Advocate Register_1951-02-09
ADVOCATE EGISTE Volume 1 Portland, Oregon, February 9, 1951 Number 11 NAACP WANTS Y4 MILLION MEMBERS NEW YORK-A quarter million mem– bers is the NAACP campaign goal for 195 1, it was announced this week by Glos– ter R Current, director of branches. Spring campaigns will be conducted be– tween April and June and fall campaigns between September and November, Cur– rent announced, an estimated 25,000 branch solicitors will seek memberships in a thousand cities. FEPC BILL WITH TEETH FOR CALIFORNIA California's two Negro legislators, Los Angeles Assemblyman Augustus F. Haw– kins and Berkeley's W. Byron Rumford, returned to their homes recently, follow– ing the recess of the legislature and after having led the fight along the vital eco– nomic front, principally in the matter of the high cost of living and the rieed for a state FEPC, seen by both as paramount ISSUeS. Rumford introduced a bill, which is backed by Hawkins, to set up a state Fair Employment Practices Commission, which would penalize violators. Important Meeting Notices NAACP Meetings-Every third Sun– day on each month. YWCA Center, 6 N. Tillamook St., 4 p. m. ELKS-Billy Webb Lodge 1050 every first and third Sunday. Porters Hall (un– less otherwise specified) 1:30 p. m. Dahlia Temple 202, first and third Tues– days, 8 p.m. ODD FELLOWS - New Northwest Lodge 2554, first Tuesday, 8 p. m., Prince Hall. House hold Ruth 844, every second and fourth Tuesday, 8 p. m., Prince Hall. Meeting Notices of Lodges and Service organizations printed free. Our only fee is the announcement of our Subscription Notice to your membership. Others riot listed; welcome. Left for the Army Air Corps: Ellis, Casson, Robert Herndon, Jr., Loomis Harris, Jr. Doctors Urged to Broaden Interest In Community WASHINGTON - Negro doctors should face all the responsibilities inher– ent in their status in the community, President Alonzo G. Moron, of Hampton Institute, stated in the November issue of the Journal of the National Medical As– sociation, which reproduced the full text of his address o fwelcome to the 55th an– nual convention of NMA to the Hampton campus last summer. PULITZER WINNER PLANS LECTURE NEW YORK (ANP) -Gwendolyn Brooks, the first Negro woman to be hon– ored with the Pulitzer prize, continues to crash barriers. The Chicago author will be a guest consultant in the English Sem– inary at Barnard college. Dr. William Boyd of Atlanta univers– ity was the most recent professor of color to hold sessions on the Morningside Heights campus. SIMPSON CALLED UP BY INDIANS CLEVELAND-Clouting Harry "Suit– case" Simpson, big-stick rookie outfielder of the San Diego Padres last season, has been called up by the foundering Cleve– land Indians, it was announced. He is the second Negro lifted by the Indians for the 1951 season. Orestes Minosa, up with the Tribe during Spring practice but shipped back to the Padres for the regular season, was called up sometime ago. S. F. NEGRO MADE U. S. COURT CRIER SA NFRANCISCO-First Negro Fed– eral Court Crier is Andrew H. Hatcher, local manager of the Jack Shelley and Helen Gahagan Douglas campaigns in the Negro community. Hatcher, a veteran, plans to study law in addition to his duties in the court of Federal Judge Oliver Carter. H is appoint– ment makes the second local assignment of a Negro to the federal district; Charles Strathers has been a messenger in the 9th district court for over 30 years. , NEGRO FIRST CITIZEN BANQUET FEBRUARY 20 The Negro First Citi~en Banquet is shapeing up into the biggest interracial af– fair in Portland. Committees are getting the arrangements under way. Tickets are being sold. Reservations may be made by sending $2.50 to the Advocate-Register or calling ATwater 2551 for information. John Binns, a very liberal speaking attor– ney from Tacoma, Washington, will be the chief speaker. • The Banquet in honor of Mrs. E. W. Smith and Raleigh Washington is to be held at the Nortonia Hotel, Paradise Room, Tuesday, February 20, at 7:30p.m. This is the seventh annual Negro First Citizen selection for Portland. Others named previously were: 1944, Dr. D. N. Unthank; 1945, Clifford C. Walker (de– ceased); 1946, Miss Doris Reynolds and a junior award to Nick J. Banks Jr.; 1947, Edwin C. Berry; 1948, Chesley E. Cor– bett; 1949, Oliver E. Smith. The nameing of Portland's Negro First Citizen began as a Program of The Negro Democratic Club by Clifford C. Walker and Oliver E. Smith. Earl M. Wright has promised entertain– ment for the evening. The Advocate-Reg– ister will carry program and full particu– lars in the February 16 issue. BROTHERHOOD MONTH CALENDAR World Day of Prayer, First Baptist Church ------------- --------------- Februarv 9 G. 0. P. Lincoln Day Dinner, Cos- mopolitan Club _________________ February 12 Americans for Democratic Action, Library Hall February-16 Francis Biddle $25 Brotherhood Dinner, Multnomah Hotel ------· ___ ___ ____ __ _ _ February 17 Eric Johnson, Chief Speaker Negro First Citizen Banquet, Nortonia Hotel _______________ February 20 Brotherhood Public Meeting, Central Lutheran Church -·------------_ February 23 Dinner for Mrs. Henry Roe Cloud, Multnomah Hotel ______________ February 24 An editor is a man who knows very little about a great many things and as time goes on he knows less and less about more and more things until eventually he knows practically nothing about nearly everything. Your Editor knows .
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