
, --- ,O,AOV," BL.D~, "9· THE A»v-ocATE An , l.ndepencl~nt P•p•r De~oted to the lnt•r•••• ~ tbe People 'VOLUME 29 - NUMBER 1 IN TWO SECTIONS PORTLAND, OREGON, 8,i!CTUiRDAY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1932 IN TWO SECTIONS ..---- PRICE FIVE CENTS A COPY ..............................................................................................HUIIIOUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIHttlltUtlUUUIIIHtOUUUetlftUI..Ut NIUIIIIUIIIUUtllUIIHIINUIIHUIIIUUtl1tlUlltttUIUIHIUUUtnt111111111'IIUIINlltUHfHfllONUUIIIHllfUIIIOHHIIIUtttu111111111111111111u••nnn,u1n1111t1111u111111111uuu1n11111u...., .............................................................."'"....................................................................................................... Vigesting ... · 1 wELL - KNOWN ~EGRO AUTHOR DEAD J .~ ~L!?De~ ~~Bi::s e8 ........ IL['""""""ROBIN·s·o11.. ··~1RRES~TED ......... IN""'"'""""PA:CHESTNUTT 41 kn!~e !~t~:!e o;:~~:: i::p~::~:~s ~; ' .,,, . AS [ND COMES the writer of this column Is not nee- 13 00"'""""""'"""'"'""""..................................................................,,"'";""""........................................................................................ ...........,,.,,,,,..,,,,,,.,,,..,,,,,,...,,.,,,,,.,.,.,,,,,..,,,,,.,,,,,.,.,.,..............,,.,,,.,,.,.,.,., [ SAYS RESORT TO TffiCKERY TO extend myself and eventually have OM ~NG SALARY CLEVELAND, 0., Nov, 24-Cbarles the same column appear simultaneous- W_KEEP fR PA ·-·- .,,_,_ - ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- - ·- ·- ____ _ _ . _ _ _ Waldo Chestnutt, well known race au- £ MOONEY, SCOTTSBORO MEETING 'i' " - MRS. IDA 8CHWEICH GOES HOME thor of books of three decades ago Jy In twenty-five different publications PRISONS AND PR ISONERS of us have been years paying the pen !di d hi In as many different communities. I - ___ alty, and attempting to rebuild the e at s home here Tuesday at the felt that If I could accomplish that Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 24-Various By c. c ." Mitchell in Prison Paper things that we destroyed in moments age of 74. He attracted the attention feat while I was tn prison that I would and sundry means of "running out" PORTLAND, ORE, No'v., 25-(SPe- of confusion when we permitted our "Goin' Home, goin' home-I'm jes I of such famous authors as Mark Twain have then laid a succeBBful foundation our colored theatrical performers are clal to Advocate by Violet Olson) I selves to be swayed by warring evil goln' home-tired llke-Some Sweet I who Invited Chestnutt to be his belug made these days by unscrupu- Elsewhere In this Armistice edition forces that seemed to dazzle false ii· d upon which to build after I became a lous theater managers and owners Irvin Goodman, att&rney for the In- w!ll, undoub, .idly, be found approprl· Iusions before us. day-I'm jes goln' home" inner guest on the occasion of the throughout the country. Only a few ate features, poems, drawing and com• Thus sang the sweet-voced, mixed 70th birthday, In 1928 he was awarded • • • weeks ago a group of local men al ternat!onal Labor Defense, Portland, ments that will definitely connect the Many others are just commencing quartet of the Mount Olivet Baptist the Splngarn Medal of merit for his Oregon, will speak on the latest deve- to pay, and pay dearly for the des I . leged to be crooks, essayed to finance subject with that great day of Novem- truction that uncontrolled warring church Monday afternoon at the Mil· achievements in literature. free man. With gracious thanks to many edl the sliow "Harlem" after grossing lopments In tbe Tom Mooney and ber llth 1918 : forces (within themselves) have caus- !er and Tracey Mortuary. The occa I Chestnutt was educated in the pub tors, publishers and the reading pub- 1rairly good houses for several weeks, Scottsboro cases, Wednesday, Novem- h h I h t ed all or hi h Id h b In t Is six-e.e, owever, wis o - w c cou ave een a- slon was the last sad rites over the lie schools here and In Fayetteville, lie I have been fortunate in having I "folded-up" rather than pay the ac- 1 Ive t d "f th t Ar · t· h d ' use Armistice as the theme of a. co r e 1 e ruce or mis ice a remains of Mrs. Ida Schweisch, N. C. He also studied law here and this column used by eighty-three dif- •crued salaries of colored women and · umn and In a .manner that will speci- been declared soon enough. , ti rift f h Jmen who