THE CULTURB: CLUB Organized and Associated January 11, 1924 CLUB MOTrro "To Labor Is A Pleasure11 • CLUB COLOR Blue and Yellow CLUB FLOWER Violet MEETINGS Second & Fourth Wednesday SEc:; SION September--------June
CHARTER MEMBERS Ad ams, Jennie Booker, Maude Brown, Marion,. Cage, Hazel Dixon, Clifford Flowers , Ruth Flowers , The lma Garnett, Wi llie Gragg , Est ell a Gragg, Lula Pierce, Ina • Nichols, Susan ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OFFICEqS 'resident --------Thelma Unthank ·1ce -President---Helen Rawlins 1ecretary--------Maude Banks :orr. Secretary--Ver dell Rutherford 'reasurer--------Lonnett a Plummer 'arliamentarian-Jennie Adams ORDER OF BUS INESS toll Call teading of Minutes fnfinished Business ;ommunic at ions rew Business :ommunications ?rogram ;ues sing Box ld ,i ournment s w~grow in wisdom , we pardon "Y ore freely. e Shall Know Them By Their Fruit Matt . 7:16 ...,!
STANDING COMMITTEES PROGRAM He;t.en Rawlins Verdell Rutherford Lonnetta Plummer MEMBERSHIP & GOOD CHEER Clifford Dixon Zepha Baker HOSPI'T'ALITY Mary Alexander Ellen Mae Dancy Della Williams SCHOLARSH IP Maude Banks Letitia Brock YOUTH COUNCIL Emma Walker Elizabeth Carden A1T DEPARTlVIENT PROJECTS EVel yn Allen Lenora Gas k in 1. Fashion Show & Dance April 14, 1952 Verdell Rutherford Elizabeth Carden Helen Rawlins Lonnetta Plummer 2. Negro History Tea O.G. A.W. 3. Mexican Fiesta CIVIC ENTE~PRI SES Scholarship March of Dimes Community Chest, Ect. The way to gain a friend ls to be one. J
MEE'T'INGS September October November December 26th---Verdell Rutherford lOth---Jo Ann ·watson 24th-•--Lonnetta Plummer Helen Raw lins 14th---Audrey Ellis Maude Banks 28th---Ruth Flowers Clifford Dixon 12th---Letitia Brock Plans for Xmas Party i~ January ranuary 1952 '.i1ebruary arch pril 9th---Thelma Unthank Xmas Party 23rd---Mary- --A lexander 13th---Della- Williams 27th---Thelma Flowers 12th---Gustavia Winslow 26th---Lenora Gaskin 9th---Ellen Mae Dancy 23rd---Evelyn Allen
May June 14th---Elizabeth Carden 28th---Mercedes Hardy llth---Melba F lowers 25th---Est el l a Gragg Lula Gragg Jennie Adams, Zepha Baker~ Emma Walker g iven reBt period . Speakers and films will be shown at v ari ous me e t ings. MEMBERS Llen, Eve~ n---------------Ga. 2405 N. Ross St. · iams, Jennie--------------Tr. 2033 N~ • ~odney Av~. Lexander, Mary ------------Ga . 3956 N. E. 12th Ave . ~ker, Zepha---------------Tr. 6535 .N. E. Grand Ave. ~nks, Maude--7 ------------Ea . 136 N. E . Weidler St • . rock, Leti t ia-------------Ga. 734 N. E. Shaver St. arden, Elizabeth------ ----Mu . 5214 N. Maryland Ave. ancy, Ellen MaeJ--- -------Tr. 6133 N. E . 13th Ave. txon, Clifford------------Tr. 1806 N. E . Vic t oria Ave. 111s, Audrey--------------Ve. 1290 N. E. Wheeler Ave. lowe r s, Melba-------------Tr. 1815 N. E. 1st Ave . lowe rs , Ruth--------------Tr. 1806 N. E. Victoria Av~. lowers , Thelma---- --------We. 1826 N. ~ - Viv t oria Ave. .. 2993 9ff3.,, 5871 2930 6593 9778 3471 9496 6553 ,/ 2738 7656 q553 4513
Gaskin, Lenora-----------Ga. 8945 4054 N. E . Union Ave. · • Gragg • Estella-----------Tr. 5323 _, , FINANCIAL ,. 4903 N. ·E . 29th Ave. )ues----1951------1952 Gragg , Lula-------Vancouver 5754-~ Rt. 7 Box 50 A Was h ing ton Hardy; Mercedes--~------ - Tr. 60lf 3933 N. E. 12th Ave. Plummer, Lonn~tta---------Mu. 690] 510 N. E. Fargo S t. ~ Rawlins, He len------------Em. 20lf 1307 N. E. 2nd Ave. Ruthe r for d , Verdfa ll-------Ga . 303~ 833 N. S . Shaver St. Unth~nk , Th~lma-----------Tu. 460E 1912 N. E . Tillamook -St. / Walker, Emm~--------------Ga. 645€ 4834 N. Borthwick Ave. Watson, Jo Ann -----------Tr. 4339 1315 N. E. Go i n g St. Williams , Della--------- -~e. 1527 3222 N Gantenbein Ave Winslow, Gus ~avia--------Ga. 4978 511 N. E . Ro s elawn St . MISC. ASSESSMRNTS NOTES We live in the present, we dream of t he future, but we learn eternal Gruths from the past.
CLUB SONG (Tune, "The Old Refrain11 ) With heart and hands we strive to do the best, Our eyes upon the highesfl peak dot rest, Honor and culture both we have in view, Friendshi p and Loyalty and courage, too As onward up the path we daily go; We falter much, our steps are often" slow, But for God's helping grace we daily pray; His hands for us will ever point the way, So to our tasks we go without a fea We know "To labor is a pleasure here; A smile and song for all along the way, The Culture Club lives on from day to day. Emma Walker