Culture Club, 1942-1943

T H E "' CULTURE ~LU B ~ I 1942 - 1943

OFFICERS & COMMITTEES Franc~s Williams • • • Presi-dent Cecil Berry . Vice President Gustavia Winslow Recording Secretary Ruth Flowers Cores. Secretary ZeJ?ha Baker • • Treasurer Ruth Flowers . Scholarship Treasurer + + + + t + ~rog_m Scholarship Emma Walker Ruth Flowers Lenora Gaskin Verd~ll Rutherford Zepha Baker . Emma Walker E~telle Gragg Gustavia Winslow Hospitality Art Departmen1 Lula Gragg Mercedes Hardy Christine Elkins Thelma Flowers Mar y Alexander Emma Walker Mercedes Hardy Parlamentarian Ethel Jackson Ruth Flowers ! PRAYER ' Grant me, 0 Lord, thi1:1 day to see The need this world may have for me; To play the friend Unto the end; To bear my burden and to keep My courage, though the way be steep. Grant me, 0 Lord, to set aside The petty things of selfish pride; To toil without Too much of doubt; To meet what comes of good or ill And be a gracious neighbor, stili. Grant me, 0 Lord, to face the rain And not too bitterly complai-n; Nor let a joy My calm destroy; Membership Joyous Living I But Jennie Adams Melba FlowersJCan teach me so to live that I brother with each passer-by. -Edgar A. Guest. Cecil Berry News Commentator l Lula Gregg Letitia Brock ~ Frances Williams Culture Corner / · Good Cheer Thelma Flowers Leno r a Gaskin Critic Ellen Mae Dancey Cecil Berry

Women in Today'~ World Sept. 2 Hostess Lenora Gaskin Call Meeting Sept. 23 Hostess Mary Alexander Annual Report Oct. 7 Hostess Zepha Baker Election of Officers Oct. 28 Hostess Cecil Berry Women in Volunteer War Work Ellen Mae Dancey Nov. 4 Hostess Women in the Home Parliamentarian .Jennie Adams Ethel Jackson Nov. 18 Hostess Letitia Brock Women in War Industry Lula Gragg Culture Corner Thelma Flowers Dec. 2 Hostess Christine Elkins Women of the Press Lenora Gaskin .Joyous Living Melba Flowers ~ Dec. 16 Hostess Ellen M. Dancey Christmas Party Jan. 6 Hostess Women in the Army News Commentator Jan. 20 Hostess Women in the Navy Feb. 3 Hostess Negro History Outstanding Negro Women Melba Flowers Mary Alexander Ruth Flowers Melba Flowers Thelma Flowers Jennie Adams Cecil Berry Feb. 17 Hostess Lenora Gaskin Women in Racial Understanding Frances Williams Mar. ;y--Hostess Estella Gragg Wome,.ri in Social Work Emma Walker J News Commentator March 17 Hostess Women in Conquered Europe .Joyous Living Lula Gragg Mercedes Hardy Melba Flowere

April 7 Hostess Mercedes Hardy l(adam Chiang Kai Shek Thelma Flowers Apr 21 Hostess Women in Britain Women in Russia May 5 Hostess V. Mother's Day Tea Culture Corner May 19 Hostess Eleanor Roosevelt News Commentator Ethel Jackson Ruth Flowers Christine Elkins Rutherford Thelma Flowers Emma Walker G. Winslow June 2 Hostess The Post War Discussion Zepha Baker Frances Williams Verdell Rutherford Letitia Brock June 16 Hostess Gustavia Winslow Reports from Annual Meeting Guest Luncheon --( Adams, Jennie 203:.; · NE Rodney TR 9673 Melba Flowers 1815 NE 1st Ave TR 7656 Ruth Flowers ·· Alexander, Mary 1p,06 NE Victoria • 3956 NE 12th Ave - TR 6563 .,. I GA 5871 - C. Baker, Ze-gha 6536 NE. Grand Thelma Flowers 3 N Halsey EA 8917 TR 2930 - Berry , Cecil 4725 NE 9th TR 6585 - Leti ti-a Brock 734, NE Shaver . GA 9'778 - Dancey• Ellen Mae 6134 ti""E 13th TR 9496 Elkins, Christine 7034 NE Knowles MU 8,683 - Lenora Gaskin 4 054 NE Union GA 8945 Estelle Gragg 4903 NE 29th TR 5323 Lula Gragg 4902 NE 30th GA 2709 - - Mercedes Hardy 3933 NE 12th. TR 6018