had comprised the cast. fi"cly bear upon the lives of pr,·soners There is much consolation in the who passed from this earthly realm succeeded tn 1passlng the bar. He be- terent publica ons, over Y O w om_ Last week in Philadelphia, Pa., an k d that are to be found in all prisons tact that even after our physical ener- at 12:45 p. m. on Saturday, November gan his literary career in 1887. use It regularly each wee as an e 1· 1 entirely new scheme was resorted to I and at .this particular time. gies have become mutilated and ex 19th. This song had been Mrs. Sch- When Chestnutt submitted his first torial feature. Thus, on the basis of •fn order to invalidate the $4,000 per I . . haus~ed that we can call a truce- or we!ch's favorite of them all. It so slm- book, a collection of short stories pub- my original plans I have been em!- week salary of Bill Robinson on the An Arm,stke can be declared and Armistice-and rebuild our resources. . 1 t d her thou h that some llsbed over a period of 13 years In the nently successful. ' '1 day his salary was d~e. Members of put into eff8'., by others than two or I In the preparation of such an Ar- !ply ref ec e g Atlantic Monthly-to Houghton Miftlln • • • the Philadelphia police department more warring nations. Each prisoner lmistic~ edict we. must use reason and swee~. day, tired-like, she would go Co., Walter Hines Page, the publish- l were utilized In the scheme. has th~ opportunity of outlining an become an architect in preparing the home to the Maker. ,er's literary adviser, was so fascinated Nearly two years ago, and merely Just before Robinson was scheduled Armistice edict that will affect two plans and terms upon which we rn- j ,, L d ,i Sh h d I h 11 a. coincidence, I commented on a book to "go on" the day before ,payday, two or more rlval'ng forces that are now 1 : builit, replacing the faulty and weak The ,,0 r s my ~P er • s a by the tales ~e sat up all night to read that I received from a prominent au- !j detectlves enter~d his dressing room swaying his n,ode of living. parts with materials of strength and not want was the favorite Bible Verse I the manuscript. b ll I f h t and asked him if he had a revolver I These rorceq within us are constant- so brought together that each part/w'11 ,of the deceased. . It was titting Indeed, That book, "The Conjure Woman," thor. The pu cat on° t at commen In his posesslon. Anyone who knows ly at war. Varying circumstances en·j' serve to support the structure as a .that the minister, R~erend James D. as all of Chestnutt's books _dealt with brought requeets to review or com· !anything at all about the tap-dancer vlronments and associations create whole. . Wilson should choose it for tile sub- problems, tribulations and JOYS of the ment on other books and since then, Ikllows that be has carried on bis changing thoughts: desires, sentiments Arter the plans for the rebabllita ject of' the J>rlef but beautiful eulogy :egr;. ~t ~s ~flit around folklore of each week, nearly fifty papers use a ·person for many years a handsome and habits. And these contln'\IOlH .:Jlon have been perfected the Armis-· • e or ro na. P antatlons, where book comment of mine. For this sue gold plated rev~lver, given him by the 1 , changes are confronted with te~tlce edict wlll beneficially differ from wh,ich he made at ?,er bier. , (bestnutt spent much or his youth. 1 m st> give thanks to the fore New Yorkfipohce department, along tions that will easily devour us it we ~IutJpn because ill SIICh plans we • I shall not want. why wouldn t the Anotb.e~ collection of short etoree cess U with the n cessary auttioritv Of a d,,._ -- tlu Mt S~;,p- 7tlu deci~re a . Ll'uCe'-01· · notofi1y resB!ve to dcfof retrain rom 0C{l1tSect"'1UV'e 111!; °Plti<Bage o[ Scrip ,;~~ p~~rhed under th<! ! ltle, 'Tilf, .-.S('1'lre, or r. ·''"e -J><'r,~r· ,.,!l"!h,;.w -vt-.• puty sher! to make- the possession I Goodman Armistice-between these warring lrloing, certain things' but because It 'ture? Had it not been proven over Othe Ob !