Advocate Register_1951-03-16

ADVOCATE EGISTE Volume 1 Portland, Ore., March 16, 1951 Number 16 BRIEFS Thurgood Marshall looked the part of the winded world traveler as he arrived at San Francisco Airport last Thursday from Japan and Korea. Marshall flew to Tokyo a month ago, from there took off on a tour of the Korean front, inter– viewing Gis in connection with complaints that 39 of them had been railroaded in hasty front-line courts-martials. He re– turned to the U. S. with 21 of the 39 either cleared or having received reduced sentences. Immediately upon his arrival, he flew to Los Angeles' NAACP report mass meeting, back to 'Frisco for a similar meet– ing; spoke in Kansas City, Chicago, and was to report at NAACP headquarters. * * * Proposed fair employment practices or· dinances are under consideration in Des Moines and Sioux City. Des Moines act would affect all types of employment, while Sioux City's would cover city work– ers and those employed ·by firms holding contracts with city. * * * Regents of University of Maryland voted to admit the first Negro to an undergraduate school. They announced they had no alternative under the law since state Negro college lacked an en– gineering school{'which Hiram T. Whittle wanted to attend. Whittle had obtained writ of mandamus in court. MORE NEGRO ADULTS BECOMING CATHOLICS DENVER, CoL-More than 10,000 adult Negroes have been converted to the Roman Catholic faith, "The Register," a church publication declared here last week. In making the announcement, the paper cited the annual report issued by the Rev. J. B. Tennelly, secretary of the Commis– sion for Catholic Missions Among the Colored People and the Inc! ans. 400,000 IN U.S. This report, says The Register, shows that there are currently an estimated 400,- 000 Catholic Negroes in the United States. This figure represents a "net increase" of 20,000 for the past twelve month period. "The Negro missions, says Father Ten- Churches Have Musicals Two very interesting musical programs were held Sunday, February 11, at Zion Arne church and Vancouver Avenue First Baptist church. At Zion, under the direc– tion of Mrs. Ethel Turner, and Mrs. Mit– chell, the Senior Choir and the Vespers were singing "In a Duel of Song." Miss C. Lamberth of Allen Temple, C.M.E., was guest soloist. At Vancouver First Baptist church the entire chorus presented a three hour mu– sical featuring a reading by Elija Graham and songs by various groups, including such favorites as Mattie Alexander and Sister, Alice Hayden. Others appear– ing were Sunset Gospel singers, War– ren Sisters, F. Weidler and Mrs. A. Sol– lion. Important Meeting Notices NAACP Meetings-Every third Sun– day of each month. YWCA Center, 6 N. Tillamook St., 4 p.m. ELKS-Billy Webb Lodge 1050 every first and third Sunday. Porters Hall (un– less otherwise specified) 1:30 p.m. Dahlia Temple, first and third Tuesdays, 8 p.m. ODD FELLOWS - New Northwest Lodge 2554, first Tuesday, 8 p.m., Prince Hall. House hold Ruth 844, every second and fourth Tuesday, 2 p.m., Prince Hall. nelly, are being carried on in 70 diocese and 27 states. The churches provide es– pecially for service to Negroes now num– ber 445, an increase of seventeen over the number rported last year," asserted The Register. Other areas of activity among Negroes included the completion of two large hos– pitals for the race, making a "total of twelve hospitals and twice that number of medical clinics being conducted under Catholic auspices. There are also twenty– five Catholic welfare centers." The report points out that there are 450 Negro nuns numbered among over 2,000 who hail from 100 different com– munities, staffing schools and other fa– cilities for Negroes. In addition to the adult baptisms, The Register says that there were 15,647 bap– tisms of infants during the year. Schols OPEN LETTER T J... is letter should be written by Timmy or Sharon or any of their little pals at the Children's Hospital School or the more than 100 still waiting to be admitted. Bu t they can't write as yet so I am doing it for them, hoping you will understand. Tim, Sharon and the others might not even write if they were able since they are shy, unwordly little tykes who thrill to assistance but hesitate to ask for it. But if you could see these youngsters and watch them in their fight to walk and talk and to learn: if you could watch and pull for them as they drag their little brace-laden legs and try to control wraped arms and hands-this letter wouldn't be necessary. Although you can't or haven't been able to see them, YOU CAN HELP. You can send a dollar or more, what ever your heart dictates, for Easter Seals. They "are only Easter Seals to you, perhaps, but to these children they are the means by which they hope some day to attend regu– lar school and be as much like other youngsters as possible. They mean new braces, crutches, expert therapy, instruc– tion and guidance. The Children's Hospital School in Eu– gene, serving youngsters of school and pre-school age from over the state, isn't the only Easter Seal project, but it's a mighty important one. Your purchase of Easter Seals also helps to ( 1) finance medical and surgical care, (2) oper.1te special training programs for shut-ins, (3) buy spedal braces, wheelchairs and other needed equipment for the handi– capped, ( 4) operate the Craft Shop in downtown Portland where articles made by the handicapped are sold for their benefit, (5) support the Pottland Pre– School Unit for cerebral palsied children; recreational facilities for older handi– capped youngsters; special clinics; Physic– ian's training; research; summer camps– and many other servces. Buy Easter Seals and share the brave fight Timmy, Sharon and the others are making. Thank you, Edgar W. Smith State Chairman Mrs. Henry L. Corbett County Chairman P. S. Make checks payable to EASTER SEALS. Use the Seals because this will help too. If you know of a handicapped child or adult needing our help, please advise us. for Negroes, numbering 321, contain 69,- 604 pupils or an increase of nine schools and approximately 2,000 pupils over the past year. Representing most of the tribes there are 99,200 Catholics among Indians. The total number of Indians on reservations is now 240,000, claims The Register.