Clarion Defender_1967-08-03

OLDEST ~ ~························································· ... HE L P T HE P. I. L • Did your football career end to soon? Here's a chance to play again. All men 18 through 25 are asked . . : to sign up to play a charity game to raise i . . : money for the P. I. L. ! . The game will be played like a reg-! . . ~ ular football game. Every. young man is . . . :asked to report at the Albina Art Center th. You are asked to leave your name- ! the desk. Also, any honors you recieved ; while playing. Your cooperation is needed and ap- . ! predated. • =··············································~···········- '-·-- Remedial Training Not Enough To Aid Dropouts Eve~y~ody.knows that the boy or girl who drops out of school befo~e f1n1ns~1ng ele~entary and high school has a special handi– ~ao.1n compet1ng for JObs. The handicap can be remedied only if 1t 1s off-set by remedial training. The problem here lies in the fact that so m~ny of th?se who drop out do not have the desire to be further.tra1ned. Th1s takes us back to motivation again. If a boy or g1rl has no aim or desere to be somebody, you are licked from the start. . Even th?ugh.t~e prop? rtion.of young people graduating from h1gh school 1s r1s1ng rap1dly, 1n 1963 three million or 45 per cent of the 16 to 21 year old youth, out of school had not com– pleted high school according to a recent release from the Labor Department. When it comes to the Negro the situation is always worse. ~f the non-w~ite out-of-school-youth, 3, out of every 5 lacked h1gh school d1plomas. Worse still, nearly a fourth of the dropouts had not gone beyond the 8 the grade and 2 out of 3 had left school before finishi~g ~he lOth grade. The Labor reports show further that over 1 m1ll1on of the 3 million just referred to dropped out before they were 16 and some 4000,000 quite school be~ore they were 14; the problem remains how many of these will st1ck long.eno~gh to learn a skill? After they learn a skill, how long w1ll 1t be before the skill they learned is out of date? . The rea~ons for the fropping out do not seem to help much in cur1ng the d1sease. The reasons given are many: poor academic . ~erformance, ad~erse social climate in the school, and his family , The tree - maJor reasons advanced, often operate together. On th: college level, most students drop out because they are not do1ng well. They are running from failure. The Labor Department r:ports that 45 per cent of the dropouts in the survey were perform1ng poorly in their studies. If students are doing well •. they ar~ more than likely to continue. Another cause oT dr?pp~ng out ~s poverty. A high per cent leave school to work. Th1s 1~ certa1nly true of the boys. Studies show that all too m~ny g1rls drop out because of marriage and pregnancy. The News D1gest of the U.S. De~artment of Labor (April 25, 1966) points out that among non-wh1tes, 50 per cent drop out for economic re– as~ns ~here on~y 26 per cent among the whites. It is clear that th1s d~ff~rent1al is due in part to the fact that it is still mo:e d1ff1cult for a Negro boy to find a job than it is for his wh1te counterpart. NEGRO PUBLISHER I N THE NORTHWEST DIS Harry Bergman, one of Portland's leading women clothiers and own– er of Jacquelines store~, downtown and lloyds, introduced Miss Tan Tan Portland, JoAnn Tw1tty, to the fall fashions that will be extra-popular this year. ror th~ very latest in fall wear, gowns, dresses, suits, and coat -s go 1n to Jacquelines, lloyds or downtown at 1008, Park & Morr– ison. WITH THE· FOR FULL STORY ON THE MID-WEST CRISIS, TURN TO BACK PAGE• ************************************ SPECIAL PICTURE FAG E OF IRVING PARK INCIDENTS PAGE 3, P AY ·~GROU WAS NEGRO WOMAN TURNCOAT-RESPONSIBLE FOR RACIAL DISTURBANCES? Th~ hundreds of conservative-right-wing-facist organizations operatmg openly and without molestation, in the United States to– day, flaunt the acceptable banner "Conservative" and present a fa~ad~ of "Communism", and enjoy tacit approval from the public. W1th 1ts monetary affluence, American fascism has become "col– Lege-bred," has the blessings of the nation's news media and . ' LS .successfully buying a few "Named Negroes" whose principles, pnd.e and souls may be had for a price. Can you imagine a Negro sellmg out to the John Birch Society? Namely Lola Belle Holmes, George Schuyler, Manning Johnson and etc. Lola Belle Holmes , a former Communist now being paid more money by the fascist John Birch Society, to go around the coun– try instigating and encouraging racial disturbance. Miss Holmes came into the "City of Roses" Saturday as a speaker for Gerald Belford 1 s T. A. c. T. a John Birch front Organization. Belford, an air line pilot and a recently arrived Bircher, started T. A. c. T. in Aprill966o Lola Belle stated that the Negro did not need Civil Rights, training programs, because jobs are going begging. Miss Holmes is full of damn lies and she knows it. Any one being so low as to sell out their race will do anything to make them self s look good. That goes as far as having outsiders and embryo goons to make their predictions come true by inflaming the Negro plight of poor houses. The slums are no jobs. Holmes said this disturbance would happen before it did. How did she know? Miss Holmes's boring "statistical" speech- at Glencoe school Monday night in which she clumsily evaded questions regarding her opinion on Negroes, Civil Rights and etc. was positively disgust– ing. Lola Belle Holmes, seemed out of place and out of turn with sane thinking. Under the juice of fighting Communism, she ac– cused Martin Luther King, the NAACP and the entire Civil Rights movement of being Communist inspired and direcst movement of being Communist inspired and directed, saying that Negro s do not need Civil Rights, nor do they deserve it. The Negro turn-coat and her imbelic waifs caused three days of un– rest and vandalism, 140 arrested, 6 injured persons, and im– parable damage. Inspector Frank Springer- Here is your Outside agitator.