Clarion Defender_1970-01-15
\ ROOSEVELT BOYCOTT SUCCESSFUL Tuesday, January 14th saw the !'irst day o!' a successful Blaok student boycott on Roosevelt Hi~h School, a!'t~r several days o!' student unrest which ended with school principal, Art Wescott, calling in policement and matrons to patrol the halls and restrooms. Roosevelt has an enrollment o!' about 1900 pupils and less than 80 o!' those pupils are Blacks. · Upon visiting Roosevelt, the Clarion De!'ender !'inds that a mere handful o!' Blacks were bei~ accused o!' insti~ating !'ights with large groups or white students. There are many problems at Roosevelt High, ~ong them are the racist attitudes or most or that schools white teachers, the inability ot the principal to handle minor disturbances, and the !'ew Negro teachers who seem to be afraid o!' losing their jobs, therefore not standing up in defense or themselves or the Black students in the !ace of the white racism at Roosevelt. In the light or what seems to be an adminis– trative conspiracy or sorts at Roosevelt, the Black students are going through with the boy– cott and resuming classes at the Highland Community Center. This newspaper contends that Art Westcott should resign as principal or Roosevelt, or be !ired. The school administration would have us believe that the problems at Roosevelt are racial, when the truth is that the school administration and teaching starr themselves ·– are the problem. Westcott has proven that he is incapable o!' handling minor disturbances without calling in the police. We ask, why don't other schools with similar black and white racial balances have the same problems as Roosevelt? We answer that the problem is not the students but the stat!' and administration. Roosevelts teachers are obviously unable to relate to black students. In an interview with one white teacher at the school, when asked about black and white student relations the teacher replied, "Something about ~Iegroes a!'!'ects and scares white kids." It is attitudes like this- teachers (whose name we w111 not mention !'or obvious reasons) which cause misunderstandings between teachers and black student. · The Clarion Defender urges all parents and interested citizens to investigate the Roose– velt crisis and then support the school boy– cott! SEE PAGE 2 ~ · 3 THE NORTHWEST'S OLDEST NEGRO NEWS~APER Published Bi-Weekly Office: 1223 N.E. Alberta St. Portland, Oregon 9721,1 Phone: 284-1289 25¢ This newspaper reco«nfzes Jan. 15th, bir-t~ date or l4Lrtin Luther King, Jr., an official holida;r. Bec1nniac at 12:00 p.m. Oft Jan. 15 Thure~ there will be a march &Jld rall;r st!rt~ at ' Dawson Park co~ north on Wi11iams to Unthanlc Park. Honor Martin Luther Kine's birthda7 b.1 march– inc in support o!' the Roosevelt Parents
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