Jackson, Ethel 204 NE Thompson TR 0736 ~utherford , V. ts33 NE Shaver GA 3037 Walker , Emma 4834 N Borthwick GA 6456 Williams, Della 3222 N. Gantenbein WE 1527 1 / QONSTITtTTION Mill~-~ ARlICLE I Name: This organization shall be called "THE CULTURE CLUB". ARTICLE II 0bjectss The club shall l study History, Civics, Public Welt are, Williams, Frances Community Recreation and other chosen 847 NR' Webster s tudi es to improve our locality and to GA 6790 /".i\ prom?t-13 cooperation amo ng the members. \'.],I ARTICLE III Memberships (Section 1) - - The membership shall consist of not j more than ( 20) ·members.. ( Seo ti on 2) Nominations are made by the Membership Wins low, Gusta via Cammi ttee. After the gommi ttee makes 611 NE Roselawn its rAport, tha chair asks if there are GA 4978 (I\ any other nominations to be made from ~ the floor. The committee nominations ~ ara. treated just as if made by members from the floor--no ~ote ,bei~g taken to SOCIAL MEMBERS ✓ accept them. When the nominations are Banks , Maude 136 NE Weidler EA 6593 - "-3 completed the •assemb ly proceeds ta _...) . Dixon, Clifford l vote, which wi11 be .taken at the third I \ • Keyport, Wash . meeting from date. Membership shall be determined by a two-thirds vote of members present. Nominees will be el igible to visit at the second meeting from date of nomination. (Section 3)

Any member who has b~en absent (3) consecutive meetings l without excuse, may be dropped rrom , .he roll by a vot e of the majority -pres~.nt at any regular me eting. (Secti on 4) Any member who cannot attend a reg u\ ar me.sting must notify the hostess a~ leas~ (24) hours before the time: or b ib subject to a fine of (254). AMIDNDMENT , I Any member le aving the city and unfinancial, her name will be dropped from the roll and en returning, shall make application f or membership. (Se¢tion 5) (5) member s shall constitute a quorum. (Section 6) Dues shall be (25¢), payable the first mee ting of the month. Any member having due s unpaid fo r (2) months , may be dropped from the r oll by a vote of the majority present at . a re ilar meeting. (Section 7) [)A'lf, "' " il.c ial Membership" wi11 be e xtended ()J'~~ on r 9quest of any present or past member in good standing who has re gul·e..r employment wh ich prevent s her from at t ending regul ar meetings , or who resi des out of the city of ?or t - shall be de terroi ned 1· by a <i ority ot vot prese~~ (Sectio es of members ($1. 00) to be pai~ ai Annual .dues of cf application. w th the acceptance AMENDMENT_ Rf 1942. e er to Minutes November (Section 9) All me b ted to contribute~ ers will be expecexhibit (S t O our annual art • ec ion 10) M permitted to attend embers will be t1on if assessme t hany social funcif there is no: as been paid, or bers are welcom s:essment, the memAMENDMENT II A eh o attend. carter me b unfinancial h mer becoming ' er name sh 11 from the roll d a be dropped , an upon a 1. i membership shall b P~ .y ng for erence to anyone ~ considered in prefAMENDMENT III An e se. icr that is belo! ~:mber's moral behavclub shall beat e standard of the A~TICLE IV Meet~ omatically dropped. shall meet the ~n~s: (Section 1) Club a fternoon at 1 • 0 ; pa:d 3 rd Wednesday to June, inc •• . (Se~ti' from September meeting in Septe b on 2) The first "A m er shall b th nnual Meeting" f e e or the reports from

the Officers and Standing Committees. (Section 3) Any regular meeting may be postponed by the President with t he concurrence of the Vice President and Secretary. (Section 4) Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, with the concurrence of the Vice President and Secretary. (Section 5) Visitors' Day will be the 2nd meeting of the month, to be limited to (5) visitors. ARTICLE V Officers: (Section 1) The officers shall be a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secre t ary, Secretary and Treasurer. Their duties being such as are customary for such officers. (Section 2) The officers shall be elected by ballot the 2nd meeting in September. ARTICLE VI Committees: (Section 1) The Standing Committee of (3) each shall be elected, by ballot, annually at the 2nd meeting in September. They shall be as follows.: Membership, Program and Hos pitality. (Section 2) The Membership Committee shall consider all names nominated for membership and report to the club. (Section 3) The Program Committee shall have charge of the arrangements of programs at each meeting. (Section 4) The Hospitality Committee shall attend to the social life of the club. ARTICLE VII AMENDMENTS: The Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present, notice having been given at preceding meeting of the olub. ORDEH OF BUSINESS 1. Luncheon 2. Program 3. Roll Call 4. Reading of Minutes 5. Unfinished Business 6. Bills-Communications 7. New Business 8 . Guessing Box 9. Adjournment

Thou goest thy way and I go mine; Apart yet not afar; Only a thin veil hangs between The pathways where we are; And God keep watch 'tween the e and me this is my prayer He l ooks thy way. He looketh mine And keeps us near. --Julia Baker * * * Ina Pierce Edith Mil1or Lottie Ruthe~ford QlmlM!m: _10 (f} (Tune: "The Old Refrain") With heart and hands we strive to do the bestJ Our eyes upon the highest peak doth rest; Honor and culture both we have in v!ew, F1·iendship and Loyalty and courage, too As onward up the path we daily go; We falter much, our steps are often slow. But for God's helping grace we daily pray; His hand for us will ever point the way; So to our tasks we go without a fear; We know "To labor is a pleasure" here; A smile and song the way-- The Culture Club day to day. for all along lives on from --Emma Walker

Fine.noial Name _______________ I 'i'lf ~ September " October November 1- ~ December January Year Book +++ +++ Miscellaneous Februaryt March April May June