Advocate Register_1951-02-23
A or:v 0CAT E EGISTE Volume 1 Portland, Oregon, February 23, 1951 Number 13 NEW CITIZENS The 30th Annual Reception to New Citizens will be held at the Public Audi– torium, February 22nd, 1951, 7:30 p.m. under the auspices of the Portland Amer· icani zation Council. The guests of honor will be the 1950 class of newly naturalized, citizens from 28 different countries. The receiving line consists of dignitar– ies of our City, County, State and Federal governments to welcome each new citizen personally. This is followed by a colorful program at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Tom West, Vice-President of the Council is General Chairman of the Re– ception. He is assisted by Col. Geo. 'E. Sandy, Mrs. Mary Altman, Miss Harriett Monroe, Mrs. Wayme Love, Mrs. Naomi Montgomery, Mrs. Mabel Summerkamp, George ]. Church, Mrs. Florence New– some, Mrs. Anna Cipolla and Mrs. John R. Mears. Hon. Harold J. Warner, Associate Jus– tice, Supreme Court of Oregon will be the principal speaker, his subject is "Our American Heritage." Mr. Walter Mech– am, President of the Council will give the official welcome to the new citizens and Mr. Reinder Van der Borg, formerly of Holland, will give the response in behalf of the class of 1950. Mr. Van der Borg has also been nominated "Citizen of the Week" and his picture will appear in the Portland Traction Company buses the week of February 19th. ' Organ music will be presented by Leslie J. W erschkul. Band selections by Portland Lodge of Elks. Folk dances by Leikarring– cn Dance Team. Keep America Singing by Barber Shop Quartette SPEBSQSA. Cooties Drum Corps. A tribute to George Washington by George C. Reinmiller. Women of Elks Chorus and the Invoca– tion by Chaplain P. M. Blenkinsop, the Benediction by Rev. Robert H. Sweeney, C. S. C. URBAN LEAGUE JOINT CONFERENCE IN SEATTLE The first joint conference between the staffs of Northwest Urban League Affil– iates took place in Seattle last week when the officials of the Urban League of Port· land and Seattle met in a mutual exchange of ideas on methods of meeting commun– ity race relations problems. The conference was held at Neighbor– hood House, Seattle, Saturday and Sun– day, February 3 and 4, with the profes– sional staffs of both League participating. The guests, from the Urban League of Portland were: Edwin C. Berry, E. Shelton Hill and John S. Holley, Executive, In– dustrial and Neighborhood Secretaries, respectively. Their hosts were Lewis G. Watts, Morris Brooks, Jr., and Paul L. Cooper, Executive, Industrial and Neigh– borhood Secretaries of the Seattle Affil– iate. Participating as consultants were Dr. Warren M. Banner, Director of Research and Community Projects from the Nation· al Urban League, in the Northwest on a special assignment; and N. P. Dotson,] r., Racial Relations Advisor, Public Housing Administration. On the discussion agenda for the two– day conference were: (I) the application of the community organization method to the total Urban League program; (2) re– search as a tool in the Urban League Pro– gram: ( 3) relationships between the League and the, State Employment Ser– vices; and ( 4) methods of cooperation be– tween the Urban League and the local housing authority. As the sessions adjourned early Sunday afternoon, it was agreed that, since there were yet a number of facets of League operation which had not been touched, a second joint conference should be held, in Portland, some time early in March. A portion of the program will be re· Subscribe to the Advocate-Register. cordcd and rebroadcasted over KEX at Subscription blank on page 4 . Fill in and 10:35 p.m., February 22nd. mail. Over 200 organizations will participate in the reception with their banners and flags. Doors open 7:00 p.m., organ music and reception 7:30 p.m., program 8:00 p.m. Public is invited to attend. * * * Get free copy "Do You Have a Maid." from Social Security office in the Pioneer Post Office, across the street from Meier & Franks. It will tell you who now comes under Social Security. POT LUCK AT BLESSED MARTIN CENTER Blessed Martin Center was the scene of a Pot Luck Supper February 13, 6 p.m. Many families and friends came out to make this an enjoyable occasion. Father O'Brien spoke on the practical observance of Lent. Much t.:> the delight of the audience Father Laughlin former chaplain of Little Flower Chapel in a brief address stressed the need of fre– quent gathering on the fawily level. The committee that planned the affair was Miss Doris Reynolds, Alvin Batiste, Miss Margaret Kern. Mrs. Rose West was chairman of the food preparing committee assisted by Mrs. W . Winslow and Mrs. Marie Brooks. Mrs. Thelma DePass, Miss Francisca Gabriel and Mrs. Gertrude Day assisted in serving. Mrs. Sadie Crawford san.g ''Old Fash– ioned Love". Miss Margaret Kern was a very charm– ing hostess. Mrs. Mel Medeiroz of Port– land University acted as c)lairman of the program. This was the fourth series of the annual Pot Luck Supper. The attendance of so many members and new friends d the League is very encouraging. It was a real treat to everyone present to have Father Zenner also a former chap– lain of the Little Flower Chapel among the guests. HOW TAX DOLLAR IS TO BE SPENT- JULY 19,51 TO JULY 1952 (Approximate estimates) Defense-58 cents ($41 billion) . Foreign. Aid (Point Four, Marshall Plan, etc.)-10 cents (7 billion). Indirect Defense (Factories, air field, civil defense, etc.)-5 cents (4 billion). Past W ars-15 cents ( 11 billion) . Total for W ar-88 cents ( 63 billion) . General Expenses (Welfare, education, agriculture, etc.) -12 2cents ( 8 billion) . Total, 71 billions; Income, 55 billions; Deficit, 16 billions. (The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 206 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.) ELKS MIDWINTER CONFERENCE The Northwest States Assn. I.B.P.O.E. of W. met in Seattle, Saturday, Feb. 17. Members of Billy Webb Lodge attending were: Chesley E. Corbett, Oliver E. Smith, Jesse Thomas, Herbert Lewis, Irvin John– son, Robert Green, Wilbur Marshall, Co– lumbus Gordon. Dahlia Temple 202 mem– bers: Loretta Martin and Anna Morrison. A banquet was served to all the visitors. A grand occasion and Seattle was picked as 1951 Convention City May 25-28.
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