_ Youth an~T,ohther Stores." are constantly sending me their latest of the rev Iver legal. Attorney thought processes 11 · A I ti t t I f er oo..., were: e House Be · . . rea Y 1s an rm s ce we mus ac ua I and over in her life? She came to hind the Cedars " "Th M f T racial books. Notwithstanding, the protests of ber 30 8 p M t W k , The Armistice that put an end to Jy stop certain performances and ac . . . . ,, . , e arrow o ra- • • • I Robinson, he was arrested forthwith : • · · a or er s Center, the World's War caused an Immediate ltually commence others. /Portland. m 1923 -nme years ago in ~~~o~ and a biography of Frederick . and compelled to remain in custody · 245 1h Alder St. cessation o t human slaughtering Some times an Armistice can be May. Five months later she entered ~ ass. As my writings appeared m each several hours until his credentials I Irvin Goodman, recen.t!y returned which otherwise would have continued perfected because of pressure from the employ of Dr. and Mrs. M. S. 1 1 Hi; w!do~, :be former Sudan Nut– new publication a flood of ensuing were checked and approved. In the I from San Francisco, California, where indefinitely not only causing the loss various direct and indirect sources. Stewart and remained with them until t~~ee 8J:Yg~t aye~teville, N. C., and mail would follow, most of which meantime the show went on and the he attended and spoke at the large of millions of ~uman lives but a com- All prisoners, in all prisons know of ' her death. Had not the Lord taken u ers an a son survive. could be answered through the med!- dancer's contract was broken as a con- I t· h Id . th . h plete destrui:tion ot. many govern- many thi~s and many ways by which care of her? Had not her favorite sequence of his having missed a per mass mee mg e m at city at t e ments and all therein. we have ""served an Armistice on um of a single personal column and so Ci I A d"t · N b 6th "'" d t S formance. v c u I ormm, ovem er ' Even the winners in such a pro- certain actions because of both direct passage of Scripture iprove rue, ure- for the past year and a half I have Needless to say, Mr. Robinson has where eighteen thousand workers as- longed death struggle would be so ser- and indirect pressure. When we fall ly she trusted him all the days of her conducted a strictly personal column, entered suit against the theater, but sembled l\Ild launched a new struggle iously handicapped due to the wreck- to observe such an Armistice we know life and went home to dwell in His MR. MARSHAll lAIO TO REST "This and That", for which I am grate· just what the outcome will be, few for the unconditional release of Tom ed and maimed condition in which its well what the penalty Is. mansion, forever. ful to the Chicago Sunday Bee for al· 1 venture to say; especially in the light Mooney, well-known labor leader who forces would be In that they too would But really observe Armistice Day h e Tb"s of the influence that those are given suffer equally with the losers for It we should do so voluntarily declaring In 1889, Mrs. Schwelsch married lowing me t e necessary spac · 1 who are in good standing with the has served seventeen years in San would take centuries to overcome the a truce-or Armistice-on the many William Lee Eliott at Carrolton, Mo. column has enabled me to keep my Philadelphia ,political machine, the Quentin Penitedtiary on a framed-up damage that a few years of destruc- little warring actions which, if con- From this union one child, Lucllle, corres,pondent~ informed on many per- reputation of which Is universally charge. Paul Callicotte, Portland man tlon would inflict. tlnued, will lead to direct destruction was born. In 1913 she was married sonal situations without having to em- known. who has testified that he was the one I Just so with our own lives. Some and ruin. body the information in a series 01 1 He will have about as much chance that placed the suitcase containing I to the late Anderson Scbwelsch, of many different letters. ·1wtlcinanlinfogrcaegsainonst tthheelrQuoawkenr Cciatympp!onlig· the bomb that killed ten persons i·n HE SYMPHO Columbia, Mo. B I r f l I I "READING TH EM OUT" OFT NY MAT The deceased was a faithful mem· re unera serv ces were held • • • grounds as Battling Siki bad winning the Preparedness Day Parade, on Ju- PARTY ber of the Mount Olivet Baptist I here last Tuesday morning over the A certain book publisher suggested from "Kid Patrick in Doublin, Ireland Iy 22, 1916, for which crime Tom Moo- • church; the Old Rose Club and the remains of W. J. Marshall, prominent that I write a book on my experiences J 1 onJSFt. P1atriwck's1 Day some years back. ney and Warren K. Billings have been I As strange as it may appear, yet it Bi"rthday Matrons Club. She loved her . Portland mai:i who died in Ogden, In the south particularly in Alabama, · . in ey i son, the only other Ne · t · C rr ·a f h Ut h T