! Lo t us not forgot to bo kind. Am,rn THE WORLD IS FULL OF PROBLEMS There's muoh to cause distress Ve all are bound beneath the _c2res That daily round us press, There's only one solution 'Tia simply stated Thus! A little less of you and me A little more of us" A flake of snow is very. small.

DI~TORY .~_,i,,.,L_ I ~'- 11,, ".., Cl6 ...::::d4w _., ( ~

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