Clarion Defender_1967-08-25
CLARION DEFENDER AUGUST 25 , 1967 GRO MRrtsh. anfd Mdrfs.LThoAnmaselMcDConalalifd "~on" Vol 6 No. 207 Cir. 11,500- Business Office 2742 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon 284-1289 10¢ August 25, 1967 u er or o os g es, orn1a, st· oppe d by his br other Otto 1 s hous e for a few :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::-:::=:::::::,:,::::::~"!;:::::::::::::::::::;::::::~:::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~····::::=:,:=:,:::::~=:=~=::;::::::::::::::::=:=:=:=:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: days after returning from a vacation in Br- AN EDITORAL itish CQlumbia and the Mayan Islands. Don was born in Portland. He attended High Grade School and Benson Hig? School where he graduated from in 1940. He is now in the Los Angeles School System as a teacher. He 1 s a University of Oregon Alumnus. He also attended the University of California at Berkely; and did his grad– uate work at the University of California at Los Angeles. Don is married to the former Judy Brazley, A Los California high school principal. Mrs. Rutherford received her Bachelors Degree at U. c. L.A., and her Masters Degree at the University of South– ern California, and is finishing up her Do– ctor of Philosophy aF U. c. L.A.. They have a son, Tom and a daughter Julia. $1.60 HA! HA! Early this morning seven Albina citizens met at the V. F. Booker Real Estate Office, 1533 N. E. Alberta to protest the .proposed Watts-Albina establishment for the Albina District. The propos– ed business would employ about 25 negroes and would pay them $1. ~q per hour. The Watts-Albina Organiza~ion is headed by one Mark T. Moothart, Secretary-Treasurer of the Watts-Albina Corporation, who seem to be capitalizing on the riots and disor– ders. The plant will make crates and boxes and is in the process of receiving a contract from the Defense Supply Agency, a feder– ally financed agency. The proposed location of the plant will be in the deserted American Bowling Alley, a former recreation center in the community. Moothart and his "capitalizing on the riots" associates has the blessings of Mayor Schrunk and the The Rutherfords are on their eighth con– secutive vacation and hope to go around the world next year. They have been to twelve European Countries and throughout Central America, Mexico and the United States. The Rutherfords have filmed all of these vacation places on 16 millimeter film and upon their retiring will sell them to Tele– vision and maybe we '11 see some of their exciting travels on film. E. Shelton Hill, Executive Director Portland Branch, Urban League and Office Manager, Mrs. Myrtle Carr receive congraluations from National . Executive Director, Whitney M. Young Jr., on the excellent job they did in preparing the 57th Urban League Con– ference. city father s. Many negroes in Albina believe it's another scheme to exploit the Albina Citizen. If the city fathers want to help the Portland negroes get jobs then they should work to break down the discr iminatory hiring practices of the white businesses in the Albina District that don't employ negroes; transfer companies, Electric companies, metal shops, etc. Mayor Schrunk and the city h.thers, who just voted themselve,s a $2500 plus pay incre<!:se Left to right - Bradford & Tracey Bailey, Mrs. Robert ~· Bail– ey, ·Mrs. Roderick Klugh, the mother, Mrs. Joel c. ~ailey, Mrs. Lois Valentine, Mr. Klugh & Mr. Robert E. Bailey. The Robert E. Baileys home at 1424 N. E. Dekum Street was en– lightened this week by the presence of Mr. Bailey's mother and sisters. The mother, Mrs. Joel c. Bailey ha~s from W~sh~g ton Court House, Ohio. Mrs. Valentine and ch~ldren res1de ~ Cleveland, Ohio. Also present were the Rodenck Klugh family from Oakland, California. WIGS • WIGLETS e Falls • WIGS • WIGLm • Falls SUMMER SALE I Oriental and European Human Hair WIGLETS WIGS------------ REDUCED PRICES ON ALL WIGS TO 4 0 o/o OFF • The.'falk of The Town • · WIG WORLD INC. FIFTH AVE. Telephc:>ne 2 2 4- 6 5 3 7 -tnore rrtoney than many Portland citizens earn annually - - $1. 6Q per hou .· - HA! HA! HA! BIG JOHN STRONG For the sixth consecutive year the Big John Strong Circus will be at Lloyd Center, Aug 21-26, performing three free shows daily under a big top tent. Circus times are at lla.m., 2;30p.m. and6:30p.m. onweek days, and 10:30 a.m., 1;30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. The circus big top is located on the center 1 s West Mall parking deck. The circus is a family event, with a family producing the show. John Strong owns, directs and emcess the show, while his children, Little John, Linda and Sandy are featured performers. A family of acr– obats, The Jessicks, is the headline act. The Big John Strong Circus is a dream co- ~ me true' for owner Strong. His parents we– re circus performers, and while they work– ed for the circus, he longed for a circus of his own. In 19SO he and his wife bought a small circus and today their circus is the only one in the west which is still produced under the "big top" tent. The girl who was the big hit at the Ur– ban League Conference was none other than Jo Ann Twitty, Miss Tan Portland 1967, who handed out hundreds of Pep– si's to Conventioneers, courtesy of Ted Gamble & Company. Here L. c. Ellison and Rev. A. A. Newton stop by the Pepsi booth. Miss Tan Portland wilt fly to Dallas, Tex– as, friday for the 3rd Annual Miss Tan Am– erica Pageant. Accompanying her will be her grandmother, her mother, and two sis– ters. The Pageant week commences Aug– gust 28th through September 1st. The cor– onation will take place at the Dallas Mem- orial Auditorium. JoAnn and the Twittys will be staying at the Statler Hilton in Dal– las. One of the prettiest workers in the Urban League Convention was little Cynthia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks. Mr. Brooks is in charge of Economic Development and Employment for the Portland Urban League. Photographer Jimmy "Bang-Bang Wal– ker, couldn't resist these lovely miss– es at the PIL benefit football game last week at Jefferson High won.. by Jeff– erson 7-6. You want the best ... Franz. the good bread now in reusable plas– tic bags- easy to open- easy to close– stays fresh-durable plastic bag has many household uses. Buy FRANZ- made only - with pure liquid vegetable shortenrng. "flavor beyond compare"
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