and at Kllby. And so for the past six fight reports the encounter somewhat prisons, gave his testimony to the aud supposed Negro political leaders who ful , glorifying passion. an Illness of eleven days duration. ' . gro m the house at the memorable servmg seven een years m a i orm ls a fact, there are yet some o t e IN EE PROMISES home and little tam_ !ly with a beaut! I a uesday of last week following months in the WORLD papers publish· las follows: fence under the sklllful questioning are going around since the election Her only surviving r elative is Mrs. The services were conducted at the ed throughout the south by the South- Each time Slki would wallop the of Theodore Dreiser, well-known#writ- talking about reading other Negroes Lucille Crosswhite, daughter, and funeral home of Hennessey & Goetsch :rpnpe::;s~ap;:e::Ynd~~:~ey ~~::~hh:~ ~;!~ f~~~!~~ti~:~: 0 ~ 1 :o~dt\~i!t ::~t~~~: ~~:n t~~i::Yny r:!u!:~.;1~~: out of the party who did not think as J,f.' FINE PROGRAM her husband who reside at 1037 Divi- by the Redemptlst Father. Full mill I "one-Pat by gawd, get up and kill they did during the recent election. sion street, Portland, Oregon. f tary services were given at the grave from three to four columns. When the go! darn nigger-Two-Ob, Pat, tense Committee and the International We would pass such statements un- The deceased was reared by Mrs. in the soldiers' plot at Mount Calvary these sketches run to about fifty or how can yau let this hunk of black Labor Defense will demand the uncon- noticed but for the tact that they come . Cemetery where the remains w!lre sixty thousand words they will be American cheese knock ye cold on St. dltional release of Mooney and Bill- from the members of our race who Ollie Wright's mother.' which fact interred. P ublished in book form and for creat !Patrick's. Day?-Tbree, good God Pat, ings. caused the two to be hfe-long fri ends. I B t b 1 1 . why don t you get up and knock his have been elected to office by the vote One hour of glorious musical enter- Mrs. Wright's sons, Russel Smith and e ore r. ng ng the remains to ing an Interest m these articles I ,blanky de black head off and end this The decision rendered by the Su- of the people. How foolish, how short tainment, with nine numbers on the IFloyd Wright came down from Seat- . Portland, high mass was conduct.ed give particular thanks to Mr. W. A. festive .day," etc. Finally, in the next ·,r eme Court of the United States set- sighted, how dangerous are such per· program, awaits Sunday afternoon tie to a ttend the funeral. I by Father Patrick Kennedy of Samt Scott, founder of the SNS. l•ound when Siki slipped on some of ting aside the verdict of death 11€ainst bl. 1 Th · d ed Joseph Pa1'1sh•!n Ogden sons in ,pu 1c P aces. . ey m e . I concert-goers who attend the second ,· Floral piec es were sent in such a . .. • • • i the powdered wax which one of Pat's the Scottsboro boys of the . Alabama show by this very attitude how unfit program of the Portland Symphony b d nee that an extra car was en I Mr. Marshall was given the best of A d t th b i "vill- seconds ~ad dash ed beneath the col- court, and setting aside the Alabama d h" I un a medical ca b I Ii t d th n ° e oys n my own ored mans feet, the r eferee shouted: they are for lea ers ip. orchestra's matinee series, November gaged to convey them from the mor- re Y a s 8 an ° • age" I owe many thanks. Mere words t "One, two, three, four, five , six, seven, Supreme Court decision which has up- Should the Republican leaders of 27 . Into so short a time, it would be I tuary to the cemeter y. The chapel ers _but his condlt1on was beyond will not begin to repay the many eight, nine, ten, you're out you blanke- held the death sentence, is a tremen- the white race ~ssume that attitude difficult to offer more beauty to a f was filled with sorrowing friends ot .medical aid. He ~led of ~emm_orrage. kindnesses they have shown me and dy black so and so." Siki got up dous victory for t he workers, Negro towards the white people who were music-loving audience. These Sunday the family. j Mrs. Marshall 1s stopping with Mr. ~e wond~rful cooperation they have ' ~;~~:tlfh~~tw:: :::t ·~~u~~/~~~ ~:: and white of the United States. It is r egard ed as Republicans but voted the afternoon concerts are attracting wide I Miller & Tracey, morticians; Mrs. and Mrs. W. G. Bird, of 681 Ganten– g1ven durmg the past three years _ audacity of trying to lick an Irishman the