
PAGE ' s THE NEWsPAPER JUNE 11 , 1970 Classffied ads now accepted by phone or mail. 5¢ per word - Sl.50 minimum (30 words). Call 284-3863 or mail to P.O. Box 11371, Port– land, Oregon 97211. HELP WANTED HANDY YOUNG COUPLE to manage Alpha King Terrace Apartments in exchange for apartment and salary. Writ e qua lifications to Alpha Development and In– vestment -Corporation, P. 0. Box 1490, Portland, Ore. DIAL A JOB 285-9712 AUTOMOTIVE "CHECK OUR BETTER BUYS" '63Yz Ford "390" 2 Door HT S695 3 Spd. Stick, Dverdirve '64 Chevy Impala, 2 door HT S895 V-8 Stick '63 Thunderbird 2-door HT S999 '63 Cadillac convert. w/air cond. S699 This is just a sample of the many fine automobiles and prices you'll find at ELL MOTOR COMPANY 5500 N.E. UNION 284-5800 WILLIE GRAI\II.. . . BOISE STUDENTS TAKE SECOND Two Boise Grade School stu– dents made their mark in the Oregon State Junior Olympic Track Meet, held at Wilson High School June 6th. Betty Jo Green took sec– ond place in the 100 yard dash and Grover Brown took second in the long jump and high jump. Grover qualified for the "Y" OFFERS FUN FOR FAMIL'IES The North Branch YMCA, 5430 N. Moore, wi 11 offer a number of programs this summer for each member of the family. For boys and girls, the Y has opened a "Track Program," aimed at teaching and improving track and field events leadino up to an annual Metro YMCA · track meet in August. A "Tramp– oline Program" wi 11 teach young– sters how to use the trampoline safely, help impove balance, endurance, coordination and mental alertness. Boys and Girls can also explore Portland and vicinity with "Adventure Trips" to parks, dams, industry, trails, etc. Cost will vary from 75¢ to $2.50. Open-9:00 til 9:00 Weekdays and Sundays after church. high jump finals with 4'7" and for the long jump with 15'2-l/2" Betty Jo qualified for the Camping and hiking trips are also available. For 6 to 8 year olds, Camp Collins Day ¥' Camp on the Sandy river will ,, give children the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. A bus will pick up children at the North Branch Y daily andre– turn them in the evenings. ~~~~--~~~~ ............_. 1 finals with a time of 12 sec- --- onds. REAL ESTATE ...----~-IO_M_E_S_F-OR_S_A_L_E-----, EX-PORTLANDER, THAD SPENSER, LAKE OSWEGO: View of downtown MINORITY-SUB CONTRACTORS TO FIGHT HERE SOON Portland and Mts. 2 bedrms, Sub-bid requested for future fireplace, wto w carpets. re- bids on bridges and heavy frig. and washer. 10 min. to construction in Oregon, Wash– Lewis and Clark College. This inaton and California. fabulous home is on a lOOxlOO WILLAMETTE WESTERN CORP. ft. corner lot with Cherry, R.M. McGarry . Apple~r and shade trees. Foot of North Portsmouth Ave. Priced forquick sale at $14,- Portland Oregon 97203. 200 Phone 285-9111 Area Code 503 See Louis Scott or Call for appointmt -288-5045 or 285-6547 NORTH PORTLAND: 627 N Web– ster - 2 bedrmsin main house plus smaller house. Lot 50x 100 • $8,000. Call Mr. Scott 288-5045 or 285-6574. NORTH PORTLAND: 524 N Simp– son- 2 bedrm house, basemt & garage. 96xl00 fenced lotv $8,000. Call Mr. Scott 288- 5045 or 285-6547. J.J. WALKER, REALTORS 4950 N.E. UNION 288-5045 T'S ATUSH COMMUNITY CARE ASSOCIATION Is offering Special member– ship to purchase Grade A Beef 25 lbs assorted -- – steak, roast, stew meat, hamberger. Food stamps taken. Free locker storage. $3.00 Membership 25 lbs at $16.95 for more informa– tion; Call Mrs. Clara Peoples - 287-2914 After 4:00 . ~. NITE ~J~ TAVERN 0~ T YPES OF .GAMES FINE MUSIC WHER·E FRIENDS MEET AGAIN AND AGAIN PHONE 284-9984' j 3626 N. E. UIIOI --------- ------ =--=--- - GIDDING'S RESTAURANT FOR YOUR FAVORITE FOOD BREAKFAST ANY TIME and HOT OR COLD SANDWICHES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE OFFER TAKE-OUT SERVICE . .. CALL AHEAD AND SAVE TIME OPEN 6:30 AM TO 8:00 PM EXCEPT SUNDAYS 3940 N. WILLIAMS 284-9720 DCIJIIIVE DIITIIIUTOIS 'knck g~ PURE RIBBON CANE Sf"MF. q~.e~ eGN!, s'f""F ~ ............. Thad Spencer, the heavy w~ight title contender who worked his way through the ranks from Portland's ama– teur boxing program, will fight Roby Harris of San Francisco in the main event at the Portland Sports arena on June 25th. Out of 44 pro-fights this will be Spencer'sthird fight in Portland. He came out of retirement earlier this year. Recently, Spencer battled to a draw with Charlie Reno ' in Seattle and then two weeks ago lost a 10-round decision to Tony Doyle in Minneapol~s. Minn. The boxer showed well in the Doyle bout, prompting his new handler, Mike Morton, to comment, "This guy can still fight." Spenc~r beat Ernie Terr– ell in the WBA heavyweight elimination tournament in 1967, but lost in the semi– finals to Jerry Quarry. Spencer's opponent for this fight has lost only four of 14 fights. Tic kets for the bout will be sold at Stevens and Son Jewelers, Tik-Tok Restaurant and at Bill's Gold Coin . (Continued from Page 7) advantaqe. Even worse, in many cases the seller makes the deal and never pays any commissions at all. He gets the buyer to s ign a contract which con– tains nothinq about the ref– erral s . It's only what is written in the contract that coun t s. Don't be ta ken in by this type of .tacti c . If a sale s – man really has a good pr oduct, he uSI ally doesn't ne ed lo t s of f ancy de a l s to mak e it sel l. WAGE ASSIGNMENT GIMMICK Very often when credit is extended to a wage earner, 'the merchant o ·r· lender will have the borr o·.: :: r siqn a pi e-c e of pap e r _,ca 11 ed "Wage Assignment". Many people simp 1y s i gn i t with OJ t read– ing it, thinking it's just something else which must be signed in order to get the money or the products they need to Guy on credit, For 8 to 15 year olds, Camp Collins Resident Camp is open. Scholarships are available to help youths fin– ance their way to summer camp. Boys and girls 13 years old and up can attend Aquatic Camp at Spirit Lake Camp Mee– han. Water skiing, boating and canoeing are the highlites of Camp Meehan. Two pack trips are also scheduled, one for boys 13 and up and one for families. The North Branch Y will also offer swim instruction classes for families. The "Parent 'N Child" class will enable a parent to help his child (6 mos. thru kinder– garten) to'learn to swim. Fam– ily recreation swims will be held on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturdays. 0 Boys and Girls, 6 to 12 years old, can participate in Gym-Swim instruction. All classes are coed -and 40 minutes are devoted to instruction in swiming with another 40 for gym. Membership at the Y can be purchased for three months · for $25.(family unit) or $~0 for the year. Well, this small, s1mp1e document may provide that up to 10% (and maybe more) of the wage earner's wages can be taken from his employer if the payments are not promptly make on the loan . What happens if the pro– duct to be purchased on cred– it is defective? If the buyer tried to stop payments, he may find his wages assigned and his employer telling him, "Get this cleared up or you're fired." Many people just go ahead and pay even for a bad product in order to keep their jobs. Furthermore, the sudden loss of 10%of a family's in– come can often severely dam– age the family finances. They have to pay this money with no opportunity to defend themselves in court - with no fair hearing at all. It is hoped that a bil l will pass the Leg i s l ature ne xt year outl awin g wage assignments and refe r ral sale s . If you would li ke to see e it her or both of t he se e vil s ab olis hed, l et your el e cted re presenta ti ves krow (The purpose of this colJ mn is to inform readers of some of the more serious legal problems encountered by the citizens of the Albina community. It is informa - tional only, not a substitute application of the law, you should always consult an attorney of your choice f or advice on specific problems.