greatest of a whole series of vie Democratic ticket in the last election, interest, particularly for young people Beatrice Reed, lady attendant, Dr. De- ~cin avenue. She has not yet decided Now, I only thank them but someday 11n Dublin on St. Patrick's Day, declar- tories that have been achieved by the G. O. P. in the city state is doom- who may not so conveniently attend Norval Unthanlc, physician attending, Just what her course for the future I'll commence to really r~ay them. 1 ed the Grand Exalted Ruler of Elk- mass protest and mass mobiliza tion ed. These lead ers, instead of r ead in g the orchestra's Monda y evening series. and Rev. J. D. Wilson minister. I will be. • • • dom. In the United States and throughout f I I Robi"nson hay have an equally d,·r,·. their associates out of the party are There is, too, the tremendous price k J d h d t l the world ever since the Inter&ational I must ac now e ge t e won er u cult time in his count suit versus the using all of the common sense they ,advantage which the matinee pro ER N WHITE RE PORTLAND I b I'S h I N " Labor Defense took up the battle for h CLARENCE CAM O MAN lAUDED- support g ven me Y c oo ews •,Philadelphia <political machine. have to induce them to return to t e Igrams afford. For as little as 25 cents, 1 our "village" paper, in which I con- the Scottsboro boys. Althou gh the G. o. P . fold . This attitude is of the I one may hear these popular and at j CEIVES MEDAL FOR OPERA d workers have won this most signlfl· duct a weekly column, "Prisons an WHITE SLAYER SHOT TO DEATH diploma tic sort. That's political sense. the same time classic performances. h cant victory, the fight is still not won. th The Case has been sent bac k for a O Ill N 24 Clarence REV LEBE L MAK ING GOOD Prisoners", and I extend thanks to t e . Even though most of the wards in e I The concert the afternoon of No-, entire start. And so at this time I hum- BY ASSISTANT CASHIER city went Democratic yet the city is vember 27 starting at 3 o'clock will CHICAG , ·• ov. - 1 bly acknowledge and offer thanks to new trial to the same courts which normally Republica~. Therefore, present Wagner's prelude to ~ct 2, C~meron Whitet's opefra, "aQnucaengo!" ;~ IN CALI FORNI A MINISTRY new trial to the same courts which . . , gn-en a concer per orm my many supporters throughout the should the Republican leaders assume Lohengrm; We1smann s Dance Fan· day afternoon at the Three Arts Club I "Di'd •carried through the original legal Iyn- 0 p I tell you to tell Mrs. Pickett country, and particularly to the pri· Negro Accomplice Is Also KIiied And ching. These courts have been further the attitude of the Negro G. . · tasia; Schumann's Traumerei ; Tschal I under the auspices of the American son administration which has been so One White Robber Is Wounded In leaders, it would spell suicide for the kovsky's Italian Caprice; Weber's Q. Opera society. "Quandga," based on of meetl~~er young son, th~ young liberal. and so tolerant in extending forewarned that they carry out their party. beron overture; Bolzoni's Minuet for •the belief in vodoo still reported to be (Preacher . He preached here m Palo opportunities to each man. An Attempt To Escape. intended murder of the Scottsboro It might be stated here that the at- strings. Saint Saens' Danae Macabre prevalent among the ;peasants. of the Alto for the minister here during his Boley, Oklahoma, November 23- PASS I NG OF MACK GRAVES DU· D. J . Turner, colored, president of FUR N EGRO, IS MOU RNED the Farmers' and Merchants State Bank, was shot down today by one of two white robbers when he pulled a THE DALLES, Ore., Nov. 24-Mack hidden burglar alarm in the bank. He Graves ,who had for about 40 years died en route to a hospital at Oke– enjoyed the distinction of being the I mah. His slayer wa sabot to death by ::1: 1::~;~os:~~~e;:lso~~~r';;~dd~e! 1 :::\:t::tti:s:~:~er~~a~e~~~ormlck, funeral was h eld at the Crandall cha· I A Negro accomplice was shot to pel Monday. A number or old neigh- death as he fled toward an automo– bors from Dufur attended the ser- ·bile with a quantity of cash. The o vices, paying final tribute to a charac- 1ther white robber was wounded by ter who had filled a respected place shots !ired by citizens. in that community. Christened J . D. 1 1 Boley is an all-Negro twon. MacGraves, he was given the nick· , Note: Portlanders will r emember name "Mack" when he arrived in Du- Mrs. T urner, the widow of the presi– fur and had rarely used bis initials. dent as Miss California Taylor who He is survived by one sister , Mr s. 1 visited the editor of The Advocate a Senora E. Palmer, a nd two brothers, ·good many years ago and who is the Joe and Jewell, all of St. J oseph, Mo. ,god-mother of Ivan Cannady. boys, they will have the support of ' island of HaitL The story bnngs m absence and he did fine I was 80 titude of the Negroes , as shown by the (Dance of Death); Grainger's Molly a number of out standing characters · the United States Supreme Court, pro- recent election, is expressive of new on the Shore, a British folk song, and including Dessalines, Haitian Patl'lot, Impressed with him. He seemed so vided that they do it according to the birth. They will never act on politi- Strauss' Waltz, the Emperor. 1Toussaint L,Ouverture, t~e ~eat Hai sincere. I went up and spoke to him- legal form which they deliberately cal questions as they have heretofore. Perhaps the most colorful number tian general, and other h1stoncal char- not once think.lng I would know any violated in the first proceedings. acters. The opera calls !or seven sing- one be knew. He told me be was More than ever, it ls the absolute Like the chick, when it on~e emerges on _the program is the Danse Ma~abr~, Ing principals, an ensemble of native from the 'Rose City'. I asked if he from the shell, the same !me of rea- which is a symphonic poem which 1s drummers, soldiers, peasants, dancers, duty Or the Workers white and Negro knew you and then he told me who soning, it may be proper to state here most realistic in treatment. It symbo- voodoo worshipers, venders and cour to rally solidly to support of the In- that the old brand of Negro leadership lized Death as a fiddler who comes iers. he was. I hope to go real soon to his ternational Labor Defense in defense will not be able to cope with the new forth at midnight and plays a jig that I After the first rate performance, in church in San Jnse. They say he Is of the Scottsboro case. We must rallyd order of things. The old bugaboo, "The summons skeletons from their tombs, "p·abritclhculta~~Y soapttrraancot'1·vcelefheWcai:;;P:;:: 'taking things by storm and going the masses in such large numbers an ,, . . , big.' You be sure to tell Mrs. Pickett . . d d . ti Democrats will catch you, no longer to jom the uncanny dance until the was awarded the David Bishpan medal with such m1htancy an etermma on . . and also give her my love and con- . . argues political issues. The Negro Is ,cock crows at dawn. The xylophone 1s for distinguished service to the cause ,, as to render It impossible for them to I now looking tor a new deal in politics. :employed to imitate the rattling of of American opera. The presentation gratulatlons on her wonderful son. carry through the . mass mu~ders on He no longer will stand by like the bones. was made by Elenor Everest Freer, I Note: The above is an excerpt tak which they are still determmed. b h . t d t h b . d k I Th M" t f t . 1 t president of the society that s,ponsored en from a letter written to the editor oy w o s oo on e urmng ec e mue or s nngs s a mos th t · Attend the Mooney and Scottsboro , e concer · by Mrs. Lucille H. Preston, of Palo . . but has made up his mind that live charming number, and Grain ger s I Plans are being made to have the .. Me~tlng an~ ~ear Irvm Goodman ex or die, swim or sink, survive or perish, "Molly on th e Shor e" Is a lovely thing, oper a produced during the Century Alto, California who. once visited in plam the s1gmficance of the Mooney he must go somewher e. a typical example of the r eal "fiddl e of P rogr ess exhibition next year in Portland during the illness of her sis– and Scottsboro cases. Bulldozing and intimidation are not tune style of music. Italian Caprice connection with the Negro exhibi t. In ter, the late Mrs. Ella Gregory. Am going to help matter s. Only wise and and the "Oberon" over ture are delight- which case, Mrs. Wade. and Mrs. publishing it because the young mln- J. W. Curry writes from Astor ia to t he Green will sing leading roles, with a ister has so many friends in the city diplomatic leadershi p will have an a p- ful and provide fin e balance fo r b 11 d h send him The Advocate; that he can- a et an c orus of 100 voices and the who will be glad to learn of his suc- llot do without the "old reliable". peal to the Negro voter in the future. J program. ,Chicago Symphony orchestr a. ,ces in the minsistry.